Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1327: I think you're looking for your way! !!

Just before the sharp blade was about to stab the Founder, the Founder cut it back with a sword, and saw the dark sword roaring, and instantly cut the long sword out. But the sword turned around in the air and landed next to an old man with white hair. I saw him floating in the air like this, staring at the Founder with a frown.

"Who are you evil, dare to spread wild here? What have you done?"

"Huh? Who?"

Fang Zheng took the big sword, glanced left and right, and pointed at him in surprise.


"Demons want to get confused?"

"Who does your old guy say is a demon?"

Hearing the old man's reprimand, Founder was also instantly furious. The big sword turned in his hands, and the initial fire suddenly appeared.

"I don't think you look like a good thing! A sneak attack behind your back, you can do such a shameful thing! Now you still smear me as a demon outsider?"

"You don't want to hide from my eyes."

In the face of Founder's speech, the old man also stared at him, staring fiercely at him. In fact, even when he saw Fang Zheng at first glance, even the old man couldn't believe that this young man's body contained so many ghosts! He has such a powerful power, he doesn't know how many innocent souls have been killed!

A demon like this can never let him stay in the world!

"An evil demon like you, dare to walk outside, it's a big courage, I'm going to walk for the sky now!"

"I'll see which way you go !!"

Founder also recognized this moment. Isn't this old immortal who caught Zhao Linger into the lock demon tower?

Hey, grandpa hasn't bothered you yet, did you come by yourself? !!

Exactly, catch the hatred of Linger, let Lao Tzu walk the hatred of the **** lock demon tower, and let Yuru be smashed by the hate. !!

New accounts and old accounts together! !!

"Love song, you take Yueru and Linger to hide behind!"

At this moment, Fang Zheng's eyes staring at the Duke Swordmaster were murderous, while Ai Ge nodded, and then grabbed Linger and Yueru directly. Looking at the three young girls who left, Du Gu Jian Sheng also looked cold, and immediately placed on Zhao Linger.

"The evildoer is off! Watch the sword !!!"

With the whistling of Dugu Jiansheng, I saw that the sword in his hand suddenly flew out again, then divided into two, two into four, and four into eight. The blink of an eye changed to thousands of swords facing Founder and others roared down.

This genuine Wanjianjue is really different!

After seeing this scene, Founder frowned, too. You must know that the "Million Swords" in the game was a dozen or hundreds of swords. You can also say that Li Xiaoyao did not practice at home or his mana was not enough. Not so much. But it was quite shocking to see the thousands of flying swords roaring.

However ... you have flying swords, I have treasures!

"The treasure of the king!"

In the face of the lone swordsman's Wan Jianjue, Founder is also true. Directly, a king's treasure was fully opened. At one time, I saw thousands of glittering vortexes behind the Founder appearing in the sky. Gu Fei shot out of it like money, and met Wan Jianjue in front of him.

The lone sword swordman ’s Wan Jian Jue is naturally extraordinary, and the founder ’s treasure of the King is also not ordinary. The moment when the two sides collided, it was as violent as Mars hit the earth. At once, all kinds of thunder and lightning in the sky and storms , Thunder and lightning, the flames roared, the waves rolled, and the earth shook. If people who do n’t know appear here, this scene alone is afraid that they may think that the end of the world is coming.

"What a terrible evil!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Dugu Swordmaster was also secretly shocked. He did not expect that the other party actually had so many magic weapons, but this made the idea of ​​Dugu Swordmaster more and more firm. Obviously, this monster must have killed a lot of creatures. Otherwise, how could he get so many innate spirit treasures? You have to know that the innate magic he saw now is so much better than even his fairy pie!

At the moment, all of them are in the hands of this demon evil, so it can be seen that he must be a murderer!

From a certain point of view, the idea of ​​Dugu Swordmaster is really right, because this king's treasure is indeed the founder's trophy ...

Thinking of this, Dugu Sword Master is no longer due to his holding the sword in one hand and pinching a sword tactic in one hand, his eyes became colder.

"One man and one sword!"


Just as the "Million Swords" competition on the two sides was about to end, Fang Zheng suddenly saw a cold sword light falling from the sky, and then saw a giant sword comparable to the Empire State Building splitting head towards himself-no, follow this In terms of size, this obviously wants to kill me!

Hey, I'm afraid you won't succeed?

Looking at the huge sword that was smashed in front of him, Founder also snorted coldly, clenched the dark sword in his hand, and waved up!

One sword! !!


The tall giant sword was smashed heavily and collided with the dark sword in the founder's hand. In principle, in front of this giant sword, the great sword in the founder's hand is like a toothpick, and it is impossible to resist it. However, the fact is that while the two sides fought, Fang Zheng's body only flickered slightly, and then he saw that the ground within a few hundred meters centered on him collapsed. The great sword trembled, and then quickly turned upwards and flew away!

"Want to run? Did you ask me!"

Looking at a giant sword that flew upside down into the air, Fang's front face was slightly dimmed, and then he raised the dark sword in his hand and threw it down. Then the Founder's figure disappeared instantly, and then a blink of an eye appeared in front of the giant sword!

Boson jumping!

To be honest, even Founder himself didn't expect that the most valuable gadget he could get in the Mecha world was actually this boson jumping technique. But for him, this technique can be described as tailor-made, because boson jumping is only an interference in time, and does not involve space. Therefore, the dimensional anchor used to block space teleportation and teleportation has no effect on him ...

So Founder can rely on this skill to play teleport with the enemy in the place where the dimension anchor is opened ...

Dugu Swordmaster apparently did not expect that Founder would actually play teleportation so smoothly. When he responded, it was too late. I saw that Founder once again raised the dark sword in his hand and chopped it hard against the great sword in front of him.


The two swords fought, but this time the situation was completely different. Fang was still moving in the air. Instead, the giant sword almost crossing the sky flew away, and then the sound of "bang" turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared. Then he saw the embarrassed Duke Swordmaster appearing from it. He held the sword in one hand, covered his mouth with one hand, and saw a trail of blood in the corner of his mouth ...

However, the dust disappeared, and at the same time, Founder suddenly turned around and appeared in front of Dugu Swordmaster, then the dark sword in his hand with the burning flames, just like this towards Dugu Swordmaster's chest Stung in the past!

This time, the Duke Sword Master was finally unavoidable. He could only stand still, watching the dark sword getting closer to himself ...

"————— !!!!"

Just as Founder's dark sword was about to strike Dugu Swordmaster ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a huge black shadow suddenly emerged and fell out of thin air against Founder. When he noticed the existence of this dark shadow, Fang Zheng also frowned and looked up. I saw a wine gourd smashing into the sky like a hill. In the face of this sudden attack, Fang's front color remained unchanged, and he swung his sword directly on the wine gourd.

Then the red light flashed, and the whole wine gourd suddenly burned. The Founder clenched the sword again and chopped it down hard. With his actions, the flame formed by the whole wine gourd suddenly screamed forward, turning into a sea of ​​fire covering most of the sky. And when the flames cleared, there was no one around.

"Cut, he ran away."

Founder snorted and put away his big sword.

Look at the face of Jiu Jianxian, this time I will spare you a small life, the next time you meet, let alone kill!

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