Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1410: One family of three? (It's finally raining at noon)

"Hoo ..."

Fang Zheng opened his eyes and first saw the familiar ceiling.

"Good morning, brother."

The sound of Dome came from Er's ear, and he turned his head to look, and saw Dome lying there, smiling and looking at the Founder.

"Good morning……………"

He touched his head and founder yawned, then sat up.

"Get up, it's time to make breakfast."


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Qiong nodded obediently, then stood up and began to dress. The Founder stared at the beautiful back, and then reached out ...

"Yeah ---!"

The next moment, the dome was pulled back by the founder.

等等 "Wait, brother, not for breakfast ..."

"It's too late to do it later ..."

"Woo ..."

离开 It has been almost a week since I left Tenjin Elementary School.

大部分 For most people, life has not changed much. Even Xuecai, they only recovered after a few nightmares. Although some danger was encountered there, there was no life-threatening, so everyone recovered quickly.

However, there have been some changes.

Li Fang was not quite sure what others encountered in Tianshen Elementary School, but it can be seen that this seems to have played a great role in increasing their friendship. For example, Xuecai's relationship with Dongma can only be described as ordinary, but now Xuecai can already invite Dongma to lunch with a smile, and the world has become a good friend with Gui Yanye. The isolated speech leaves rejoined the circle.

In this regard, the Founder can only say that Seon is losing his horse, and I know it is not a blessing.

In addition, in addition, his relationship with Qiong has also changed a bit. If the relationship between Zhengzheng and Qiong in the front is just a sibling, then the two sides now have a stronger relationship between men and women. The dome's character gradually began to become cheerful, and it was no longer at home.

Of course, to say another change, then after returning, Fang Zheng and Qiong have been sleeping together.

In addition, they have an additional family.

"Huh ..."

"Good morning, brother, sister."

方 When Fangzheng yawned and came to the living room, a tender voice sounded. Then she saw a girl with long hair and a waist, wearing a red dress, quietly emerged from the sofa in the living room, and said respectfully to the two.

早 "Early, Sachiko."

Facing the girl in red in front of him, Fang Zheng waved his hand.

Yeah ... it is the core character of everything that appears here, the shadow of Tenjin Elementary School, Sachiko Shinozaki.

But her appearance, the truth was unexpected.

At the Tenjin Elementary School, Founder purified the evil spirits and nirvana on Shinozaki's body, and then sent Shinozaki to send them out. After that, Shinozaki was ascended to heaven. And because Nirvana, the core of Tenjin Elementary School, was burned by Founder, the entire spiritual space also completely collapsed, and all the souls bound in Tenjin Elementary School naturally ascended to heaven ......... Fang Zheng thought this was the end.

As a result, he woke up the next day and found that Sakiko Shinozaki was lying next to him ...... it almost scared the founder to death.

After that, Founder inspected Sachiko Shinozaki, and the conclusion made him speechless.

幸 Yuko Shinozaki did purify the evil thoughts and then ascended to heaven.

But ... the question is, where will the soul purifying the ascension go?

Nong Fangzheng is not very clear, anyway, according to Chinese parlance, that is reincarnation, according to Western parlance, it is heaven.

However, after the purification of Sachiko's soul, he came here.

The reason is also very simple, because Sachiko Shinozaki is also a "girl with extraordinary strength"!

So she was regarded as "magic girl" by the system, and then pulled directly to the founder who is "magic girl god".

What can you say to Founder?

He is helpless too!

To be honest, the two sides were a bit awkward at first. Sachiko knew what he had done before, so he was a bit afraid to deal with Founder, and Founder also had a headache for this little devil who had killed and did not blink. You said it was burned, people are now converted to evil, but you said not to burn it, so many innocent souls who died in the hands of Sachiko are hard to say ...

What should I do in the end?

Fortunately, Founder has also seen a similar situation in the fairy sword world. Although it is said that Yukiko Shinozaki and Nie Xiaoqian are not the same, after all, the latter is forced to go to the sea, and the former is somewhat forced to go to Liangshan. But in the fairy sword world, there are also some monsters who have killed people. Later, after Fang Zheng released the decree in Miaojiang, these monsters also tried to be good. For these monsters, it is naturally impossible for Founder to kill them. Most of them are based on probation education ...

Therefore, Founder also adopted this approach to Sachiko, and Sachiko has no objection to this.

So the two sides were so peaceful. Now, Sachiko is basically equal to the existence of Founder's envoys. On weekdays, she always lives in Founder's mobile phone, and Fang Zheng also arranges a room for Sachiko at home, although as a ghost She doesn't need to sleep, but ... always has a private space, doesn't she?

The three had lived like this for a week, and it was gradually becoming familiar. Qiong did not have much concern about Sachiko, but instead treated her as her sister, and Sachiko gradually became less restrained and began to recover some. Lively and naive personality.

After eating breakfast, Fang Zheng and Qiong left the house and went to school.

In the school, as always, everyone is normal, of course, if you want to say, it is not completely without problems.

"Did you watch the news? I heard someone reported it again ..."

"This is really a **** ..."

When Founder walked into the class, he soon heard the "Shen Yin" incident that his classmates were talking about.

Yes, this is the sequela of Tenjin Elementary School.

Those who died in Tenjin Elementary School in the past will have their existence wiped out. The situation is a bit similar to the human beings who have been swallowed up by the Red World ’s beings in the Red World. No one will remember them and what they left behind All traces of will be eliminated.

But when Sachiko was purified and Nirvana was burned by the Founder, these people's existence was "released" again.

Alas, for a while, many people reported cases, claiming that their friends, children or students had disappeared mysteriously, and the police investigated these cases, but there was no clue. No one knows if they are alive or dead, and no one knows when they were missing for whatever reason. Because of this, the media collectively referred to these events as "hermits."

However, Founder is certainly not interested in this.

"Ah, Kasugano."

之后 Just after noon, the world found the Founder.

"I found a stage for us!"


Hearing the words of the world, Founder stunned for a moment, and then he came over.

"You mean LIVE ... Where is the location? It won't be Budokan."

"Hahaha, how is it possible that we can't afford that money ..."

I heard the founder's inquiry, and the world laughed awkwardly. Jokingly, although money is indeed omnipotent in a capitalist society, rents in places like Budokan are not affordable for them.

"I contacted a LIVEHOUSE through my friends. The other party recently completed the renovation and was planning to invite some orchestras to participate. So I also signed up. After all, everyone hasn't played for a long time. Let's go up to a line and sing a few Wouldn't it be more convenient to warm up the song, advertise to the audience, and then host the LIVE? "

"Well ...... you said the same thing."

Yun Fangzheng has no objection to this. To be honest, he also hopes to find something to do to divert other people's attention as soon as possible. It is obviously a good choice to put energy into the next performance. At least, they won't have time to go back and think about Tenjin Primary School.

那么 "Where is the place then?"


Is a LIVEHOUSE located in the shopping street. It has been undergoing refurbishment before, and now the decoration is over. This LIVEHOUSE also urgently needs several bands to come here to perform hot venues. The world is to contact the owner of this LIVEHOUSE through her friends, and then agreed on the place and time, and Founder took everyone to the scene on time, but ...

"World, why are all girls here?"

I was carrying my guitar and felt the sight coming from all around. Founder was also a little speechless. Looking around, the whole LIVEHOUSE is full of girls, only one man ...

"Say this is not the kind of live house dedicated to women's bands, so what should I do?"

哎 "Oh, Kasugano, don't be so nervous."

The world patted Fang Zheng's shoulder with a smile.

"It's just that the boss invited all women's bands on the first day of LIVE. It's just a coincidence, and if you don't feel comfortable with Kasugano, how about a women's debut?"


I heard here, Fang Zheng had not spoken yet, Xuecai could not help crying, and nodded instantly.

"Well ...... I want to see women's clothing in the case of Kasuga."

"Ha ha……………"

Hearing everyone's joking, Founder rolled his eyes.

This is also because I didn't take a bracelet, otherwise I will become a red ponytail in minutes, which is more than anyone else!

"Brother ...... women ..."

At this time, the dome is also looking towards the Founder and lost in thought ... wait, don't you really want me to wear women's clothes.

"Hahaha ..."

At the same time, Dong Ma also covered her stomach and smiled desperately.

"Kasugino's women's clothing, it's good, it's good, Kasugino, I'd better prepare clothes for you."

"Good intentions."

Tong Fangzheng rejected the request of Dong Ma definitively. Although he agreed to open LIVE to ease everyone's mood, it was another thing to have his own women's clothing. If Founder can turn into a red ponytail, even if he can't turn into a red ponytail, he won't wear women's clothing if he is killed!

"Hey, Liuhua."

At this moment, a girl with a cat-like hairstyle and a guitar carrying her curiously approached the staff and pulled her clothes.

"Who are these people? Why haven't I seen them before?"

No wonder the girls will ask this question. After all, the orchestras here are almost familiar and acquainted with each other, but the band formed by Founder has not performed at any live house except for performing once at the college festival. , So naturally nobody knows them.

"Ah ... they are SchoolDays, this time the boss specially invited to join LIVE."

The staff member, whose name was Liuhua, also gave a quick answer, but when she heard her, standing next to the girl with a cat ear hairstyle, the girl with a pair of ponytails suddenly screamed.

"What? That SchoolDays ?!"

"real or fake?"

"Will they come to LIVE?"

At this moment, other people also talked about it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and even looked at Fangzheng and others with amazement. Perceived a change in the atmosphere around them, everyone including Xuecai and the world was a little bit aggressive. After all, in their opinion, they only performed once at the college festival, even if it had been a while, but now it is also hot. It's almost gone.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the song "SecretBase ~ All You Give Me" which they sang was a huge hit on the Internet, not only entered the top ten of the major music rankings, but even hovered in the top three for a long time. This song has become one of the favorite songs of many people.

After all, this is also a golden song that Founder copied from the original world. It can even be said that SchoolDays became a hit with this song. If it was not because everyone did not intend to enter the professional circle in this regard, I am afraid it has already become popular throughout Japan.

And because of this, SchoolDays has become a legend in the independent orchestra. What the Founder did not know was that even the video of their performance recorded at the Academy Festival was taken out and carved into a CD. It is even sold at high prices.

Just because SchoolDays never appeared on LIVE after that, many people thought they didn't plan to continue playing.

I didn't expect to meet them here!


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