Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1329: Is there a magical girl in this world?

The reason Fang Zheng didn't like the Sword Sect was actually the same as the reason he couldn't open the killing ring in the dark world.

The reason is simple.

As Founder said to Lin Yueru and Zhao Linger, even if he has now killed all the monsters in this world, after a few hundred years, what should be refined is still refined, and what should be transformed into a monster is still transformed into a monster. If you want to become evil, you will still become evil.

The same is true of the dark world. The cursed child is really pathetic, but Founder can let the swarm swarm directly and kill all the adults in the dark world, leaving only the cursed child?

What about those just born? What else hasn't been born?

More importantly, the cursed son will not accept this approach.

If you want to solve this problem completely, you need a comprehensive solution. Just as Fang was doing in the dark world, he did not let the Zerg kill all the adults there, but he used the swarm to control the head of humanity in that world, promulgated a law beneficial to the cursed son, and gradually formed an Environment that discriminates against the cursed child.

However, the practice of the Sword Sect is to push all the monsters to the opposite side of humans, which is like Ceberus and the Firefog Warrior. If Ceberus has enough ability to kill the entire galaxy like the reaper except humans All civilizations, then the Star Alliance will inevitably collude with Ceberus.

The same is true for the Fire and Fog Warriors. You must have the ability to kill all the Red Worlds so that they will never dare to come to this world. Everyone must follow you behind you and shout six or six.

But the question is: can Cybertron do it? Can the Fire and Fog Soldiers do it?

Of course it can't be done.

And you can't do it, you want to threaten the other party, this is the pig teammate.

In the Founder's opinion, the Xianjian faction is actually a pig teammate.

What good do they do now? The monsters can't be killed. The Sword Swords can be passed down from generation to generation. Maybe when your martial arts disband, the monsters can't be killed. And during this period, maybe it will be the same as the world of fire and fog, because a lot of innocent eating melon people died because of the battle between the fire and fog soldiers and the Red World.

So in the face of this situation, you must either learn the ritual serpent and create a situation where the red world can play for themselves.

Or just guide the monster into human rules.

The so-called draw a batch, divide a batch, crack down on a batch, and that's it.

Like the Sword Sect, in the eyes of Founder, even pig teammates are not counted-Fangzheng did not consider them as teammates.

"help me……………"

However, just after Fang Zheng's contemplation, a faint voice came from his ear.

"Huh? Who?"

Hearing this voice, Fang Zheng froze for a moment and returned to God. And just then, the voice came again in his ear.

"Please, save me ..."

Wait, this is not ...

Hearing here, Founder froze for a moment, then suddenly thought of something.

He is a quasi-god, and this is ... the believer's prayer for himself?

Wait, I do n’t have any schools in this world?

Anyway, go and see what's going on!

Thinking of this, Founder no longer due to it, he hurriedly closed his eyes, and then began to listen carefully to this voice. Soon, a vision emerged in front of him--a sallow yellow forest that looked as if it had been contaminated, with a large white spider web in the forest.

And in the center of the cobweb, a young girl wearing a bellyband with a pair of beautiful wings on her back was being restrained, watching a huge spider slowly approaching herself in horror.

Ok? How does this scene seem to have been seen before?

Seeing the Founder here is a bit dazed, but what makes him even more puzzled is how the two monsters look in this picture, and how can the prayer pass to me?

Wait, remember that the magical girl mentioned in the system refers specifically to [the existence of a girl form with special powers] ... ... so calculated, does it seem that the monsters are fine?

Damn ...... thinking here, the Founder couldn't help but be awkward, so the monster's perfection is equal to the transfer of the magical girl ... ... this is not a way of thinking, okay, now, I don't think about these issues At that time, first save the monster girl in front of me!

With the flash of light, the Founder disappeared from the airship the next moment and disappeared.

"Help ... Help ..."

At this moment, the monster girl was bound to death on the spider's web, and she could only make a sad cry. And when she heard her cry, the giant spider spirit smiled hehe.

"I didn't expect that I would catch such a delicious prey. I urge you to return to its original shape, little butterfly ...... you will fall in my mouth sooner or later. Hehehe, just eat it You, I will be able to add another millennium, and by then ... "

However, that's the end of the spider essence.

"It's noon, heaven is righteous!"

Along with an angry drink, the inky black sword burning with flames descended from the sky and penetrated the body of the giant spider directly. And that spider essence obviously did not expect that someone would fall from the sky, and suddenly screamed, and saw that it was desperately struggling and rolling, but the burning initial fire swallowed it directly in a blink of an eye, and soon became a Pile of black charcoal.

The Founder raised his great sword and flung it forward, and soon saw the burning fire spreading in all directions, burning the spider web in the forest, and under the burning of the initial fire, the black spider They also fled outwards quickly, but Founder apparently did not let go of these spiders, and burned them all with a fire.

At this moment, the girl with butterfly wings had broken the shackles and fell to the ground. She looked at Fang Zheng in horror, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. It was so sudden and scary that Founder appeared. You must know that the spider's essence is also good, even better than the butterfly girl. As a result, the man who fell from the sky chopped melon and vegetables ... ...


However, just as Founder pulled out his great sword, he was surprised to find that in the ashes of the spider spirit, there was actually a spiritual bead with powerful energy ... wait, isn't this thunder bead?


Seeing this Lingzhu, and then looking at the butterfly girl, Founder immediately remembered, wasn't this the part of the poison lady and butterfly essence in the fairy sword?

It seems his luck is good.

Thinking of this, Founder also put away the big sword, striding in front of the butterfly essence. But when seeing Fang Zheng coming, the butterfly essence also hurriedly lowered his head, solemnly made a gift to Fang Zheng.

"Little girl Caiyi, thank you for your help!"

"You're welcome, just now you were calling for help, right?"

Although Founder had confirmed it, he asked it once for insurance reasons, and Caiyi nodded.

"Yes, the little girl was caught by the poisonous lady accidentally just now, and she was in danger. She opened her mouth and called for help. She didn't expect to disturb Shangxian ..."

"It's nothing, this is what I should do."

Having said that, Founder once again looked up and down in front of Caiyi, and then waved his hand.

"So that's it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm leaving now ..."

"Shangxian, please stay!"

However, Founder was planning to turn around and leave, but did not expect that Cai Yi hurried up and stopped him. Hearing Cai Yi's shout, Founder turned his head.

"Huh? What else?"

"That one……………"

Said here, Cai Yi's complexion was slightly red.

"Saixian's life-saving grace, Caiyi can't be repaid, only with her body ...


Speaking of which, ancient seems to be the same routine.

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