Dimensional Codex

Chapter 138: For Whom The Bell Tolls

"Woo !!!!"

Feeling this mighty coercion from the sky, Founder was also in shape. He felt as if a big invisible hand suddenly fell and slapped him heavily. Even so, Founder still did not give up his actions, but still gritted his teeth and stabbed the sword into Connie's chest!


And just as Founder's sword was about to pierce Connie's chest, a sudden outburst broke out, and at the same time, Founder felt as if he had been hit by something. Fell on the ground. When he stood up again, he found that a man was standing in front of Connie's body in front of him, pressing the hilt of his sword in his hand, and watching him coldly.

"Under the broad day, do you dare to kill?"

"It's weird. As a Templar, you can do it right, so why can't you kill people in the broad daylight? It's not a shame!"

Fang Zheng gritted his teeth and stared fiercely at the other side.

"Father, father"

Looking at the appearance of the middle-aged man, Connie seemed to finally react. Just now, she really thought she was going to die under the sword of this wicked cultist. But now, with her father beside her, Connie suddenly felt as if she had found the backbone of her main body, and stood up again.

"He, he is a cultist"


Upon hearing Connie's words, Brand was silent for a moment, then looked at the Founder.

"Do you have any good explanations?"


Facing Brand's inquiry, Founder snorted coldly.

"I suspect Connie is a cultist, and that's the explanation!"


Upon hearing Founder's answer, Brand roared. He reached out and held the hilt on his waist, staring at Founder coldly.

"Come, put him down! I'm going to interrogate it myself!"

"Master Brand!"

"Want to catch me?"

Facing Brand's order, Founder snorted coldly.

"It's ridiculous, it's the woman's first move, she wants to catch me? It's all a matter of fact, it seems that you are not a family member.


Hearing here, everyone around was pale, and the Knight of Stone was eager to persuade.

"Shut up, that's grown up with Knight Brand!"

"Oh, he is a knight captain? I thought he was a creation god, what is it to say, he really thought he was a god?"

Fang Zheng opened his mouth and slowly pulled out his sword.

"I **** kill this woman today, no one can stop it, not even the knight captain!"

Fang Zheng was already mad, this broken woman had seen him twice, biting like a crazy dog. Even if you bite yourself, how dare you dare to attack Nimfu? Before the change, I'm afraid Founder will still think about **** each other, but now, after experiencing the exercise of Cicada World, Founder has turned away.

Power is coming out! Not to say it! It is useless to look ahead and look back, and the truth is the big fist!

More importantly, I'm happy to kill that woman!

God, is this young man crazy?

When they heard this, everyone was stunned, and even Karl and Stone looked at each other, and for the first time, they saw Fang Zheng's red eyes and six relatives disregard. Although I don't know what happened just now, it now seems that Founder is obviously planning to endlessly!

"Extremely arrogant!"

Brand was also sinking at the moment. He had no good feelings about the other side. Before he lowered the coercion, he meant to find the founder. But I didn't expect that Founder would still kill Connie regardless of it, which made Brand quite angry. But now that Founder doesn't even look at himself, it makes Brand's heart anger. He has been a Cavalier for so many years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a lunatic!

"Stop it!"

Brand roared, and then suddenly pulled a long sword from his waist. The sword was golden throughout, exuding endless sacred breath. This is the holy sword that once fell from heaven to hell, the blade of justice!


While Brand pulled out the holy sword, a beam of light fell from the sky and landed on Fang Zheng's body, squeezing it to the ground. The Founder held the broken sword tightly with both hands, and stared coldly at Brand in front of him. The clothes on his body began to tear and burn, and invisible heavy pressure was mixed with flames from the sky, covering the square.

"This is the fire of justice. Any demon will appear in front of it!"

Raising the blade of justice in his hand, Brand stared at the Founder.

"Even cultists and Templars!"

"Ha ha"

However, beyond Brand's expectations, even if devoured by the flames of justice, Founder still has no fear at all. Instead, he looked up and stared coldly at the man in front of him.

"Your justice cannot stop me because no one can stop death!"


With the fall of Founder's voice, in front of his eyes, a shining soul stone appeared quietly. Around it, each strengthening stone was broken and scattered. At the same time, the system prompts flashed in front of Founder's eyes.

(Massaille) Breakthrough Awakening, Strengthen +3 Complete

"not good!"

At this moment, Brand suddenly realized that something was wrong, because at the same time, he noticed an extremely powerful breath from the young man opposite him, which made him look suddenly changed. Then saw Brand suddenly lift up the sword, the pure white fire of justice ignited instantly, covering the entire sword body. Immediately after, Brand saw a roar, and the sword in his hand swung forward! !!


With the almost deafening roar, in the eyes of everyone, a white flame dragon roared out, opened its mouth of blood, and turned into a wild raging wave. In front of it, even the Founder is just as small as a mouse. As long as the white fire dragon is thrown, it will be enough to burn the square in front of you to ashes.

But the next moment, a strong wind emerged

The indifferent mist condensed into a wild and icy storm, and ran into the dragon condensed by the fire of justice. I saw that under the icy wind, the white flame dragon gradually began to weaken, its flame began to extinguish, and its size became smaller. With a sorrow, the flame dragon disappeared into the icy storm and was completely torn into pieces!

What kind of power is this?

At this moment, everyone around the crowd was frightened. Just now, the Knight Cavalier Brand's full blow was blocked by the opponent?

No, it's more than just blocking, it looks like it's vulnerable!

And this power

"What power is this?"

Cardinal Frow frowned, staring in the direction of the Founder. As a vampire, he could feel the cold wind's power of death in the cold wind. However, this is not the same as the death force used by the undead, but a more pure force.

The dust dispersed.


It was only then that Brand discovered that the young man in front of him had changed. His original torn and ragged clothes had disappeared and replaced by a silver-black robe. He stood there quietly, staring coldly at himself. Not only that, but Brand was also surprised that the tall figure hovering behind the Founder.

It was wearing a dark robe and armor. Holding two sickles. Under that hood, no one could see his face clearly, and all he saw was darkness.

"Sure enough, did you sell your soul to evil and darkness?"

Brand also felt the sheer scent of death, and at this moment, his face became more dignified. Obviously, he thinks he has found out why this young man wants to attack his daughter. Obviously, that's because his daughter found out the true identity of the other person, so he would attack his daughter!

"Founder, you"

Upon hearing Brand's words, not only did the surrounding Templars cast a hostile look at the Founder, even Stone also frowned and stared at him. He didn't know what to say for a while. He didn't think that Fang was the kind of person who would abandon the light and order, but the weird existence behind him and the pure cold breath of death could not be faked.

Could it be that he really

However, while everyone was thinking, he saw Fang Zheng raise his corner of the mouth and smiled coldly.

"Evil and darkness? Thanks to you or the archangel, you do n’t even understand the nature of order and the Holy Light. I really do n’t know how you sit in this position. I have no mood to teach you. As the saying goes, seeing is believing Hearing nothing, let you see for yourself how stupid your thoughts are! "

"Huh ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Husked around!"

Brand was too lazy to tangle with the Founder. In his opinion, this young man must have reached an agreement with some evil dark existence. Perhaps he came to destroy the temple. Dangerous people like this must never stay!

Thinking of this, Brand clenched the blade of justice in his hand.

"My colleagues, evil is before us, and we must not do nothing, let us unite and destroy this dark existence! The Holy Light is above us, we will never retreat!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Upon hearing Brand's words, several Templars rushed out of the crowd. They came to Brand and raised their blades to stare at the Founder. Beside, the bishops held up their scepters and began to sing sacred prayers in a low voice.

And just then


The bell rang.

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