Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1243: Into the city


"Dark Spider City" in the Dark Elven language.

This city located deep in the dark area is far more dreary and horrible than its name. Standing outside the large hollow and looking inward, you can see that the most dazzling is the red obsidian pillar at the top, which emits a faint dark red light, barely Light up the city.

In the city, a little dark purple flames can be seen faintly, which is the demon fire of the dark elves, and it is also a symbol used to prove their status and sphere of influence.

"Well, everyone is ready, put on the cloak."

"Hey? Do I need to do this?"

Xiao Hei is obviously not happy. She has never liked to wear too much, especially the clothes that wrap her body up and down.

"In the underground world, your weapons are strength and mystery. Only in this way can you effectively curb those bad eyes. If you just walk into the city like this, no one knows what will happen."

Founder explained a word lightly, and the gray dwarf next to him took the conversation.

"Adults make sense, and adults, you have to be careful yourself. The dark elves in this city are very greedy. If you pay attention to them, they may be arrested."

"Grab it?"

Hearing here, Walnut looked curiously at the grey dwarf.

"What are you doing?"

"Be a waiter."

"Uh ... waiter ????"

"The dark elves are matriarchal."

Founder also sighed helplessly, and then explained to the girls carefully.

"In the world of dark elves, women have the most powerful power and occupy the highest position. For them, other males and races are lower creatures, including their own dark elf males. Well ... … Simply put, it's similar to the brutal lords who robbed civilian women in many stories, except that the gender is reversed. "

"Hah? Anything like this?"

When I heard this, Walnut was stunned. When she was a mercenary, she had seen similar situations several times, and she also saw unevenness to help. But it was basically a man who robbed a woman. This woman robbed a man ... she really heard it for the first time.

"Hey hey, you're so happy now."

However, Xiao Hei came to Fang Zheng with a weird smile, stretched out his arms to support him, and blinked.

"Big brother, your face, are those dark elf women robbing you? Are you crazy? Just don't hit big brother, just mix it in your face, but this is posted on the back, are you not happy ? "

"Ha ha………"

In the face of Xiaohe's joking, Fang Zheng sneered, and then he said nothing, took out his cloak and wrapped himself up.

Next, a group of men dressed up as guards of the caravan, and once again came to the gate of this dark elven city-the gate looked very beautiful and disgusting. Its door frame is carved with a huge, scary spider. Its eight feet spread out like this, supporting on the ground as a door frame, the gate like a spider silk blocked the way for everyone. On top of their heads, the spider's eyes and mouthpieces were exquisitely displayed, as if the spider might come to life at any time.

"This spider is the guardian of this city. Legend is that the **** gave it to these dark elves. It is also a symbol of the city's favor."

Looking up at the huge spider statue in front of him, the grey dwarf lowered his voice and introduced them to everyone.

"Don't say anything disrespectful to this statue, and don't do anything disrespectful, otherwise any dark elf can kill you for this reason."

"Of course, I can understand."

As Founder said, he tapped his fingers lightly. The next moment, I saw behind them, the aliens hidden in the darkness seemed to have received a command, and quickly disappeared and disappeared into the shadows.

"I'll leave it to you."

"Okay, sir."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the grey dwarf nodded quickly, then he came to the gate with his short legs, then took out a badge from his arms and waved it vigorously. I saw a flash of light on the badge, and then saw a window beside the door open, and then a dark elf leaned out and glanced at it.

After frowning at the grey dwarf, he frowned.

"It's you? Why are you back again?"

"Hahaha, there is something wrong with my shipment. The employer wants to buy more dark grass ..."

Facing the mockery of the Dark Elf Guard, the Gray Dwarf showed an awkward smile, and heard his answer, the Dark Elf Guard frowned.

"Well, come in, but I can't guarantee you will be able to go out alive."

"Of course, I understand, I understand ..."

"Booming ..."

Soon, the stone door opened a gap, and then the gray dwarf took his caravan and Founder and others, and went in.

Obviously, this is not the first time for the Gray Dwarf to come to this city. He just whispered a few words with the Dark Elf Guard, and then took out some small "tolls", and the other party allowed them to enter the city. However, for Founder and others, this dark elf guard's temper is obviously not very good.

"You only have one day, outsiders."

The dark elf guard stared fiercely at the gray dwarf and the founder next to him. He was only about 1.5 meters tall, wearing black armor, and a sword and a crossbow at his waist. Although it's not so nice to say, the males of the dark elves look like the African refugees that Founder once saw on TV. They feel limbs and dark skin, and their faces look more like the wolves' slenderness. With silver long hair, it looks quite ugly-at least in terms of the aesthetics of the surface world.

"You can stay in the exempted area temporarily, but you cannot leave. If one day later, when the next obsidian light rises to the top and you have not left, then you will become our slaves! Understand ?!"

"Yes, I understand, I understand ..."

Hearing the warning from the guard of the dark elves, the grey dwarf nodded hurriedly, and then pulled the beast to leave, but at this moment, suddenly a low trembling sound came.

"Boom! Boom!"

It was like the sound of something like an elephant walking, and the grey dwarf and the dark elf guard suddenly changed their faces when they heard this sound.

"That's it, you guys go to the exemption zone!"

After hurriedly saying this, the dark elf guard returned to the tower again, and closed the door firmly.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing this scene, Founder raised his eyebrows and looked at the gray dwarf, who smiled awkwardly.

"Sir, please be careful, let's hide here first and don't move ..."

While talking, the grey dwarf guided the beasts to a side alley not far away and hid ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and then looked out quietly. After a while, the grey dwarf was slightly pale. Once changed, the other person was waiting for someone to make a gesture.

"Come here, be careful!"

coming? What's up?

Just as the Founder and his party were inexplicable, they soon saw a huge shadow coming from the other side of the street.

It was a huge spider.

It is more than two meters in height, the first half is a common spider shape, but the second half should be a bulging belly, it is a person.

A human woman.

To be precise, it is a fat human woman.

She looks like a mountain of meat. The lower part of the waist is connected to the front half of the spider's body. The upper part of the waist is layered with fat. At this moment, the appearance of this human meat mountain girl is full of spiders She opened her eyes wide, looking around like a hound, and at the same time her mouth made a low, vague roar.

After a while, this weird thing gradually disappeared at the end of the street.

"Hum ... what a **** is that, disgusting ..."

At this moment, the walnut was relieved, and patted his chest, looking unbearable.

"I heard that it was a human who was captured by the dark elves from the ground."

The gray dwarf wiped the sweat on his forehead, and whispered.

"It is rumored that she violated the spider goddess, so it turned into this picture. This guy is a neurosis. If you see an outsider, kill it. It is better not to contact her."


Hearing here, Founder nodded.

And this kind of thing-it's better to stay away.

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