Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1275: Sign a contract with me and become a magical girl!


After finishing the work at hand, Fioré leaned back in her chair, exhaling a long breath.

近 It has been almost a year since Qianjieshu moved to East Asia.

In this year, Fiore also spent a lot of thoughts, and finally managed to integrate the brand new Thousand Realms Tree. Since the relationship with the Magic Society has been almost completely broken, in this case, it is quite difficult for Fiore to do this. Fortunately, she finally successfully completed the task entrusted to her by the Founder.

With the formulas brought by Founder, Fiore successfully cooperated with the forces of East Asia on behalf of the Qianjieshu tribe, and barely established a foothold in this area. But what to do next, Fiore has no clue so far. Although this area of ​​the Far East is a place where the Magic Association can not intervene, but ...

"Who are you looking for ...... that, you have no appointment, please don't ..."

However, as Fiore thought about the next question, there was a loud noise outside the door, which made Fiore raise her head curiously and looked at the door. Then the next moment, she saw the door "snap" Pushed away, then Founder strode in.

"Master Founder!"

I saw Fang Zheng's reappearance, and Fiorie also showed a happy smile, but before she could say hello, Fang Zheng suddenly asked Fioré a question.

"Fiore, how old are you this year?"


In the face of this sudden inquiry, Fiore was quite blinded for a while. She stared at Fang Zheng dullly, totally unaware of why he suddenly appeared, and then came over to ask herself this question. Originally, Fiore thought that the Founder would ask himself about the current situation of the Tree of Thousand Realms, the results of the current negotiations, and whether there are other actions on the side of the Magic Society, but ... he asked his age what was this?

"I'm very sorry, miss."

At this time, Fiore's assistant hurried in.

"This man is looking for Miss, but he has no appointment ..."

"He doesn't need an appointment, you can go out."

I heard her assistant speak, and Fioren came back to her. She gave an order to her assistant to signal her to leave, and then waited for the door to close before she looked at Founder again.

"That ... Magic, I don't quite understand what you mean ..."

年龄 "Age, your age."

"Ah ...... 19 years old ..."

Although feeling a bit ashamed, Fiore answered the Founder's question softly. Fiore didn't notice. After hearing Fiore's answer, Eliya and Xiao Hei who came in behind him were relieved.

"Barely qualified, barely qualified."

"Little Black, you are too rude to Sister Fiore."

"But if she were older, she wouldn't be considered."

这个 "This ...... what is magic?"

"Oh, that's it."

听到 After hearing Fiore's answer at this moment, Founder also calmed down a lot, he thought for a moment, then smiled slightly at Fiore.

"Girl, do you want to sign a contract with me and become a magical girl?"

"... Magic Girl? What's that? Is it some kind of unique title for a magician?"

"Uh ... this is not really ..."

In the face of Fiore's inquiry, Founder didn't know how to explain for a while, because he hadn't seen each other for a long time, and he almost forgot that the young lady was basically completely out of touch with the fashion. According to her brother, Fior Since childhood, Lei has been fascinated by the magic of building and refining, and has never seen anything other than this. Even the internet is new to Fiore, let alone expect her to watch cartoons.

是 "Yes, I have found a way to treat your legs ..."


When I heard this, Fiore was immediately excited.

"Master, do you mean ... as long as I become a magical girl, can my legs be cured?"

当然 "Of course, strictly speaking, this is not a cure ... ... this is the case, I have met a girl with symptoms very similar to you in another world ..."

Fang Zheng recounted the story of Iori Blast to Fiori, and then gave her a suggestion.

"Your problem is similar to her. Although the child has no magic circuit, she has condensed her magic in another way by becoming a magical girl. Maybe you can also try this way, of course ... … I also know that this may not be successful, but relatively speaking, for now, I think the probability of success is still very high. "

The reason why Fang Zhengzheng said this is also because in the magical girl's world, the Eight Gods blast recovered very well. After signing a contract with "Book of the Night" and becoming its true master, the body of Iori's blast began to improve gradually, and because of the condensed core of mind, her magic no longer continued to erode her body as before, Blast has begun to try walking exercises.

And because of this, Founder will come to the moon type world, intending to use the same method to treat Fiore's disease.

Of course, the other reason for making this request is that Founder is after all a "god of magic girl", and in a systematic explanation, the magic girl refers to "the existence of a girl form with extraordinary powers." As the magician of the moon-shaped world, Fiore is sure to have extraordinary powers, but ... it is hard to say whether Fiore is considered a "girl".

That's why Founder deliberately asked Fiore about his age. After all ... he didn't know exactly what the "girl" defined by the system was.


I heard Founder's suggestion ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fiore was obviously hesitant. Xiao Hei and Eliya were also nearby, and began to whisper.

不过 "But ... is it all right?"

谁 "Who knows, but Sister Fiore is only nineteen years old, and she is still a girl. After all, a woman is not a girl, but a woman after she is twenty."

哎 "Hey? That's not what we said, aren't we ..."

"We are heroic. Even after 300 years, we will still be 10 years old! We are forever a ten-year-old magical girl, unlike those aunts who have over-aged after 20 years!

"Wow, ah, ah, ah, don't say it, don't say it!"

Just as the two little girls were whispering, Fiori also made up her mind. She looked up and nodded to Fangzheng.

"I'm willing to try it, Lord Founder. I want to stand up and want to explore the world with my own power, so ... let me be a magical girl!"

很好 "Very good, since it is so late, you should prepare a little bit, and then we will start."

Hearing Fiore's answer, Founder was relieved, and then he reached out and took out a ring from his pocket.


When I saw this ring, Fiore's white cheeks suddenly appeared a touch of red.

Did you say that ... is this Lord Founder proposing to me?

:. :

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