Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1486: Secrets of this world (Me, Sibe, super fierce!)

Finally, after being promoted to the sixtieth level, Founder was content to take the three of them to the designated place and met the legendary Philo Queen Fittoria.


"I don't look very big."

Looking at the girl with a short head in front of her eyes, Founder made a gesture, curiously looked at the apricot next to her, but Kyoko rolled her eyes helplessly.

"I'm talking about how she changed back to her original shape ......... don't say this, you have to compensate me!"

"Compensation? What's wrong? What's wrong with her?"

"She didn't do anything to me, but those Philo birds ......"

As he said, Kyoko stretched out his hand in anger, pointed to the nearby Philo bird flock standing not far away.

"Eat all my snacks!"

Speaking of which, Kyoko is also full of blood and tears. To be honest, when she first met the Philo bird queen and the group of Philo birds, she still liked the other party. After all, Kyoko and Philo played very well before, so they were very enthusiastic about these Philo birds, and Kyoko's way of expressing friendship was naturally to share food with each other.

What I didn't expect was that these Philo birds actually became addicted. They chased Apricot every day to eat and eat, and stared at her with shiny big eyes without giving it. As a result, Kyoko has now been connected all over No snacks left.

"I don't even have instant noodles on me!"

"Is it so miserable? Is there any problem with Philobird eating these ......... forget it, I don't think there is any problem."

Looking at Kyoko's sad face, Founder shook his head, then he snapped his fingers, and soon, a container full of snacks suddenly appeared in front of Kyoko. Seeing this container, Kyoko also cheered.

"Small boys, let's rush !!!"

As she shouted, Kyoko directly opened the container and rushed in, and behind her, the group of Philo birds also shouted and rushed into the container.

Little ones?

Hearing this, Founder twitched the corner of his mouth, then looked at Queen Philo in front of him.

I said, someone here is going to grab your seat, don't you care?

"You are the brave of the shield?"

However, Queen Philo didn't seem to care that her men had been "counted out", just staring at the Founder in front of her, and asked lightly.

Her appearance was similar to that of Philo, with silver-white short shoulder-length hair and a pair of white wings behind her. But compared to Philo, the queen in front of her is obviously much more gorgeously dressed, and it is not an ordinary person at first glance. I do n’t know if it ’s the Queen ’s sake. There is no expression on that delicate and lovely face, and it looks like a taciturn semblance.

However, Founder can feel that the queen is very simple, not at all like that Milelia-the woman Founder knows that black water is flowing all over her, and he is too lazy to care about it. And something like the queen Philo in front of me is a bit interesting.

"My name is Fittoria, and I am the queen of Philo."

While introducing herself, Fittoria looked at Philo, who was standing behind the Founder.

"I have heard Kyoko's specific situation. I heard that you are looking for a new queen candidate? How did you find Philo? Then ...

As he said, Founder looked towards the Philo bird flock that had started to eat chocolate bars around Apricot.

"Why is this little fat bird different from other Philo birds? Couldn't she be your daughter?"

"That's not true."

Fittoria shook his head calmly.

"She grew up like this because she was raised by brave men."

"Well ...... there is indeed a monster growth in the shield system ......... wait!"

Hearing here, Founder froze for a moment.

"That is to say, no matter which Philo bird I keep, it will eventually become a fat bird?"


Facing the Founder's inquiry, Fittoria nodded.

"In fact, I was also raised by the shield heroes of the previous generation."

by! I thought I was lucky, but I didn't expect to be King!

Founder patted Philo's head, his face speechless.

"So, what are you going to do now? To be honest, I think you are very young, so don't look for an heir now."

"I'll talk about this later."

As he said, Fittoria was making a gesture.

"I have something I want to talk to Lord Shield Hero alone."

"Coincidentally, I also have a lot of things to ask you."

Hearing Fittoria's words, Founder nodded, then he motioned for the others to play with the Philo birds, and then he and Fittoria walked along the ruins all the way deep.

"I have heard what you did, Lord Shield Hero."

Walking on the wall next to it, Fittoria whispered.

"But I'm wondering why don't you help defend against the wave of attacks on other countries?"

"Other countries?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng frowned.

"Do you mean that the tide is happening everywhere in this continent?"


"It's weird. When the three previous waves occurred, our four holy warriors were all summoned to the same battlefield. What's going on?"

"Master Brave should know the hourglass."

Facing the Founder's inquiry, Fittoria gave another question, and the Founder nodded.

"Know, what's wrong?"

"In fact, there are several hourglasses in this world. Originally, according to the rules, each country called a Four Holy Braves, and resonated with the dragon carved hourglass of that country. In this way, when the wave happened, the Four Holy Braves They will be sent to different battlefields to fight. "

"So it is."

Hearing here, Fang Zheng sneered.

"That idiot king hasn't been killed before, so good luck."

But he died in his own hands.

According to Fittoria, the Four Holy Braves should have resonated with the Dragon Hourglass in the four countries where the East, West, and North are located. In this way, when the tide broke out, the Four Holy Braves could fight the four The tide of the battlefield. However, Megmallo 32 summoned all four holy warriors to Megmallo ...

Alas, Megmallo was not wiped out by other shameful and angry nations, it was all in the face of the tide.

Ok? Think of it this way, Hobray also seems to have an hourglass?

Hmm ... It seems Shana can't run away.

"I see. I'll let other people connect with hourglasses in other parts of the mainland."

Founder nodded, after all, this is also one of the most important issues.

"Next, I have some questions ..."

I have to admit that the Queen of Fittoria is really powerful. As a Philo bird who once followed the brave to fight the world, she also knows the situation of this world quite well. Under the story of Fittoria, Founder also knew a lot of things.

First of all, the three people did not lie. The reason for the wave did happen when the two worlds merged. Not only that, from Fittoria, Founder also knew one thing.

That is the fusion of the two worlds, which can be resisted, but requires sacrifices.

To put it plainly, it takes a lot of soul.

According to Fittoria, only a large number of souls can form and strengthen the barrier and resist the fusion of another world. It's like two eggs colliding. One of them desperately strengthens itself to the point of the stone, then it can resist the collision of the other egg, and after that egg is broken, it will be safe.

Then wait for hundreds of thousands of years, wait until the barrier becomes thin again, and then come again.

Unfortunately, even if it is Fittoria, it is not clear how the tide and the Four Holy Braves came from. This disappointed Founder, but there was nothing he could do. After all, Fittoria had only followed the brave to protect the world, and the Four Sacred Braves at that time only helped to resist the tide, as for other things ... Does not seem to have thought about it.

It now seems that only when the next wave arrives, he will go to investigate in person.

"What do you ask these to do?"

After answering the Founder's question, Fittoria also curiously looked to the Founder. To know that this was completely beyond what Fittoria could understand, she thought at first that the shield hero just wanted to learn about it from herself. The situation in this world. But what Fittoria didn't expect was that the other party finally asked about the Four Holy Heroes system and some things that he hadn't considered before.

"Because I don't intend to resist the wave."

In the face of Fittoria's inquiry, Founder shook his head and gave an answer. After hearing Founder's answer, Fittoria frowned.

"not going to?"


Founder nodded and continued.

"Even if it resists the wave and protects the world, it will eventually happen again after hundreds of years and thousands of years, so I plan to ... completely destroy it!"


Hearing here, Fittoria was shocked.

Eliminate the wave completely?

Looking at the Founder in front of her, she could hardly believe what she had heard. Before that, no one had ever said such a thing, but the man in front of him said so calmly, it seemed to him that It's just an established goal.

"But now it's weird. I wanted to take a closer look at the next wave ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but there was a problem ..."

Founder has taken Tanji to explore the outer space of this world, and the results show that everything in outer space is normal, and no other planet exists-this is also normal, after all, if two planets collide with each other at the physical level, light It is mutual gravitational attraction that is enough to cause a devastating disaster.

In other words, the fusion of the two worlds is a matter of dimensional space.

And across the world, but Founder's best.

Isn't the dimensional code used to do this?

So Founder had already thought about it, and when the next wave came, he rushed directly to the other side of the wave to see what was the situation.

It's a big fire.

In the event of an accident, the initial fire is also considered a Founder's habit.

But the question now is ...

"The countdown to the tide has stopped. There have been no movements for so many days. Do you know what happened?"

That's right, the countdown stopped and he didn't leave at all, which made Founder very helpless.

Upon hearing Founder's inquiries, Fittoria suddenly changed his face.

"The countdown has stopped? Did you say ...... have the spirit beast woke up?"

"Spirit beast?"


Fittoria nodded.

"In order to save the world, not only the four holy warriors are working hard. In fact, in the ancient times, the four holy spirit beasts existed. After they awaken, they will kill a large number of lives and draw their souls to supplement the world barrier. To resist the fusion of the two worlds ... "

"Such a thing like this?"

Founder frowned when he heard Fittoria's words.

It seems that the situation is really getting more and more troublesome.

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