Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1606: 1 small step forward (grumbling hungry, better to goo ...

Founder didn't watch LIVE.

He has watched the performance of Frank Xiuxiu, and he also took SchoolDays to live concerts. It can also be said that the experience is rich, but ... The present mini LIVE, in the view of Founder, is not so much a concert as a cultural festival with Chinese characteristics.

After all, this is a festival to the countryside, not a special concert in 765. What the girls want to do is to stir up the atmosphere, host the show, and intersperse one or two singing songs. This also needs to consider the issue of time. After all, if the singing is too early, everyone is visiting the festival, and there is no one at the front of the stage, which is no different from high.

But if it is too late, everyone will go home and go to sleep after visiting the festival, and they will have no interest in LIVE.

Not only that, because of the lack of manpower, the girls also went to help the festival booth ...

This isn't for LIVE at all, it's all for miscellaneous.

And the show on the stage has become messy because of it ... well, to say it better, just to do whatever you want.

For example, talent shows, and even the farmers put their own animals on the stage ... Where can it be reasonable?

But people just want to show off their own cattle, sheep, pigs and horses. Can you keep up?

But what I want to say is still the most exaggerated.

She stood directly on the stage, a flute ...

"Well, there is nothing in this village, Mei-Xi is startled. And this place is still far away. Mei-Xi got up early in the morning, and is so sleepy now ..."

While talking, Mei-xi also yawned.

"Just now Miki goes to bed."


"Wow ..."

Looking at Meixi on the stage, the dome was also a cold sweat.

"Miki ...... isn't she afraid of being killed?"

"This is a natural talent. Most people can't learn it."

Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly as the audience laughed and laughed at Mei Xi's grotesque. He knew Meixi didn't say it on purpose, he just thought about what to say. In Chinese words, it's lack of mind, but you can't talk. Frankly, such people are generally unpopular everywhere. This is true both in China and in Japan where appearance and etiquette are more important, but some people are born with a certain charm that can make others "not angry".

Meixi belongs to this category, and Founder can be sure that what she said on the stage was sincere, and it was true. She did not consider any program effects or the ideas of the audience. But because of her special charm and tone, everyone did not feel offended at all. This is actually a very amazing talent ...

Of course, what's more important is that Mei Xi said that there is no bad intention, and it is not mixed with malice. Pure things are always prone to the favor of others.

But you still have to pay attention.

Too pure things can also hurt people.

Xinzhi is a neutral word, and Erzi is a derogatory word.

"Make, producer ..."

And at this moment, Founder heard Xue Bu's voice ring again, turned her head, and saw her uneasy standing not far from her.

"That ...... that ........."

"what happened?"

Looking at Xuebu like this, Founder couldn't help but hesitate. Did the previous persuasion education fail? Doesn't make sense, just now she's not doing well?

"Yes, yes, there are dogs!"

"Dog? A wild dog?"

Hearing here, Founder frowned, too, is it that the wild dog rushed to the background to hurt someone? It's a bit of a hassle.

"No, no, it's that, that ..."

As he said, Xuebu tremblingly stretched his fingers down the stage. Fang Zheng looked in the direction she was pointing, only to find an old man sitting in the first row of seats below, holding a pet dog in his arms ...


Seeing this, Founder was completely speechless, and he silently glanced at the snow steps.

I'm afraid of dogs and men, I think you can go to some unspeakable studios ...

"Relax, leave it to me."

To be honest, I'm afraid that the man can't understand, but he is understandable because he is afraid of the dog. This is actually normal. After all, there are many people who are afraid of dogs in the world, and there is no shortage of snow steps.

"I'll stare here and make sure it can't be called out and it won't hurt you."


Hearing here, Xuebu's complexion suddenly improved, and Fang Zheng nodded.

"Of course, I promise."

"So, that ..."

While stuttering, Xuebu stretched out his little thumb.

"Then ......... hook."

"…………no problem."

Looking at this scene, Fang Zheng smiled, then stretched out his hand and gently pulled the hook with Xuebu, which also relaxed the girl's originally tight expression.

"So, I'm ready to perform, producer!"

"Come on."

Fang Zheng gave thumbs up to Xuebu and watched her disappear into the background.


She trot all the way to the backstage and Xuebu couldn't help breathing, she reached out her hand and put it on her chest. She just felt that her heart was jumping straight. She just spoke to a man for the first time, and ... ...

Looking at his little finger, Xuebu flushed suddenly and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Yo, Xuebu, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Chunxiang leaned out her head curiously and heard her voice, Xuebu was startled, and hurriedly withdrew her hand.

"No, nothing, nothing ..."

"Really? Well, ready to play."


After hearing this, Xuebu clenched his hands again.

"I will work hard!!"

The festival is nearing its end, and the villagers who have visited the festival almost came to the school playground. Until then, there was finally a live atmosphere.

"I won't say any more."

Standing in the background, looking at the girls in the costumes before her eyes, Founder smiled.

"This is our first official show in 765, you know what to do!"


After hearing Founder's words, the girls nodded in unison, and then stretched out their hands.

"Office 765, FIGHT !!!"

In the lively cheers and music, the first live of the 765 office ended successfully.

In the end, everyone was happy. The audience was also very happy. The girls also showed a good standard. Although the venue was not good, the spotlights needed to be manually operated by the Founder and the Dome, but the scene was lively, the girls were singing well and dancing was good, everyone They all like it.

that's enough.

Before leaving ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are even a few little fart children chasing 765 girls for signatures, which of course they will not refuse-as idols, they practice signing so Long, not just for now?

Founder's mood is also good. This is the first time he has been working as a producer. Frankly speaking, this is completely different from his own feeling. If he comes on the field, the result is doomed. Founder has full confidence that he can sweep the audience no matter what happens, so it will inevitably look a little flat.

However, as a producer, I can only watch the girls play on the stage below. It feels a bit like watching a horse race. I can only leave it to them to solve it, whether it is good or bad. In this way, it makes people feel more full of success. A sense of accomplishment.

"That ... the producer."

Just as Founder was packing his luggage, Xuebu came again.

But unlike before, after a performance, the snow steps now seem to be a little less original, but become more lively and cheerful.

I saw her trotting all the way to Fang's front, and then bent down respectfully.

"Thank you so much!"

Xuebu was very clear. When she was on the stage, she was very worried at the beginning whether the dog would bark or jump over to bite herself. A lot of relief. Because of this, she was able to settle down and complete the show with everyone.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Looking at the snow step in front of him, Fang Zheng smiled slightly.

"And it's your choice."

Having said that, Founder looked at the girls not far away.

"Well, get ready, let's pack up and get in the car and go home!"

After hearing this, the girls who were still immersed in joy were silent for a moment.

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