Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1425: Sword of 4! (What to do if I don't want to get up when I sleep well)

The battle between the two sides has reached a point of intensification.

This is like a reenactment of the previous battle. Whether it is the Founder or the Chaos Knight, each hit of them will split the sky, tear the earth, all the creatures involved, whether it is Chaos Warcraft or Swarm, in an instant. Relentlessly torn to pieces by that powerful force.

其他 At this moment, the others had avoided it, watching nervously the battle far away. Founder didn't mean to ask them to come up to help, even Nai Ye and Fett. In this case, he can exert more powerful power without having to focus on the safety of others.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The black and white blades are intertwined. The Founder's black sword is not a mortal thing, and the white long sword in the opposite Chaos Knight seems to be quite a source. Every time Founder tries to use the "vampire" special effect of the black sword You will feel that the force of existence does not work immediately after flowing into the blade of the opponent, but disappears completely as if dissipated and dissipated. Not only that, this sword also seems to have its own magic-free effect. The magic missiles and other magic released by the Founder are basically split by the Chaos Knight with no sword, and there is no threat.

Suddenly, Founder has always been indiscriminate in the use of anti-sword techniques, and finally met his opponent.

As the saying goes, a person will not step into the same river twice. The Chaos Knight was pitted twice by the founder's bullet and gun. He also put his unicorn in. If he does n’t know yet, If there is a problem, it should be deserved to die in the Holy Civil War.

So Chaos Knight also used his housekeeping skills --- Sword Qi out!

外 This kind of sword gas release is not the way to throw a sword and then release a sword gas to attack the enemy. On the contrary, he condenses the sword gas outside the sword body and uses the sword gas to expand the attack range.

In the face of such an attack, Founder's bomb counterattack has no use at all. Whether it is a bomb counter or a gun counter attack, it is necessary to decisively and surely hit the enemy. The bullet is blocked by the sword gas, and the failure to hit the blade itself will not take effect. If the gun is reversed, it is too easy to evade. Even if Founder can manipulate the bullet to turn, but the black soul old demon who is not the weakest chrysanthemum on the opposite side, the reaction and speed of the Chaos Knight is not much slower than that of the Founder. Directly blocked by the opponent.

But this does not mean that Founder is helpless!

"Drink ...!"

Realizing that the other party was vigilant against bullets and guns, the Founder simply and decisively stowed the white short sword, then raised the black sword in his hand, which was cut off with a sword against the Chaos Knight, and the Chaos Knight suddenly raised his length. The sword greeted the founder's great sword.

At the moment when both sides are staggered, the time begins to overlap!

One sword!

The strength accumulated in this attack in 1,537 times and space erupted completely at the moment of the two sides' fighting. Even the space behind the chaotic knight trembled suddenly, and even a deep ground appeared on the thick earth. Hundreds of meters of gully extend far to the other side of the horizon.

力量 This power is enough to turn everything in front of him into dust, but for Chaos Knight, he just clenched his long sword and hummed.


With this cold hum, Founder felt that his power was suddenly destroyed, disrupted, and broken. At that moment, the powerful force that could crush all things seemed to run into a high-speed pulverizer, which was directly stirred up.

However, this is not without cost.

"Click it ... click it ..."

Used the power of chaos to offset the Founder's attack, but the armor of the chaos knight also appeared a little crack. In any case, he is just an outlet for chaos, not chaos itself. In the face of Founder's attack, if you want to completely offset it, the output port itself will also have a certain degree of loss.

But Founder is equally uncomfortable.

Destruction is often easier than construction.

The sword technique created by Fang Zhengzheng is the ability to manipulate in his own time. Time itself is an orderly and precise pointer. The positive feeling below me is like I worked hard to build a model with blocks to fight, the opponent picked up a hammer and smashed a slump, but ... Do you think this is over? !!

Fang Zheng, who missed a blow, quickly jumped away, at the same time, hundreds of previous golden vortexes appeared behind him, and a magic weapon emerged from it.

Then, time stopped moving.

At this moment, countless time branches are activated.

He found his hand out.

He held the bright red icy spear and threw it forward.

The bowstrings in 's hand were full, emitting the luster of a shooting star.

The golden holy sword waved down and turned into a raging wave of light with dazzling brilliance.

The colorful light tears space and destroys civilization.

The cold blade followed the trajectory of death, destroying everything.

Thirty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-one pieces of treasure are among the treasures of the King of Kings. At this moment, this minute, this second, an unparalleled attack was released on the same target.

Soon, time began to flow.

Tens of thousands of timelines have begun to quickly extend towards the Chaos Knight. As long as the end is reached, the fate of the Chaos Knight will be completely determined!

However ...


With a roar, Chaos Knight suddenly clenched the sword in his hand and raised it high. Immediately afterwards, a violent hurricane raged with him as the center!

Time, space, cause and effect, at this moment, everything has lost the constraints of the law of order, and it has become chaotic and broken. The tens of thousands of timelines fabricated by Founder were also directly involved, and then relentlessly torn into pieces!

Causes, passes, and results are broken.

The connection between beginning and end is erased.

No matter how terrible those attacks are, how powerful they are.

As long as it doesn't exist, it doesn't make sense!

But that is not the case!

"I was caught!"

At this time, Founder's figure did not know what time, suddenly appeared behind the Chaos Knight, he held a big sword in his hand, and stabbed at the back of the Chaos Knight.

At this moment, Fang Zheng's eyes were extremely clear.

But in his mind, it echoed for a long time ... long ago ... Of course, strictly speaking, it was not too long ago.

That was the first time he and Fina fought side by side, closing the gates of hell.

The founder once said a word to Fina.

既然 "Since the characteristics of chaos are uncertain and chaotic, does this mean that chaos itself is also part of the order?"

According to the time of the main world, it may not be enough for two years.

But for Founder, it seems like a long time ago.

What is order? What is chaos?

If order can give chaos a definition, is it really necessary that the two sides be in opposition?

At this moment, Founder finally seems to understand why the things Goddess of Order made in this world, according to Nimf, is that only the goals and results are set, and all the intermediate processes are omitted ...

No, that's not omission, but black boxing.

I was like Schrödinger's box. Before you opened the box, the living cat and the dead cat existed at the same time.

However, whether the cat inside is alive or dead is only meaningful to the person who wants to open the box.

其他 For others, is the cat in the box alive or dead? Does it make sense to have a cat in the box?


It seems that most people take the elevator and they don't care what principle the elevator uses. They only know that the elevator can safely send them from point A to point B.

In the goddess' bathhouse at the beginning, Nimfu almost burned his brain for this matter, and Fang Zheng and Fina obviously didn't care about it.

Because ... it really doesn't matter.

What matters is not the process, but the result!

It turns out that if anything is impossible, then it is a finite non-probability. Infinite non-probability is that it must have consequences.

Because it is infinite, non-probabilistic.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about how I killed him, because I just need to kill him! I don't have to think about these issues myself, I just need to find that point in time and then jump there!

As for the steps and processes in the middle ......... do me fart?

Yes, this is exactly what founder Fang Zheng's light flashed from the previous operation of the goddess.

24 Swords!


The sharp sword penetrated the heart of the Chaos Knight and penetrated his body, and the action of the Chaos Knight also stopped at this instant. He turned his head and stared blankly at the Founder behind him, in his eyes. Unbelievable.

"How will you be here?"

Chaos Knight did not understand, he could not understand, he has exerted all the power of chaos, tearing the surrounding space, time, and even everything. In principle, it is impossible for any order creature to resist this force and come to its own side, because even the space itself is chaotic by his side.

However, Founder appeared here, and a sword penetrated his body.

怎么 "How do I know, I don't care."

Facing the confused look of Chaos Knight, Founder shrugged.

你 "Look, I want to kill you, and I kill you now, that's enough, isn't it?"

"Boom !!!"

With the founder's words falling, the hot initial fire instantly burned from the sword, and they perfused into the body of the Chaos Knight along the wound. The next moment, the surface of the Chaos Knight began to break and split. He stared at the Founder blankly, unable to understand his words.

"This ... is not order."

所以 "So, what is order?"

He Fang was staring at him, his eyes blinking.

"Order is ...... truth ..."

The Chaos Knight murmured to himself, reaching out his hand, trying to catch something.

那么 "So, what is truth?"

Yun Fangzheng still didn't care, all of this was meaningless. Perhaps the phrase "what is the truth?" He said now may pass through wormholes to galaxies thousands of light years away, and then cause a war that lasts thousands of years and kills hundreds of millions of people. Then when both sides realized that they had been the culprit in the war, they would gather a large expeditionary army to destroy the earth and humanity.

Then when the fleet shuttled the space, it was swallowed by the dog because of the wrong size calculation.

This kind of thing will happen forever, and we have no power to stop it.

This is reality, this is life.

"Truth ......... is ..."

This time, the words of Chaos Knight did not finish, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. But then, the burning flames burst out of his throat, his eyes began to melt, ears and nostrils began to emit black smoke, and soon, the Chaos Knight turned into a pile of dark coke, in the first fire The burning slowly disappeared.

"Hoo ---!"

However, at this moment, suddenly, Fang Zheng felt that the air around him started to thicken, and at the same time, Nimfu's voice sounded in his ear.

主人 "Master, be careful, we have detected an extraordinary, unobservable energy forming at the North Pole ..."

As soon as Da Nimfu's voice fell, Founder saw a thick cloud suddenly rising from the sky, and then it turned into a palm covering the sky and caught him. At the same time, Founder saw the body of the Chaos Knight "snap", and then, a fist the size of which shone with colorful brilliance, a crystal-like thing emerged from the body of the Chaos Knight, flying towards the big hand Passed.

是 What the **** is that?

He founder didn't have much time to think about it. He would not care about this issue now. For Founder, he would oppose everything supported by the enemy. He will support everything the enemy opposes. It can be inferred that if it is something the enemy wants to destroy, he must keep it. If it is something the enemy wants to keep, then he must grab it!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Founder hesitated, then suddenly reached out his hand, summoned the dimensional code, took out a soul stone from it, and shattered it with force!


The Forgotten Star Dragon King suddenly emerged from the void, roaring at the eccentric big hand, and collided with it. The Founder took the opportunity to rush forward, grabbed the crystal, and put it away.

At the same time, the Forge Dragon King and the big hand also collided heavily.

“———————— !!!!!!”

The violent air flow covered the sky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even the atmosphere at the North Pole was torn open a huge hollow, and the howling cold wind rushed up and swept everything.

方 When Fang Zheng opened his eyes again, the inexplicably large hand had disappeared, and the Forgotten Dragon King remained quietly at the top of the sky, staring at himself.

Subsequently, its body began to collapse.

"What a bad luck ........."

Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng also sighed helplessly.

This is not the end of the Fortune Star Dragon King and that mysterious big hand, the reason is very simple-the soul stone of the Fortune Star Dragon King has been used up.

The original Founder did not intend to use the Starforge Dragon King, but the big hand was fierce, and it was not a good thing at first glance. In addition, its powerful momentum, the soul stones of the ranks of Massai and Alsace certainly are not it. Opponent. So helpless, Fang Zheng had to use the last time the founder of the Dragon King.

Although I don't know what the thing is, but fortunately, things have been kept.

Thinking of this, Founder once again looked at the weird crystal that he had stored in the inventory.

As for what this is ...... It seems that I only know if I ask the goddess of order.

I hope that this thing can be worth the cost of sacrificing the Star King.


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