Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1456: Spoiler you 1 face

The first day of the Holy Grail war ended in such a messy situation.

But for the survivors and their masters, the situation has become more and more severe.

Almost everyone now believes that CASTER and her MASTER, the girl who claims to be a magical girl with a red ponytail, are the most terrible enemies. You know, the other party was going to put them in the pot, and they almost made it!

If it wasn't for ARCHER's treasures at the end, I am afraid that none of their followers could run away! All die in that inexplicable inherent enchantment!

But ARCHER's situation is not so good ...... well, in fact, everyone got the information the next day, ARCHER was still killed by the red horsetail.

"How to do this………"

Staring at the map of Winterwood in front of his eyes, Wei Gong stunned the table with a little impatience. The appearance of the red ponytail can be said to have disrupted Qiu's thoughts. Generally speaking, if the follower is too strong, then the goal should be moved to MASTER, which is also the plan of the Wei Palace.

However, the plan is now completely bankrupt. Unless he can kill the red horsetail, it is impossible to get this group out by killing MASTER.

As for killing CASTER? Alright ... Although it's not impossible, what if you kill CASTER? With the strength that the Red Horsetail showed that day, CASTER can be used to fight SABER and LANCER at all, and later killed ARCHER ...

In the end, Qiu was desperate to find that no matter what he planned, to get the Holy Grail, the group of Red Horsetail and Caster was an obstacle that could not be bypassed. What's more depressing is that this group seems to have almost no weaknesses, although generally speaking, CASTER should not be good at melee. But after seeing the opponent ’s RIDER's ox cart in a punch, this assumption obviously does not hold.

Just kidding, RIDER is the riding spirit, can he ride anything ordinary? As a result, CASTER was punched for a second. Whoever dares to say that CASTER is not good at melee, Wei Gong must not look at him.

Not to mention the red horsetail, although Wei Gongqi also thought about using snipers, explosives, gas bombs and other means, but from the previous performance of the red horsetail, he was very doubtful whether his ideas would be effective. In that case, don't let the other side annoy him if you have no effect, and come to find your own trouble ... ... Wei Miyaguchi confessed that he didn't have the ability of ARCHER, being caught must be dead.

"Cut it."

Just as Aiguchi was scorching his head, Suddenly, Alice Phil's voice came from him, and Aiguchi looked up and looked at his wife.

"What's wrong? Alice?"

"That one……………"

Hearing Qien's inquiry, Alice hesitated, but still said.

"I want to go with SABER ...... to the city."

"Go downtown?"

When I heard this, I was a little puzzled. Although it is daylight, there is still danger in the urban area. Not to mention that the original plan was for Alice to stay in the castle, after all, it was safer on her own site. But now, Alice said she was going to the city?

"yes, I………"

Having said that, Alice paused for a moment, then clenched her fists.

"I ... want to see that kid ..."


Although Alice didn't say it directly, Qiu naturally knew who she was referring to. To be honest, this is also a problem that he has been distressed and even dare not face.

Because after fighting last night, Wei Gongqiu can be sure that that CASTER is not someone else, it is her own daughter, Eliya.

But ... his own daughter turned into a hero? !!

what on earth is it? !!

Wei Gong's attitude towards the spirit can be seen from the relationship between him and SABER. He does not like these heroes. However, his daughter has become the spirit and participated in the Holy Grail War ...

What happened to her? Why did this happen?

This is not just a cut-and-forth question. As a mother, Alice Phil is obviously more eager to get answers. Therefore, she hoped to venture to the city and find CASTER to inquire about the situation.

"... well, no problem, SABER will protect you, and we do need more intelligence."

In the end, Qie nodded.

In fact, this is what he wants to know.

At the same time, in the urban area, Fang Zhengzheng did not have the breath after the war, but took leisurely shopping with Ilya and Sakura.

"That's good, let's eat something."

"That dress is pretty. Would you like to buy it?"

While dressing up Ilya and Sakura, Founder did not forget to take photos of the two with his personal terminal, and put them in a folder for collection.

"Should we go to the amusement park today? Or go to the cinema to watch a movie?"

"I want to watch a movie, MASTER."

"I, I also want to see ..."

After hearing Founder's proposal, Ilya raised her hand, and Sakura also showed a look of expectation. Hearing the two people's words, Founder also waved with a small hand.

"Then let's go to the movies!"

I have to admit that 1994 was the golden age of the movie. Compared with 20 years later, it was basically not good-looking. The era of Hollywood's complete decline. Entering the cinema, even looking at the poster in front of you, can't help feeling.

"Well ......... well, there are so many classics."

Standing in the projection room, looking at the poster in front, Founder also touched his chin and thought.

What are you looking at?

This killer is not too cold ...... not very suitable for children.

Shawshank's redemption ... too early for Ilya and Sakura.

Forrest Gump ... It's not bad.

The Lion King ... Geek in Disguise ... The True Lie ... The Interview with the Vampire ... The Speed ​​of Life and Death ... It's determined, it depends!

With this in mind, Founder made a decision and walked to the ticket gate.

"Three Lion Kings ..."

As he said, Founder turned his head and looked at Eliya and Sakura standing next to him.

"......... Child ticket!"

After all, discount!

The Lion King is still very good. Although the story itself is quite ordinary, the songs are still pretty good, and Elijah and Sakura are also very excited and excited. Founder himself should revisit the classics-after all Watching a movie with popcorn in a movie theater is still different from watching a computer screen at home.

The three watched the movie with satisfaction, and it was already noon when they left the cinema.

"Well, let's get something to eat next ..."

After a glance at the time, Founder took Ilya and Sakura to the fast food restaurant, but at this moment, suddenly, a bold voice sounded.

"Yo, isn't this little lady, what are you doing?"


Hearing this voice, Founder turned his head and saw that the burly RIDER not far away was rushing at them with excitement, and the thin MASTER next to him was pulling RIDER with a pale face, as if to take him away.

However, he did not have the ability to move RIDER one point at a time.

"We just finished watching the movie and are planning to have lunch."

"Oh, this is really destiny."

After hearing Founder's answer, Rider laughed.

"Coincidentally, my MASTER and I have just finished purchasing and plan to go back. How about working with you?"

"It doesn't matter. Come whenever you want."

Founder is naturally indifferent, and of course Ilya is also indifferent. As for Sakura ... it is even more indifferent.

In this way, the group came to the fast food restaurant not far away. With the majestic body of RIDER, they took a good position without any effort.

"Sure enough, calling you is the right choice."

Looking at the guests who were scared away from here, Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

"If you're not here, we're afraid it would take a long time to find a seat."

"Hahaha, this shows that the civilians also respect my domineering."

Picking up a burger in one hand, Rider laughed, and then stuffed the burger directly into his mouth.

The next Weber drank Coca-Cola, and bowed his head in an apocalyptic state without saying a word.

However, at this time, suddenly, another voice sounded beside everyone.

"Sorry, may I sit here?"

Hearing this voice, the crowd looked up and saw Alice Phil standing with a smile on his face, and beside Alice Phil, SABER looked at them with a serious face.

"I don't care ... what about you, Miss?"

"It doesn't matter, the more people, the better it is, right? Ilia?"

"Ah, um .........!"

Upon hearing Founder's inquiries, Eliya nodded hurriedly, and then she gave a quiet glance at Alice Phil, and she couldn't breathe.

What happened?

Looking at Elijah in front of her, Fang Zheng blinked curiously.

Speaking of which, I forgot to ask Ilya ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What kind of character is Alice Phil in that world?

It looks almost like Ilia looks like a mouse when he sees a cat ... ... in terms of the character of Alice Phil that he saw in the animation, this is impossible.

After obtaining the consent of RIDER and Founder, Alice Feir also sat down with SABER and squeezed a table full. Although Sakura was nervous about the sudden appearance of so many people she didn't know, she just gathered around Fangzheng and Ilya and said nothing.


After swallowing five or six burgers in a row, and then drinking a glass of cola, RIDER snorted quickly, and then put the empty glass on the table.

"By the way, it's rare to get everyone together. Let's say, what do you want to achieve after you get the Holy Grail. Don't you all come here because you want the Holy Grail to come true?

"Oh, sorry, I'm not."

However, before the others spoke, Founder raised his hand against it. Upon hearing Founder's answer, the others could not help looking at her curiously.

"Oh, Miss? You're not here to fulfill your wish? Then why did you participate in the Holy Grail War? Don't tell me, you are just passing by."

"This is not ..."

Founder ate the chicken nuggets in front of him and drank Coca-Cola.

"My goal is simple, that is to defeat other followers, win the Holy Grail War, and summon the Holy Grail ..."

"Uh-huh, then?"

"Then it was chopped along with the holy grail."

Founder silently, decisively, and directly spoiled everyone present.

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