Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1483: You make a choice (stopping water is the most annoying)

Standing on the balcony and looking at the city outside, Lavthalia was a little lost. She never imagined that she would stand here one day, and ... still when the king was killed.

It's been three days since the end of that battle.

After Founder personally killed Megmallo XII, the other nobles and ministers immediately chose to surrender. After all, Founder has shown through practical actions that no matter if it is a king or a noble, as long as he dares to stand in front of him, he will be killed without pardon. The army loyal to the king and the Sanyong Sect were completely dead in the previous battles, and no residue was left. The rest of the people immediately started to hold their thighs and make a flatterer.

Founder did not intend to usurp the throne, but he is the Lord of the Heavenly Palace. There are tens of thousands of planets under his hands. The small country of Megmallo is just a sweat for the Founder. Maybe other people think that this king It's important, but for Founder, this is no better than network management.

Fortunately, the webmaster can also play games anytime and anywhere without spending money.

So the Founder did nothing but order the business as usual and waited for the Queen to return, but did nothing but preside over the whole situation in the palace. After all, he also knows that if he leaves his front foot, the whole palace of the back foot will be chaotic. So he just waited for the queen to come back here, and then left the mess to the other party before leaving.

"Well, it's true that you are the boss, and when you came up, you met a king."

A frivolous voice sounded not far away at the moment, and Lavutalia shook her ears, then turned her head, and not far away, a red-haired girl with a single ponytail tied her hands in the sacred gun I was feeling while walking. Beside her, there was a petite girl wearing a black trench coat and a long black hair.

"I knew that Founder had called me to be fine ..."

"What's the matter, isn't saving the world the mission of your fire and fog fighters?"

"I know, but he killed a king as soon as he came ..."

"Who told the king to trouble the boss, it should be deserved ..."

The red-haired girl with a ponytail said as she looked forward, and when she saw Raftalia, she raised her hand with a smile.

"Oh, isn't this a little raccoon?"

"Hello, Miss Shana, Miss Kyoko."

After hearing the red-haired girl's greetings, Lavthalia turned back in a hurry.

That's right, these two people are the sword bravery and the gun bravery re-summoned by Fang being the two "counterfeit" brave men executed by their own hands-Shana and Sakura Kyoko.

There is really no way around this.

There were really few people with swords on his hands, and even fewer with guns. So after thinking about it, Founder still decided to call Shana and Sakura Kyoko ... The former is also a rare founder who is good at using swords, and the latter is a spearman, so there is no need to worry about changing jobs. Lucky E.

After knowing that she was called to save a world, Shana and Kyoko had no objection, but of course Shana could not help but complain. Kyoko is quite calm-after all, in her world, Founder directly burned a higher civilization. In Kyoko's view, the king of such a small medieval country is like that.

In fact, if you can, Founder originally wanted to give the holy sword to La Fu Talia. Helplessly, the four holy warriors belong to different worlds and belong to the core setting. There is no way to change it, so Founder ca n’t make La Fu Talia into four Holy brave.

"Should you come?"

When walking to Lavthalia, Kyoko smiled and took out a chocolate bar and handed it over, while Lavthalia hesitated for a moment, then reached out to take over. Although Kyoko has only been here for two days, Lavthalia knows that the other party has snacks with her almost anytime and anywhere. Even when she goes out to practice leveling, she has a chocolate bar in her mouth and has to admit that These exotic foods are indeed delicious.

Lifana and Philo also like these snacks, and Lavutalia is no exception.

"Huh ..."

Kyoko was even happier when she saw that she had taken the chocolate bar. She stood on the balcony and stretched herself against the setting sun.

"I didn't expect there was such a world. When I heard Sister Asuna before, they still felt fake ...... but this is also quite fun. It feels like playing a game!"

"We don't really come to play games."

Shana snorted softly, and Kyoko grinned and put her arms around her shoulders.

"Hey, hey, who said that before, I'll go back when I reach level 20? What happened?"

"I, I was there to improve our strength!"

When she heard this, Shana flushed.

"This world is different from mine. I need to improve my strength and skills to be able to fight against the next wave ..."

"So you won't be able to play at home? If I don't hold you, you're afraid you have to stay overnight ... According to the boss, you are sick and have to be cured ..."

"Noisy, noisy!"

Just when the two were arguing, the figure flashed, and Lifana rushed down from the eaves the next moment.

"Lavtalia, sister Kyoko, sister Shana, the master calls you."

"Oh, isn't this a kitten? What happened?"

Looking at Li Fana, Kyoko also greeted her with a smile, while Li Fana nodded gently.

"The queen is back."


Upon hearing this, Kyoko's eyes brightened, then she grabbed Shana's hand.

"Walk around, watch the excitement, this time the boss is going to fight with the other party again, we can help!"

"You can't think of something better?"

Helplessly complained, Shana was pulled away by Kyoko, and Lavthalia and Lifana hurriedly followed, and walked towards the meeting room.

Founder didn't meet the other party in the throne hall. He killed the king because the other party blocked his way, and he didn't want to be a king. He didn't need to be a usurper.

"Hello, Lord Shield Brave."

The queen who walked into the parlor was serious, cold, and a little gloomy. This is understandable, after all, the idiot king that Founder killed was her husband ...

Thinking of this, Founder narrowed his eyes and looked closely at the queen in front of him. The queen looked like he was thirty or forty years old, and the idiot king had gray hair, and he seemed to be sixty or seventy years old.

This old man and his wife ... Is there something tricky in it?

However, this year is also turned around in the founder's head, the other person's private life is not about himself, is it?

"Hello, Your Majesty."

Founder sat on the sofa and raised his hand to say hello to the queen.

"I finally saw you."

"I always wanted to see you, but I didn't expect that we would meet in this situation."

Looking at the Founder in front of her, Queen Milelia also had a complex look. Since receiving a report before, she knows that the situation is not good. But she still didn't expect that things would come this far.

The Shield Brave not only killed Meg Marlow 32, but also killed the Pope of the Three Braves, which almost shocked all the nations around. On the one hand, they were shocked by the decisiveness of the shield's brave men, saying that killing kills, leaving no room for the other party at all. On the other hand, they were also shocked by the might of the Shield Hero. The other was alone, against thousands of followers of the Kingdom Knights and the Three Yongs, and it took less than ten minutes to completely wipe them out.

The strength of the four holy warriors is evident.

But for Queen Milelia, she looked pained.

In any case, Megmallo was his own husband, and Founder killed him without saying a word. Queen Milelia would definitely not be happy to speak up.

But ... what can she do?

"I don't know why you must do this."

Queen Milelia finally couldn't help but complain.

"I admit that Megmallo did something confusing, but there should be room for negotiation between us ..."

"It doesn't make sense to say this now, Her Majesty."

Founder waved his hand and interrupted Queen Milelia's speech. He stared at each other with cold eyes.

"It's not until a day or two now that this matter has developed. If you want to change the situation, you should do it early. But you didn't do it. In that case, I use my method to solve the problem. There is nothing wrong with it. "

"I had very important things abroad ..."

"That's your choice."

The Founder shrugged.

"When you make a choice, you have to bear the results. Now that you have chosen to wait and see instead of intervene directly, then this is the end you have to face now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hear here, Queen Milelia Helplessly bowed his head and sighed.

As Founder said, she could have stepped in earlier, even if she sent someone to control the king and then negotiated with the Founder. But she has not done so. Until now, the overall situation has been set, and she wants to change all of this, but she is already powerless.

"Now that you are back, I should go."

Looking down, the silent queen, Fang Zheng stood up and said. When hearing Founder's words, Queen Milelia looked at him with surprise.

"Leave? Lord Brave, where are you going?"

"Continuing my mission, I came to this world to protect this world and resist the tide. According to what I have been called from this world until now, to be honest, I feel that the high-level aristocrats of this world are not worth me at all Take care, to put it bluntly, if you die, it has nothing to do with me. Maybe I will put a fire fan next to it, but ordinary people in this world are still worthy of me to protect. So, I will answer We will investigate the wave and study to see if it can completely eliminate the wave. "

Having said that, Founder paused.

"The reason I stay here is just waiting for you. Now that you are back, the mess is left to you. It doesn't matter what you want to do, even if you want to get revenge for that idiot, but you, Let me put the ugly words first ... Now that you have made your choice, you have to bear the consequences. "

After saying this, Founder turned around and left without looking back.

Behind him, Queen Milelia sat there, silent.


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