Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1444: Wait and see (too bad today)

Chapter 1431 Wait And See (It's Too Bad Today)

Although there was a little problem between Yingli Li and Kuangsan, others were very harmonious. Whether it was a dinner party or a night carnival in an amusement park, everyone played very well.

Especially Tianzi and Sha Duzi, they are very happy to play. If it weren't for Tianzi's side and the Chinese Federation needs to be dealt with, she could not wait to live in Tiandao Palace and not go back.

Fortunately, Founder gave everyone a personal terminal. With this terminal, they can transfer directly to the Heavenly Palace, which can be regarded as a solution to those who ca n’t come to the Heavenly Palace anytime, anywhere.

What Fangzheng didn't expect was that, at the end of the carnival, Colette had come over.

"I heard that you want to do a magical girl school?"

The news of the chief of the necromancy department is well-informed, or the whole white tower has nothing she did not know.


"Magic girl ...... How is this different from a normal mage apprentice?"

Colette said that she was just as confused as someone about what the operation was, but Founder thought about it and then said.

"The magical girl is contractual ...... the ordinary magic must be learned before it can be used. But the magical girl needs to be contracted before it can tap the power in its body, so it is different from ordinary mage. The process by which a magical girl becomes stronger is a process of continuously tapping into the potential of her own body. "

"It sounds like a virtue to those warlocks."

Although they are both casters, the mage and the warlock are not pleasing to each other, because the warlock relies on digging through the blood in his body to obtain the power, so he always laughs at the mage and needs to learn. The mage, on the other hand, thinks that warlocks are all upstarts who have no knowledge and skills and rely on their ancestors to accumulate moral virtues.

After all, if it was n’t your grandparents who had been ruled by Dragon X, how could you have the blood of a dragon?

As soon as this word came out, basically the two sides directly argued with each other.

"So what do you need to be a magical girl? There must be some characteristics."


Upon hearing Colette's inquiry, Founder was silent for a moment.

"Simple, kind."


This time, however, Colette froze.

"What ghost condition is this?"

"This is a fact. The desire to be a magical girl has nothing to do with what kind of talent you have, and it has nothing to do with whether you were a noble or a civilian. The important thing is to have a kind heart."

"This is fair in some ways."

For Founder's answer, Colette didn't say anything this time. If you say such things in a scientific world, you are afraid to be directly seen by people as neuropathy. But in the main world, this kind of thing hasn't happened before. For example, in mythology, it is often said that people with good heart will be given the power of God, and some evil people will be lured by the devil and become accomplices of evil forces.

For example, if Hell recruits people in the main world, you can directly hang up a recruitment notice [due to the **** battle, which requires a lot of cannon fodder, it requires cold blood, merciless killing, and obedience to superior command and dispatch. The contact method is to kill the person closest to him and use his flesh and blood to create a summoning circle. The army is well treated. There is no annual leave. Please do not resign. If you are interested, please contact the first-tier lord of hell.

For some reason, he signed a contract with Hell, and the fallen cultist Currett, who gained the evil power, saw the impatience. The Founder's request was just a copy of it, and it is not unusual.


"You should take it to the temple, we are mages."

Colette still felt a bit strange. After all, how does this look like the selection process of the Paladin or the clergyman, shouldn't this be done in the temple?

However, Founder's answer was straightforward.

"I'm the Paladin."


Speaking of which, Crete had forgotten that Founder was once a paladin who attended school in the mage tower.


Colette was also helpless to spread out her hand. What else could she say? After all, this proposal was originally proposed by their eight chiefs. To put it plainly, the country of the magic guide found a reason to tie itself to the Temple of Heaven. So no matter what Founder takes out, they only recognize it.


"People change."

Before Colette left, she still said something to Founder.

"As a child, maybe not every child thought this world was heaven, but when they grow up, few people think this world is heaven."

"Good people are always there."

Founder also understood Corriet's meaning. After all, the requirement of kindness is vague, and as Crerett said, children may think that the world is heaven, but when they grow up, they will encounter setbacks. , Will be hurt, and by then, maybe not everyone is still kind.

But there are good people after all.

It's as if the bad guys are getting older and the old guys are getting worse on the Internet. There is a lot of complaints about the old people occupying the basketball court and dancing the square.

"Since you have an idea."

Listening to the Founder's words, Colette didn't say much. She came to find the Founder this time, mainly because she heard the Founder's proposal and felt unreliable. After all, although it is said that the country of magic guides voluntarily posted it, you can't be too fool. Now it seems that Founder is not perfunctory, but has his own idea.

In this case, Colette didn't say anything, but she reminded her before leaving.

"That being the case, it would be better to prepare to come to Baita after five days."

"Is there a problem?"

When Founder was reminded, Founder froze, and she nodded.

"Yes, Baita will be playing in five days ...... To put it bluntly, each faction will send a few disciples to compete with each other. Although I have no interest in this stuff, but if your faction If you want to make a name for yourself in the country of magic guide, then this game is a good start, after all, it will be broadcast live nationally in the country of magic guide. "

"That's it, I understand."

Upon hearing Corret's words, Founder immediately understood what she meant, and nodded, and it became clear that such a similar competition was really suitable for herself. After all, Founder's goal is to train more magical girls to increase their faith. It is better to have such a channel for advertising than to spend money to get billboards in cities in the country of magic.

However, before that, Founder still wants to ask for it first.

"I want to ask, is the game ...... necessary until the end?"

"Ha ha."

As the chief of the Necropolis Department who has lived for thousands of years, how could Colette not understand the meaning of the Founder's words.

"If you are really so confident in your little girl, let them come. It ’s alright that the boys in Baita are young and sullen, and you should let them know that there are people out there Now. "

You are old ......... well, you are really old.

Looking at the head of the necrotic department, which was almost the same size as Latifah, Fang Zheng was silent. After all, the other party is older than himself. Strictly speaking, the entire Baita people are afraid that she is a grandson ... well, no matter what the meaning is.

But since Claire said so, Founder also knew what to do.

The White Pagoda is still the White Pagoda, and the people who come in and out every day are no different than before, but it is a very fresh place for the Founder and others.

"Is this the place to learn magic? Teacher?"

Looking at the white tower in front of her, Sakura asked curiously, and Fang Zheng nodded.

"Yes, this is the place where the continent has the most magical talents. In short, you can think of it as a university in the continent's magic world."

"Woo ...... it always feels like everyone else is watching us, so embarrassed ..."

Ilya turned her head from side to side, whispering as she watched the flow of people around her. This is no wonder, after all, this is a mage school. People coming and going, both men and women, wear mage robes. And Elijah was wearing everyday clothes. Of course, if this kind of clothing is in the ordinary modern world, there is no sense of disobedience, but in this place wearing mage robes everywhere, it is very conspicuous.

Not to mention Fang Zheng and a few girls, the male is handsome, the female is petite and cute, so naturally it will also attract the attention of other mages.

"Ah, Mr. Founder, I have kept you waiting."

At this moment, Mary and Delian also ran out of Baita and said hello to the Founder.

Although Colette said that this is only a small game, it is obviously not the case. From the original call of Mary and Delian who were delegations, it can be seen that this is obviously not just a small game. Small games are so simple. In fact, Mary and Delian also returned to the White Tower with the Founder on a battleship. Before that, they entered the White Tower to go through the formalities and have not completed it until now.

"Trouble you, did you sign up?"

"of course."

Mary nodded. Although Founder was also nominally Mage Baita ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but he was not familiar with any of these registration process steps, so she entrusted Mary to handle it. And Mary was naturally clear about this matter, and soon it was done.

After all, his mentor belonged to a guy who would starve to death if he did n’t even watch it. If Mary did n’t help, he would probably have died in the mage tower.

But then again, I haven't gone back for such a long time, and I don't know if my tutor has died.

If he died, it would be peaceful.

With a silent sigh in her heart, Mary then smiled at the Founder.

"please follow me."

PS: After writing the update this morning, I went down the mountain to buy food and oil, and brought a portable shopping cart. As a result, I bought too many things, and directly damaged the wheels. Helplessly, carrying the broken trailer and dozens of pounds of vegetables and oil, I walked for three stops before returning ... ... my tired arm was still sore ... and my earphones were broken, but Need to buy a new headset ... ... what awful.

(End of this chapter)

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