Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1643: An annoying adventure (what the **** is kimchi fat burger? ...

Founder swears that he has never, never, never been so bothered by an adventure.

In Founder's memory, when he went out for an adventure, the most time-consuming thing was to send a little thief who had no mastery and learned zero existence on his way home. At that time, the little guy was cursed and then various Unfortunately, there were frequent incidents, and no one had encountered any good things from beginning to end.

But at least it was just an unfortunate incident, as long as you are fully motivated, you can break through.

But right now ... Fangzheng just felt a headache.

"Founder, can I bomb that out?"


"Founder, Founder, there is a minotaur over there! This other person must not be able to stop it!"

"shut up!"

"Founder and Founder, as long as I make one shot, this maze ..."

"If you call again, I will stun you and throw you into the abyss."

Looking at Huihui, who was screaming around, Fang Zheng completely regretted how she had let the goddess choose this guy to join the team.

Right now, Founder and his party are not performing any task. Instead, they are doing the most orthodox one that most players think of adventurers.

That's the maze strategy.

Founder also did not know until then. On this continent, there are lots of areas called "the deepest mazes". No one knows when it was formed, but according to legend, this maze seems to be spread throughout the continent, and it is as large as an ant's nest. Since historical records, no one has reached the deepest part of the maze, nor has it People know what's there.

Rumors say that there is a door to the demon world, and some people say that in the depths of the deepest maze is a sealed demon. For some time, adventurers poured in, trying to discover the treasures and secrets.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for this boom to disappear.

After all, adventurers are also a profession that needs to support their families. Like the goddess officer, registering with the Association of Adventurers, picking up tasks, and then completing and getting paid is the job of adventurers.

Exploring the romance of crypts and the joy of searching for treasure is nothing more than the plot of the story.

The real adventure of going to the dungeon is boring, dangerous, and isolated. There is no law, no order, nothing. Some are just greedy desires and death.

Over time, more and more adventurers have given up on the deepest maze to explore. This is like a large RAID copy that has been forgotten after the version upgrade. Most adventurers will not take a look at it.

But for the Founder, this is exactly the place.

Founder himself doesn't care about money, but Ace only wants to become stronger. As long as Huihui can burst a day, nothing else. The words of the goddess officer are now also hardening their skills. In Founder's view, it is most important to lay the foundation first and to adapt to the battle. Therefore, there is no need to go to the task.

The goddess officer and Ace are still obedient, but Huihui, the middle-two sick magician, has founder a headache, and this girl wants to blow up everything when she sees it. What trouble is she having? You know they are not on the ground, but on the ground. Could it be an explosion? It ’s hard to say that the monsters were not killed, they may be buried directly alive.

Founder was a little bit skeptical, would it have been better if he had followed Lina Inbass' adventures ... after all, this brain-explosive madness is really ... a headache.

But then again ...

"There is really nothing good here."

Founder kicked away the rusty sword in the hands of the skeleton soldier. The maze in the real world does not know where the dullness is compared to the game. Founder they have gone down three consecutive layers, but the result is even a little bit Nothing on the booty was found.

On the contrary, those monsters are countless, and most of them are worthless monsters.

No wonder adventurers are reluctant to come.

If Fang had not planned to train the team, he would not have come.

The goddess officer was obedient and obedient. But Ace was different. At first, Founder looked at Ace with no expression. She thought she was an iceberg goddess. After a few days together, Fangzheng found that what the iceberg goddess was, it was completely natural!

Coupled with Hui Hui, the second two magician ...... who are all in this team!

If Founder is given another chance, he will definitely choose a new one.

Helpless now it is impossible to give him regret medicine.

But even so, the present situation hurts Fang Zheng's head.

"Ace, pull all those monsters over and watch me give them a big one!"

"it is good."

After hearing Huihui's words, Ace nodded, and then rushed forward to fight the Tauren Warriors not far away. Seeing this, the goddess official was discouraged.

"Wait, Huihui, it's too dangerous here, don't put burst magic here!"

"It's too late, my seal has been untied, and the dark energy gathers at my fingertips, longing to destroy everything! Come, Lord of flames, destruction of all things, in the name of the Red Devil, I call , The power of the roots from the end of the land, show it to me-! "

The next moment, the hot fire flashed instantly, the earth began to tremble, and the gravel fell from the sky like a heavy rain. Immediately afterwards, the wild magic fire burst suddenly.

Seeing this, the goddess officer was also surprised, and hurriedly raised her hand.

"Loving Mother Earth, please protect us from harm--Holy Shield!"

The golden divine shield appeared in an instant, blocking in front of several people, and at the same time, with the impact of the bursting magic, everything around him seemed to collapse. Crushed stones, dirt and sand rushed down, completely burying the passage directly in front of them.

After a while, Ace was ashamed and got out of it, glancing left and right.

"Did you kill them?"

"This is not a question of whether to get rid of it."

The Founder who followed him was speechless.

"If you're half a step late, you'll be blown up!"

"But it works well."

"Yeah, the effect is good. I'm afraid there will be nothing moving on this layer except us."

The Founder groaned, looking around, and saw that this layer of maze had been torn by Huihui's bursting magic, and a place was about to collapse ... To be honest, this head is sick The Red Devil Girl is really only a genius with Burst Magic.

This is also the biggest reason why Founder allowed Huihui to be let go. Frankly speaking, few people like Huihui can accept other teams. But here it is different. Ais, this natural staying at all, doesn't care if there is a sudden burst of magic coming in front of herself, and the goddess is tired to resist the aftermath of Huihui's burst of magic.

Although it seems very speechless and funny, but under such high-intensity training, the two really made rapid progress. The goddess officer obtained the third divine shield "Holy Shield" in addition to "Xiaoyu" and "Holy Light", and finally had the qualification to become the backbone of the team.

Hmm ... The reason why she was able to use the Divine Shield so skillfully was forced by Huihui from a certain angle.

As for Ace, she has also learned to observe and predict the direction of magic release and attack through the flow of magic in the air, which also gives her a considerable advantage in the battle against Warcraft. Of course, the first reason she did this was simply to want to be able to escape further in time when Huihui releases the burst magic.

In a way, this is the benefit of Huihui's burst magic.

Well, forcing a wave of benefits ... Founder can only comfort himself so much.

As for the culprit himself ...

"Are you okay? Huihui?"

"Huh ...... so cool ........."

When she was dug out of the dirt by the goddess officer, Huihui was flushed and satisfied, her eyes closed as if she had just enjoyed the supreme joy.

Seeing Huihui like this often made Founder's teeth tickle, and I wished she could truly experience what it means to fly to Yunding.

At that time, see if this explosive girl with a bad brain will come to a burst of magic!

"That's all for today. Tomorrow we will go back to the Adventurers' Guild and take the task."

"Hey? Are you ready for the task?"

"Yes, the maze adventure is just for exercise. Don't you really want to spend your life in a place where there is no sun."

"It doesn't matter where I can explode magic!"

Huihui slammed her strength and raised her hand to shout.

Ace nodded.

"As long as I can get stronger, it doesn't matter."

"That's why you haven't been able to rise up."

Facing the two answers, Fang Zheng rolled his eyes helplessly. The level of the adventurer's guild is not equal to the individual's strength level. If judged from personal strength, it is just Huihui's burst magic, at least it is also a gold level. And Ace can at least reach silver, but in fact, both of them are white porcelain grade in the adventurer's guild-and a goddess officer who has just emerged from the temple as a adventurer for just one month.

The reason why Huihui couldn't upgrade was quite simple. The big magician who would only release burst magic had no one at all.

The reason why Ace didn't upgrade was very funny. She was sent to live in a nearby temple from a young age, and has been in the temple all the time. So Ace has become accustomed to the days of taking the temple as the core consideration. Although she has registered as an adventurer, she has been waiting for someone to send her tasks in the temple ... Of course, there is no such thing.

This is why the goddess officer will meet Ace in the Temple of the Mother Goddess ...

The reason why Founder asked three people to pick up the task at this time was not simply to let them raise their adventurer level, but because through surveillance, Founder found that Lina had contacted Red Mage Lei Zang, and then If Founder's memory is correct, Lei Zang, the red mage, will obtain the sage's stone, and then lift the seal of the devil in his body ... well, this is not the point.

The point is that after the devil's seal is lifted, he will immediately release the radon gas, turning all the people in the surrounding cities into stone statues, and even manipulate Warcraft to launch an attack. Just in case, Founder won't go together to make this lively, but also to ensure that the three girls can hide far away ... so as not to cause trouble.

After all, although it seems that the devil King Shabra Nigood is easily killed by Lena, in fact, he can be regarded as the combat ceiling of this world. In terms of strength, even the following Pluto Fibrizzo and others are actually not as strong as Sabranikod.

And here, we have to talk about the "setting" of this world.

Like many fantasy worlds, there are also "gods" and "magic" in this world. Naturally, there are divinations and magic. It is only slightly different from the situation in the main world. The magic of this world is not released by the mage solely by his own power, but by the power of "borrowing".

For example, all the magic in black magic, its power comes from the demon king Shabra Nigood, which means that the most powerful black magic is immune to him.

After all, this way of beating others by their own power is indeed ... stupid enough, right?

There are two types of divine magic in this world. One is simple divine magic, which is like the power that a goddess prays from the goddess of the earth.

The other is called "gift". This kind of power belongs to the divine gift, but unlike the divine art, it is more like using the power of the **** to trigger the power of human beings hidden in the body. As long as you are a god's dependent, you can get gifts to tap into your own inner strength.

Ace belongs to this kind. According to the goddess official, she belongs to the goddess Rocky, and also has a "gift" on the back similar to the sacred mark.

And Ace can use magic called "Wind Spirit Run" to augment herself, the power that the gift brings her.

As for Huihui's burst magic, it belongs to the category of elven magic. Of course, it is elven magic, and the most appropriate element in the starting article is actually geomantic magic. And Huihui's bursting magic is one of the most powerful magics in elven magic-of course, the power of bursting magic can't be compared with the ace of the black magic, the dragon breaking and cutting.

But helplessly, this exploding girl with a bad head has added almost all her strength to the bursting magic ......... To a certain extent, this can also be regarded as a partial and partial performance.

Having said that, looking back, you can understand why everyone else can't win Sabranikod, only Lina Inbass succeeded.

First of all, black magic is the strongest fighting attack in this world, but black magic itself borrows the power of Shabra Nigood, and of course you cannot manipulate his power to attack him. So in the face of Shabla Nigud, black magic was basically abolished.

The second is the strongest trick in elf magic. The power of this trick is enough to compare with the dragon breaking. Helpless is ...... Helpless is ... the spiritual magic, but Shabu Who is Ranigood?

That's one of the top four devil kings under the Golden Nightmare King ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can his human spirit be comparable?

Therefore, the dragon breaking and smashing are not effective, and the water dragon king who once sealed the Shabra Nigood has already braided and has no natural enemies. Therefore, according to the truth, after Shabra Nigood ’s seal was lifted, even It was only one-seventh of the seal, and no one was his opponent.

But unfortunately, there was a smash by Lina Inbas and her.

Born to break and borrow the power of the King of the Golden Nightmare, to put it plainly, is to call his mother to beat his son, and Sabranikod is even better, and his mother can only slap it down.

As for why it was said that Lena Inbas was the daughter of the King of Golden Nightmares, and according to the description of the animation, when Lena Inbas hit Shabra Nigud, her smashing was not completed. After the state of the Apocalypse recorded, I learned about the true original form of my power and completed it.

Then the question arises. The Apocalypse of the Other World is omnipotent and omnipotent. Before that, where did Lina get the unfinished version of the mantra? She said it was her own original, but there is always a reason, it is impossible to dream of the Golden King, and then come up with a sudden idea?

Moreover, according to the animation, only Lina Inbass in the world knows the mantra about the king of golden nightmares. This is very strange ... except that she is the daughter of the king of golden nightmares. Other claims can explain.

Because of this, in the face of Shabra Nigood, Feilina is haunted by a protagonist such as Bath, or the daughter of the King of the Golden Nightmare.

So ... Founder decided to take the girls with them and find a place where no one would do the task. When Lina Inbas and Shabra Nikki had finished playing, it was not too late to return!

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