Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1316: Just collect 5 spirit beads ...

What is the water spirit bead? After all, the most disgusting part of Xianjian is the process of finding five spirit beads. Founder now remembers that he almost vomited in the Phoenix Forest. That maze going up and down is really ... oh, just now, when I think about it, Fangzheng feels dizzy.

Because of this, Founder remembers that according to the game flow, the water spirit beads should be in the hands of Li Xiaoyao ten years ago, and then Li Xiaoyao went to exchange the water spirit beads from the child's own 10 years ago ... but now this What happened again?

"Are you sure it is a water spirit?"

"I, we dare not be sure."

The snake man did not dare to say more, but shook his head helplessly.

"We just heard that ... but that big demon killed a lot of our fellows ..."


Founder thought for a long time, and did not think of any task in the fairy sword in Jinhua. After all, Li Xiaoyao only looked for Zhao Linger in the game, and cut these two without saying a word. It seems that he has started a branch task?

Well, then I went to see myself, then I was idle anyway.

So the matter of the snake demon was solved in this way. Although Lin Tiannan didn't feel particularly willing, in the end he didn't say much. It is really the place where these two monsters lived. They belonged to remote and remote areas. They belong to a place where no one would go even if they were engaged in scenic development and tourism. In addition, these two monsters did not do anything bad except to catch a few girls everywhere. If you attack the caravan or something, even if you can't wait for the Founder, Lin Tiannan will lead the team directly to the door.

After all, breaking money is like killing parents ...

After solving the matter of the snake demon, the group returned to Suzhou City, and the next few days, Fang Zheng, Ai Ge and Zhao Linger led the tour of Suzhou's scenic spots under the leadership of Lin Yueru ... it was impossible!

"Sister Linger, watch out for this wicked lightning strike!"

"Yueru, my spirits have cooled and can be released at any time!"

"Look how I pack it this time ...... look at me ...... hey? Hey? Wait a minute, this ......!"

"Sister Yueru is careful, little sister is here to treat you!"

Fang Zheng was lying on the teacher's chair, and he watched Lin Yueru and Zhao Linger hack blackly-yes, in the next few days, Lin Yueru, who was addicted to playing video games, ran to Founder's side every day to hit the machine. This reminds Fang Zheng of his experience of playing games in a black Internet cafe when he was a kid ... If I was known by Lin Tiannan, I was afraid that he would not send Lin Yueru to an Internet addiction treatment center.

The next love song is staring at the screens of the two while scared while typing the code. The Founder is not incomprehensible. After all, for love songs, regardless of the level of the two people playing the game, the important thing is that ...

"Wow! Hey? Hey? Why can't I move?"

"Again ?!"

Hearing here, Igor jumped up suddenly, with a look of despair. And Founder drank the tea in silence, which is also normal. After all, multiplayer and single-player games are different, and the amount of data that needs to be exchanged is not the same. Ai Ge is the first time to write code. To be honest, in Founder's opinion, it is good to be able to achieve this. This is also a root bonus of love songs. Otherwise, which code can produce a masterpiece of level 3a in less than three months?

And also includes the musicians set the story background cg modeling all do it yourself?

"I said ..."

Fang Zheng laid down his tea bowl leisurely, and then looked at Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru --- Aige went to debug the data again, and their boss journey again declared failure.

"It's been a few days, and we should go too ... first go to Jinhua, then we will go to Miaojiang ..."

Fang Zheng also talked to Zhao Linger before, and Zhao Linger also knew about the five Lingzhu. Now that she knew the water Lingzhu came down, she naturally agreed with Fang Zheng's suggestion. After all, Jinhua is relatively close, and you do n’t need to spend time Too much time, but Miao Jiang is hard to say.

Just looking at her like this, Founder really doubts Zhao Linger remembers what he said before.

"Ah, are we going now? Master?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Zhao Linger flushed suddenly, and Lin Yueru was surprised.

"Ah? Doctor Fang, are you leaving?"

"Of course, we have to save ..."

Fang Zheng originally wanted to talk about saving the world. Later, he thought that this is also to save Miao Jiang first. It seems that he hasn't been in the whole world, so he made a circle.

"All in all, we still have important things, we can't waste time here, and just occasionally stroll around ... it shouldn't be too late, let's leave at noon."

"Ah? Noon? It's too early ........."

Lin Yueru was obviously not prepared. It was quite speculative that she was mixed with Linger these days. The two sides really worshipped the sisters. As a result, now that Fang Zheng and his party actually set out to leave immediately, Lin Yueru immediately left the game temporarily. Aside, I jumped up in a hurry.

"Wait a minute, I'll tell my dad first!"

After saying this, Lin Yueru rushed out.

Listening to his daughter saying that Fang Zheng was leaving, Lin Tiannan was also shocked. He wanted to give the divine doctor something delicious and delicious, maybe he would not leave. After all, before founder Lin Tiannan exposed his hand, Lin Tiannan also saw that it was indeed a powerful exception. You must know that Founder's sword was thrown at the time, but he exhausted his whole body and stepped back a few steps. The so-called expert knew if he had any shots, and Lin Tiannan also knew that Founder was not only good at medicine (in fact, it has nothing to do with medicine) Martial arts are also first-rate. It would be good for Lin Jiabao to leave such a great god.

But now ... someone says they are leaving, you can't stop people from leaving.

Lin Tiannan is also the leader of the Wulin Alliance. Fang Fang really planned to leave, and naturally he didn't keep it anymore, but out of concern, he asked a few questions curiously.

"Where is the Miracle Doctor going?"

"I plan to go to Jinhua first to see. The basilisk said that Jinhua has a big demon raging. I want to see if I can help. By the way, I can bring back the water spirit beads. This thing is urgent for me."

Speaking of this, Fang Zhengwang looked at Lin Yueru, who was carrying his bag beside him, and could not help but twitch his eyes.

"But Lord Limburg ...... Ling Yuan this is ..."

"I'm going with Linger sister too."

Lin Yueru smiled and waved the sword in his hand.

"The road is long, and I can protect Linger's sister comprehensively, and I should go out and experience it!"


Upon hearing Lin Yueru's answer, Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders, then looked at Lin Tiannan.

"So, Lord Limburg, let's go."

"Fang Shenyi, take care all the way, but ...... How far are these going?"

"It doesn't have to worry about the owner of Limburg. In fact, I have already prepared ..."

Speaking of this, Fang Zheng sighed. In the past ten consecutive years, in addition to cutting the flying sword, he also pulled out a vehicle.

Although it doesn't seem to be of much use to the Founder, how to say ... is much better than something like a ghost warhorse.

Thinking of this, Founder also stretched out his hand and gently touched the dimensional code. Soon, a magnificent French array appeared in the sky, which scared everyone. Throughout Linjiabao, everyone including Lin Tiannan raised their heads at the same time and looked curiously at the legal array in the air, but the next moment, they were frightened.

I saw in the circle of law, a huge object with sails, white, and appeared like a ship emerged from it. In terms of appearance, it is slightly smaller than the sea boats of this era, but it looks abnormal, and I saw this thing slowly fall, and finally fell into the courtyard of Linjiabao.

"Fang, Fang Shenyi, what is this ?!"

Even though I've seen many magic weapons for a long time, seeing this thing still scared Lin Tiannan, and Fang Zheng grabbed his head.

"In fact, it's not an amazing thing, it's just an airship ... well, at least better than Chocobo."

"It is so exquisite, so huge, it can soar in the sky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is really amazing."

Seeing this, Lin Tiannan was also a little jealous. For a moment, he even wanted to go out with Fang Zheng and others. Fortunately, Lin Tiannan is quite sensible, knowing that he is still the leader of the Wulin Alliance and the owner of Linjiabao, naturally it is impossible to leave casually, so he can only sigh helplessly, and then pat Lin Yueru.

"Yueru, go."

"Okay, dad !!!"

At this moment, Yueru naturally could not wait, and found the airship with Founder and others. Soon, under the watch of everyone, the airship slowly rose again, and then sailed away.

Seeing this, Lin Tiannan couldn't help feeling emotion.

"Traveling through the sea of ​​clouds is like nothing, it is really an immortal means ..." / 11_11604 /

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