Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1576: Showdown (How do you spend the National Day?)

In the following days, Fang Zheng took the three little ghosts for a leisurely life, and Wu Yuantang was not so leisurely. The League of Nations convened him several times to report to United Nations Headquarters, asking Wu Yuantang to give an explanation. At the same time, organizations and institutions in various countries have begun to collect information and clues about the "Temple of Heaven."

In fact, the National League already has plans to seal the NERV headquarters, but the power of SEELE penetration is strong enough, so nothing has changed so far.

But Founder knew that it wouldn't be long before the situation changed.

Because he got a call from Misato Gejo.

"The fifth person has been decided above, and you are responsible for taking over."


Fang Zheng frowned when he heard the voice of Gecheng Miri over the phone.

"his name is?"

"Yun Xun."

"Ha ha."

When he heard the name, Founder grinned, then he rolled his eyes.

"I see, Captain Gecheng ...... By the way, if you have time, how about picking him up with me?"


In the face of Founder's invitation, Gecheng Misato was obviously somewhat surprised. But she thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, I happen to be free this time."

"Then I'll pick you up."

As he said, Founder hung up his phone and walked out of the room.

"Oh, guys, are you okay today, go out with me."

"It's all right."

Upon hearing Founder's inquiries, 碇真 碇 shook his head, while 绫 Poly stood up silently, Asuka turned curiously, looking at Founder.

"But Founder, where are we going?"

In the face of Asuka's curious inquiry, Founder smiled slightly.

"Go meet someone."


Although somewhat puzzled, the three obediently followed the founder to go out by car. They first connected to Katsushika Miri, and then the founder drove towards the third new Tokyo suburb with the accelerator.


Sitting in the middle of the back row, Asuka looked at Aya Polly and Aya Shinji on the left and right sides, and finally reached out and pulled Aya Shinji's clothes.

"What are you doing with Founder Miri?"

"I do not know………"

碇真嗣 has been somewhat embarrassed with Misato Katsushika, so he just shook his head in the face of Asuka's inquiry.

"You said, wouldn't it be Founder and Miri secretly dating?"

Looking at Misato Gecheng sitting in the front passenger seat, Asuka's brain opened wide.

"Will he plan to find a place, let's testify, and propose to Miri ...... it hurts! First, what are you doing to me?"


Li Boli silently retracted his hand.

"I did not do it on purpose………"

"......... hhhhhh ... well, I believe you didn't mean it."

Blowing the back of the crippled hand, Asuka also glanced at Polly indifferently and said nothing.

And at this time, the Founder was talking.

"Anyway, there is still some time. I'd like to give you a lesson now."



As he said, Founder grinned.

"history class."


Hearing here, the crowd could not help but hesitate, but they haven't said much yet, and as soon as they saw Fangzheng, they said it on their own.

"This has to be said a long time ago. At that time, there were no humans on this earth, as we found in the archeological world. At that time, the world was dominated by dinosaurs ... well, if not a small one appeared Perhaps, this world might have been occupied by intelligent dinosaurs. But unfortunately, the luck of these dinosaurs was not good, because two uninvited guests came to this planet. "

Speaking of which, Fang Zheng looked to the sky in front of him, in fact, through "The Obituary", he already knew everything that happened in this world.

"In the present words, we can call them alien creatures, one of which is Adam, and the other is Lilith."

Upon hearing this, Ge Chengmei suddenly changed her face. She turned her head and stared at Fangzheng, but Fangzheng didn't realize it, and continued to speak.

"Adam and Lilith represent the development direction of two kinds of life, Adam represents the limit of the individual, and Lilith represents the wisdom of the group. The so-called one tiger cannot stand the other, the two sides fought a battle for dominance. In the end, Lily Silk defeated Adam and sealed it. The battle between them also caused the first shock-and the demise of dinosaurs. "

Speaking of which, Founder could not help but apologize. In fact, human beings are strictly "civil war" to the apostles, because whether it was Adam or Lilith, they were actually launched by the goddess of order. After all, just like doing scientific research, it is impossible to go all the way to darkness, and we must explore all kinds of methods?

In Kodori's world, the goddess of order wanted to turn chaotic creatures back into order creatures, so let the star **** seal the power of those beasts and turn them into humans. Of course, the final result also knows that the soul of the star **** is not enough to continue to maintain the existence of human beings, causing humans to re-beastify and destroy the world.

In this world, the goddess of order obviously wants to see which order is more effective between the extreme individual and the collective wisdom. As a result, Adam failed and Lilith won.

"After that, Adam ’s body was sealed, and the other parts were scattered into fragments and fell asleep. And Lilith also created human beings ... as the representative creatures of collective wisdom. In fact, the original story should have come That's it. "

Having said that, Founder glanced at Miri Katsushika next to him.

"Until the second shock occurs."

After hearing the word "second shock", Ge Chengmi's expression changed slightly, and then she forced herself to look out the window. On the contrary, I really asked for a moment, and could not help asking.

"But didn't the teacher say that the second impact was caused by a meteorite fall?"

"Are you stupid?"

Asuka suddenly learned the truth.

"That's just an excuse for covering people's ears. It's not the case at all ... as a driver of EVA, at least you need to know something about this. Are you right? First?"


Regarding Asuka's inquiry, Li Boli just nodded slightly, staring silently at Fang Zheng.

"Yes, the second impact has nothing to do with the meteorite. In fact, the first impact was not due to the meteorites that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs ... Okay, but before that, I will tell you about an organization called SEELE. . "

"SEELE ?!"

As for this name, Asuka and 碇真嗣 also immediately roused their spirits, because the red ponytail girl had previously said that "SEELE" existed, and the name was mentioned again immediately, which made the two realize that Fang Zheng this time Taking them out is definitely not for a picnic or to enjoy the scenery.

"Yes, before the second shock, the world order was not as it is now. At that time, SEELE said that it was a religious organization that couldn't see the light. Like any Illuminati or similar group, it held hundreds of books. Thousands of years ago, I didn't know who had brainstormed the nonsense that was written as a holy scripture, and struggled for it all his life ... well, to put it plainly is a cult group hidden in the back. "

Having said that, Founder grinned and looked at 碇真嗣 through the rearview mirror.

"Shinji, don't think that this has nothing to do with you. In fact, your mother was once funded by SEELE, which is why your father approached her."


After hearing this, Shinji was shocked.

"Mr. Founder, you said, you said my mother ... she was ..."

"Of course, I'm not saying that your mother is a bad person. Although SEELE is a neurotic cult in my opinion, at that time the other side was also an organization similar to a public welfare foundation. It would sponsor some promising research. Staff, and your mother was funded by SEELE while doing research under Professor Dongyue. "

"You mean Deputy Commander Winter Moon?"

At this moment, Misato Katsushika was also shocked, but she never thought that such a thing would happen.

"As for Wu Yuantang ... I don't know what he was thinking, but at that time he was in order to get online with SEELE, so he got in touch with your mother Yun Wei, and eventually the two got married and had children ... that's you. "

Having said that, Founder glanced at Gecheng Misato.

"I Captain Gecheng, you may not know yet. Wuyuantang at the time was also in your father's ......... Professor Gecheng's investigation team, and the day before the second shock, Wuyuantang took all The investigation data left the investigation team. Or ... ... a day after Wu Yuantang left the investigation team, a second shock occurred. "

"what do you mean……………"

Gecheng Misato was not a fool. It was just that she was still young, but now, after Fang Zheng said this, she seemed to realize something and clenched her fists.

"Yes, the second shock was not an accident, not even a so-called accident in official documents."

Founder hit the steering wheel again.

"The fact is that the speaker of the SEELE, Cheryl Lorentz, deliberately lifted Adam's seal through remote manipulation, which triggered a second shock. For what they called the" Human Completion Plan ", the second Impact is necessary ... "


Before Founder's words were finished, I saw Gecheng Miri hit a heavy punch on the window next to him, and even startled Asuka and Kojima.

The Founder just glanced at her calmly.

"Don't smash it, you have to pay for it."

"......... It's okay, you can get NERV's war department to reimburse you."

"Well, let me continue ...... you also know that after the second shock, the original order and governments of the countries in the world almost collapsed. And SEELE had long anticipated the second shock-nonsense, this is They initiated it on their own initiative, so they arranged their manpower ahead of time. And after the second shock, the situation was chaotic in various countries, and they secretly controlled the world. "

Speaking of which, Fang Zheng gave a pout.

"Simply put, you can think of SEELE as a virus. It can't take effect until the host becomes weak. Now the world has been completely eroded by a virus called SEELE, but fortunately, they This stupid thing has also had a big impact-that is the awakeness of the apostles. "

"Apostles .........?"

"Yes, the apostles are Adam's tortured body. SEELE lifted Adam's seal, and the apostles naturally awoke. They have long been eager to be one with Adam again, which is why the apostles will be savage and attack only the third new Tokyo The reason for the city-because Adam's body is in the NERV headquarters. "

"So it's so ......... It's so ..."

Asuka also frowned, thinking.

"That makes sense, and I wonder why the apostles only attacked Japan ..."

"If human beings were destroyed by the apostles before the plan was implemented, then SEELE's plan would be completely nullified. It is for this reason that they will establish NERV-an apostolic warfare agency. Of course, on the surface, of course NERV was established to deal with the apostles, but in fact it is obviously more than that. In fact, EVA is the key to the human completion plan. "

"What exactly is a human completion plan?"

Katsura Miri finally couldn't help but ask.

"Without saying the apparently stupid cult lines of SEELE, their purpose is simple: to create an artificial god."

"Man-made ... gods?"

"That's right, it's melding everyone from all over the world, abandoning individual differences, merging them into a whole, and rising to the realm of the gods ... ... Of course, this is their statement, let me use a more popular term to say --- Let's die together and rise to heaven. "

"So disgusting? I don't want it!"

Sure enough, Asuka refused first.

"If any human is finished, if you want to blend with the stupid Shinji, you might as well let me die!"


After hearing this, 碇真嗣 's expression was a bit subtle, and he smiled bitterly and didn't know what to say-he is not stupid, knowing that if he said to Asuka at this time, "We are good together", it is estimated that Asuka A backhand slap came over.

"But ... how did you know this?"

Reacting from the shock, Gecheng Miri could not help looking at the Founder, staring at him vigilantly.

"Who the **** are you?"

"Perhaps you already guessed it, okay ...... I don't bother hiding in the clouds and mist, and just say it clearly, my identity on the surface is that of the League of Nations ......... In fact."


Facing this unexpected answer, Gecheng Misato's jaw was about to fall off.

"What did you say?"

"I did not lie. I am indeed a member of the League of Nations. In fact, you may not know. After the second shock, there have been people inside the League of Nations who suspect that the second shock is wrong. Without alarming SEELE, Undercover investigation, and I am one of them, not only that, I am also a person in the Heavenly Temple ...... now you understand? "

"Tiandao Temple?"

Faced with this answer ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ everyone was surprised.

"Then the red ponytail girl ..."

"Well ... we do know each other."

Founder coughed, and then passed the topic, looking at the stunned Gecheng Misato.

"I Captain Gecheng, I will tell you this because I need your help next."

"My ... help?"


Founder nodded, then he looked forward.

"But for now, let's tackle the last question first."

Speaking of this, Fang Zheng suddenly braked and stopped. At this time, many people found that they and others had reached the sea unknowingly, and on the beach, a teenager in a white shirt was standing there, facing away from them.

"That is………"

"That is the last apostle."

The Founder opened the door.

"That's why I called you here, Rei, Asuka, Shinji. You are the pilots of EVA, and your goal is to destroy the apostles. But this apostle is too much trouble for you, so ..."

The flame suddenly, and the next moment, the knight in silver and white armor and the black and white swords appeared in front of everyone.

"Founder ... sir?"

Looking at this scene, 碇真嗣 was speechless in surprise, and Asuka and 绫 波丽 also widened their eyes in surprise.

However, Founder was not afraid. He strode behind the teenager and raised the dark sword in his hand.

"Are you ready to die? The Last Messenger."

"……………of course."

Upon hearing Founder's inquiry, the white teenager turned his head with a smile.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Li Lin."

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