Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1670: Plain everyday (reliably make 1 orange cat)

The setting sun went down.

Walking on the big soft bed, Fang Zheng looked at the red-haired girl next to him and stretched out his hand. The girl made a slight breathing sound, raised her head, and then the two gradually ...

Hey cough, what do you think?

Qi Fangzheng shook his head and set aside the fantasy in his head. It's all a little black, and now when I mention the magic, I think there. But ... looking at Ram in his arms, Founder thought about it, how could it not be like Xiao Hei at that time!

After all, Xiao Hei is her own follower, and as Xiao Hei said, although they look like children in the state of followers, their actual age is considered legal loli, and how they and Xiao Hei are also Can be considered ideal. The Ram in front of him is just an ordinary little girl. Well, although not ordinary, he is just a small child.

How can I not use that method.

This is not a martial arts novel. The heroine has lost the fragrance and needs OOXX to detoxify ...

As for other methods ...

Fang Fang was trying to give Ram a magic potion that Huihui had drank before, but it was useless. Lamm's body seemed to be on the verge of collapse, and he couldn't even swallow, and he almost choked. This also frightened Founder and Rem, and never dared to feed her again.

"The Holy Light is also invalid."

He once again performed a cure on Ram, and Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly. Holy Light can heal injuries at the physical level, but Ram's problem is the lack of magic collection, which is similar to a person who has not eaten for several days in a row. In this case, you will not have any effect if you cast Holy Light.

"What to do? Lord Founder, will my sister die?"

Rime was about to cry at this moment, and Founder frowned, and then his eyes flashed.

"Yes, let me see again."

As he said, Founder stared at Ram, widening his eyes again.

Quickly, the radiance of magic emerged from his eyes.

Arcane Vision!

Just in a blink of an eye, the image of the red-haired girl in her arms instantly changed in Founder's eyes, from the original girl to a dim halo. At this moment, the halo around Ram's body became extremely dim, and it seemed as if it was about to disappear. Only the forehead part was a little brighter, but it was like a light bulb with poor contact.

It turned out so.

Seeing this, Founder somewhat understood the principles of the Rams. Their angle should be the same as that of the antenna. In the complete state, they can accept signals, but if the antenna is cut off, the ability to receive signals does not disappear, but it is also greatly damaged. Right now Ram is like this. Had her horns been intact, she could have absorbed 100% of the magic.

But now Ram's horn has been almost cut off. Because of this, the magic value she absorbed is almost less than one percent of the original. This is definitely not enough in this case.

It's as if a person has eaten three bowls of rice a day and can only eat three grains of rice a day. It's weird not to starve to death.

So the wireless charging function is damaged, can I only use wired charging?

If you want to charge by cable, you have to insert it ...... hehe, what are you thinking about?

Fang Zhengzheng's gaze shifted between Ram's legs, then noticed the worried expression on Lem next to him, and the old face flushed suddenly.

I'm all black! How could she have thought of so many on a tonic!

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and then reached out to hold Ram's forehead, and then began to release the magic.


With Founder's magic input, Ram snorted softly, and his somewhat rapid breathing began to stabilize. Seeing this, Founder and Leim were relieved. Even if you don't use arcane vision, you can see that this trick is obviously very useful for Ram.

"Hmm ... hmm ..."

However, Founder soon found that the situation was a bit wrong. At present, with the input of magic power, the Ram in her arms seemed to have changed her expression and movement. How to say ...... It's like a kitten scratched by the chin, and it protrudes against the chest and curls up in her arms, and sometimes makes a comfortable moaning sound like a massage.

When I heard these voices, Lem was also reddish. She looked at Fangzheng and looked at Lam. There was something in her eyes ...... envious?

After a while, Ram opened his eyes slowly. She blinked and looked at the square.

"Sorry, Lord Founder ..."

不用 "No need to apologize, but I didn't notice your situation, sorry."

As he said, Founder touched Ram's head, and Ram's face turned red slightly, and he lowered his head and said nothing. Lem looked at the scene silently, but also said nothing.

Uh ...............

How did the atmosphere seem a little awkward?


Fortunately, just as Founder was going to say something to alleviate this awkward atmosphere, the knock on the door rang, and Qi Yalei's voice appeared from outside the door.

"Mr. Founder, breakfast is ready."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Hearing Qi Yalei's voice, Fang Zheng was relieved, then he let go of Ram and touched her head again.

好 "Well, don't worry, the magic in your body is almost enough now. I think I should be able to persist for a while. If it is not enough, come to me again at that time, and I will think of a way."


Ram also bowed his head and flushed.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Master Founder."

"Don't apologize if you said ...... and you can detect it, this magic is not a loss to me."

He said, Fang Zheng glanced at Lem standing next to him, and then reached out and touched her head.

"You are also worried about Ram, you are a good sister."

"Ah? Ah, that ..."

Feeling Founder's touch, Rem is also flushed, muttering that she doesn't know what to say.

"Well, go to breakfast."

Now that Ram's business is settled, Founder can be considered relieved, and then take the two of them out of the room for breakfast.

Next, as always.

"Boom !!!"

"Hah ...... So cool."

Looking at the rising water column on the lake, Huihui made a sigh of relief and threw herself to the ground, while Founder also made a gesture. Later, I saw several maids taking the children to the lake by boat—considering that Huihui would disturb the people by putting burst magic in other places, Fang was negotiating with Huihui and set her place to release the burst magic In the lake not far from the castle.

First, it ’s easy to manage. Second, you ca n’t fry it in vain. Anyway, it ’s all fried. Why do n’t you fry some fish and add food?

So every time Founder takes people to see Huihui release the burst magic. After Huihui releases, others take the boat to fish on the lake—of course, considering the effect of the burst magic, most of the fish are directly It's cooked ... well, fewer fish have been caught in recent times.

"You really feel relieved."

Looking at Huihui who flung to the ground, Fang Zheng shrugged helplessly.

"You can't change the problem of popping the street every time you burst the magic. You can't count on Ace to help you every time, at least you have to maintain some magic that can make you act."

"This is disrespect for burst magic!"

Hearing Founder's suggestion, Hui Hui immediately protested weakly.

"If I can't release all my magic power, how can my love for burst magic be manifested?"


Faced with Huihui's answer, Founder frowned.

那么 "I'll give you a little motivation then."

As he said, Founder squatted down.

哎 "Hey? What ... Hey? Hey? Wait, what are you doing?"

Feeling the touch from her legs, Hui Hui suddenly changed her face. The Founder then extended his hand and slowly moved up along Huihui's calf.

"What do you say?"

等 "Wait, wait, what do you do?"

"Don't I say it before? If you don't get rid of this problem ...... hehe, it seems that even if the body can't move, it still feels."

"No, don't touch it, it's itchy ...... oh ..."

As she said, Hui Hui twisted her body desperately to struggle, but now she couldn't move even one finger.

"Fangzheng you ghost animal! Too much ghost animal !!!"

"I'm doing this for you too. Rather than cry back one day and say that you have been ruined by a man you don't know, let me start with it!"

"Is this the reason?"

"Is there anything else? And you don't suffer from giving me, compared to the unknown adventurer and tramp and Goblin ..."

"That's right to say that ...... ah!"

"Well, that's it for today."

When he was about to reach the thigh position, Founder released his hand, and then patted Hui Hui's **** heavily.

"I will go further next time, if you don't want to be like this anymore, please obediently prepare me to stay magic!"

"Wh ...... wow ..."

Wu Huihui flushed, staring fiercely at the founder.

"I, I will not let you go!"

"Oh, you talk harder?"


Watching Fang Zheng raise his right hand again and made a grasping gesture, Huihui shut up decisively.

After bringing Huihui, the maids and a cart of fish back to the castle, Founder threw Huihui to the goddess, and then had a training with Ace again.

However, what surprised Founder is ...

"It feels like you're improving again?"

He Fangzheng put down the big sword in his hand and glanced at sweaty Ace, and Ace nodded.

"My Lord Rocky has given me a new gift. I have now risen to LV5."

"How does it feel like playing a game ..."

When I heard Ace's answer, Founder also silently murmured. It is said that the upgrade of the goddess officer is also very interesting to him. Unlike Ace, the goddess officer needs to go to the temple to be tested. If the test passes, the goddess of the earth will give her a new divine skill. If the test fails, then Nothing ... In fact, these days the goddess officer was tested in the Temple of the Mother Goddess, and she did not know whether she could draw SSR or N magic ...

However, after all, the system of this world is really complicated, there are elven magic, white magic, black magic, elemental magic, gifts, divine magic ... I heard that there is a special ability called blessing ...

Unfortunately, Ace used a fine sword, otherwise she could teach her undead wolf sword ...

"Yes, Ace."

Thinking here, what Founder thought.

"Want to learn new swordsmanship?"

"New swordsmanship?"

没 "Yes, with new weapons ... I can build a brand new weapon for you, which is more suitable for adventure."

What Fang Zhengzheng thought was that in the nun Maria she had met in Yanan, her sword skill was very suitable for Ace. In Founder's opinion, Ace's current problem is that it is fast enough, but not smart enough. And Maria's swordsmanship tends to be elegant and light, and it is easy to make up for Ace's deficiencies in this level.

"of course."

When I heard Fang Zheng's introduction, Ace nodded strongly.

"We can start now."

"Wait until I finish building the weapon, and that's it for today."

Founder directly rejected Ace's request. At the moment, Ace is the same as Asna in the game. If no one stops her, she will work hard to upgrade ... Well, occasionally you need to rest. .

After having lunch, Mei Yin also returned to the Founder's Castle and reported to him his latest progress.

所以 "So, you and the chamber of commerce have reached a cooperation ...... the other party will help you apply for a workshop?"


Wu Meiyin nodded.

"Mr. Bannuo promised to apply for a workshop in the guild in his name, but I hope Mr. Founder can help ..."

Speaking of which, Mei Yin is also eagerly watching the Founder. After all, although they are all passersby, in terms of age, Mai Lu was only a high school student before her rebirth, and Mei Yin was only a college student. The only one of them had work experience. The founder is Founder, so compared to the businessmen in this world, Mayn still trusts Founder.


I heard Mei Yin's report, Founder reached out and nodded at the table.

"Workshop ...... what are the functions you set for the workshop? Do you make paper in large quantities? I think it is difficult."

Although Founder provided assistance to Mei Yin's papermaking plan, he did not intervene in specific equipment. Although it is said that if the Founder wants, he can take out a paper machine directly. But this is meaningless. In fact, Mei Yin has actually built a paper machine. Founder has also seen it. It can be said to be quite old and cumbersome. Frankly, it is not suitable for those children who work long hours.

Although people in the Middle Ages did not care about child labor at all, the Founder still had to care about it.

"Yes, so I hope that the main workshop is mainly responsible for the improvement of paper machines, ah, yes, and ink, the ink in this world is also very expensive, and only black, I also hope to be able to make more changes in this area ... "

所以 "So you want to think of the workshop as a laboratory-like operation? Then transfer it to the other chamber of commerce through a patent grant to obtain revenue?"

I heard here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Founder immediately understood, and Mei Yin nodded happily.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Founder, that's it!"

I looked at the founder in front of me, and Mei Yin was relieved. These concepts were difficult for her to communicate with others, and Fang Zheng was also a person of her own age, so she understood it.

那么 "So, how do you cooperate?"

"Mr. Bannuo wants to see our finished product first, confirm the quality of our finished product, then determine the contract, and pay for it in one go."

所以 "So it's a one-time buyout of a patent? Don't you think it's not worth it?"

"Woo ........."

In the face of Founder's inquiry, Mei Yin also frowned.

"This ... Mr. Founder, I really don't know ..."

"I understand."

Looking at Mei Yin, Founder nodded.

既然 "In this case, let me come forward and talk to the other party, just right, you can also learn ..."

I said here, the corner of Founder's mouth slightly raised.

"What are modern business and negotiation skills."

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