Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1269: Drinking after adulthood


Everyone held up the cup in their hands and touched each other with smiles on their faces.

"You did a great job this time."

Holding a wine glass, looking at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Yamada Fairy, Fang Zheng smiled and nodded to them. In these days when Fang is working hard in the main world, other worlds are still carrying out their own actions. For example, Founder is now participating in the "Sword Art Online" novel celebration party. This novel, completed in collaboration with Yamada Fairy and Kasugaoka Shiba, has attracted attention at all levels of the society.

After all, this novel is not so much a novel as a record or a biography. The two use a multi-perspective conversion method to show readers in a world full of death through the recording and combination between different players. How a group of young people gathered courage, stubbornly resisted to the end, and won the spirit and legend of victory.

Human beings have an inquisitive mindset, not to mention that the novel "Sword Art Online" had a gimmick "Perfectly Presenting the World of Death Game" at the beginning of its release. It also made many people feel irritable, plus Yamada As a result of the collaboration between the fairy and Kasugaoka Shiwa, this book immediately reached the top of the Japanese bestseller list as soon as it was released, and even has a lot of readers overseas.

"Of course, don't look at who I am, I'm a Yamada fairy."

I heard Fang Zheng's words, the Yamada Fairy also patted her chest with a smile, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu next glanced at her silently.

"It wasn't big at all, so take care again."

"What did you say ?! Have the ability to say it again?"

I looked at the two people who were beating in front of me, Fang Zheng shook his head with a smile. In fact, the reason why this book is so popular is that on the one hand, they are really powerful, and on the other hand, it is also a political need.

Yes, you must know that because of the death game world, the Japanese government in this world is quite blamed at home and abroad. As Founder thought, you and his cats did n’t check that the helmet could cook the human brain, so you put Come out to the public sale, who does not bother you?

Although the government has also expelled a large number of officials to appease people's indignation since then, it is obviously not so easy, and the approval rate of the current government is also at stake. Therefore, they are also eager to find something to divert people's attention. The advent of this "Sword Art Online" novel has just given the Japanese government a chance.

小说 The content of this novel is quite positive, and does not touch those negative things. Of course, although there are also descriptions of the uneasiness and fear of people trapped in the game world, the theme is still positive energy of struggle and hard work.

Of course, if the content of this novel is purely fictitious, then it will naturally have no effect. But every second in this novel. Each story in this novel is an adaptation of real events, and each character has its original form. Not to mention that game data and records are still kept at the game company.

Therefore, except for some personal privacy parts that cannot be verified, other parts can directly call up game records for verification. Because of this, the "authenticity" of this novel will not be questioned at all.

Because of this "authenticity", "Sword Art Online" has also received strong support from the government. They also urgently need this "human spirit" to divert public attention and stop paying attention to government mistakes in this regard. To people's courage and perseverance.

Therefore, with the secret support of the government, various TV programs about "Sword Art Online" also appeared one after another. This novel was fiercely propagated, and the result was not bad. After all, public opinion and the public always remember to eat or not to fight. Yes, and the novel "Sword Art Online" itself can stand the test. In addition, the character prototypes in it also exist, so it quickly formed a popular pursuit of the people.

Of course, the reason why Founder chose to cooperate with the government was because of his own consideration.

Japan is a homogenous country with a strong community. Because of this, various bullying exclusion events are very prominent. Especially after the death game incident, although many people were successfully rescued, they were excluded by the whole society. The same is true even inside the school, which is why it is ultimately necessary to build a school specifically to house these victims of death games.

Although the death game incident has come to a successful conclusion, the society as a whole is not tolerant of these players. Japanese society is similar to China. It does not consider how glorious it is to play a game, let alone such a big thing. Therefore, in the society, many people think that those game players are responsible for their own faults. If they do not play games and do not indulge in games, they will not fall into such a disaster.

There are even people on the Internet who think radically that these gamers should die collectively, because it is because of their existence that this kind of thing happens, which not only adds trouble to the government, but also shames the entire country.

Because of this, the mainstream of public opinion at the time was quite unfriendly to these gamers, not to mention because they slept for two years and wasted two years in vain, which also caused many problems in their personal relationships.

Like Ying Lili, she was in her sophomore year, but when she returned from the game world, her friends were already in college ...

The exclusion of society, the pressure of public opinion and the loss of interpersonal relationships have left many survivors under tremendous pressure.

Of course, there are people who don't care about it. For example, Sophie said that her life is still the same, and she doesn't care what outsiders say. And Gabriel even hopes to stay in the game world for a few more years ...

But these are, after all, minorities.

Therefore, Founder will deliberately join forces with the government to turn these survivors into "heroes" and reverse the public opinion and situation. Fortunately, from the current hot sales and discussions in Sword Art Online, they have perfectly achieved their goals. Social public opinion no longer pays attention to the government's negligence in game events, and those survivors have also been successfully rendered by the media as fighting heroes used in struggles and triumphant returns.

Even some entertainment companies plan to find players in "Dark Moon Sword" and design an idol group debut based on their image ...

"You did a great job this time."

Looking at Yamada Fairy and Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Founder also did not appreciate his own. After all, although he gave the main direction of "Sword Art Online", but how to write it, Founder did not care, what he did not think is that Yamada Fairy and Kasugaoka Shiyu did not choose a character as the main character. , But adopted a group portrait mode that uses different player perspectives to advance the plot!

尝试 The attempt was bold, but also very successful. Now someone has come to talk about the rights to the film and television adaptation of Sword Art Online.

Of course, do n’t think about game copyright .........

"What are your plans next?"

"Not sure yet."

The relationship between the goblin and Founder was obviously closer, so she answered first with a smile.

"But next I plan to write a light novel. When those guys look at it, I'm Yamada Fairy is still the best-selling light novel writer!"

In contrast, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's idea is more peaceful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I plan to continue my studies and write a love novel ... This experience has also benefited me a lot, I think I can Take this a step further. "

既然 "Now that you have decided, let it go."

I heard the answers from the two, but Founder said nothing.

"If there is any difficulty or need, despite contacting me, where I can help, I will definitely help."

The atmosphere of the celebration was extremely warm. After all, in addition to the two main characters, many related personnel also came to the scene. There were also many members of the Darkmoon Sword Association. The celebration was successfully concluded, and everyone left home.

I just ...

"Miss Kasugaoka?"

忙 After being busy with the rest, Fang Zheng walked out of the hotel. What he didn't expect was that Xia Zhiqiu Shi Yu was standing at the gate, looking up at the sky in front of her, as if she was thinking. After hearing Founder's voice, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned her head and looked towards Founder.

"Ah, it's Mr. Founder."

"It's so late ...... you haven't returned yet? Is there anything wrong?"

"It's fine, but ..."

I said here, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed, then she seemed to think of something, looking towards Fangzheng.

"Mr. Founder, would you like to go out with me for a few drinks?"

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