Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1394: Rainy Night Fright

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Founder picked up the microphone, but there was only a busy tone there.

"It looks like it was wrong."

Founder lowered the microphone, shrugged his shoulders at the girls and heard his answer. The girls were relieved.


"Jingle Bell………"

It didn't take long for the founder's voice to fall, and the phone rang again. This time, Founder's eyes were fast and he picked up the microphone.

"Hey, who?"


There was no sound from the microphone. Founder pressed it deliberately, and then hung up.

"Sure, shouldn't it be Sadako ..."

The world clings to the moment around them, looking uneasily to the Founder. After all, they had just watched Sadako's DVD, and then there was a phone without sound. It didn't look like a coincidence ...

"How is it possible that you just watch too many ghost movies, and besides, ghost movies are all artistic processing ..."

"Jingle Bell………"

However, the founder's words had not been finished, and suddenly the telephone rang again. The people who were scared this time embraced them together, while the Founder picked up the microphone and took a deep breath.

"......... Dome! Enough to play ?!"


The sudden noise jumped up in fright, and then her cell phone "popped" on the sofa. And everyone looked intently, and saw that the cell phone of the vault was now connected. As for the place where she called ... naturally it was the phone at home.


Seeing this, everyone understands, and suddenly a long breath. Obviously, the vault secretly used the mobile phone to make a call before, and then came to scare people.

"Really, Qiong, why are you scaring us!"

The relaxed world immediately complained, while Qiong shook his mouth and turned to look aside. Xuecai held her chest and exhaled.

"It scared me so much, I really thought it was haunted."

"So I said it wouldn't be possible at all ... Dongma, all right."

At this moment the world also pushed Dongma, and Dongma nodded stiffly.

"No, no ..."

"Okay, it's okay now, you can pack up and go to bed."

After fixing the dome of the dome, Founder also dropped the microphone in his hand and walked back to the living room. But when he heard him, the girls were still a little bit nervous.

"Now ... I can't sleep ..."

"Me too, I will have nightmares tonight ..."

While talking, the girls stood up one after another.

At this time, however, the phone rang again.

"Jingle Bell………"

"Dome ?!"

The world is a little upset at the moment, after all, you're almost a prank once or twice. Do you like scaring people so much?

"not me!"

However, this time, Qiong firmly denied that she even took out her mobile phone to prove her innocence. In fact, everyone also saw that Qiong's mobile phone did not make a call this time, that is to say ...

"Who the **** is calling?"

For a moment, the girls were nervous again.


This time the Founder didn't speak, but looked at the telephone in the corridor meaningfully. Different from before, Founder can feel that this time on the phone, there was indeed a cold breath ...

Hey, is it true that Sadako does exist?

Thinking of the Founder here, I couldn't help but be a little curious, to know that he didn't really pass the horror set. Especially Japanese-style horror movies ... Of course, if you want to speak European and American, you don't need to experience it, just throw out the aliens and zerg to create a 3A plasma plasma scene for you in minutes. However, such a horror movie pretending to be a ghost like Japanese style, Founder has not really experienced it.

In fact, even in the fairy sword world, Founder didn't have a good experience of a horror movie atmosphere. After all, he directly burned the Lan Ruo Temple and cut the old nest of the old monster in Montenegro by the way. There is no room for monsters to play. . But now ... he wants to see what the Japanese demon ghosts are like.

Seems interesting?

"I'll take another call."

As Founder said, he came to the phone again, then picked up the phone.


But this time, a cold voice came from the phone.

"It's cold ........."

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Big brother ...... Let's play together ..."


Founder was holding the microphone, his face was aggressive. Seeing his expression, the world asked in trembling.

"Kasugano ... ... who called?"

"I don't know, anyway, it's not Sadako, it seems like a little girl, what's so cold ...... big brother playing together ..."


Hearing here, the girls are holding tightly together.

"Kasugano, aren't you scaring us ..."

"No, but it's kind of weird ..."

"Booming ------ !!! ''

At this moment, suddenly, another thunder sounded, which scared everyone, and just at the moment the thunder roared, Xue Cai's eyes widened in fright, and he reached out and pointed behind Fang Zheng.

"Kasugano, behind you, there is a little girl behind you !!"


Founder turned his head, but in the dark hallway ... even half the ghosts could not be seen.

However, Founder did feel that there seemed to be some unknown breath condensing. However, at this time, suddenly, there was another thunderous sound. Then, Fang Zheng only felt that the ground under his feet suddenly started to shake.

"Wow ---!"

"What is this? An earthquake?"

Suddenly, the sudden scared young girls screamed again. Fang Zheng originally wanted to calm them down, but at this moment the ground was shaking more and more. At the same time, Founder felt a strong chill in his heart. The surrounding furniture fell over, and then ... Fangzheng just felt that his feet were suddenly empty.

"Yeah --------- !!!"

With screaming, the next moment, Fang Zheng was so dark and lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took before Founder woke up.


As a professional traveler, Founder was used to turning the moon anytime and anywhere. He shook his head, then sat up, and then looked around. Then, Founder could not help but hesitate.

Where is this

I saw in front of Fang's front, not his familiar home, but a shabby-looking classroom, the wind and the storm outside, it looks like a ghost film opening.

Hmm ... this is the beginning of the ghost movie!


At this moment, there was a prompt sound in the Founder's ear, and the next moment, a line of system prompt appeared in front of the Founder.

[Special task activation]

[Special Mission: Campus Horror]

[As the protagonist, you can't escape fate. When fate comes to you, the only way is to face and accept (find others, protect them from evil spirits, any one death task fails)]


Looking at the prompt in front of the system, Fang is completely speechless. He has felt the deep maliciousness from this world and the system ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I watch a ghost movie, and you just open me a spirit The set?

Then I watch a war movie, is it possible that there will be three wars tomorrow?

Then if I watch a disaster movie, is there another earthquake in Kanto?

I knew it long before I saw it.

Shaking his head helplessly and sighing, Founder stood up. In this world, he cannot use the magic of the main world, nor can he use the magic of the magic world and the magic of the fairy sword world. Originally, Fang thought this was just a normal world, but did not expect that even the strange films were opened for copy?

However, even if there is no way to use magic magic, then I have ...

"Restia, come out!"

Fang Zheng suddenly reached out and shouted, but ...


"Sword Elves can't do it."

Founder scratched his head, the sword elves could not use it, the magic of the main world could not be used, the skills of the paladins could not be used, and the fairy art of the fairy sword world could not be used. Because it is a soul rebirth, so things like personal terminals on the body are naturally not brought to this world, so the only thing left is ...

Founder closed his eyes again, then clenched his right hand, then opened it.

Immediately afterwards, a burning red flame appeared in Founder's hands.

"Li Baiba style, big snake!"

Roaring, Fang Zheng suddenly punched forward, then saw a sea of ​​fire burst out in front of Fang Zheng's eyes.

"Well ......... the output is a little bit worse, but it is enough."

Looking at the scorched floor and tables and chairs in front of him with satisfaction, Founder nodded his head. Anyway, he was able to COS Cao Zhijing, which is not too bad.

After confirming that he was ready, Fang Zheng looked up and looked at the shabby place in front of him in doubt.

"But then again ... where is this?"

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