Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1272: People who tamper with code hate it most

In the game world, Founder is going well. However, in the world of magical girls, Founder encountered some problems.

"These are the knights you have locked up?"

Looking at Higgnum, Vita, and others on the screen, Founder asked curiously, and Nai nodded.

"Yes, teacher, I have heard about them ..."

I do n’t know if it ’s a coincidence. In short, after being knocked down by Naha, the knights also chose to cooperate. To Sakura and Naiha they confessed their origins and why they attacked other Magisters. These four knights are guardian knight systems from a magic guide called "The Book of Darkness", which can be regarded as being like spirits or guardian beasts.

And the current owner of this book of Darkness is a little girl named Yashen Blast. Due to the binding with the Book of Darkness, Yashen Blast's body is very poor and his vitality is weak. In order to protect their masters, these guardian knights tried to attack other wizards, using the Book of Darkness to draw their magic power and continue their lives for their masters.

To be honest, Naiha and Sakura didn't know what to do about it. Although Naiha and Fett had thought about whether to contribute their magic power, Zhishi prevented them from doing so. Because from the perspective of Zhishi, although she is not quite sure what the Book of Darkness really is, but if it is true that these guardian knights say that their masters have lost their vitality because of binding to the Book of Darkness, So before you understand the reasons for all of this, it is better not to act lightly.

嗯 "Well ...... Zhishi handles it properly."

Hearing here, Founder nodded with satisfaction, which is why he gave things in this world to Zhishi. Although Zhishi itself is not a magician, and she is not very familiar with magic wizards and the like, she can Make decisions securely, not as impulsively as other girls.

"What are the findings of Preahia?"

她们 "They refuse to give us the Dark Book."

Sakura shook her head helplessly. It has been several days since they defeated these inexplicable attackers. The other party did not try to escape, but she refused to cooperate, except for reluctantly explaining the reasons for the attack to them. In addition, these people do not cooperate with them at all.

"You did a good job, let me know next."

I heard here, and Founder soon gave the answer.

At this moment, in the bedroom, Vita was holding the dark book tightly and huddled in the corner without a word.

It's been three days, and by reason, they should have returned to their master, but now they are being held here ...

"Da da………"

Suddenly at this moment, Vita's ears suddenly moved, and she keenly caught the sound of footsteps from the door.

The sound of this footstep is extremely steady, not like the little girls before, can it be said that ... the people behind them finally appeared?

"Squeak ..."

When Vita thought of it, the door opened, and Vita saw a young man standing at the door, staring at himself.

"who are you?!"

I do n’t know why, the moment she saw this young man, Vita felt that her hairs were going to stand up, and she felt like she was staring at some unknown terrifying beast. Reached out to grab his magic weapon, but grabbed it empty. Only then did Vita remember that her magic weapon had been confiscated.

"All of you, come to the lobby."

He found a glance at Vita, then gave an order directly, and then he turned and left. Looking at the back of Fang Zheng's departure, Vita stunned, and hurried out of the bedroom.

When the four knights came to the hall again, Founder was already sitting there waiting for their arrival.

"I've heard about you from Sakura and Naha."

Looking at the four knights in front of him, Fang Zheng said first.

但是 "But I want to state in advance that no matter what kind of distress you have, it is absolutely unacceptable to attack other wizards and seize others' magic."

"Then what do we say we do!"

I heard Founder's words, Vita immediately clenched his fists and growled.

"Do you want us to watch our master die?"

"Your master's experience is worthy of sympathy, but this is not a legitimate reason for you to attack others."

"We just want to borrow some of their magic, this gentleman."

At this time, Shamar also spoke.

"This won't do much harm to them ..."

However, in the face of Shamar's rebuttal, Founder glanced at her.

"I robbed you of your money and told you that you will earn more in the future anyway, so this is nothing, are you willing to accept it?"


When I heard this, Shamalton had nothing to say.

那么 "So, what do you want us to do?"

At this point, Hignham finally spoke. She stared at the Founder seriously and asked.

"Before that, I need to introduce myself to you."

As He said, Founder stood up.

"My name is Fang Zheng, and I am the highest ruler of the Heavenly Palace. The purpose of the Heavenly Palace is to protect the earth and human civilization. For us, it is most important to maintain the safety and security of the earth in any plane. It ’s not the scope of the Space and Time Administration, so you do n’t have to worry about getting caught back by the Space and Time Administration. And although your attack is not commendable, but for your defeat and being bombarded by Naha, I May help you. "

As he said, Founder held out his hand to Vita.

不过 "But before that, I need to conduct a comprehensive inspection of this magic device."


I heard Founder's words, the four knights looked at each other, and finally Hignham looked at Founder again and asked.

"Yes, but you must guarantee that you will not damage the dark book, otherwise, we will not let you succeed even if we die!"

"You know, you're just captives right now ... well, for now, I'm just looking."

"... I see, Vita, give him the Book of Darkness."


Hearing Higgnam's order, Vita walked to the front of Fang rather uncomfortably and passed the book of darkness. The Founder reached out and took the Dark Book, then turned to look.

"It's useless."

Seeing this scene in front of him, Vita sneered.

"Unless you are the owner of the Dark Book, you won't get the system management rights of the Dark Book anyway ..."

However, before Vita's words were finished, I saw that Fang Zheng had stretched out his fingers and gently touched the cover of the dark book.

“—————— !!!!”

The next moment, countless magic arrays condensed by purple light beams were scattered around the book of darkness!

Suddenly seeing this scene, the four guardian knights widened their eyes at the same time, as the daemon of the dark book, they certainly understand what this means!

The Dark Book's protection program has been broken! ?

"That's it ..."

Looking at the magic program and the rune above, Fang Zheng frowned, then looked at Prexia next to him.

"Pregia, what do you think?"

嗯 "Well ... I think the problem should already be obvious."

He analyzed the rune structure in front of him, and Prehia nodded. Hearing the conversation between the two, Naiha couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked.

"Teacher, is there any problem?"

"of course."

Hearing Naiba's inquiry, Founder nodded, then he zoomed in on a part of the Dark Book formula and reached out and nodded.

"Theoretically, the original Dark Book ...... Oh, according to the name of this program, it should be called the Book of the Night, originally an absorption program designed to collect and study magical techniques in various worlds. Think of it as a simple, portable library that can be used to record all kinds of magical data and techniques. But ... the core program of this magic guide has been broken due to an idiot. . "


Hearing here, Vita asked curiously, while Founder nodded.

"Yes, I don't know which idiot ...... Look, okay, you don't understand, it doesn't matter, I say the same. According to the program, the original book of the night sky completely relied on manual absorption. That is to say, the wizard who holds this magic device needs to actively drive the book of the night to absorb and record the magic program. Of course, originally, it was harmless according to the truth ... "

但是 "But there is obviously a problem with our master's body!"

When I heard this, Hignham couldn't help but the Founder waved his hand.

"After listening to me, what I said is that the original Yetian Book itself has no design problems. But the problem is that ... I don't know how many masters this magical instrument passed, but there must be a stupid person behind, Feeling that it was too tiring to absorb it by himself every time, so he rewritten the procedure of the book of the night sky ... He added a system of self-search and self-maintenance to the book of the night sky. Of course, from the current point of view, this magic The instructor's original intention may be to enable Yetianzhi to automatically complete some tasks that had to be done manually before. However, there was a bug in his program compilation, which led to an endless cycle of Yetianzhi's system operation ... "

I said here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Zheng again reached out and opened the core system.

"This wizard has overlooked a problem, that is, if the book of the night sky needs to run and start by itself, then it needs enough magic to act on its own, and this idiot obviously does not solve this problem, so the book of the night sky has to pass Absorb the magic of others to keep the instructions running. I don't think the owners after that will be very good ......... because even if they do n’t use the book of the night, the book of the night is for self-searching and collecting instructions. Will absorb the magic of them and foreigners ... "

那么 "So, as long as the collection of the book of the night sky is completed ..."

"It's useless."

However, Founder interrupted Vita's speech again.

"I said before that the idiot never thought about the magic absorption problem of designing the book of the night sky, so this also caused this program command to completely fall into an endless loop without an end, even if all the book pages were completely collected, in the end it It will still be intemperate into self-searching and absorbing magic. In the end ... it's the end of it. "

"This is how to do!"

When I heard this, everyone looked very different, and Vita couldn't help shouting.

"Don't you have a solution to this problem?"


Hearing Vita's inquiry, Founder thought for a moment, then gave an answer.

"I need to see what the master is doing before I plan."

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