Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1560: I'm not only going to kill you

Although Wu Yuantang and Dongyue were about to grit their teeth, the general NERV staff didn't feel much about it, but quickly accepted it.

After all, they do need such a part.

In fact, when watching the animation, Founder was very strange, why not set up a department responsible for taking care of these drivers.

This is actually a very strange thing.

After all, it's different from adults. Whether it's 绫 波丽, 碇真嗣, or even Asuka, they are just a group of minors. In principle, it must be put together for special care and management.

But in the animation, these three drivers, Aya Polly manages independently, Aya Shinji and Asuka go straight to Misato Katsushika?

Please, what does Misato Katsura do?

This is the NERV Minister of Operations. You asked her to worry about a group of junior high school students eating and drinking Lazar?

What's the difference between you and not leaving the soldiers to the platoon leader and letting the generals take care of themselves?

I'm not in the right profession.

And I saw it in the animation. Hao Shinji would have lived alone if it wasn't for Ge Chengmi. And if Asuka is not chasing 碇真嗣, she will also be arranged to live alone ...... This NERV person is afraid that his brain is sick? The three drivers that are of great importance. They bear the fate of the world and humanity. Do n’t you send someone to stare at them 24 hours a day, let them manage it independently?

Come on, Bian Po Li can burn her hands with a cup of tea. This kind of person will have a bloodshed if they are not good in the kitchen.

And adults and minors are not the same in terms of psychological quality.

In the theatrical version, Hagi Shinji and Asuka quarreled, and even nearly wanted to kill Asuka alive. There was n’t even a person watching it. If something went wrong, who would be responsible?

Right now, since Founder is here, naturally I have asked for a special department to coordinate and take care of the drivers. No one else felt wrong about this.

Since being a SEELE person, even if one hundred and eighty unwilling, Wu Yuantang had to go through the entry formalities for Founder, and after going through the entry formalities, Founder finally witnessed the secrets of NERV's secrets- —EVA.

"This is EVA."

Standing in front of the window, looking at No. 0 and No. 1 machines in front of him, Founder touched his chin. He came early, and strictly speaking, it was not long after NERV was really built --- this is why Founder was able to go to this department smoothly. In the animation, Misato Katsushika was the director of operations. After the third apostle struck, she also told 碇真嗣 that she had moved to the third new Tokyo city a few days ago, and Founder's time is far earlier than that of Katsura Misato Yet.

At least he has just learned from Ryoko Akagi that the tests of Aya Polly and Zero will be conducted in a week.

If Founder is right, it is the beginning of the legend of the Zero Zero going wild.

In fact, the Legend of Zero Zero has always been a big mystery of the EVA series.

This is also normal. After all, Founder's impression of No. 0 machine has always been on the road of nostalgia or running away ... In a word, in addition to being normal during the formal battle, as long as it enters the experimental stage, No. 0 machine must Not willing to be lonely.

Every time you want to show your own sense of presence, it's enough to toss up Polly.

There have been several opinions as to why the zero-number machine was so frequently violently tossing and tossing Polly.

One believes that the soul of No. 0 machine is from Naoko Akagi or one of Lilith, who is the mother of Ryoko Akagi, so it is repulsive to Li Polly. This statement is untenable to the Founder. The reason that Wei Wei's soul was in the first machine was because Wei Wei herself was melted when she experimented in the first machine, and the soul was integrated into the first machine.

But Naoko Akagi committed suicide directly, nor did he die in EVA. NERV's level of science and technology is not enough to transplant dead souls into EVA. As for Lilith, it's even more confusing. It is well known that Li Polis's soul is used by Li Polis. If the zero machine is Lilith, how can it be rejected?

The other argument is that the zero machine is the original body, so it has various defects, and the prototype itself is very problematic. The basis of this statement is from the second machine. The second machine itself is actually very unique. The strange thing is that Asuka feels that her mother's soul is in the second machine, but in fact Asuka's mother also commits suicide, and the same Die in a place that has nothing to do with EVA.

But if you say so, there is a problem. It is assumed that the second machine has the asylum of Asuka's mother, then it should be like the first machine, it has a strong resistance to outsiders. In fact, when Bo Lili tried to board the first plane, she was directly resisted.

But the fact is that the second machine has always been very stable, no matter who has been riding on it, there have been no problems, Asuka is no problem, Noroyuki is no problem, no real Hippo is no problem-even 碇真嗣 was actually the first time He also entered the insertion plug of the second machine with Asuka, and still did not cause any problems.

Only Li Boli has not boarded the No. 2 aircraft, so it is impossible to verify the last hypothesis-that these bodies are actually not faulty, but Li Boli is mentally unstable, so no matter which EVA she drives, it is easy to cause violence. And refused to respond.

In fact, in the original animation, once Polly almost verified that this hypothesis was correct, but Asuka died at the time and was reluctant to let Polly fly on the second machine. Therefore, in the spirit of scientific rigor, the last hypothesis with the highest probability , Can only be a hypothesis.

If Li Boli also had a runaway response when he was flying on the No. 2 plane, then the hypothesis can be judged as evidence.

Of course, this hypothesis does not hold up on the surface. After all, Li Boli's moods are not big, and she doesn't look like a person who will run away. However, it turns out that Li Boli did not have the desire to survive, and even had the idea of ​​deliberately seeking death several times. Even if the person's personality is not a problem, some subtle ideas may arise in the subconscious.

After all, they took the N2 bomb and rushed to the front to explode, and they used the same way to fight at every turn-it doesn't look like it can be done by those who seem calm.

But now, after witnessing the Zero machine in person, the Founder finally judged the problem of the legend of the Zero machine running away.

As the previous hypothesis 2 speculated, as the first truly prototype, the Zero machine is flawed from the soul level.

This is like a computer with a GHOST system. You can turn it on and off without any problems, but what programs do you need to run? Maybe it will hang due to the lack of the corresponding system files or a blue screen.

The first machine was apparently because Wei Wei solved the problem by completing the system files himself. As for the second machine ......... Fang Zheng has not seen it yet, so naturally it is hard to say.

After that, Founder finally met the most popular characters in the world.

"I'm Bo Polly. I'm meeting for the first time."

The bland voice, pale hair, bright red eyes, and indifferent face looked very similar to those found in Founder's memory.

"Hello, I'm Founder. You should already know that, from now on, I will be your driver's deputy guardian ... Of course, only you are currently."

Fang Zheng greeted Bobo Li with a smile. He was not surprised by the reaction of the other person. He watched the whole episode after watching the animation. What character of Bobo Li was, he couldn't be more clear.

"Can I call you Li?"


"Very good, Li, then you should already know that Ge Cheng is in charge of combat arrangements, and Dr. Akagi is in charge of your physical condition, and my main task is to be responsible for your life and study ... Of course there is only you."

Having said that, Founder smiled again. As he said, although Wu Yuantang agreed to the founder's joining, the founder's authority is currently limited to the driver's personal life. He is not eligible to intervene if he is in good health or combat mission.

In fact, Founder will not intervene. If he wants to do it himself, is it necessary to communicate with these guys?

Of course not.

"So, let's go to your house first."

Although I have known about the situation through animation, after seeing her own house, Fang Zheng is still speechless ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Do you really care about her?

Looking at this humble single room in front of him, Founder hardly knew what to say. The location itself is very general, the light is not good, and the surrounding environment is not good. As a result, the layout inside was even worse. Not to mention, this room itself is very small, which is a level of resettlement room ...

At least you can give a single apartment. What does it mean to give a pigeon cage?

Of course, with her personality, she certainly didn't care about it, even if she gave her a run-down dormitory. But the question is, is it a matter of other people ’s personality? Whether you give it is your attitude.

Nagato Yuki also has the same kind of fireworks, but they also live in high-end apartments, or three rooms and one hall!

With the character of Li Boli who arranges where to live, it certainly won't be that she thought she had abandoned her previous house to be too luxurious and deliberately asked for a shabby, but that was what was arranged at the beginning!

Wu Yuantang, you do n’t have a full set of looks.

Recalling that in the theater version, Li Baoyuan also said "I am not your doll", Founder said that this doll is not treated as well. Ask the dead house, which is not the window display case of the doll? Careful? The rich will give you LEDs.

This is a stray dog.

"First, let's change the living environment first."

Founder also wants to live here, but the animation is incomplete, after all, he came here personally, and after careful observation, Founder said that one person in this place was too crowded to panic, and even two people lived even more Don't mention it. Of course, don't even think about living with three or more people.

So Founder picked up the phone decisively.

"Sorry, we need to change houses ..."


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