Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1653: Travelling adventurer (roll over and flutter)

In the reception room, Princess Lana smiled and looked at the adventurers in front of her.

"It's really hard for you this time. The eight fingers are lifted up and destroyed completely, so that the kingdom can be peaceful."

"This is all your credit to Her Royal Highness."

Captain Radis of Cang Qiangwei lowered her head.

"But, forgive me, things are not so simple. In fact, in the process, we found that there is still a mysterious force hidden behind eight fingers."


Upon hearing this, Princess Lana sat upright and stared at Radis.

"Anything like this?"


At this moment, the mask girl stood up.

"When they attacked the location of one of the eight-finger leader, Sylma, and Gegelan, they encountered a very powerful monster. Not only that, we also encountered a higher demon!"

"Higher Demon?"

"Yes! He claims to be Adabao, a terrible and powerful demon."

Speaking of this, it seems to recall the fighting at that time, and the mask girl shivered a bit.

"Frankly, I'm not even his opponent."

"An opponent you can't beat even Ibiraui? Is the opponent so strong?"

"Yes, but fortunately, we have an equally powerful, even more powerful helper ... do you remember the day before yesterday when the base of the eight fingers was burned?"

"of course."

Upon hearing this, Princess Lana nodded her head. Frankly, although the accident disrupted their deployment, it also greatly weakened the power of the Eight Fingers. The reason for the total attack.

"I remember when you said that the other party might be an adventurous squad that has just been promoted to the blackbird?"

"It is no longer possible, it is them."

The mask girl gave a positive answer this time.

"They arrived there after us, and the high demon was easily killed by the knight lord of this group of adventurers."

"But the opponent is an opponent you can't beat even Ibiraj."

Upon hearing this, Princess Lana asked her own question. Cang Qiangwei is the top adventure team in the kingdom, the level is gold. This is already the second strongest existence under platinum. But Lana is very clear that most of Cang Qiangwei ’s strength is actually the mask girl in front of her, and Radis, who is the captain, is actually not very strong.

In other words, in the Cang Qiangwei team, only Ibiraui and Radis have reached the gold level, and the higher demons who can easily defeat Ibiraui must be beyond the gold level of terror. However, this way, Strong man was easily killed by an unknown knight? So, what is the strength of that knight?

On top of gold, there is only platinum ... but is there such a person among the platinum-class powerhouses?

"Who is he?"

"He claims to be the Founder, the Abyss Watcher, the Cavaliers of the Frank Undead."

"Frank Undead? Abyss Watcher?"

Upon hearing this, the doubts on Princess Lana's face became more and more serious. She had never heard of similar organizations and forces.

"I haven't heard of similar organizations and platinum adventurers ..."

"He is not an adventurer, and although he is a member of a squad with three other girls, he is not registered with the Adventurers' Guild."


"I'm not too sure either………"

Speaking of which, the mask girl is also very confused. In general, even if it is a super strong, unless it is in a high position, it will basically be registered with the Association of Adventurers. After all, the strong are not all fallen from the sky. Like the Lady of the Sword, she was once a newcomer at the Adventurers' Guild.

It ’s just that this knight lord is really different. At least the mask girl does n’t understand why he is unwilling to register with the Association of Adventurers-after all, if he registered, it is his record of beating vampires and high demons twice. It is enough to raise it to the gold level.

"Well, what you say is the power hidden behind the eight fingers ..."

Although somewhat curious about that knight, Princess Lana quickly converged her thoughts and pulled back to the topic of crooked running. After hearing Princess Lana's words, the masked girl came back to her senses and coughed.

"That's it, Her Royal Highness, have you heard the name Einz?"

"Einz .........? Haven't heard of ...... who is he?"

"We don't know."

Having said that, the tone of the mask girl became serious again.

"But before the higher demon was dying, he had called this name, and Lord Knight also said that the vampire who had been beheaded by him before also said the same name."

"So you mean ..."

"I discussed it with the captain."

The masked girl and Radis glanced at each other, and Radis then said.

"His Royal Highness, we suspect that the man named Einz is most likely the real ruler who secretly manipulates eight fingers."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"Because we still haven't found the eight-finger leader so far. After investigating the stronghold, we found that Sylma's men were basically killed, and she was unknown. I suspect this is very It may be that the man named Einz sent his men to destroy his mouth. After all, with the power of the higher devil, if it was not the sudden appearance of the knight, we would definitely not be the opponent of the other party. To that At that time, maybe they will make us fight with the guards in the stronghold, and then we may cover up the illusion of losing each other. Also, the same day we attacked the stronghold, the higher demon and the monsters under him appeared. It's hardly a coincidence. "

"And the previous vampire rampage."

At this time, the mask girl also hurriedly spoke.

"The location of the incident at that time was in the area near Wangcheng. Of course, if this is just a normal isolated incident, then there may not be a big problem. But if the two people have the same person behind them ... Whether he is the manipulator behind the eight fingers, at least one thing can be explained, that is, there is already a group of dangerous people in the vicinity of Wangdu. From the strength of the other party, whether it is the vampires previously rumored or us The monsters and higher demons encountered during the attack on the stronghold are very terrible enemies. In case there is a monster under the opponent who is as powerful as the higher demons and vampires ......... "

"Then the king is in danger."

Hearing here, Princess Lana's expression also became dignified. She is not a fool. Of course, she understands the meaning of Radis's words. The other party lost two subordinates in a row, and both were very powerful. In this case, the other party may retaliate against the kingdom, and if this is the case, it will be a disaster for the kingdom.

"I see. I will immediately send someone to investigate the surroundings. If there is any suspicious information, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Yes, Her Royal Highness!"

As the kingdom discussed the next step, Founder had his own plans.

"Oh? What did you say?"

Looking at Mei Yin's surprised face on the screen, Founder smiled.

"I mean, I plan to buy a manor house nearby as a base. Are you interested in coming here and taking care of me by the way?"


"Don't worry, although it is a manor house, but the overall facilities are completely modern. It just happens to give your family a transition. It should be a preview before going to modern society. How about it?"

"But ... just the four of us ..."

"Of course not only you, I will send some maids."

The maid mentioned by Founder is not someone else. It is the young girls who were rescued from the underground organization of the Eight Fingers. They all suffered the abuse of the members of the Eight Fingers organization, just like Qi Yalei. These girls also had nowhere to go, so Founder decided to send them as maids to his manor house.

After all, this is also a coordinate point, and the coordinate point needs to be maintained. However, considering the nature of chaos pollution here, Founder did not dare to send people in like other coordinate points. In this case, the only way is to use the aborigines of this world-of course, Founder is not worried about these aborigines What damage it will cause to itself is, after all, just a simple base for observing and collecting news, and just resting.


After hearing this, Mei Yin could not help lowering her head. After a while, she whispered.

"Why is it so good to us? Even if we are all passers-by, but ..."

"Indeed, it's too much work for you, right?"

Founder certainly understood Mei Yin's ideas, but he obviously had his own considerations.

"But, at the same time, the end of the world can help one, and it can help you naturally, and, for you, these things are very expensive, but for me, it is not a big deal ... … My power is far beyond your imagination, not only in this world, but also in other worlds, even the power of the king cannot be compared with me. So you do n’t have to worry about it, for me, it ’s even a small amount of money. You ca n’t count it, understand? I have countless planets, hundreds of star fields, and money is simply a number to me. You see, it ’s that simple. "


Upon hearing Founder's answer, Ma Yin's expression became extremely complicated.

"I wonder why we have such a big gap ..."

"After all, I have been crossing for many years, and you are just beginning. If you give me a little time, maybe you can become a great magician in the world, or something like that."

"Just my five-year-old body now?"

Mei Yin lowered her head and glanced at her five-year-old body, which was actually about the same as three-year-old.

"Frankly, before I met you, I was just desperate to live. You did n’t know how weak this body was. You would get sick and have a fever after walking a little. I think I have died several times. deal………"

"Heaven will descend to the people of Sri Lanka, and he must suffer his heart and soul first. As a traverser, there are always a few words to say, no matter how useful or not, how much is a psychological comfort?"

"That's right ..."

"In short, that's it. After everything is done, I will send someone to pick you up. Before that, you think about how to convince your parents."

"......... how can I convince?"

"This is your problem. As a traverser, you have to solve this little thing yourself?"

He laughed at Mei Yin with a smile, and Founder dropped the contact.

As for the purchase of the estate itself, there is no need to worry about Founder. Although there is no FBI in this world, the founder also paid a large amount of money to Founder because the Founder eliminated the vampires and higher demons. The money was used to buy a manor and renovate , Can still be used to live.

As for the things that are tinkering ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ just leave it to the magic servant. The mage learns magic, isn't it just for this?

"Then I leave it to you along the way."

As he said, Founder took out a bag of gold coins and handed them to the goddess.

"After returning, remember to find a manor according to what I said ... can let the guild help to introduce, then temporarily place these girls there, and pick up the girl named Mei Yin and her family ... I I've already greeted her. All in all, that's all I have to do now. Any questions? "

"Yes, Lord Knight."

After receiving the purse, the goddess officer seemed somewhat uneasy.

"Well ... don't you go with us?"

"I'm going to deal with the troubles here, and then go back, yes, for the sake of safety, I also issued an announcement at the Adventurers' Guild, and I should recruit an adventure team to go with you.

"We are adventurers ourselves, why should we recruit adventurers."

Hearing this, Huihui complained dissatisfied.

"After all, there are a large number of people, and you alone, if something happens, it is too late to guard."

"Woo ..."

Hearing here, Huihui is also speechless. This time, the girls who left with them as maids, plus Qi Yalei, have a dozen people, and they need to hire three carriages. Huihui adds up to three people and must not take care of so many people.

"Well, hopefully a team of capable adventurers, otherwise I wouldn't want it!"

"It should be okay ...... well, I think it's coming soon."

As he said, Founder raised his head and looked towards the door. Soon, there was a knock at the door, and then a sound came out.

"That ... I'm sorry to disturb you, we are the Red Oath Team ..."

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