Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1361: I ’m so happy (I have suffered from cervical spondylosis recently)

"This is the workshop that makes games?"

I walked into Feiying leaps and looked at the code farmers who were struggling in the workplace, but Lin Yueru couldn't help but sigh, and Zhao Linger looked a little worried.

"Master, why do these people look dignified, weak and physically weak? Could the game still draw mortal energy?"

"No ... let me see, oh ..."

Founder opened his personal terminal, glanced at the date, and calculated the time.

"It's time for post-production ...… normal."

"Is it normal?"

In the face of Fang Zheng's calm reply, Linger pointed to one of the women who was lying on the computer in front of the computer, looking pale, but still working hard.

"I watch her look, if not recuperated in time, I am afraid that it is only a few months ..."

"Then you brush your spirits towards Yuan Yuan."

Fang Zhengzheng doesn't mind giving some benefits to his staff. You must know that the bosses of other game companies are not as kind as they are, and they give them back when they work overtime.

After all, his Founder is not a devil.

灵 Zhao Linger didn't care. In fact, she had no impression of the world at all, so after listening to Fang Zheng's words, Zhao Linger hurriedly let out a spirit of energy. Soon I saw a little bit of aura erupting from the air like a fountain, covering the entire work area in a blink of an eye.

With the resilience scattered, those half-dead employees were also refreshed at the moment. It felt like they were taking medicine, and the keyboard became more powerful!

Even many people are still whispering.

"Who uses this air freshener? What brand? I feel like I smell a flower!"

"Is this an illusion? Suddenly I feel much clearer!"

好 "Okay ...... you have to finish it today!"

Uhhhhh ... it looks pretty good.

He watched the slaves resurrected in situ with blood and blue contentment, and Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction. Maybe Zhao Linger can often come here in the future? Or simply arrange a position for Zhao Linger here, and then let Zhao Linger come over to restore each time when you have to work overtime?

In this way, the work efficiency has been improved, and the life span of the code farmers has also been extended. Isn't it a beautiful thing?

"Master, the spirit of this world is quite thin, and Linger can only do his best ..."

Although the farmers are quite satisfied with this, Zhao Linger is obviously not very satisfied. You must know that if she was released in her own world, she would be full of blood and blood. As a result, it is not even as good as aerotherapy here, and it is a level of Bingxinjue if it dies ...

Linger was also quite surprised. She never thought that the aura of a world would be so low. With such a look, Linger looked at Zhongnong with a little sympathy.

"What's wrong? Linger sister?"

Looking at Zhao Linger's expression, Lin Yueru asked curiously, and Zhao Linger sighed lightly.

"I finally understand why these people's energy is weak, and the aura in this world is thin, but this game is one thing, but it is labor-intensive. Unfortunately, these people's vitality is already weak, but they have to be so laborious ... ... I never expected that One thing is so sad. "

"......... ????"

Hearing Linger's words, Lin Yueru hadn't said anything yet, but Asuna next to her face was aggressive. Although it is said that there is a personal terminal, there is no problem if the two parties understand each other. But what Zhao Linger said ... Asuna was totally incomprehensible!

What kind of aura, what kind of energy ... what is this?


During the conversation, Founder had taken the three of them to the inside compartment, and said hello to the petite figure lying in front of the computer.

"Love song, how is it?"

"Master Father!"

I heard Fang Zheng's voice, and Ai Ge turned her head from the computer, looking up at Fang Zheng with a happy expression, but soon, her face became much more depressed.

"No ...………… I knew I would n’t go back. The result of the previous test was that 75% of the entire game code part conflicted with the existing system ...”

I said here, Ai Ge almost meant to lie on the ground and cry. I can't think of killing love songs. I clearly opened up all the abilities in the moon type world and made the whole game clear from beginning to end. Why would I be dissatisfied with changing to another world?

This is good, not only all the scraps done later, but also the parts of the system that have been done before must be readjusted!

I can say that it is completely finished.

"Ah, boss."

At this moment, I saw a woman with white hair coming out of another compartment, looking towards the Founder. She is the plan of Feiying's leaps and bounds --- Ye Yuezhen.

"You are here."

我 "Let me see, how is the development of the new game?"

As Fang Zheng said, he took over the development materials handed over by Ye Yuezhen and read them.

In the game world, Founder's Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh series have been successfully launched, and Dongfeng with AR glasses has been launched. At present, the Flying Eagle Jump is also rising. It can be said that relying on the Duel City Card Game series of Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, Flying Eagle Jump can lie on it and eat forever.

However, this is obviously not what Ye Yueying and others want to see. Although Pokemon and Duel cards are considered very successful products, in Ye Yueying's view, only pure and orthodox games are flying eagles. What Vigor should make. Because of this, Founder will recommend Ai Ge to Feiying Leap, and work with Ye Yuezheng and others.

Of course, in this world, Founder also forged the age and identity of Ai Ge, after all, strictly speaking, Ai Ge is now a junior high school student. If you say it out ... Is this illegal employment of child labor?

Fortunately, this world is full of various kinds of existence that look like junior high school students, but in fact have grown up, such as Liangfeng Qingye, Liangfeng Qingye, Liangfeng Qingye ...

"The development progress of the new game is a bit behind, and Miss Saw's system is very good ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but I always feel that it is too hard-core and difficult, which does not seem to be conducive to the promotion and development of ordinary players.


Fang Zheng found the plan in front of him, and when he saw the image of the knight on the plan, Fang Zheng suddenly flashed in his mind.

对 "That's right, then, let's just be a bit harder!"

"......... ????"

"Now the streets are full of games of ordinary difficulty, which is not interesting anymore. The system and game engine of Ai Ge is very good in terms of physical performance, which is very real. In this case, we simply ca n’t make it impossible for ordinary people to pass. Design the next game! "

Thinking of this, Founder couldn't help recalling the painful memories of his death in the city of King Narosric .... Yes, it is better to be alone than Lele. If you want to die, everyone will die together. How joyful it is to feel the same pain!

Thinking of this, Founder immediately took out his pen and wrote a few brushes.

"Next, this is our plan!"

"this is……………"

Ye Yeyue took the plan and looked at the big characters on it.

"Dark soul?" ...

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