Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1453: Strength is what you can do (it's raining)

Chapter 1440: Strong Is Just What You Want (It Rains)

Looking at the newspaper in front of him, Tosaka Shichen looked dignified.

The fire that broke out in the Ma Tong family last night naturally appeared in the Morning Post. Of course, the official investigation concluded that the gas leak caused the explosion. Tosaka Tosaka must have believed this. You must know that the Jiantong family is a magic workshop. I have not heard of any magician's workshop being blown up due to gas leaks.


At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Tosaka Shichen saw his wife Tosaka Aoi hurried over.

"What happened to the Matsuji family? Is she okay, Sakura?"

"……………I do not know either."

Facing his wife's inquiries, Tosaka Toshin also shook his head. He had sent someone to investigate, but for now no information is available. Fortunately, the police did not find any human remains in the house of Jiantong. It is possible that the people in the house of Jiantong already knew the situation, so they hid?

After all, the Holy Grail War is about to begin.

Although it feels a bit unreasonable for a magician to cover his eyes in the form of blowing up his workshop, it is not impossible.

However, this also reminded Tosaka Tomochi.

"Aoi, you leave here today with your uncle and go back to Chancheng."

Obviously, the current winter woods are no longer safe.

Just when Tosaka Tosaka made the arrangement, in the distant Hyatt Hotel Presidential Suite, the Founder in the shape of a red ponytail also just told Ilya the whole plot of FATE / ZERO.

"So that's it. In the end, I cut SABER to destroy the Holy Grail, and I didn't get anything. It also caused a fire that killed many people in Dongmu. Finally, I went back to Einzbelen's house and couldn't see your shadow. Then a child was adopted, then it was gloomy and the story ended. "

Fang Zheng clapped her hands, while Ilya was afraid of her face. After all, in her world, Qiu Ye and Ai Li gave up the Holy Grail war. So she didn't think about what it would be like if the two men participated in the Holy Grail War, but now it looks like ... it's too bad!

"MASTER ...... what do we do? How do we ...... help father and mother?"

"Isn't this easy?"

Founder spread his hands, indicating that he had long thought about it.

"As long as we kill all other followers before that, we will win the Holy Grail War. As for your side, it ’s simpler, you ca n’t do it, are we okay? After the Holy Grail War, we go straight to Germany Go, grab the one locked in Einzbelen's house and give it to your parents? Oh, and that little guy ... "

As he said, Founder lifted his chin and nodded Masaru Tosaka who was lying on the bed.

"By that time, let your parents adopt her by the way, and give you an extra cheap sister, how good."

"Well? Aren't we taking this child back?"

"Of course not. There is already a Tosaka Sakura in that world, and she doesn't want to leave her family, can she stay here and meet her sister and mother, right? You took her back, How will she meet her mother and sister in the future? "

"Woo ...... this is also ........."

In the face of Founder's speech, Eliya thought for a moment, and finally agreed. She had a few conversations with Sakura before, and found that the child was well-behaved and obedient, much better than Xiao Hei. If she could, Eliya would also want such a child to be her sister.

Xiao Hei is so bad!

"So it's simple."

Having said that, Founder clapped his hands.

"I'll kill that gold pickup. You'll kill other followers. It's easy for us."

That's right, Founder is full of confidence in winning the Holy Grail War. With his current ability, one of the heroes of the Fourth World War counts as one, all of which are not his opponents.

As for Gilgamesh, Founder didn't even look at it.

Still the oldest hero king? Aren't they all blown out? During the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of China, she was still a fertilized egg! It's going to be a fart. I killed you once before, but this time I won't kill you again. Isn't that easy?

"I will work hard!"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Ilya clenched her fist and nodded hard. In Ilya's world, she and SABER didn't know each other, and they were less familiar with these heroes, so there was no pressure to treat them as enemies.

All in all, strong strength can do whatever you want, and only the weak chickens of Wei Gong need to calculate.

In the end, the calculation is not calculated by myself.

"Ah, but MASTER ........."

Speaking of this, Ilya suddenly remembered something.

"According to you, my mother is a small holy grail. After the other heroes die, my mother's body will automatically break down ..."

"You don't have to worry about that."

As he said, Founder pulled out from behind, then pulled out a golden, shiny cup.

"Well, the holy grail, I asked Gaia for one. After killing those spirits, their souls will be automatically recovered here. Your mother's one is artificial, and this is definitely not comparable.

So, if you are strong, you can do whatever you want.

Having backstage is even more desirable.

Here, Founder and Ilya have written the outline of the Fourth Holy Grail War in a few words, and the MASTERs who know nothing about this, then began to call their followers, and then came to Winterwood ... ... They didn't know at all, their destiny was actually decided before they came to Winterwood.

Next, like the animation that Founder has seen, Alice Feir disguised as SABER's MASTER, and took SABER's street full of love and sprinkled dog food. Then, in the evening, SABER was attracted by the fighting spirit emitted by LANCER, and came to In the warehouse area of ​​the port and dock, two people clashed and clanged.

"Okay, get ready, let's do it!"

"That ... Master ..."

Although she had always been decisive before, Eliya at this moment suddenly hesitated.

"Should I change my body and go again ..."

Looking at Alice Phil not far away, Eliya was still a little uneasy, even if she had made up her mind, but the child, after seeing his parents, he would counsel a little.

Not to mention that in Eliya's world, she was secretly carrying her parents behind her as a magical girl.

And now it's like showing your original hidden side to your parents, how to say ...

It's as if you used to go to the black Internet cafe with your mother on your back, but now you have to go online in the black Internet cafe in front of your mother, and let your mother watch you kill.

That's really awkward ...

However, in the face of Ilya's inquiry, Fang Zheng smiled and reached out her hand, and touched her little head.

"Ilia, in your world ... do you feel happy in your life?"


Upon hearing Founder's inquiries, Ilya closed her eyes, silent for a moment, then nodded hard.

"I am very happy. Although I have encountered many and many things, including some bad things, Xiao Hei sometimes makes fun of people, but I feel very happy ..."

"That's right."

Founder snapped his fingers.

"You don't want the world's self to be miserable, so let Qiu and Aili see that the choice they gave up is not wrong!"

Speaking of which, Founder stood up and the bright red horsetails fluttered in the wind.

"Today we work hard to get rid of all these followers in one breath!"

Having said that, I don't know what happened to BERSERKER?

Fang Zhengke still remembers that the BERSERKER ’s MAASTER in the original animation was Jian Tong Yan Ye, but when he saved Sakura, Yan Ye had not returned yet, and he did n’t know if the owner of the BERSERKER was him.

It doesn't matter anyway, after all, a BERSERKER is more than the one I encountered in the Thousand Realms tree ... forget it, don't think about it, that is really disgusting.

Thinking of this, Founder shivered, then shook her head, trying to throw the disgusting smiley face behind her, and then she raised her hands. Soon, with Founder's movement, her right hand burned with flames, And a bitter frost of ice emerged from her left hand.

Then the next moment, in the blazing flames and biting ice, two red and black swords appeared in Fang Zheng's hands.

The bright red sword on the right hand is exactly the weapon transformed by the hair ornament when Founder turned into a red ponytail, and the dark sword on the left is naturally the frost mourning!

That's right, in order to appease Restia and Esther, Founder chose to use Frostmourne when he turned into a red ponytail, so that the two sword elves would have nothing to say ... After all, Founder changed They wouldn't use them when they were red ponytails.

And now, Founder's right-hand fire is happy, left-hand Frost's sorrow, feeling that he is invincible!

She took two steps backwards, then hurried forward, and then leaped suddenly!


At the same time, the fierce battle between SABER and LANCER also reached the most critical moment. However, at this moment, the two heard a roar from above their heads. They hurriedly looked up and saw a petite The figure leapt down from the sky, and the two sword lights in his hands flickered, waving toward SABER and LANCER, respectively!

In the face of this sudden blow, SABER and LANCER also quickly raised their weapons and blocked the sword light against them!

"Dang Dang!"

With two heavy impact sounds, a powerful impact came. The next moment, the two followers slid back under this powerful impact, and only then did they see the true face of the attacker. .

It was a girl about 1.3 meters tall with a bright red ponytail. She was wearing a strange tight-fitting combat suit, her upper body was black and white like a one-piece swimsuit, and her lower body was wearing armor. Her right hand was holding a Scarlet, a flaming fire with a large sword, and his left hand was holding a long sword exuding an icy chill.

"who are you?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Lancer hurriedly raised his two guns and asked with a cold voice. If he hadn't met SABER himself, he might even think that the young girl in front of him might not be SABER.

In the face of LANCER's drinking, the girl snorted and raised her hands.

"I am the master of Caster, the red horsetail of the magical girl of justice. I am here today to defeat you, to win the final victory of the Holy Grail War, and die!"

"Wh ........."

Upon hearing the girl's answer, SABER and LANCER were stunned, not only them, but even Alice Feir, Aegean Palace hiding in the dark and Kenneth were stunned.

However, Founder was too lazy to talk nonsense. Six kills required speed. He wanted to dance on the enemy's body and wait for the other to kill him.

So he did not hesitate to clenched the two swords and hit the two directly in front of them.

"Dang Dang Dang !!!"

In the face of the Founder's attack, SABER and LANCER only responded. They can now ignore whether the opponent is a MASTER or a slave, but from the attack just now, they can see that the opponent's strength is definitely not weak!

However, when fighting, the two talents found that the strength of this young girl was far beyond their imagination!

According to the truth, this girl named Red Horsetail played against each other at the same time. How could there be less pressure on one side? However, SABER and LANCER found in horror that it was clear that the other side was playing against both of them at the same time, but they felt as if they were facing the attack of this young girl named Red Horsetail alone!

This is naturally the founder's ability to be a time dragon. Indeed, he can only fight one person on a timeline. But Founder divided the timeline into two at the same time, which allowed him to launch attacks on two different targets at the same time!

So even if you are facing two people at the same time, Founder is not bad at all.

Just cut it over!

In the face of Founder's attack, SABER and LANCER also secretly complained.

Not only is the opponent's strange origins, super strength, the two swords in his hands are even more terrifying. Each time the flame wrapped in the bright red sword swayed, the two felt as if they were being burned by Sun Monkey in Laojun's furnace. But when the dark sword came over, they felt as if they were wrapped in a cold wind in the frozen wilderness, and even their souls were frozen. Not only that, with the bitter chill, they could even feel the power of their bodies as if they were being sucked away by each other.

What the **** is this?

Of course, the two did not know that the founder's first fire was the flame that opened in the heavens and the earth, and Frostmourne was a special attack on the soul and had the power to steal the soul. For the followers who belong to the spirit body in essence, this is a special attack system!

My red ponytail slashes the combo with a cleave and asks if you are afraid!

How to do?

Looking at the battlefield in front of them, Alice Phil, Aegisaki and Kenneth all faced a horrible look. They did see the order spell on the back of Fang Zheng's right hand, and confirmed that the other party was indeed MASTER.


A MASTER can't lift two followers?

Are the followers we call false?

No, the problem is not here, the problem is ... what should we do now?

Qie Yan also thought about direct sniping, but he quickly gave up. After all, the other party dared to jump out and slash the two followers, and he was not necessarily afraid of his own bullet. Moreover, since she said that she was the master of CASTER, it means that CASTER was also nearby and rushed to fire.

But ... if things go on like this ...


When the palace was hesitant, suddenly a thunder fell suddenly!


Along with a series of shouts, the next moment, everyone saw a man driving a ox cart descending from the sky and rushed towards the three parties in the melee.

come yet? RIDER?

Founder certainly knew what Rider was doing, but ...

Just kidding, I came here to start a team fight, who sees you pretending!


"Yes, MASTER!"

Along with Founder's roar, Ilya appeared immediately behind Founder ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and raised her wand.

"The defense unfolds!"

Along with Ilya's shout, a triangular pyramid-shaped barrier suddenly appeared in front of Ilya, colliding with the ox cart rushing forward!

"Mou ————! Mou ———— !!!"

The two cows pulling the cart lowered their heads, and stood against the barrier in front of them, thunder and lightning, but after a moment, the ox cart finally could not break through the defense and stopped.

Until then, everyone also clearly saw the true face of the little girl named CASTER who appeared behind the red horsetail. Seeing that face, Chee Hyun and Alice Phil, eyes widened in surprise.

"That is……………"


PS: It's raining, asking for a monthly pass ...

(End of this chapter)

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