Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1469: Bring a trumpet brush (I'm here again today)

The scenery in front of me flashed.

When Founder opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was a bright red sky. It feels very similar to the closure in the world of fire and fog, but obviously, it is not the case.

"Master, look!"

At this time, Li Fana also screamed and reached out to point to the sky, Fang Zheng looked in the direction of her fingers, and saw the dark red sky, all of which appeared like vortexes from the sea, and then, Dense black spots gush from the center of the vortex.

So it ’s no wonder it ’s called a tide, which looks like the sea water floating in the sky.

"Master, there is Ruth Village!"

Just as the Founder was thinking, suddenly Raftaliya shouted, and then she reached out and pointed to the village not far away.

"Speaking of which, this is also our novice village."

Looking at the village about to be hit by the tide, Fang Zheng frowned. Before he could say anything, however, he heard a series of footsteps accompanied by "DaDaDa". The other three brave men ran out not far away with their respective adventure teams, running all the way to the core of the wave Passed.

"Let's go, Lavthalia, Lifana, let's protect the village."

"Well? But master, over there ..."

"It's better to hand over the three weak chickens over there. If they can't figure it out, I'll have time to shoot again."

This is a rare opportunity to brush up experience. Who would want to brush up with those idiots.

Besides, the brave have no experience in brushing together.

Thinking of this, Founder also suddenly waved.

"let's go!"

Although Megmallo has sent many adventurers and soldiers in various places in response to the arrival of the wave, it is obviously not enough to rely on these people alone. In fact, when Fangzheng brought Lavthalia and Lifana to the village, the defense here was on the verge of collapse, and the villagers screamed and ran away.

Can't blame them for not preparing in advance, after all, the waves appear randomly. No one knows who this unlucky tide will fall on, at least for now, people here can be said to be unlucky.



When walking into the village, the first thing Founder saw was a group of villagers and a few adventurers with straw forks and wooden sticks. They were tremblingly confronting the demons that fell from the sky. It's not so much confrontation as it is to be surrounded. Those bumblebees, which are more than one meter long, and monsters that look like undead soldiers are falling from the sky, quickly separating everyone in the village ...

I didn't expect this group of monsters to understand the airborne strike ...

Alas, if I can use the frost sorrow at this moment ...... forget it, I can still cut a shape!

"Avenger's Shield!"

Looking at the surrounded villagers not far away, Founder also roared, and then threw out one hand, and then saw the light shield constructed by the golden holy light flying out and hit one of them with his movements. On the monster, he quickly bounced back and shot, hitting all the monsters in front of Founder's eyes.

The monsters that were hit also turned around quickly and rushed towards the Founder.

"Hey, grandson, come on."

Looking at the gathered monsters, Founder blew a whistle, then he grabbed the handle hidden in the shield, and waved forward at the monsters rushing towards him in groups.


The next moment, the original shield split and expanded instantly, turning it into a huge shield axe and smashing towards the monster in front of it. The hornet rushed directly into the meat sauce, and then the founder clenched the handle again and raised the shield axe in his hand. I saw that the surface of the merged shields suddenly split apart, exposing the sharp blade like a giant axe inside, and a ray of golden light flickered and tangled ...

"Super solution!"


With the founder's move, the shining crusader strike broke out in an instant, and I saw the dozens of monsters in front of it swallowed up, completely turned into ashes.

"That's the extent."

Raising the shield axe again, looking at the monster that was swept away in front of him, Fang Zheng skipped his lips. At this time, the villagers and adventurers rescued by him also hurriedly gathered.

"Master Brave!"

"Master Shield Brave!"

Hehe, I'll know how to call an adult now.

"Hurry up and take refuge, and the monsters here will be given to me."

Founder nodded to the villagers headed by it, then released a shield of Avengers again, and once again steadily caught the hatred of monsters attacking other villagers not far away.

"Raftalia, you are responsible for guiding other villagers to take refuge, Lifana, you are fast, go around the village and pull me the fish that leaked the net, just like we did before in the battle, understand?"

Since La Fu Talia and Li Fana's fighting style are similar to WOW, Founder simply took out the set of WOW with a small brush copy. Most of the enemies are pulled by themselves, and a small number of fish that leaked the net let Lifana attract the hatred and pull them together. Lavthalia will be a Deputy T, responsible for protecting the security of the NPC.

As for the Founder ... Anyway, they also have a full set of Paladin skills.


Because Founder had intentionally trained them several times before, the two nodded and immediately went to do their own things.

The Founder whistled again, then raised the shield axe in his hand.

"Hey, Sun Thief!"

As he shouted, the Founder suddenly waved the shield axe in his hand again, and saw that with the Founder's action, the shield of the Avengers exuding a golden light suddenly shot out into the sky, and then burst quickly, as if in the sky Huayu flew towards every corner of the village.

Soon, I saw a large group of monsters rushing towards the Founder.

Alas, it would be great if this trick could be used in the game.

Hate in full screen.

Facing the hundreds of monsters in front of him, Fang Zheng didn't care, just raised his right foot and stomped on the ground.


Instantly, with the Founder as the center, the shining Holy Light spread along the ground and erupted, as if burning like a flame, and quickly swept away the group of monsters that flew towards the Founder. Then the Founder waved the shield axe again, hitting a big-looking ghoul in front of him.

However, these demons obviously will not retreat so easily, or they have no concept of retreat at all. Even if the first wave of demons has been completely emptied by the founder, the demons descending from the sky will continue to keep up.

Although it is cool to say that you can directly brush up on the experience, it's annoying enough to fight this way ...... how did the three weak chickens fail to respond? Could it be dead?

Hehe, he died as soon as he crossed it, and his idea was too memorable.

"Master Brave!"

Just as Fang Zheng was thinking about it, suddenly, a group of people emerged from behind him.

"Let's help too!"

"you guys?"

Founder turned his head and saw the group of villagers and adventurers who had just been rescued by himself, but gathered behind him at this moment.

"What are you doing here?"

"This is our village!"

Hold the weapon excitedly for the first guy who looks like the village leader.

"We also need to protect our village, and you are the only one, Lord Brave, aren't you?"

"I'm not alone ... but forget it, as the saying goes, it's okay to stay in Qingshan without fear of burning wood, and the village is ruined. When a person dies ... I'll tell you I won't be revived."

He meowed, the Paladin did not fight back. What did the SB set up in the rainstorm?

"But, but ..."

"If you really want to help, hurry up and evacuate the villagers who have not yet evacuated!"

The Founder pointed a finger, and the hammer of judgment came out, smashing a monster in the distance who was attacking a mother and daughter into pieces.

"You all have family and children, why? Don't kill yourself now? So do you want your family to lose their father at an early age, a middle-aged husband, or an elderly one?"


After hearing Founder's words, the villagers really hesitated. After all, if you are alone, you are dead. But they have family ...

"Come on, you can't deal with these monsters, just leave it to me."

Although for the Founder, this wave of monsters is also very easy to deal with, it is almost like a 100-level paladin single-brushed 20-level copy, straight A is done. However, these monsters are still the elite monsters in the copy. These villagers generally have no ten levels, and they simply die by touching them.


This time, the villagers no longer hesitated, respectfully nodded to the Founder, and quickly went to protect the other villagers to evacuate. I saw them pulling the women who were too late to run, hugged the crying child, and quickly retreated outside the village.

"Master! There is a wave here!"

At this moment, Founder saw Lifana jumping twice and jumping over the roof not far away. Behind her, dozens of hornet monsters and necrotic monsters rushed over aggressively.

"Good job!"

Founder's Avenger's shield was full of hatred, and then set off directly A, easily leveled the monster in front of it again.

"How is it going?"

"Most of the villagers have been evacuated, leaving only a few ......... what is it?"

Before Lifana's words were finished, I saw dozens of fires suddenly appearing from a distance. They seemed to be thrown out of the trebuchet, and passed through the sky like a boulder burning with flames, and then burst open above the village , Turned into arrows of flames, covering down the entire village.

"Evacuation is not over yet!"

Seeing this, Lifana's eyes widened in surprise and shouted. At this moment, the villagers who have not had time to leave the village are also stunned, and for a while they don't know what to do.

"Blazing sky over the sevenfold ring!"

Facing the rain of flames covering the entire village, Founder just slammed his finger, and then saw a huge, purple petal-shaped shield in the air instantly, blocking the attack of the rain of flames.

After all, there is something useful in Wang Zhibao's treasure.

The fire and rain swept down, and Founder turned around, and not far away, a group of knights in armor came towards this side.

When the head of the knight head saw Fang Zheng, he suddenly sank.

"Cut, shield ........."


Looking at the head of the knight in front, Fang Zheng grinned, but he had not waited for him to speak. Suddenly, Lafutalia's voice sounded suddenly.

"You **** !!"

Along with the roar, I saw Raftalia waving a sword and stabbed towards the head of the knight suddenly, and at this time, a knight hurried forward and pulled out a sword, blocking Laftalia's attack.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The head of the knight who was attacked was also startled and roared loudly.

"You know that Lord Founder and the villagers are here. You even ordered the fire to be set. What do you want to do!"

At this moment, La Fu Talia was also very angry. She managed to evacuate the villagers just now. As a result, she turned around and saw the Knights set fire to the village. Although the Knights' attack was stopped after that, Lavthalia rushed down in a hurry. After seeing the Knights in front, she immediately drew a sword and rushed up.

"Anyone, want to fight against the Knights of the Kingdom?"

Looking at this scene, the head of the knight was also gloomy.

"act recklessly!"

"I don't know if you are alive or dead."

However, at this moment, Founder said.

"Listen well, I only say once. Now you have two choices, either to protect the remaining villagers to evacuate, or to roll away, if you dare to stop in front of me, no matter what your reasons are. Attacking me, I can guarantee that you will never live until the end of the wave. "

After saying this, Founder turned around and clenched the shield axe in his hand again.

"Lifana, Lavutalia, let's go!"



Watching Fang Zheng and others fighting with the monsters, the head of the knight clenched his fist, he clenched his sword, and wanted to raise it. However, at this moment, the knight who blocked Lavthalia's blow just came out in a hurry, holding down the hand of the knight leader.

"Master, don't ..."

"Well ...... **** ..."

Watching the Founder wield a shield axe, he easily smashed a huge necromancer into pieces, and the head of the knight turned green and then white. He is not a fool. The strength of the opponent is not unknown. After all, he was able to block the fire and rain magic released by the entire Knights just now. This is not something anyone can do ...

Not to mention, that's the demon of the shield! !!

Even the king and the princess are not his opponents, and they have to go up to themselves ... ... Isn't that the same?

Moreover, the head of the Cavaliers can feel that the opponent is not just talking.

If he did it himself, he would really kill himself!


Holding the sword firmly, the head of the knight took a deep breath, and then gave an order.

"Here is handed over to the shield, and we go to the three heroes!"

After saying this, the head of the Cavaliers took his two close friends and ran away without looking back ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hearing the orders of his boss, the other soldiers were also hesitant. And at this moment, I saw the knight who had blocked Lavthalia's attack for a moment, and then shouted.

"Everyone, protect the villagers from evacuating! Lord Shield Brave!"

"I'm pulling the mobs' hatred. Can you save one as one?"

Hearing the knight's voice, Founder waved his hand, then waved his right hand, and another crusader smashed at the monsters in front of him.

"Super solution !!"

Although most of the monsters were blocked by Founder, Lavthalia, and Lifana, the monsters were constantly coming out of the center of the vortex. Therefore, even if Founder has full-screen pull hatred, he can only hold about four-fifths, and even if Lavthalia and Lifana are checked for gaps, there is always a fish that leaks the net.

Compared to those villagers who are less than tenth level, these knights are also considered to be a fighting force. At least these missing fish should be able to clean up.

Of course, if there is no NPC to evacuate here, the Founder will directly go to the initial fire ... not yet, no experience playing with the initial fire!

Just a few waves just now, Lavthalia and Lifana have almost reached the 20th level!

Another wave, get rich and get rich, go directly to twenty!

However, just as Founder killed another wave of monsters and looked at the experience in front of him, he suddenly thought that the original blood-red sky became clear, and the vortex disappeared.

"MMP ........."

Looking at the Twenty Experience Bar almost, Fang Zheng almost scolded it.

Do you know that OCD is dead? !!

I knew that it was time to kill that **** knight commander!

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