Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1406: The power of the soul


Wu Xuecai woke up slowly, and was surprised when she saw the strange ceiling in front of her. Then she jumped up hastily and looked around.

Under the snow-white light, it was an unfamiliar classroom, and on the floor of the classroom, several people were lying horizontally and vertically.

what happened? Haven't they left Tenjin Elementary School?

"Winter horse, wake up, wake up! Look, where are we?"

Xuecai pushed a few winter horses, and then went to shake the world and the leaves of Gui Yan, and at this time, the others also woke up, opening their eyes one by one as if waking up from their sleep. Get out. When I saw the classroom in front of me, Dongma, Moji, the world and Yan Ye were stunned like Xuecai, but Nakamaki Naomi and Shinohara Yoshiko cheered and hugged together.

"Great, we are back! This is Ruyue Academy!"

"唉? 唉?"

I looked at the ecstatic crowd, Xuecai looked aggressive and didn't know what to do. When they realized their doubts, the householder Jieyi came to several people with a smile and introduced them.

"This is our classroom, we are back at Ruyue Academy!"

真的 "Really? It won't be some kind of multiple confined space or something ..."

Compared with the survivors of Ruyue Academy, Xuecai was obviously more vigilant. No wonder they will ask this question, after all, it is already late at night. Although the typhoon seems to have passed, when looking out of the window, it is still dark.

They are no different from what they saw at Tenjin Elementary School.

Of course, if you want to say, the classroom here is at least not so old, more in line with the school in the public impression ...

"No, but it's really midnight ..."

The householder Jieyi took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that it was already four o'clock in the morning. When they had performed the ceremony before, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. But for the householder Yuyi, what she brought to herself in less than ten hours ... I'm afraid she can't forget it all her life.

"Okay, fellow students."

I thought of this, and the householder Jieyi clapped his hands, motioning everyone to look at themselves.

"It's time to go home ...... I'll give you a day off tomorrow and take a good rest."

"But ... my brother hasn't returned yet ..."

Wu Youxiang was obviously worried about her brother, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"We should believe in classmate Kasuga, since he said he will find it, he will be able to find it, don't worry ..."

He said, while the householder Jie Yi whispered comfortably a few words, and then looked at Xuecai and others.

"what about you?"

"We ..."

I heard the inquiries from the householder Yuiyuki, Xuecai and others also looked at each other with a little embarrassment. Frankly speaking, from their heart, they wanted to leave here immediately. But in turn, they were equally worried about the situation of Founder and Qiong. If you don't see them coming back with your own eyes, there will always be some concerns.

But ...... when they waited for them to come back in this classroom, Xuecai and others asked themselves that they didn't have such courage. After all, they learned from Naomi Kazuo and Yoshiko that this school was built on the site of the original Tenjin Elementary School and stayed here. If they were accidentally sent in, who would save them this time?

However, just when everyone was hesitant, he suddenly took out his mobile phone.

"There is a fast food restaurant open overnight."

"Just be there."

World immediately made a decision. She and Mo worked in fast food restaurants. They are familiar with this kind of place. The 24-hour fast food restaurant is not crowded, it is safe, and it is close to the main street. What if something goes wrong ... or something to take care of.

What's more, after such a night, they are going back now, and they certainly can't fall asleep and have nightmares. Instead of that, it's better for everyone to get together and feel more at ease.

"I'll go as well!"

Yun Yuxiang is also worried about her brother, so she does not plan to go home, but wants to stay up late with the crowd.

After making a decision, everyone left the classroom under the leadership of the householder Yui. Of course, they also encountered patrolling guards on the way, and they were not scared. Fortunately, with the emergence of the guards, everyone finally believed that they had really returned to the real world this time, instead of being still enclosed in a confined space ...

There were tenants in the clothes, and the group was not questioned. The guards were only responsible for leaving to organize the class supplies, so they only asked a few words to let them leave.

And in this, these people also found a problem, that is, other than them, no one can think of Mori Sakuro, as if he did not exist in everyone's memory.

Does anyone who died in that world be completely forgotten?

It is sad to have lost a friend, but at least they ... came back alive.

At the gate of the school, everyone nodded and said goodbye to leave, Xuecai and Momo dragged their exhausted bodies to a fast food restaurant not far away, while the others were sent home by the housekeeper.

Now they have no choice but to wait.

But for Founder, it's not that simple.

If he didn't know what Guan Naixue meant before, then after entering here, Fang Zheng immediately understood what Guan Naixue said "she is different from us".

Strictly speaking, the four Tianshen elementary schools are all the grievances of the four victims. Founder is not afraid of this space, nor is he unfamiliar. Of course, if you want to be strict, the space in the previous "Tenjin Elementary School" feels like a haunted morgue, or some kind of real haunted house.

But this is different.

Although it looks from the eyes, there is no difference between this place and the other three "Tenjin Elementary Schools", but it feels different.

The rotten floor creaked, and it felt soft as I stepped on it, as if stepping on a mountain of dead bodies. The handles on the door were not cold, and even warm to the touch, as if the bones had just been removed from the human body, with a little bloodshot and greasy.

The air is dull as if wearing a three-layer mask, even if you open your mouth, you can't breathe.

What made the Founder more vigilant was a trace of evil in the air here ...

Evil is relatively speaking.

As a matter of fact, Yoshizawa Liao and Xi Shizi also killed many people, but they were not linked to evil. They were more like beasts hiding in the forest. When a prey rushes past, it is a bite and thump until it kills you.

The reason may be that you violated its territory, threatened its children, or even wanted to eat meat. But in any case, these have nothing to do with evil.

So their space atmosphere is a bit dangerous and maybe a bit chaotic, but it can't be said how evil.

But it's different here.

Fang Guang was walking in the corridor, and Fang Zheng felt his hairs upside down, and his "unnameable" evil breath made his nerves stretch to the extreme. If you don't look at the appearance, but from the perspective of light, then in the Founder's view, there is no difference between the first floor of Hell in the main world.

This situation is very serious!

You know that this is just a love world ... well, now it ’s a little bit of a spiritual factor to come in, but it really needs to be graded according to strength. Here it is said that the low-magic world is a bit excessive, and the innocuous world is similar.

But in such a world, there is actually a copy of the same scene as the first floor of Hell in the High Magic World ...

This is almost like a map of Star Wars battlefield in the background of World War I ...

怎么 How can you play a slayer with a Jedi warrior wielding a lightsaber?

He found a quiet comparison. If he guessed right, the power of the owner of this space should be three and one-third of Diablo ...

Hmm, if it's in the main world, Founder will hang such a dozen.

But now in this world, he has no such good luck. After all, the only thing that Founder can use right now is the initial fire. Fortunately, the other party is a weakened version of Diablo. If Founder directly uses the initial fire, it is not. No chance at all.

Thinking of this, Founder is more worried about the safety of the dome.

He has not been to hell, but there are many records about **** in Baita. Those terrible devil and demon, and the legendary "blood war" are not the most important. The most terrible thing is that the breath of **** is to human soul. Erosion. Once this erosion has reached a certain level, it cannot be recovered.

Now Founder only hopes that the dome can still support it.

The third floor, the second floor ...

Fang Fang is accelerating his pace, looking at each other. Unlike before, he didn't encounter a ghost in this space, and there was no ghost. Only, the bones and corpses that appear from time to time tell everything they encountered during their lifetime. On the contrary, Fang Zheng became more vigilant. However, he still remembered that there was another person who came to this space, it seems that his name was Zhitian Zhezhi, but now he has not seen the other person's trace.

Neither found the body of the other.

Finally, Founder came to the first floor.

Health room.

"Click ...!"

When Fangzheng reached out and tried to open the door of the health room, he found that the door was locked, and at the same time, a trembling sound came from inside.

"Yes, who ?!"


Hearing this voice, Fang Zheng immediately relieved his heart.

"it's me."

"Brother ?!"

She heard Fang Zheng's voice, and the inner vault cried out, but the next moment, her voice became panic.

"No, no, brother, you can't come in!"

"what happened?"

He heard Fang's words, and Fang Zheng frowned suddenly.

"Open the door, we need to leave here as soon as possible, it's dangerous ..."

"No, no, brother, you can't come in!"

However, to the surprise of the Founder, no matter what he said, Qiong refused to open the door of the health room, let alone let him in.

"I'm coming in!"

Seeing that persuasion was not effective, Founder also began to worry about something. What happened to the vault? Or was it hurt here before? Disfigured? He knew from Guan Naishue that all three of them were tortured and killed by Sachiko Shinozaki, and Guan Naishue had lost an eye.

Did she do the same to Qiong?

If she dares to do this, Founder promises to give her the little girl's shit!

"I opened the door!"

He founder roared again, then grabbed the door, and only heard a "click". The locked door was opened by the founder, and he threw the door panel away and walked in.

"Don't ————— !!!!"

Obviously, Qiongqiong didn't expect that Founder would break in directly and screamed in fright, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Although the dome has tried to cover his body with a sheet, Fang Zheng still saw the tail and horn protruding from the sheet at a glance ...

The Founder then stopped.

"Woo ... brother ... don't look at me ..."

Dome reached out her hand desperately to cover the horns on her head, but it was useless. Although the horns on her head were not as long as the antlers, they were not short, and they were long and pointed. With your palm out, you can't cover it.


Seeing this, Founder was stunned.

不是 He didn't expect that there must be something wrong with the dome, but he didn't expect that the dome actually had such a problem.

Half dragon!

In fact, in the main world, half-dragonization itself is not a particularly rare thing. After all, there are a group of casters called dragon vein warlocks. Dragon blood is inherently flowing in their blood, which makes these people use it naturally Some "special abilities", and when they have a good grasp of the magic in their blood, they can actively activate the part of the blood in their body that belongs to the dragon, resulting in half-dragonization.

They can have dragon scales, dragon physique, dragon power, and even grow tails, horns and wings ... Of course, this type is generally not an ordinary human ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but a half dragon Already.

But what Fangzheng didn't expect is that the vault will also become half-dragon.

But think about it carefully, Founder soon realized that the problem lies in-that is himself.

Yes, Founder was directly sent by the soul, but the problem is that he and Qiong are twins in this world. Therefore, the soul of the dome was also unintentionally affected by himself. Fang is the god, he is the dragon of time, or he is dominated by the swarm. Regardless of his identity, the influence of the soul is the strongest. In contrast, the soul of the dome is just a mortal. Under the circumstances that the blood between the two sides is connected, it is difficult to be not infected.

But ...

I looked at the crying sky, and Founder also scratched his head.

What should I do now like this?

Thinking of this, Founder thought for a moment, then he sat beside the dome.

不用 "Don't worry, Qiong, this is not your problem. In fact, it's my fault ..."


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Dome leaned out of his head curiously, staring at Fang Zheng, while Founder stared at Dome and said.

"In fact, I have been hiding from you, in fact ... I am not a person in this world ..."


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