Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1636: Found a clue (don't want to get up and sleep lazy in the nest)

"Ah ...... Ah ..."

At this moment, the battle is coming to an end.

The battlefield in front of Yan's eyes was already a mess, the young swordsman fell to the ground with no eyes, and he was completely dead. The female martial artist on the other side screamed to resist the monster's final attack. And not far away, the goddess officer tightly guarded the female magician whose life and death were unknown, not knowing what to do.

The monsters have completely surrounded them, and there is only one way to die ...... They made ugly laughter and approached their prey.

"No, don't come over ..."

I clenched the tin rod in my hand tightly, and the goddess officer whispered in prayer to the **** she believed in ... but she didn't get a response.

At this moment, suddenly, a bright red fire flew past her eyes.

Jain seems to be a shooting star that cuts through the darkness.

The bright red trail whistled through the darkness and left a dazzling light spot on the retina. For a time, the entire cave seemed to be illuminated by the sun, and the hot air rushed forward, making the goddess officer unable to hold her breath.

"Boom !!"

The next moment, the blaze hit the wall next to it, causing the entire underground passage to shake, and the rubble scattered and rolled down. For a time, it even made people feel that an earthquake broke out and it would collapse completely. However, everyone has no time to care about such a small thing, because the glare of black and purple lightning burst out almost instantaneously while the fire hit the wall, flooding the entire space, relentlessly turning the weak and evil monsters Surround them, and then just blink, turning them into a black coke.


The goddess of the goddess sat idly on the ground, looking at the scorched body of the monster in front of her, and for a while did not know what to say. She hadn't even reacted to what had happened, but just stared at it all. Until a moment later, the corpse pile on the other side suddenly opened, and then the ragged female martial artist crawled out of it. Although she was still pale and had scars all over her body, at least she was still alive.

"Hello, are you all right!"

The grandmother martial artist stumbled to the goddess and the magician, and when she heard her call, the goddess slowly stood up.

"I'm fine, but she ... my healing doesn't work."

Looking at the female magician whose breathing slowly became weak, the goddess officer was at a loss, and at this time ...

"Click, click, click."

Heavy footsteps came from the passage behind several people. Upon hearing this voice, the goddess officer was suddenly stiff, and the female martial artist hurriedly blocked them in front of them. Immediately afterwards, they saw a man in black armor, tall and looking like a knight stepping out of it.

哟 "Yo, it's alive, good, good luck."

Looking at the three in front of him, Fang Zheng waved his hand, and then he reached out, as if he felt his call, followed by a bang of the rubble next to it, and then a dark sword suddenly flew out of it, then steady. It fell into Fang Zheng's hands-until then, the two talents finally knew the true face of the fire they just saw.

请 "Please, did you save us? Mr. Knight?"

The goddess of the goddess asked in a low voice, while Founder shrugged.

差不多 "It's almost the same, I just came in and take a look at it, and then I heard the screams inside ...... well, luck."

"Woo ..."

At this moment, the female magician groaned and twitched painfully, seeing this scene, the goddess became nervous.

"Are you OK!"


Fang Zhengzheng took a closer look.

"She seems to be poisoned ... ... It's okay, just a shot."

As he said, Founder slammed his fingers, and the next moment he saw a ray of light descend from the sky and fell on the three of them. Soon, accompanied by the warm ray of light, the goddess, the female martial artist, and the female magician The wounds healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and soon the three recovered.

"Okay, great magic!"

I looked at this scene, the goddess officials' eyes were widened, she looked at Fang Zheng in amazement, stunned and speechless.

Is this adult a Paladin?

Hmm, I have to say, she really guessed right.

"As for that one, it looks like it's hopeless."

Fang Zhengzheng glanced at the corpse of the swordsman not far away, and when she heard this, the female martial artist revealed a sad look, and the goddess officer was silent.

"Say back, just a few of you?"


The maidservant's martial arts bowed her head and replied dejectedly.

"This is our first mission ..."

"It's normal, it's common for Mengxin and Laobird to lead a team to fight a copy of the team."

He found that this kind of thing was not the first time he saw it in the game or the main world.

"What is it that you are here to destroy?"

"That ... Goblin ..."

"It's this thing again, it can never die anywhere, just like a cockroach ..."

Hearing this answer, Founder rolled his eyes, remembering that he encountered a group of Goblin in the forest of the main world, and now the world is ... It seems that Goblin is really not a good thing.

No matter which world I go to in the future, I just want to kill Goblin as soon as possible.

"Forget it, leave here first, as for these Goblin ..."

As Xun said, Founder held up his big sword and flung it forward.

Subsequently, with the sound of "coax", a fire dragon roared and rushed into the depths of the passage. After a while, a dull explosion and a roar like a dragon roared.

"Get it, let's go."

"Ah ...... yes ..."

Looking at the Founder who turned around and left, the female martial artist and the goddess officer immediately helped the female magician to follow. At this moment, they had long lost the excitement of their first adventure, leaving only deep fear and uneasiness. remorse.

After leaving the cave, under the leadership of the goddess officer and female martial artist, Fang Zheng came to a nearby town ... It is not far from the city where he was before, but it is not that close.

After arriving in the town, the female martial artist sent the female magician to rest, and the goddess officer went to the guild to report. Out of curiosity, Founder also followed.

Although in these three girls, he did not feel anything like the coordinates of order attracting each other like Kodori's time, but since the prophecy guides them at that time, it shows what clues should be in these people. Compared to those two people, since the goddess is a priest, then she is the one who serves the gods. Follow her, what clues might she encounter?

But for the goddess officer, it was a little nervous.

那 "So, that ... Lord Cavalier ... are you an adventurer? How many adventurers are you?"

"Hmm? Adventurer? Is there any level for this?"

When I heard this, Founder was a little surprised. Could this world be the same as Dun Yong, but also with its own system?

"Ah, no ...... look at this ..."

As He said, the goddess took something from her neck that looked like a soldier's nameplate.

"Adventurers will register with the guild, and then ...... that ... sorry, I'm just the lowest white porcelain grade ..."

"Oh, that's how it is."

"Is n’t Lord Cavalier an adventurer?"

"I'm not yet, but after you say that, it seems quite fun to be an adventurer."

According to the goddess officer, it seems that adventurers in this world still need to register specially ... This is different from the main world. In the main world, as long as people who go out for adventure are adventurers, even farmers can resist Go out and kill the monster. Among them, mercenaries, thieves, fighters, mages, etc. have their own different guild organizations, you can apply to join, it does not matter if you do not apply. Just like some people like to find an organization, some people like to go it alone.

But it doesn't seem to be set here.

进入 After entering the adventurer's guild, the goddess officer went to make a report, and the founder sat bored in the hall and looked around. At the moment, he is wearing the armor of the Undead team instead of ordinary aristocratic clothing. From the appearance, it is not much different from the people here, so it is not particularly noticeable.

Fang Zhengzheng's eyes glanced across the Adventurers' Guild, and then, when his gaze stayed on one of them, Fang Zheng shuddered all over his body.

A bad hunch suddenly emerged from his body, as if he encountered something bad and shivered.

That's the one!

At this moment, Founder is pretty sure, this is why the prophecy spell guides him here!

That's right that commission! That commission should be the clue that I am looking for in this world!

Qi Fangzheng stood up, walked to the notice board, and observed carefully. The content of the commission is to destroy a group of robbers hiding in the deep mountains. I heard that they have strong monster protection, so they need quite powerful adventurers.

It seems a simple task, but ... must be an adventurer to take it?

I thought of this. Founder took the commission and came to the counter. At this time, the goddess officer and the receptionist over the counter were handed over. Seeing the founder's arrival, the goddess officer smiled.

"Oh Lord, we are talking about you ...

"Yes, hello, Lord Knight."

At this moment, the receptionist inside the counter also gave a gift to Founder. She looked bigger than the goddess, wearing a neat uniform, brown hair braided and hanging on her side, looking very kind and gentle .

"When I first heard that they were going to go after Goblin, I was really worried. It would be great to save them."

不用 "You're welcome, I do it anyway, but I have a question."

As he said, Founder placed the current commission on the counter.

"I want to take this commission, do I have to be an adventurer?"

"This is ... please show me."

As she said, the lady at the counter picked up the commission and examined it carefully.

当然 "Of course, you can only accept commissions if you become an adventurer ... are you not an adventurer?"

"It's not ... now ... becoming an adventurer ...... it won't be troublesome."

If there is any censorship or the like like the main world, Founder will be exempted.

"No need to."

I said here, and the lady at the counter took out a piece of paper and put it in front of Fang's front.

"As long as you fill out this information, you can become an adventurer."

"Oh? It's simple, um, let me see ..."

Fang Zhengzheng took the quill and looked at the adventure record in front of him, which had the name, gender, age, occupation, hair color, pupil color, physique, height, skills, spells ... …………

Hey wait, what is this?

Looking at the record sheet in front of me, Founder is aggressive. How can this look like a form for creating characters in the game? Generally speaking, it is not necessary to fill in a name, age, gender, and place of origin ...

What's wrong with hair color and pupil color?

Am I still able to set a gold and silver monster pupil at 2 o'clock?

He found it when Fang Zheng frowned and dropped his quill on the piece of paper.

The existence of order.

Yes, at this moment, Founder can clearly feel that the power of order seems to be associated with this form. It seems that as long as you fill out this form yourself, you will enter a brand-new ... …………

Wait, that is to say, this world also has its own order, and the order of this world is working normally?

What's going on?

As for why filling in a personal information will be connected with the operation of order, Fang did not know, but he can be sure that the order of this world still exists and is still operating according to his own rules!

If it is an ordinary world, then this form is filled in and filled out, but the clone of the goddess of order has warned herself that the core of this world is polluted by chaos, and if you fill out this form ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it will be filled If you pull into the rules of order, then you might be polluted if you don't do well.

In case………

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng put down his pen, then he looked at the goddess next to him, and his eyes flashed suddenly.

This is the case, this is the true meaning of prophecy!

"I don't want to be an adventurer, at least I don't want to ... for now, but I want to take this commission, is there any other way?"

"This does not………"

"Is n’t I going to take the commission and go straight to destroy the thieves?"

当然 "Of course you can, but Lord Knight, it will be difficult for us to do this ..."

那么 "So ..."

I said here, Founder grabbed the goddess next to her.

"Let her pick up the commission."


"She's an adventurer. In that case, let her take over the commission. I should go with her again. It should be fine."


In the face of Founder's unexpected proposal, the counter lady and the goddess official both widened their eyes in surprise and called out.

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