Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1337: This is the worst time that BOSS has died!

"————— !!!!!!"

With the order of the moon worshipper, Water Warcraft suddenly opened its mouth and yelled at the Founder. Seeing this, the worshiper of the moon worship is also surging. You must know that Water Warcraft is an ancient beast. At first, only the son-in-law was able to subdue this beast and seal it.

This is why the moon worshiper tried his best to destroy the Witch Clan, because only the descendants of the son-in-law can restrain and seal the Water Warcraft. As long as the descendants of the Son-in-law can be destroyed, the Water Warcraft is invincible!

As for those immortals and priests in the Central Plains, he did not look at them. After all, even in the ancient era of gods and gods dancing, only the son-in-law was able to subdue Water Warcraft, and Water Warcraft was born of the essence of ancient water spirits, and even the son-in-law could not destroy it, only seal it.

But now, after so many years, how can it be possible for the Han Taoist monks and monks to make a living in Warsaw? !!

Not to mention that Water Warcraft did not grow up ten years ago, but after this decade, Water Warcraft not only regained its vitality, but because it absorbed the entire Miaojiang water source, its strength is stronger, even this young man No matter how strong, it is impossible to be a rival to Warcraft!

However, at this time, the leader of the moon worship saw the founder flipping his right hand, grabbing a dark sword, and then "bang", the hot flame erupted from the sword instantly.

This flame seemed nothing to the moon worshipper, but after the bright red sparkling fire was seen by Water Warcraft, the fierce and roaring roar suddenly dropped!

"Uh ........."


Seeing this scene, both the moon worshiper and the witch are stupid, they are not stupid, but in fact even the stupid can see it, the current Water Warcraft shrinks into a ball, a strange stance, this is obvious Facing a monster that is stronger and scarier than himself!

Is that young man so scary?

Of course, the **** of worship is unable to understand. In fact, Water Warcraft is not afraid of the Founder, but the first fire!

Indeed, in the legend, Water Warcraft is fearless. It was born from Water Spirit and can be regarded as the most advanced element of Warcraft.

But what is the beginning fire? That was the first flame of heaven and earth that divided chaos and order!

Everything comes from it, and everything will return to it!

Water Warcraft is no exception!

Ten years ago, due to the consideration of forcibly destroying the core of the plane of this world, the water warcraft was not burned out, but it also left a deep psychological shadow on the water warcraft. It can be said that since the birth of Water Warcraft, for the first time, it truly felt what the threat of "death" was.

Even in the face of son-in-law, it doesn't feel this way!

If the son-in-law is the "buster" of Water Warcraft, then this man is his "natural enemy"!

"嘤 嘤 嘤 ...... 嘤 嘤 嘤 ..."

At this moment, the sound of Water Warcraft is getting smaller and smaller, and even the entire body is retracting. If this Water Warcraft can speak human, it is estimated that it means "Okay, OK, I have eyes." I did n’t know Taishan flooded the Dragon King Temple. This family did n’t hit the family, you just let me go alive. I will definitely change the evil and return to being a good man ...... No, being an orc ... "

However, the leader of the moon worship was dumbfounded.

"What are you doing ?! Hurry up !!!"

Although the worshiper of the moon worships Water Warcraft, he can't understand what Water Warcraft is talking about. When he sees the watercraft Warcraft, he is actually persuaded. The worshiper of the moon worshiper is also anxious and corrupted. You are one of the five great beasts in ancient times, so it ’s worthy of your name. ? I want to unite Miao Xinjiang and conquer the Central Plains man. Will you pull me off at this time? !!

It is no wonder that the worshiper of the moon will have this idea. From the appearance of the founder's first fire, in fact, it is no different from ordinary flames, but only after it is actually exposed, will it be different. However, there are not many people who can escape from the founder's initial fire. In this world, only Water Warcraft and Jiujianxian escaped from the fire of the initial fire. Water Warcraft, as an ancient beast, can naturally Feel the raw power in the first fire.

Although Jiuxianxian is not very well understood, it can also be guessed that this flame must be difficult to deal with, so both sides chose to use thirty-six schemes as the upper scheme.

But unfortunately, the worshippers of the moon worship did not have such a reaction.

In other words, he was already riding a tiger.

The drought in Miaojiang has been lifted, and the killing of the Witch King has also passed to the Black Miao. The elders of the Black Miao will definitely send someone to check the authenticity of the Witch King. This Witch King is indeed a fairy. May Withstand Inspection. By that time, I'm finished!

Originally, the worship leader of the moon did not care about this. As long as he could control Water Warcraft, no one in Miaojiang was his opponent.

But he couldn't think of killing him. This Water Warcraft actually persuades him? !!

Are you kidding me, Lao Tzu has given you good food and good clothes in the past ten years, and has given you the entire water supply of Miao Xinjiang. Now it is time for you to serve the party and the country with loyalty. Do you want to be a deserter? !!


However, the Lord of the Moon worship is not completely helpless to the Water Warcraft. I saw that he quickly closed his hands, and then began to sing out the weird spell quickly. The Water Warcraft also seemed to sense something, and began to struggle frantically, trying to ask the mantra of the moon worshipper.

"Roar ---! Roar --- !!!! ''

However, in the face of the shackles of the moon worshiper, the water warcraft also shouted and shook his head. Obviously, the instinctual survival desire of the water warcraft is resisting the control of the moon worshiper. The Founder just held the big sword in one hand, and looked at the Water Warcraft in front of him with all his spare time. He had no intention of doing anything.

In fact, whether it was ten years ago or ten years later, for the Founder, Water Warcraft is not a threat. If it was not because of the need to weaken the Water Warcraft in accordance with this world ’s method to avoid the core of the plane being burned by a fire, he would have Ten years ago, they sent each other to heaven.

Water Warcraft is indeed an ancient ferocious beast, but did the light dragon and the swarm dominion eat dry rice?


The eyes of Water Warcraft gradually became bright red, and the roaring sound of it gradually decreased, but it was full of an unknown atmosphere. Obviously, this Water Warcraft was about to be completely controlled by the Lord of the Moon worship! @

Seeing this, Founder also raised the weapon in his hand, and the flame erupted instantly, forming a forty-meter-long sword. He originally only watched the excitement, but did not really make BOSS burst, so the Founder still decided to kill this water sooner!

But at this time, an unexpected scene happened.


Seeing Fang Zheng holding up the forty-meter-long knife, it seemed to stimulate Water Warcraft, but saw it suddenly roar, eight heads suddenly raised, and then suddenly retracted. The moon worshiper standing on the top of the water warcraft did not expect this to happen at all, and suddenly fell from the air.

And falling in mid-air, it is naturally impossible for the worshiper to continue to chant mantras ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then before he returned to God, he saw the heads of the water warcraft suddenly pierced, biting them The moon worshiper's head and limbs were pulled, and then they just pulled like this, and tore the moon worshiper to pieces, and swallowed it! !!

In the extreme fear of the first fire, Water Warcraft actually tried to control himself to send the dead worshippers to eat!

This twist not only stunned the queen and Zhao Linger, but also founder Fang was stunned.

Wow, this is arguably the worst tragic death of the Lord of the Moon!

"Uh --- !!!!"

After swallowing the moon worshiper, Water Warcraft still wanted to ask the Founder for mercy, but it just raised his head, and the forty-meter-long knife in the Founder's hand had waved down!

What is the relationship between you killing the worshiper and our founder?

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