Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1593: Little rabbit obediently (the surgery is done, no problem)

Dong Ma opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was the blue sky outside the window.

"By the way ...... I'm here ..."

Dong Ma slowly got up and looked towards both sides. After seeing the obvious sci-fi decoration in the bedroom, he took a moment to return to his senses.

By the way, I am already in another world ...

Dongma raised his hand, clenched it firmly, and then lowered it.

Although it is not the first time, almost every night before going to bed, Dong Ma will expect this to be just a dream, and maybe when she opens her eyes again, she has already returned to her home. Unfortunately, this is not a dream.

Dong Ma got up from the bed, changed her clothes, and finished washing. When she stepped out of the bedroom and came to the lobby, Fang Zheng and a few girls were sitting there eating breakfast.

"Yo, Dongma, wake up?"

Looking at Dong Ma, Founder waved her hand, while Dong Ma nodded slightly, then glanced at the table.

"What about the dome?"

"Sleeping, I stayed up again yesterday."

Fang Zheng reluctantly spread his hands and sighed.

After transforming the dome into his own family, the dome's frail physique was indeed cured, but Founder did not expect that the dome actually got worse ......... Be aware that she used to sleep on time, but now it is becoming After the time dragon's family members found that their ability to stay up all night max, the vault decisively became a night owl party.

This left Fang Zheng very speechless. Now he can't even let Qiong go to sleep and say that staying up late is bad for the body, because Qiong will ask Founder, "Is the Dragon Family staying up late also bad for your body?"

Frankly, this question ... Founder really didn't think about it.

There was no good way for Founder to do so, but she could only go with her. In Founder's opinion, when the night stayed up for a long time, Qiong felt tired and gave up. He had a similar experience before. For a while, Founder was playing online games in a dark place. I wanted to be pinned in front of a computer 24 hours a day. He also had a "glorious history" of fighting in an Internet cafe for seven days and seven nights. After that, it may be that the material must be reversed, but it can not play for so long.

It's as if a person especially likes pork belly, but you eat it every day, and after eating it for a month, he may feel nauseous when he sees pork belly. Fangzheng had a similar feeling at that time.

Since then, Founder has rarely stayed up late.

And even now that he's become a god, Founder rarely stays up late, mainly ... It ’s more interesting than staying up late, is n’t it?

"Come here, have breakfast first."

The Founder waved his hand, and Winter Mallet hesitated, and sat down. To be honest, Dong Ma is somewhat strange to the Founder in front of him. After all, the Founder in her memory is as big as herself, but the Founder is obviously in her early twenties. Although there is not much difference in appearance, Dong Ma always feels a little awkward. Even if he had already learned from the dome, this was what the Founder really looked like, and Dong Ma could not accept it immediately.

This is also normal.

Say hello to several other girls, and Dong Ma sits beside him and has breakfast. Frankly speaking, when I saw Founder again, Dong Ma didn't know what to say. She was not an extrovert. If it was Xuecai or the world was here, she might have something to say with Founder, but Dong Ma didn't know what to say.

Instead, Fang was looking at Dong Ma after eating.

"By the way, Dongma, how have you been practicing recently?"


After hearing this question, Dong Ma couldn't help but hesitated. For a while, she felt like she was back in the past. Every day she found her. The first sentence was to ask her, "How is the piano practice?"

And now it looks like that.

"no problem."

But Dong Ma just hesitated and gave an answer immediately, after all, she wasn't her. Now Dong Ma said how to play in the Golden Hall of Vienna, as well as aura and self-confidence.


Upon hearing Dong Ma's answer, Founder glanced at her, and then snapped his fingers.

Soon, I saw a piano out of thin air next to the restaurant.

"Come here, play it for me."

In the face of Founder's speech, Dong Ma also hummed, then took out a paper towel and wiped his mouth. Then he sat in front of the piano, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then began to play.

The crisp and beautiful sound of the piano immediately attracted the attention of the young girls. Although they did not understand the piano well, they could hear the performance of Dongma.

Not only did Ilia and Xiaohei start to listen to the performance quietly, but Kodori and Neferi also looked curiously at Dongma—there is no piano in their world, so it's rather strange .

Soon, the song was over.

Dong Ma put down her hand and looked at Fangzheng, and then she saw Fangzheng stand up and walked to her side and patted her on the shoulder.

This surprised Dong Ma suddenly, but she knew Founder's habits. Generally, if Founder was not satisfied with his performance, he would not directly criticize himself, but would let her get up, and then re-do the song herself. The tune is played again ......... have to admit it, but the blow is quite large. In the same song, using the same technique, he is not as good as him, there is no easier way to make people lose confidence.

However, after all, Dong Ma was trained by the Founder, which is why she was calm when she participated in so many games in the future. Although there are many powerful opponents, it is nothing compared to the Founder ...

But now, Dong Ma recalled the fear of being dominated by the Founder again.

However, she habitually let go of her seat, then Founder sat down politely, and then reached out.

The next moment, the piano sounded again.

Only momentarily, everyone's mind was immediately attracted by the sound of Founder's piano.

If the sound of Dong Ma's piano before was just "sounding", then Fang Zheng's performance was like trying to make them immersive, as if facing the rough sea, the raging waves, the hurricane. However, the next moment, as if the clouds were coming, the storms and quiet rains disappeared quietly, and replaced by birds, flowers and tender words.

It didn't take long for the song to end.


After returning to God, the girls were clapping involuntarily, and Dong Ma was standing beside her with an uncertain look. To be honest, she seemed to be back in the school. Every time she felt that she had made enough progress, Founder She will slap herself back to her original shape-this is a little bit wrong. She did make progress, but ... it still couldn't keep up.

"Brother, how can you play the piano? Why don't I know?"

Xiao Hei was the first to speak, but she had never heard Founder play the piano!

"Mr. Founder's performance is really excellent."

Speaking of which, Kodori seemed to remember something.

"By the way, in my world, Mr. Founder often sang to us and it was very nice."

"Master? Can you still sing?"

Eliya couldn't sit still now.

"Why haven't we heard?"

As the earliest heroes summoned by Founder, the two little girls have been with Founder for a long time. They can be sure that even Xia Shi, Cui and Tina may not know that Founder actually sings and plays!

"Kasugano's singing is really good."

Dong Ma also interjected a while.

"He used to form a band with us."


At this moment, the little girls jumped up and stared at the Founder.

"Big brother!"


"Don't look at me, I'm busy too ..."

Founder waved his hand, he also saw that the two little guys were unhappy.

"I don't care, I want to listen to your older brother singing!"

Ilya was a good boy, but Xiao Hei belonged to the kind of house-revealing tile, which immediately made a fool of him.

"If you don't sing, I'll tell Xia Shi them when I go back!"

This is a blatant threat.

"Well, idle is idle anyway ..."

In the face of Xiao Hei's threat, Founder did not want to say anything. If Xia Shi knew that it would be more troublesome. After all, the little girls followed themselves for a longer time, and they didn't even sing to them ... Well, after all, it was different from now, when Fang Zheng's busy feet didn't touch the ground. That is, I found a band in the love world, and then formed a band and it was just fun.

If it wasn't for the fun of forming an orchestra in the love world, Founder wouldn't have spent time singing in Kodori's world ... Of course, it wouldn't be much use to say now.

In the end, Fang was under the coquettishness of Eliya and Xiao Hei, and reluctantly sang the two songs that he had sang to Kodori and Neflian before, and put him on schooldays with the cooperation of Dong Ma The singing in it finally calmed down the two little guys.

After a group of people dispersed happily, Fang Zheng was relieved, and then came to the balcony to breathe fresh air.

And at this time, Dong Ma also came to his side.

"Kasugano ..."

"Call me Founder ......... That name is just a pseudonym ..."

"But for me, I'm more used to the name."

"Really? That's up to you."

Facing Dong Ma's answer, Founder shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more. Dong Ma was silent for a moment before asking.

"Kasugano ...... you, will you meet Xuecai them when you go back?"

"Of course, but then again, how are they doing now?"

"Everyone has a good time, schooldays will often appear on live performances, we also made a few new songs, and the producers came to discuss with us, to pack schooldays as idol groups debut ..."


Hearing here, Founder froze.

"How did you answer?"

"We refused."

"Including the world?"


"It really surprised me ..."

To be honest, Founder has always thought that the world is the kind of more showy, Xuecai and Momo may not like to be noticed, but the world is obviously the kind of girl with ideas. What he didn't expect was that the world would choose to refuse. But this is also good. After all, the entertainment industry is not a good thing. Such an idol and the like have a bright surface, but the trouble in the interior is very terrible.

So this is also a good choice ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Kasugano ... "

However, at this moment, suddenly, Dong Ma spoke again, but different from before, this time her voice was a little trembling.



"……………It's nothing."

In the end, Dong Ma opened his mouth and lowered his head, saying nothing more.

Taking a panoramic view of this scene, hiding in the vault not far away frowned.

It seems that Dongma can't count on it anymore, and now ......... you can only rely on Xuecai and the world!

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