Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1318: Alright, come here, ready to start the plot

Under the cries of the residents of this small town, Founder and his party also knew what happened here.

Originally, it was just an ordinary town, and everyone was living and working in peace. But just two or three years ago, a lot of strange things suddenly appeared here. Farmers hit fewer and fewer prey on the mountain, and even the well water became much less. At that time, everyone thought it was just a period of difficulty and didn't take it too seriously.

But after a while, the situation became more and more serious. Not only was there no prey on the mountain, and even the well water was dry. Everyone can be anxious now, if there is no water, there is no way to live!

However, the house leak happened to be rainy at night. People in this town are still distressed about how to get water. As a result, the town is haunted again! Every day, there are female ghosts in the town at night, and every time these female ghosts appear, someone will die. This made the residents of the town angry and scared, but there was no way to take these female ghosts, they could only try to find some magic charms and other things to put in the house.

But these are useless, and the situation is still getting worse. Until now, the female ghosts even ran out to attack people during the day!

"Don't you find someone to get rid of the demon?"

After hearing the town residents' babbling, Lin Yueru frowned suddenly and asked curiously, and when she heard her, the mayor of the town sitting in front of her was throbbing thighs.

"Why didn't we find it, but we all collected money several times, and asked people to look for those monks, Master Tao, and did invite a few people, but they did not come down after going up the mountain! Instead, the monsters became more and more crazy , Now we do n’t have much money in our town, let alone no expert! ”

"Do you know what's on the mountain?"

At this time Zhao Linger also asked, but the town residents looked at each other, and then an old man said.

"I heard that there is a temple called Lanruo Temple on the mountain, and it is said that it is a place where ghosts live, but most of us will not go to the mountain idle ..."

Okay, Lan Ruo Temple ...

Hearing here, Founder has calmed down. In this fairy sword world, even the White Snake has channeled in. What's weird about coming into another Chinese ghost? Maybe there are Liao Zhai Zhiyi and Journey to the West ... Oh, Journey to the West is unlikely.

Obviously, this Lan Ruo Temple and the Lan Ruo Temple in the ghost of the Chinese lady found by Founder are not of the same level. At least according to the mayor, they invited several senior people to overturn. Founder was too lazy to ask if there was Yan Chixia in it. No matter what, this copy must have been difficult to find even if it turned the sky.

Naturally, I don't need to say much about it anymore. Most of the drought here is caused by the big demon holding water beads. Zhao Linger thinks so too. After all, the water spirit beads manipulate water, and it is not difficult to create such a drought ...

Isn't this supposed to be Miao Jiang's style of painting?

Forget it, just as a preview before going to Miaojiang. Anyway, when you come to Miaojiang, you have to solve the problem of drought. It is also a good choice to wait for Ling Lingzhu to let Zhao Linger practice his hands here.

Now that the goal has been determined, everyone will naturally move up the mountain, but before that, we still have to solve the problem of eating. Because of the "airsickness", Lin Yueru didn't eat anything along the way. At this time, his hungry stomach groaned.

Of course, Founder would not send his little girls to work for free, so he quickly took out the instant noodles with ham sausage for lunch.

Zhao Linger followed Fangzheng back and forth these days, and I have also eaten these things, but Lin Yueru saw it for the first time, and immediately held up a bowl of instant noodles. Kobayashi-san ".

Having said that, Founder really wanted to shoot it and then put it on the Internet to expose "Lin Yueru, the new film crew of the Legendary Swordsman Biography, released a pretty photo of the performer" or something ... ... will definitely earn enough traffic.

After eating, everyone rested for a while, then went straight up the mountain. Of course, before leaving, the residents of the town couldn't help but thank each other for their gratitude, thank them for their chivalrous heart, dare to fight with demons and monsters, etc ... After all, they have no money at hand, and Founder and others just showed it. The strength is much stronger than the "admirals" they invited before. Do you want to stop talking about something good, or not?

Anyway, don't pay for good words.

The whole mountain looks weird than the town below. There are dark trees everywhere. Although there are no clouds above, the sun is quite dim, and it even seems a little unclear. The group walked along the mountain road and stopped. It didn't take long for them to walk along the mountain road to the gate of Lan Ruo Temple.

Because of the age, Fang Zheng couldn't remember the appearance of the Lanruo Temple, a ghost of a Chinese woman who had seen it before, but this Lanruo Temple is quite in line with the impression that the whole temple is old and worn, and the plaque at the door is still stained with spiders. Nets and dust were everywhere on the steps, and no one came for a long time.

"Master, I can feel a heavy demon."

Zhao Linger stared intently at Lan Ruo Temple in front of him, asking softly.

"What shall we do next?"

"How to do?"

Upon hearing Zhao Linger's inquiry, Fang Zheng smiled slightly, but he had not spoken yet, but Lin Yueru had already picked up his sword and rushed up.

"It's also a question, these monsters are the evil village, and naturally there is only a dead end."

Speaking of this, Lin Yueru rushed directly to the temple door and kicked it open.

"Bold and evil, don't come out and die!"


However, before Lin Yueru's voice had fallen, they heard a scream, and then they saw a scholar dressed up, a young man with a backpack standing up in surprise, staring at them stunned.

"You, who are you? What do you want to do? I have no money for you!"

"……………who are you?"

Looking at the scholar in front of her ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lin Yueru was also stunned, but instead of relaxing her vigilance, she clenched her sword and stunned the scholar in front of her, then screamed and asked. And looking at the bright and dazzling sword blade in front of him, the scholar hurriedly answered in a hurry.

"My name is Ning Caichen, and I was sent here to collect debts ... ... you, you, see you have your hands and feet, what are you doing bad? Why do you want to be a bandit?"

"Who said we were robbers."

Hearing here, Lin Yueru suddenly lost her breath. She had no pride in front of Fang Zheng, but she was not polite when facing other men.

"We are here to get rid of demons and demons! Say, are you a monster !!!"

"Wow, ah, the girl's life, I'm just a scholar ..."

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