Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1421: Solomon, I'm back! (Sure enough the mountain is cool ...

As the saying goes, one day in the sky, one year underground, Fang was in love for 17 years in the game world, and it was placed in Tiandao Palace for about twenty days. And in the past 20 days, a lot has happened.

Her Majesty the Fifth King Pope was convinced, and immediately returned to make a decision to send a large army to the twilight border to completely eliminate the threat here. Of course, according to the information from Kuangsan's investigation, this was not very smooth at first. After all, it was a very troublesome time to start the army. At the beginning of the winter season, the distance between the evening and the border was far away. Otherwise, it was not Nimf's decision. The fleet that dispatched the Heavenly Palace was responsible for transporting personnel and grain, and I am afraid that the Holy Land will not agree so easily.

There is a lot of trouble in the country of the Demon Guido. Although I do n’t know how the plastic energy department chief returned to convince others, eventually the chief council unanimously passed the crusade of the twilight border and sent a large number of mages and apprentices to help.

To be honest, Founder is very satisfied with this.

You know that it's only more than twenty days. In reality, it is not like a game to transfer troops. You can just wait for people to find their destinations. Funds, food, logistical support, and even personnel issues such as who will lead the troops, who will be responsible for the staff, who will go to the front line, and who will not go to the front line, are all a lot of trouble.

Fina was able to gather troops directly in just 20 days, which is already quite good.

For now, the situation on the front line is pretty good.

The maggot swarm is expanding at the fastest speed in the world. So far, it has occupied more than 15,000 square kilometers of land.

However, it can also be seen how troublesome the Chaos monsters are. You must know that in the mass effect world, even if a planet occupied by the reaper, as long as the Founder gives an order to lift the swarm, it will completely wipe out the entire planet. The occupation is at most one day.

And now, Founder has also lifted the swarm restriction. As a result, after 20 days of full effort, he actually occupied 15,000 square kilometers ......... It is necessary to know that the border at dusk is in the Arctic Circle, which is calculated by area. About 5.6 million square kilometers of land, it took twenty days for the swarm of swarms to occupy one of the 560th ...

From this we can see that Chaos Monsters are more difficult to deal with than the Reaper.

At present, there are three forces in the entire front.

Founder's Tiandao Palace naturally sang the protagonist. The Azure fleet was deployed, the Swarm had already been stabilized, and the cursed children were already in place. As a precaution, Founder also specially transferred a group of magical girls from the world of magical girls. .

Because Founder's "profession" is more and more, those cursed sons have gradually started "transferring."

一部分 A part of them chose to use the magic device of the world of Nanoha to become a magical girl.

The other part continues on the route that can only be used by elves.

As for the last part ...

"It looks pretty good."

Looking at the VF fighters roaring through the sky, Founder nodded with satisfaction. Nimf specially produced a number of VF fighters from the mech world, and cooperated with Ania to form the mech guard. They are usually stationed on aircraft carriers such as unicorns. During the battle, they launched with the aircraft carrier's drones and coordinated with each other. According to Nimfu, in recent battles, Ania led this Only the Knights of the Round Table played quite well.

I am also very satisfied with this Founder, at least this is much better than a simple stupid humanoid robot.

Of course, the VF fighter used in the main world is not the same as the nature used in Lelouch of the World. After all, in the Lelouch of the World, Founder has to consider the leakage of the core technology of different civilizations. But in the main world, he naturally integrated and joined together, so these VF fighters have also been modified from the mass effect world.

The power engine they use is a mass effect generator, which allows these VF fighters to jump through space like the Azure battleship by solving the weightlessness problem, and through the psionic field generator obtained from Protoss technology, the cursed child We can also directly spread the psionic protective barrier to resist the attack, and add the hard light technology inherited from the halo world and the energy launch device from the Azure fleet itself, so that the firepower of each VF fighter is almost the same as the destroyer, Coupled with their small size and fast speed, they will also play a greater role in battle.

"I said, can I get that toy too?"

Sister Jinlong was also at the side of the Founder at the moment --- because Fina went back to be Pope, so there was no need for Sister Jinlong over there, so she sent her to the front to act as an agent. The girl Jinlong still looked like a man in front of other people, and once she found it, she was revealed.


Qi Fangzheng glanced at Jinlong sister.

"You can fly by yourself, and you can't fly any slower than this, why do you want VF?"

"Fun 呗, don't you humans all ride horses? So why bother riding a carriage?"

"......... Okay, I'm convinced by you, I'll get you one when I look back."

I don't care about Founder. Nimf has opened a VF production line in Tiandao Palace, which is manufactured by the detectives. Although it costs a bit of raw materials, it is not a big deal for Founder to give a girl to Jinlong.

"There is no problem with the army of the Holy State."

"no problem."

I said here, Jinlong sister proudly waved the mobile phone in her hand.

"The thing you invented is still pretty good."

Looking at the mobile phone in the hands of Jin Long's sister, Fang Zheng's expression was also a little bit crying.

方 After Founder participated in the Invention Exhibition, the mobile phone of Tiandao Palace was immediately integrated into thousands of households, and the country of the Holy Religion was a basic manpower. The convenience of the mobile phone naturally became the focus of the military.

Because people in this world have not experienced the problem of information theft in the information age, most people don't seem to care about the confidentiality and security of mobile phones. Founder once suggested whether to make a special intercom device for them, but people were still unwilling.

They think it is very convenient to have a mobile phone, and another contact device will only waste time and money .........

So often I can see a general who wants to give an order, so he takes out his mobile phone to dial the number, and then "Hey, is it XXX? I want your army to go east to reinforce, and call me ..."

I'm going to put it on TV rather than tear it up with my hands.

But since people think they are okay, Founder is naturally ...... okay.

After all, there is demand for supply. After the other party finds out that the information is leaked, they will launch a military encrypted version by themselves, will they not be able to make money again?


At this moment, suddenly, the Founder's terminal sounded a prompt tone, and then, Ania's dull voice rang out.

报告 "His Royal Highness, we found the Chaos Knights invading in the 25th northeast direction, and we are fighting with the Swarm."

Along with Ania's report, Founder also faintly heard the roaring explosions and roars from there. Obviously, the fighting was very fierce.

"How's it going?"

"Enemies are weak, we ask for reinforcements, and battle records are being transmitted."

"I understand."

Looking at the battle record sent by Ania, Founder raised his eyebrows, and then immediately connected to Nimfu.

"Nimf, send the Third Assault Team of the Blue Fleet to the 25th Northeast for reinforcements, and tell Fett and Naiha to be ready for battle, I will also go immediately!"

"Yes, master!"

Hang up the communication, Founder hummed.

This time, I want to see how the Chaos Knights can treat me!

On the grey sky, the artillery fire flickered.

At the border of dusk, there is no day or night. With the spread of the swarm territory, the cut between order and chaos becomes more and more vivid. Maybe a while ago, I still did n’t see my five fingers, but in the following moment, it was bright and dazzling. In this case, fighting at high altitude is also a troublesome thing.

尼亚 Ania drove a VF fighter jet and quickly passed through the air. She stared at the black dot in front of her and pressed the button. In the blink of an eye, forty or fifty missiles whistled out of the rear of the fighter whistling long white smoke and flew towards the black spot in front of them.

Facing the shouting missile, the chaotic knight riding on the warhorse was not afraid. He pulled the reins in his hand and turned around the steed underneath, and then slashed sharply at the front. I saw a flash of thunder erupting instantly, covering most of the sky in front, and turning each one into a dazzling fire.

The bright red fighter jet flew out of the clouds of flame like the shadow of steel, and rushed to the enemy in front of it again. The Chaos Knight also pulled the reins, driving the war horse, and rushing towards the fighter in front of him with a spear.

At the moment of contact between the two sides, Ania suddenly pulled up the joystick, and then saw the scarlet fighter suddenly came upside down like a human, and at the same time, its steel fuselage quickly deformed. Kung Fu changed from a fighter jet to a mech with a machine gun, which swept across Chaos Knight.

"Da da da!!!"

The slugs carried a series of flashes of light in the air, enveloping the Chaos Knight in the dust.

I changed an ordinary person, and it was already broken under this level of blow, but it is clear that the Chaos Knight cannot be regarded as an ordinary person.

"唰 —— !!!"

The smoke spread away, and a faint glow stabbed straight into the mech's head. At this time, the scarlet mech also suddenly shrank, transformed into a fighter again, avoiding the attack from the chaos knight, and a roar opened the distance with the opponent again.

At the same time, the Chaos Knight flew out of the smoke again, and pulled a reins to chase after Ania.

Then at this moment, a dark figure fell from the sky.

Fang Zhengzheng clenched the dark sword in his right hand, the fiery first fire was burning, and a trajectory of a length of 100 meters was pulled down from the sky, and then he just chopped it down at the Chaos Knight in front of him!

I noticed that the attack from the sky, the Chaos Knight also hurriedly stopped, then he raised a spear without hesitation, and greeted the Founder's dark sword!


The swords and swords intersect, and Fang leaps forward ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then the magical light around him flashes quickly, turning into magic missiles and hitting Chaos Knight. Soon, dozens of magic missiles whistled and struck the body of the Chaos Knight. The next moment, I saw that the Chaos Knight flew out with people and horses.

nailed it!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fang Zheng clenched his big sword, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The chaotic knight in front of him is not the one that Founder fought with, and his strength is relatively weak. But it wasn't the issue that caused Founder's concern, but his reaction when fighting the Chaos Knight.

Before the founder fought with the Chaos Knight, it took nine cattle and two tigers to level it. On the one hand, the opponent has more powerful power, on the other hand, the Chaos Knight is favored by Chaos, and the order that Fang is receiving in this world Few visits make it difficult for the Founder's other attack methods to cause damage to the other party except the initial fire.

But now, he has the care of another world, then this means that Founder's magic and other attack methods can also hurt the Chaos Knight!

This way, it is much easier to deal with these tricky guys.

I thought of this, looking at the chaotic knight with a gray head and a soiled face, Founder clenched his arms, and couldn't wait to laugh.

Solomon, I'm back!


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