Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1452: I am the messenger of justice (even the mountains are so hot today ...

Chapter 1439 I Am The Messenger Of Justice (Even The Mountain Is So Hot Today ...)

In the early morning, Winterwood.

In the dark alley, suddenly, a series of lightning suddenly erupted, and the original dark alley was pale. The howling wind was mixed with garbage shreds and rolled and rolled out.

Immediately after a while, a petite figure crouching on the ground slowly stood up from behind the trash can, and a bright red horsetail swayed in the wind. The girl opened her eyes, and the bright red light emanated from her eyes.

"Iwillbe ...... keke !!"

However, before the girl's words were finished, she was coughed a few times by the stinking smell of the trash can next to her, and then she pushed back quickly and waved her hands.

"It's disgusting ......... Sure enough, movies and reality are not the same ...... oh !!"

Founder who turned into a red horsetail fanned his hands, then sighed helplessly and walked out of the alley. At this moment, the winter woods are still in the early morning, and no one can be seen on the street. But for Founder, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, get it done quickly and go home to sleep."

As he said, Founder extended his hand, and soon, "Oblique Chapter Rank" appeared in Founder's hands.

The reason why he came to this parallel moon-shaped world in this form is also nothing for the founder. His body strength is too outstanding, just like a weight, enough to shake both ends of the balance. If Founder appeared here in the form of a body, then this parallel world would tilt at a faster rate, so Founder himself stayed in the moon type world, and then sent the red horsetail as the incarnation to this parallel world.

For Founder, this is actually a bit like playing SAO, entering a game by himself, then creating a character, and then controlling this character to interact in the game. The red ponytail is a character created by himself.

So Founder was very calm.

After all, isn't it basic for male players to use female characters?

But that's not enough.

The founder of the Red Horsetail is "airborne" to this parallel world. There is no such person as Red Horsetail in this world, so he needs to kill someone first, and then take the place of the other. It is better to be related to the Holy Grail War. people. Because the amount of each person in each world is certain, the so-called one radish has one pit. The founder has no pits, so he can only pull out other radishes and then bury himself in that pit. went.

As for which radish to dig now ... Fang Zheng naturally thought about it.

Taking a look at the "Oblique Chapter Rank" in his hand, Founder quickly disappeared into the quiet street.

At this moment, outside of a dwelling house, a young man dressed very ordinary was trying to quietly open a locked room door.

"Hey ..."

Looking at the sleepy house before him, the young man showed a cruel smile. He could even imagine that the family of three who were sleeping in this house was full of pain and fear. of………

However, at this moment, a small hand suddenly reached out from behind the young man, covering his mouth with a hand.


The young man did not hesitate to raise the knife in his hand when he noticed the sudden attack, and stabbed behind him, but at this moment, the little hand covering his mouth suddenly pulled, accompanied by a "click" , The young man with the broken neck collapsed to the ground like this.

Fang Zheng glanced left and right to confirm that no one saw himself, so he grabbed the young man's collar, took him directly to the woods next to him, then picked up the big sword and pierced the young man's body. Soon the flame erupted, quickly burning the young man in front of him.

"Okay, that's it!"

After killing Yusuke Ryunosuke, Founder just nodded with satisfaction. To say that the most insignificant characters in the entire four wars belong to this grandfather Yusuke Ryusuke and his caster who do not hurt and love. There is also a CASTER on Fangzheng's side, and now Yusuke Ryunosuke has been killed, then the lunatic may not be able to summon it.

But it ’s okay, you still have to speed up, in case the world line ends, and then let others call out a CASTER only trouble!

Thinking of this, Founder directly stretched out his right hand.

"In the name of the curse, Elijah came to me!"


Soon, with the Founder's call, a flash of light emerged, and then Ilya quickly appeared next to the Founder.

"I'm here, MASTER!"

"It's up to you this time, Eliya."

Looking at Eliya around her, Founder reached out and touched her little head. Feeling Fang Zheng's touch, Ilya narrowed her eyes, but then tilted her head again.

"Well ... the MASTER form is still a little strange ..."

"Well, don't worry about such trivial matters."

Founder directly skipped the topic of her own girl, and Ilya was wise not to talk about it. She looked around curiously, and then asked.

"MASTER, in this world, do my father and mother really participate in the Holy Grail War?"

"Well ...... it should be."

Upon hearing Ilya's inquiries, Fang Zheng nodded his head. Naturally, he knew about the origin of Ilya and Xiao Hei. They also come from another parallel moon world, but compared to other moon worlds, that moon world is much more peaceful. Instead of participating in the fourth Holy Grail war, Qie and Aili took Ilya away from Einzbelen, and then cut and destroyed the Holy Grail. The family lived a peaceful, happy and stable life in Winterwood ... … Of course, according to Ilya, the cut-throat of that world is often away from home on business trips, and mothers only come back occasionally.

However, there are at least two maids in the family to accompany her, and in that world, Shiro was also adopted and became Elia's brother.

From the perspective of Founder's understanding of the type moon world, that world is a rare HAPPYEND.

And this world ... If you don't come by yourself, you will drift all the way to BADEND.

"So what are we going to do now?"

"Now ..."

Founder thought about it.

"Go save first."

"Save people?"

That's right, among the fans who Founder has watched about FATE, it ’s basically the same routine to save Sakura. It ’s true that Sakura is still only Tosaka Sakura in her moon-shaped world. And perhaps because there is no Holy Grail war to fight, the so-called Yusanjia is also dead.

After all, Einzbelen of that world fell down, even the artificial person's technology was taken by the tree of the thousand realms, the Yuan Ban family had also fallen, and Ma Tong was afraid that it would be more complete.

And in this world, Founder doesn't even need to care about Jiantong.

"Old Tong Tong, come out and die!"

After determining the battle plan, Founder took Ilya directly to the Jiantong's house, and then opened the door with a kick, and rushed in like a robber.

"You, who are you? What do you want?"

The one who appeared in front of Fang's front was not Zhe Ye, but a middle-aged man with a sea lead who had no memory at all.

Judging by the blue hair color ... Is it Shinji's father?

However, Founder apparently had no interest in this passerby, who didn't even have a name. She turned her eyes, then raised the bright red sword directly, and inserted into the ground.


At the next moment, the ground centered on Founder completely collapsed, and Founder and Ilya fell into the hidden basement of Jiantong's house in such a simple and rough way.

As soon as he fell into the basement, Fang Zheng immediately saw a little loli who was screaming and was swallowed by a worm. It looks like ... okay, this is just the beginning!

Thinking of this, Founder waved his hand suddenly without hesitation, the next moment the flame erupted, and immediately burned the bug on Little Loli's body.

"who are you?"

At this moment, a hoarse voice came, and Fang Zheng looked up and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see on the stairs in the basement, an old man crutched his forehand and looked at them cold.

Founder didn't mean to answer at all, just a big sword in his hand.

"Ilia, take that little girl away first, and come to you when I have packed this shameless old thief."

"Okay, MASTER."

Although Ilya still didn't know what was going on, she saw the scene of the little girl being attacked by a worm. Naturally, she knew that the old man didn't look like a good person, so she nodded, and then She picked up the little black-haired girl who was scared and scared, and flew out of the hollow in the floor.

"Well, get ready to die, Ma Tung's dirty!"

After confirming that Ilya left with Sakura, Fang Zheng then raised his big sword and pointed at the insect lord in front of him.

"I'm the red horsetail of the magical girl of justice. I'm going to walk for the moon today and destroy you!"


In the face of Founder's words, Jian Tong's grimace was aggressive, not knowing what to say. However, Founder was too lazy to talk to him.

"go to hell!!"

With a rage, the next moment, Fang Zheng suddenly waved his big sword and slashed forward, and then a fire dragon burst out from the red horsetail of the red ponytail, and roared towards Tongma.

"No ... you ..."

However, in the face of Founder's sudden attack, Jian Tong's viscera was also shocked. He didn't even have any time to fight back, so he was swallowed directly by the fire dragon. Immediately afterwards, the fire dragon suddenly burst open, as if it was a lighted lead, directly into the dark voids and cracks around the basement.

Then the whole basement suddenly rose.

The next moment, the flames burst into the sky, completely engulfing the entire Tong family.

"Get the job done."

The red horsetail coming out of the flame took a satisfied look at the completely destroyed Jiantong family, nodded, and then she turned and left.

It ’s just a stubborn worm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is a passerby BOSS like the wild Ye Zonglian. If you finish it early, there will be nothing left?

Ha ha, thought that the viscera of the sect was hidden by the engraved worm of his own life?


"Ah ... I feel so good doing good things."

Thinking of this, Founder couldn't help but stretch his waist. Even tonight, after crossing the world by himself, he had killed Yusuke Ryusuke and Kana Tsubaki, and sure enough, he was righteous. Messenger!

Do not accept rebuttal!

"You are like that fire, and the blaze of fire has illuminated me ..."

As Founder hummed the song, he disappeared in the street.

Until then, the sirens of the fire truck gradually sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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