Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1428: The Melancholy of Kasugano Dome (Jing Ani is miserable)


Sister sitting on the sofa, holding the black rabbit puppet, the dome sighed long, and her whole body shrank.

This is brother's world ...

来到 Since coming to this world, now the dome always feels melancholy deep inside.

This is not because Founder left her in the cold, except for the time of the fight, Founder was still very concerned about the dome. But for Qiong, he felt a little restless.

Because Qiong found that he didn't seem to be able to help him.

After coming to Tiandao Palace, under the introduction of Founder, Qiong also met with Kuangsan, Asuna, Yinglili, Black Cat and others, and said hello. It should be said that the first impressions of each other are quite good, but ... after seeing the performance of the crowd, the dome felt a little anxious.

She doesn't have the fighting ability like Kuangsan and Atalan 忒, of course, the other party is not human after all. However, as human beings, Asuna, Yinglili, and Black Cat were able to brave the enemy on the battlefield. Not only that, they also prepared meals for the Founder, and even they often saw them discussing the game settings around the Founder. Things like that.

However, for these, the dome is simply not accessible.

She doesn't cook, and because of Founder's sake, the dome doesn't even take care of basic housework. You can't count on a 16-year-old man who even gave his brother the underwear to wash himself. In terms of house, Qiong likes to surf the Internet, but she is not a senior house like Yinglili or Black Cat, and there is no common topic between the two sides.

Although there were several times, Black Cat and Ying Lili tried very hard to draw the dome into the conversation, but the dome always chatted to the sky in three or two sentences ... Finally, they retreated dimly.


He Qiong sighed again.

I can't do anything, I can't do anything. What can I do to stay with my brother?

I thought of it here, the dome was a little reconciled. If the Founder's other women have no ability, it's OK, but now it seems that there is only one of them here to eat soft rice ... ... This makes the vault a little bit unbearable!

Do n’t say Asuna or Kuangsan them, even those little girls who live with my brother are more powerful than themselves, even the one named Shiji Nao, who seems to be doing nothing except playing. , Also has its own unique skills.

But she doesn't know anything ...

Even even Yuki Shinozaki can help my brother ...

The dome clenched his fist and bit his lips tightly. She couldn't help but think of her other friends in her world, Dong Ma ... Xue Xue ... the world ... the moment ... if one of them came to this world with her brother, maybe she too Don't be so helpless ...

"Ding Dong."

When the dome consciousness was depressed, suddenly the doorbell rang, and when he heard the doorbell, the dome trembled and looked around. Then I remembered that everyone in the apartment should go to work and school, and even Shizunai seemed to go out to play with others. In the entire apartment, only one person is left ...

I thought of this, the dome swallowed saliva, then hugged the rabbit, came to the door, and carefully opened the door.

"Who is this?"

"Ah, hi sister."

Standing outside the door was a girl in her twelve-year-old, in a white uniform, holding a hammer higher than herself, carrying a travel bag behind her, and long red hair. With a single pony tail, the girl moved around like a tail with the movement of the girl.

I walked beside the girl, followed by a blue-haired ... dog?

Seeing the dome, the red-haired girl smiled lively and happy.

"My name is Nanoka Franca. I have prepared the city plan commissioned by Mr. Founder. Could Mr. Founder ... be there?"

"Brother ...... not now ..."

In front of a stranger, Doom was a little nervous, but the other side was still a small child, so Doom would not completely avoid her.

"But he said he'll be back in a while, come on first ..."

He said, the dome opened the door, and Nanoka gave her a very polite gesture.

好的 "Okay, sorry to bother you."

Speaking, Nanoka entered the room and sat down in the living room. The dog lay at her feet, and looked around curiously.

"Please drink tea."

He Qiong put a cup of tea in front of Nanoka, who thanked her with a smile.

谢谢 "Thank you sister."

"You're welcome ..."

He said as he held the black rabbit back into the sofa while holding the black rabbit. For a while, neither of them spoke. Nanoka was devoted to dealing with the hot tea in her hand, but Qiong didn't know what to say. After a while, the dome seemed to be determined, and asked in a low voice.

那个 "That ... Little sister Nanoka?"

"Hmm? Is there anything wrong? Big sister?"

Hearing Dom's inquiry, Nanoka looked up curiously, looking at the girl in front of her.

"That ... What did you just say ... ... what did you make ... urban planning? What's going on?"

"Is such that."

She didn't take it seriously, and spoke happily to the sky.

"Mr. Fang Zheng commissioned our Franka workshop to do a city planning and design for the entire Tiandao Palace not long ago. It took me more than half a month to finally complete it. Now it is delivered.

"Did you do this?"

After hearing Nanoka's answer, Qiong couldn't hide her surprise. You must know the girl in front of her ... I'm afraid that she just went to junior high school!

She can do urban planning?

Although the sky is not clear who can do urban planning, she also knows that this is definitely not something a 12- or 13-year-old girl can do. She originally thought that the little girl was simply sending things, but she did not expect that it was made by herself!

Are the people in the Temple of Heaven all monsters? !!

When I thought of it, Dome fell into autism again, and lowered his head without saying a word. And Nanoka blinked curiously, looking at the dome and not knowing what to say.

It didn't take long, and soon the sound of the door opened, breaking this somewhat awkward silence. Immediately afterwards, Founder came in with a yawn.

"Huh ..."

"Mr. Founder!"

When he saw Fang Zheng coming in, Nanoka stood up happily and waved at him. When he saw Nanoka, Fang Zheng froze a moment.

"Nanoka? What are you doing here?"

"The city plan written by Mr. Founder, I have prepared it."

As he said, Nanoka took out a thick stack of planning books from her backpack and passed them.

"Oh, yes, I remember."

Looking at the plan in front of him, Fangzheng remembered that he had entrusted Noroka to carry out a city planning for Tiandao Palace, and also gave Nanoka workshop access to Tiandao Palace, but only after that, because There are too many things to be busy, so Founder left the matter behind him, and now when he sees Noroka coming in, he remembers it.

So Fang Zheng was also sitting on the sofa next to him, then looked at the plan in front of him.

She also knows a lot about Tiandao Palace. In this plan, she also clearly points out the following points that Tiandao Palace should pay attention to, and the first is ...


Fang Fang was looking at the plan on the plan, with a grimace, and Nooka nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Founder, I think what is needed most here is a playground."

"Amusement ... why?"

Fang Zheng frowned, then asked. To be honest, the children of Tiandao Palace do not lack entertainment facilities, internet, mobile phones, video games, live broadcast, everything. In the Founder's opinion, there was no need to build any playground, after all, his memory of the playground was only in his childhood.

But at that time, there were no mobile phones. Everyone's entertainment was jumping lattices except for the red and white machines, so the playground was very popular at that time. However, with the passage of time, various entertainment activities have become more and more. The existence of the playground has long been left behind by Founder. What he remembered most clearly was that he had returned to his hometown a year ago. At that time, Founder was idle and revisited, but found that the playground he used to visit as a kid did not know how many years had been closed.

He hasn't even heard anyone talk.

因为 "Because the playground is the most suitable place for everyone to have fun together ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Nanoka also explained quickly.

"Although there are a lot of interesting things here, everyone still needs to be together and be happy. The lively ones will be happier and easy to relax. Not only that, the area of ​​the playground also determines that it is more suitable for becoming The venue for some big events ... "

"I remember there are many parks in Tiandao Palace."

但是 "But those parks are too small to accommodate too many people."

This is also true.

I heard Nanorka's answer, Founder shrugged his shoulders, and to be honest, he really forgot about the playground, but after hearing Naronka say this ... Now it seems that the playground is indeed necessary.

Considering that he will leave the planet for a long time, it is naturally necessary to stabilize the situation in Tiandao Temple. A playground is a good place to start ...... considering that children such as magical girls and adjusters may be involved in the next battle, and they do need a place to vent and release pressure. Although it is unclear whether the playground can do this, it is better than staying in the house alone.

Thinking of this, Founder was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"I see. Thank you for your offer."


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