Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1340: Zhujun, I like war

Founder itself has no religion.

Of course, to say that, he naturally likes order and opposes chaos. But to be specific to a certain deity, at least the Buddha's gods are not cold at all. Even if it is the goddess of order, the Founder is just respect, but you have to say faith

It ’s really difficult to believe in an alien higher creature who likes to watch bl movies

Strictly speaking, you can let the founder who has accepted modern scientific knowledge be willing to kneel down and kneel down, for fear that only the son-in-law can be considered convincing.

Anyhow, the son-in-law created soil, strictly speaking, the ancestors and mothers of all the people in this land, it is normal to bow to her.

The reason why Founder considers this is also impossible. Because he just accepted the task of the original Qingyuan, the goal of this task is very simple, that is, to restore the faith in the son-in-law on this land. But where is it so simple?

On the way Fang is coming, he has also examined the beliefs of this plane. As he said before, the divine state of this plane has basically been occupied by most of the temples, and the rest of Taoism is also worshipped by the three emperors and three emperors.

And the son-in-law, the human ancestor, the creator of all life, was forced to live in Miao Xinjiang and was almost destroyed. Do you believe it? !!

If Founder wants to bring the faith of Nu Wa back to the right track, then he will launch a religious war to destroy all the gods who had previously participated in the destruction of Nu Wa's faith, including but not limited to Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Yuanshi Tianzun. Taishang Laojun, Tiandi Fuxi

In a word, all the famous on the list above will be burned to death!

One does not stay!

The western gods and invaders who invaded Divine Land and lost my luck will die, collude with Western cults inside and outside, and suppress the Taoism Sanqing, which destroyed the ancestors' beliefs, as well!

Of course, after saying so much, the most important thing is the position. Founder's position naturally stands on the side of son-in-law.

Not to mention that in theory, the son-in-law is the ancestor of all living things in Divine Land. More importantly, the son-in-law did not impose his own thoughts on others. She represents the spirit of self-defense and self-sublimation of all living beings. It is not like Taoism Sanqing, aiming to transcend the mundane and escape from the world to avoid suffering. Regardless of their own lives, they do not care about the suffering of the people.

Not like Western Buddhism, which suppresses people's wisdom and converts to **** under the banner of converting to Buddha.

Therefore, the belief of the son-in-law is consistent with Founder's idea of ​​raising the civilization level of the entire fairy-tale world.

This also means that it is impossible for him to compromise with the Taoism Sanqing or the West.

Because this is essentially a class contradiction!

The level of human civilization needs to be upgraded and reforms must be carried out. The reform will naturally touch the interests of these vested interests, and in order to protect their interests, these vested interests will certainly not stand idly by. They may suppress and compromise, but Never give in.

However, if the Founder wants to do this, it will inevitably need a basic plate and agree with this basic plate.

So he found the queen and Zhao Linger-after all, they are descendants of son-in-law.

Just like when Liu Bei meets people, he always likes to shout "I am the king of Zhongshan, Liu Sheng", although I do n’t know if Liu Sheng is drunk or raised the son of a younger son, or it is just 2,500 years A relative from the previous family, but anyway, it has a name, right?

Liu Bei's is still untested, but this one is nailed down! The pedigree can be verified all the way to the beginning of the world!

Would it be a pity not to use it?

"Engong, do you mean to help us restore the son-in-law faith?"

Hearing the Founder's intentions, the queen was obviously surprised, and the Founder nodded.

"Yes, the so-called heaven and earth pro-master, the son-in-law is the ancestor of all living beings in Divine Land, but now you are actually stigmatized as a monster by those invaders. Have you just suffered this way? Haven't you thought about naming your ancestor? The son-in-law has been forced to Miaojiang for a while, and after a hundred years, I still do n’t know what it will look like. And you also know that the son-in-law has only one child per generation, and they are all girls. What's wrong, isn't the son-in-law's family completely ruined? "

Having said that, Founder spread his hands.

"Take Water Warcraft this time, assuming I'm not there, you must have been executed as a monster ten years ago, so ten years later? Even if Linger is still alive, facing the moon worshiper and water WoW, will she stand by and watch? If Linger did n’t give birth at that time, then after she died with Water WoW, the son-in-law's pulse would be completely cut off? Once it became like this, then in a few decades, lost How many more people in the Bai Miao ethnic group know who the son-in-law is? "


Hearing this, the queen and Zhao Linger also showed some dignity, after all, the ancients still valued the inheritance of the offspring, and the son-in-law was very special. Once there was an accident, like Liu Bei, No distant relatives could be found.

If this is a broken child,

"But, Master, Miao Xinjiang is no longer able to withstand war."

Zhao Linger also said timidly around the queen of the witch, and Fang Zheng shook his head.

"Rest assured, although the religious war is also a war, but I don't plan to involve ordinary people in the beginning. On the contrary, for me, now Miaojiang, which is waiting to be revitalized, is a very good place. Hmm Linger, I ask you something. "

"Master, please."

"What do you think of life on an airship?"


Although I don't know why Fang Zheng suddenly turned to this aspect, Zhao Linger nodded subtly.

"Very comfortable."

"What if we let the whole of Miaojiang, and even the entire Divine Land, live this way?"


Hearing this, both the queen and Zhao Linger were taken aback.

"Is this really okay?"

"Of course, this is my plan."

Founder naturally understood why the queen and Zhao Linger were so surprised. Of course, they were both good-hearted and kind people, but their knowledge and vision were, after all, limited to this world. In their opinion, it is taken for granted that the superior has a comfortable life, and there is no problem with what Fang Zheng has. Because Fang is a **** with great powers, his life must be better than the mortals in the world.

But few people think "Can I live this kind of life" because they know they will not become "fairies", so they are satisfied with the status quo.

What Founder has to do is change the status quo.

Founder is very clear that once productivity improves and people's living standards improve, material civilization and spiritual civilization will change as a result. And once Buddhism ’s backward religious thought fails to keep up with people's spiritual and cultural needs, it will be abandoned ruthlessly. So what the Founder had to do was not like the idiots of the Crusaders, hold a cross ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and rush to Jerusalem. Instead, we must first prepare for the advancement of civilization, and then use the cultural characteristics of the advanced productive forces of one side to destroy the existence of Buddhism in China.

As for Founder himself, it only needs to be used as insurance, and those Western gods and Buddhas who are shameless and intend to give mortals to brainwash mortals will choke them.

But now

"Specifically what to do, I will make a schedule."

Founder stood up.

"But now, I still have something to do."

Just now, Founder felt that the gem he had given Xiaoqing had been crushed.

In other words, the first shot of Buddhism is about to begin.

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