Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1476: Gun Brave Destruction II (The weather is getting colder)

"This is it!"

Raising the seed in his hand, the brave gunman could not help yelling.

"Next, as long as you take this back to the village, you can solve it!"

"It's truly Lord Kang!"

"Master Yuankang is really amazing !!!"

At the same time, the women 1 and 2 who followed the heroes of the gun immediately came forward and praised them. Although they didn't do anything along the way, it was their main job to follow the bravery of the gunmen.

"Hahaha, right? ... hmm?"

It wasn't until this time that the brave man of the gun seemed to find something wrong. He turned his head and looked towards the rear. But when he saw the empty rear, the brave of guns could not help but stunned.

"Where's Mai Yin?"


"She was behind us just now, was she lost?"

"What's going on? What's the joke?"

Now the brave man also frowned, then he put the seeds back in his pocket and strode back to the same way.

"Hey! Mai Yin!"

"Have you heard? Where are you ?!"

As he walked back, the Brave of the Gun shouted loudly, but received no response. At this moment, his two other companions were also nervous.

"What's going on? Are there any dangerous monsters hidden here?"

"No kidding ..."

"how is this possible!"

Hearing the whispers of the two women, the Brave of the Gun also frowned. He is no longer familiar with this ruin. In the game, he has come here more than once to brush up the mission. There are no powerful enemies here. Some are just a group of weak Goblins, and that group of weak Goblins was killed by themselves before.

By the way, if you remember correctly, there seems to be Goblin's lair deep in the ruins.

Where did she go?

Maybe not.

But all in all, go find it out and talk about it.

With this in mind, the Brave Gunner took his companion along the other side of the road and walked towards Goblin's lair.

I didn't see the goblin along the way, but I don't know why, the brave of guns always felt uneasy. He strode across the passage, crossing the collapsed trap, moving forward, and then to the deepest part of the ruins.


The Gun Brave kicked open the heavy wooden door and walked in.

It was originally a warehouse of ruins, but now it has become a goblin's lair. The Gun Brave knew this in the game, but he didn't care much about it. After all, it's just a bunch of goblin, there is no experience value at all in the game, and it's annoying.

but now………


When the door was opened, the Goblins turned their heads and looked at the door in surprise. However, the brave man at the moment did not pay attention to these miscellaneous fish at all, but widened his eyes and looked deep into the warehouse.

There, a woman with long red hair was nailed to the wall. Her original beautiful body was covered with scars at this moment. The goblins crushed it with a torch that had just extinguished and crushed it. The fair skin was a mess, and the woman's entire body was smelling bad smell. Her mouth was bleeding and her teeth were knocked out. Because she was unwilling to obey, she was directly given a stone by Goblin. Smashed it.

And beside her, at this moment, there were still a few younger brothers Brin who were smiling and holding the worn short swords they didn't know where they came from, and limping towards the woman, as if punching a sandbag.

Although I can't see it, the only coat I left on the woman ...


The Gun Brave stared in surprise, and asked involuntarily. After hearing his inquiries, the woman slowly raised her head-her eyes had lost her glamour, and her face was covered with white stains. She opened her mouth, exposing her blood-stained mouth, drool and blood mixed with tooth fragments pouring out of her mouth and dripping to the ground.

A large piece of bright red hair was dropped because of Gobrin's brutal drag, and even the bruises on his head could be seen.

"Yuan ... Kang ... Adult ..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Hearing the woman's answer, the brave gunman made an angry roar. He clenched his spear and stared angrily at Goblin in front of him.

"You guys, goblin, you dare, dare ........."

Roaring, the brave gunman held up the sacred gun in his hand, and rushed forward.

"Meteor Gun! Meteor Gun !!! Meteor Gun !!!"

"Guck !!!!"

"Squeak !!!!"

These Goblin were already very weak. Under the attack of the brave gunmen, soon, most of them screamed to death. The other Goblin also seemed to be stunned by the attack of the Gun Brave, screaming and escaping.

"Mai Yin! Take it easy, I'll save you now!"

After seeing the group of Goblin running away, the brave gunner was relieved, and then he hurried to Mai Yin's side, reached out his hand, and wanted to hold her down.

However, just as the brave man of the gun reached out to untie the rope tied to Mai Yin ...


what is this?

The gun brave man bowed his head, staring blankly out of Mai Yin's lower abdomen, and then inserting his sharp blade, for a moment it seemed that he did not understand what was happening. But soon the next moment, the intense pain erupted, causing the brave gunner to scream and lower his body.


Although the Gun Warrior was covered with armor throughout his body, His Majesty apparently did not have any protection. When the sword went down, the Gun Warrior instinctively curled up and shouted.

"Coo! Coo !!!!"

At this moment, another Goblin who was hiding behind Mai Yin also dropped the sword in his hand. His excited hands grabbed the nearby stone, raised it up against the brave gunman, and then smashed it with force.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

"Wow, what are you doing!"

Covering his face with Goblin's head and covering his face is a smashing gun brave. At this moment, he was eager to break free, but the pain at the moment made the gun brave had no way to stand up, he could only hold his head with his hands and resist as much as possible Goblin's offense. However, at this time, the brave gunner heard the scream again.

"You, what are you doing ?!"

"Let me go, let me go! Help! Lord Brave!"

That is………

The Gun Brave turned his head, looked in the direction of the sound, and saw his other two companions, not knowing when the Goblins would be crushed to the ground. The magician's staff was broken by Goblin directly and turned into waste.

"You, you dare to break my staff, that's, that's ......... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

However, before the words of Female 2 were finished, she saw the impatient Goblin pierce her belly with a stab, and stirred vigorously.

"It hurts! It hurts! Help! Help!"

"Get out of here, get out of here !!!"

Hearing the screams of his companions, the Brave Gunners shouted angrily. However, those Goblin were not afraid of them at all. Instead, they hesitated around the crowd, holding up the weapons in their hands. And smashed them in front of them.

These bastards, bastards! !! It's just a group of Goblin, a group of Goblin! !!

Looking at the scene in front of him, the Brave Gunners became even more red-eyed. What a joke, you guys are just a group of Goblin, a group of wastes that you can't even experience in the game. How dare you treat me like that! Treat me like this! I want to kill you! Kill you! Kill you!

However, the anger of the Gun Braves did not stop the Goblins. They smirked and used the weapon in their hands to beat the enemy in front of them. Soon the companions of the Gun Brave screamed, they screamed, struggled, begged for mercy, and then wept into tears. But all this has nothing to do with Goblin, they just enjoy it all happily and enjoy as much as possible from it.

hateful! hateful! hateful!

Holding the long gun in his hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The brave man at the gun finally glanced at his companion and made a decision.


Then he disappeared into the air.

The Four Sacred Braves have the ability to move to the recorded location, which is also to enable timely evacuation in the event of an accident. However, before that, it may be because of fighting, or it may be that Goblin is not worth worrying about, so that the brave gunner did not think of using this ability. It was not until this time that he reached the critical point of life and death. He finally thought of it.


The next moment, the wounded gun hero fell so heavily in front of the dragon carved hourglass, and saw his appearance, and the priests of the Sanyong religion stationed in front of the dragon carved hourglass also hurried forward .

"Master Brave, what happened?"

"Why are you alone coming back? Others?"


Facing the enquiry of the Sanyong believers, the brave gunman was speechless for a while, what can he say? Can you say that you were defeated by a group of Goblin? How does this explain to the believers of the Three Yongs in front of him? You know now, the only people who still trust themselves are the king and the believers of the Three Yongs! In the face of them, can I say such shameful words?

If this is passed on, will it be treated as counterfeit?

Thinking of this, the brave of the gun suddenly appeared. He forced himself to look up, looking at the priesthood in front of him.

"It's a shield ..."


"It's a shield ...... that guy attacked us while we were unprepared and killed my companion. Only I barely escaped. It was him, he did it!"

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