Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1373: Chaos Knight

At the moment when Heimang was about to run through the head of the Fortune Star Dragon King, the star-like giant dragon suddenly disappeared before him, and then the founder who turned into a human shape quickly turned around. He held in his hand the big sword that burned the fire, and chopped down in front of the black mang in front of him!

Yes, right at the moment when Founder was about to be hit, he decisively canceled the form of the Star Wars Dragon King and changed back to the body. In this way, the attack that could not be avoided at all was once again opened up the distance, thus giving the Founder a chance to fight back!

"Boom !!"

The blaze of burning flames collided with Black Mang, and the whole world trembled, then Founder and Black Man both backed away. At the same time, the seal around Fang Zheng was broken like pieces of glass broken by stones, revealing the outside world.

另外 On the other side, Losrick behind Black Mang was also caught in a sea of ​​fire.

Until this time, Founder did not see the true body of Heimang clearly.

That is a knight in black armor. He is tall, holding a knight's spear, and riding a unicorn on his Majesty. The whole person seemed to be shrouded in a chaotic flame, and at this moment in the gap of the helmet, a ray of shining light could be seen.


Seeing this scene, Founder also snorted, and then the sudden fire started, and the undead knight armor appeared on him again, and under him ...

Mmp, next time I must pull out a phoenix!

Holding the black and white sword tightly, Founder secretly swears. He didn't try to match with each other and use the reins of the headless knight, because Founder was not good at riding wars. Rushing into battle will only waste your advantage, and the strength of the Cavaliers is not reflected by mounts!

I'm just angry!

Why can't I smoke the Phoenix! !!

One side was dark and depressed inside, and the founder was staring coldly at the knight in front of him. If Founder had not guessed correctly, then he had already guessed the true identity of the chaotic knight in front of him, but ... he would actually appear in Here, Founder really feels a little surprised.

还有 Is there any unspeakable py transaction between this guy and that evil dragon?

Considering that the opponent's blow was obviously intended to force himself to rescue the dragon, Fangzheng felt that this possibility is very high, but he was not the silly and sweet protagonists in the TV series, because he threatened to let go of the tiger? Founder was stupid enough to do so. He has countless ways to save his life. This is the only time he can take advantage of the evil dragon's vitality and great damage to kill it. How is it not easy to choose?

"You made a wrong decision."

At this moment, the opposite Chaos Knight opened his mouth.

"You have no idea what you are doing ..."

"I know what I am doing, I am as clear as you, or I am better than you."

Fang Zhengzheng interrupted the chaos knight's speech directly.

"Less here to talk nonsense with me, there is no possibility of reconciliation between our two sides, yes, I think you can also see it, we are here to wipe out the entire twilight border! How about you, if you are not convinced, call Ah, so much nonsense! "

Qi Fangzheng was a shame, but he couldn't help it. In fact, when he saw the Pope here, he immediately and decisively modified his plan. The original party wanted to first ventilate with the country of the magic guide and the country of the holy religion. After confirming the alliance between the two parties, they went to the twilight border before making plans.

However, the disappearance of the pope and the appearance at the twilight border caused the founder to change the plan decisively. Instead, he directly set up a stronghold on the twilight border first, and then let the magic country and the country of the religion follow up. For the stability of the rear and to prevent accidents before leaving the planet, Fang was very determined to sweep the entire dusk border.

And the Chaos Knights hiding in the dusk border is naturally an enemy he must destroy.

As for this one .........

"............ stupid."

Chaos Knight shook his head, as if not completely affected by Founder's words.

"The power of chaos is eternal. Your struggle is futile. Even if you eliminate the twilight border, how can you resist chaos? After all, you will still fall under chaos."

嘿 "Hey, my brother and I watch your Yintang become dark and die sooner or later, why not just give yourself a good time now? Anyway, all things in the world will be destroyed sooner or later. What's the point of being so alive?"

Fang Zheng dug out his ears and looked disdainful.

Wu Shao said to me that everything is dying. Lao Tzu is a time dragon. Lao Tzu knows better than you?

But if people are still alive like this? Everyone will die yet.

You're not all nonsense.

"I still have things to do."

I was stunned by Founder, Chaos Knight also clenched the knight's spear in his hand, and his voice became more and more angry.

"When I have done all this ........."

"You have no chance."

Fang Zhengzheng interrupted the other party again.

"With me here, you have no chance in this life plus your next life. Either fight or get away, what are you talking about with me here? When I do n’t know if you can't do anything good? Indeed, it was done by the temple. Not authentic, but aren't you stupid home? "

"You ... what are you talking about?"

Hearing the Founder's answer, Chaos Knight's voice became more and more angry.

"You have no idea what we have been treated for!"

"What kind of treatment is not the reason why you collude with chaos and betrayal order!"

Fang Zhengzheng interrupted the speech of Chaos Knight again.

"The temple wants to hack you, yes, so why do n’t you just shout 'This temple is not OK!' And then overthrow the Cardinals? This is clearly a contradiction among the people. Okay, you want to collude with chaos. What does it mean to fall into a total war with order? Co-authors did not read books or read dead books?

Founder naturally sympathized with the encounter of these fallen chaotic knights, but also felt that they were stupid. As Founder said, the contradiction at that time was the power struggle between the Cardinals and the Holy Knights, which is an internal contradiction among the people, so it is normal for the goddess of order to die. After all, as long as it is in line with the way of order, she will also Don't care too much.

As long as it is under order, whether the Holy Spirit Knights overthrew the Cardinals, or the Cardinals clearing up the Holy Knights, the result is actually the same.

But the Knights of the Holy Spirit are faint, and they are directly colluding with chaos!

He ’s meowing with the two factions, one of them feels that he ca n’t fight the foreign thief and sell the country directly ... then you have no more grievances and are blind.

This is the same as Wu Sangui at the beginning. In the early years, they were regarded as anti-Qing dynasties. Later, when he found that Daming ate jujube pills, he directly put the soldiers into the customs.

The results of it?

管 You care how much merits Wu Sangui has made in history and suffer too much grievances, not just nailed to the pillar of shame!

The reputation of the traitor and traitor to the end of the world is not something he wants to take away!

Therefore, in the view of the Founder, it is most important to talk about the position first, and then talk about the right and wrong. Your **** is crooked, and your grievances are useless. Even if the whole family of your wife and children is killed, it is not your reason to collude with outsiders to invade your country. Of course, you have to do it yourself to kill a **** river, and the Founder certainly has no words to applaud ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But you deliberately introduce foreign enemies into your country is another matter!

Traitor of order, shame of humanity, sinner of the country.

As the vanguard of order protection, and as the Holy Knight who is favored by the goddess of order, you actually surrendered directly to the enemy light. You should deserve any grievances before, no one washes the ground!

"It doesn't make sense to say this now!"

I heard here, the Chaos Knight also roared, and raised the knight lance in his hand again.

那么 "So, let me see, what is your ability to resist chaos!"

"If you can't even do it, then I'll go home early and get laid off to sell sweet potatoes."

Qi Fangzheng kept on his mouth, and he also clasped the black and white double-edged hands. The hot initial fire was burning, making him look like a hot sun in the sky. The two sides confronted each other in the air for a moment, and then the Chaos Knight suddenly drove the unicorn under him, rushing through the air and rushing towards Fang Zheng. At the same time, Founder is also whistling forward, clenching his double blades and rushing towards the Chaos Knight in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two has been shortened to the limit. The Chaos Knight also raised the knight's spear in his hand and stabbed it in front of the Founder.

At the same time, Founder also raised the white short sword in his hand and greeted the spear in the hand of the Chaos Knight!

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