Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1672: The so-called ordinary

Of course, Fang Zhengzheng did not consider himself very dark. In fact, he also drafted a treaty on magic contracts for Mayn. Of course, there is no patent law in this world, and it is certainly impossible for the Founder to apply for a patent on a paper machine. Otherwise, he will definitely apply for a patent for each part and manufacturing process of the paper machine, and create a patent barrier that everyone can't overcome.

But this can hold him back?

Just kidding!

Li Fangzheng directly divided the paper machine into two steps, the body and the module, and then authorized them separately. Just like the game body and DLC, the paper machine is the body, the module is DLC, and the upgrade module is DLC2.0. It ca n’t be less, if someone wants to buy cheap, just buy the module and authorize not to buy the body is useless!

魔法 The magic contract of this world is absolutely valid! Once violated, it will hit five thunders!

So if you want to make paper, you have to buy the body and module license obediently, and then wait to buy the license for DLC2, DLC3, DLC4 ...

"Mr. Founder, you are a robbery!"

After reading the contract drafted by Founder, Mayn suddenly sweated, and Founder rolled his eyes.

"Nonsense, how can I make more money from robbery?"

"... But, isn't this good ... ... after all, Mr. Benno and I ..."

"Emotions are emotions, business is business."

When Fang Zhengzheng saw Mei Yin, she knew that the little girl had committed the biggest problem with the students who did not enter the society. That was to talk about feelings and not business ... It was not a good thing.

"My hometown has a saying that my brothers still pay the bill. I know Mr. Ban Nuo is good to you, but we are not unrequited. It is convenient for me to grant him an exclusive license. If you feel unbearable, you can Consider giving him priority when discussing with him later. "


"Yes, the contract expires after three years. The Chilbota Chamber of Commerce can give priority to renewing the contract. We will not contact other chambers of commerce until they make a decision. You can talk about this when negotiating with Mr. Banno , And then write it in the contract, he should be able to accept-of course, a time limit. "

"Okay, got it."

When I heard this, Mei Yin's expression of anxiety suddenly became a lot clearer. She nodded cheerfully, and then left in a leap.

Little girl is still young after all.

Looking at the back of Mei Yin, Fang Zheng shook his head and smiled. He can imagine how embarrassing his face would be when Bannuo heard Maine propose this condition.

But what does this have to do with him?

But for Founder, things on this day are not over yet. After dinner, he finally sees Mai Lu who has been autistic.

哟 "Oh, finally out of customs? How do you feel?"

Looking at Mai Lu with a pale face, Fang Zheng greeted with a smile, but Mai Lu was in contrast to the usual lively appearance, and the whole person was downcast.

"Mr. Founder, what shall we do ..."

"Say what you think?"

Fang Fang was sitting behind the desk, looking at Mai Lu in front of her. Mai Lu frowned, showing a distressed expression.

"I ...... I don't really know what to do ...... I ..."

As he said, Mai Lu lowered his head.

"I've always been an obedient child. Everyone praised me as a top student. That's how I was when I was a kid. Grandparents, parents, teachers, classmates, and so on. Everyone thinks I'm a genius, but I'm not a genius at all, I just have a little better mind than others. "

"The children of other people's homes are not good."

Regarding Mai Lu's emotion, Founder nodded sympathetically.

"But everyone does n’t think so, neither my family nor my classmates. I think that since I am a top student, I will definitely take the first grade. Since I am a top student, then I will be almighty. Since I am a top student, then Will definitely be admitted to a famous university ... "

I said here, Mai Lu was holding her skirt tightly.

"At that time, I was only able to respond to the expectations of others. I studied hard to be the first and tried to review the famous universities, but even then there was no change. No, or because of it, there would be no Any change ... ... that day too ... "

As he said, Mai Lu's eyes darkened.

"That day, I finished my farewell speech and left the college for three years. Everyone was happy and came home in groups. Only I was still alone. At that time, a little girl was told by them not Carefully pushed to the road, and then came a big truck ... "


但是 "But no one was going to save the girl. Many people were closer to her, but they all stood idly by and everyone looked at me. Although they didn't speak, I knew what they were thinking."

(That child's motor nerves are good)

Hey (the kid should be able to save it)

"I pushed the kid away and ..."

I said here, Mai Lu looked at his hands.

"I came to a place like the kingdom of heaven, and then a goddess who claimed to be the goddess of water Akua appeared in front of me and asked me what I wanted, so I thought ... if my ability is not so good If my ability is only average, then ... maybe there will be a different life. "

It's a pity that I messed up.

"You and Mei Yin are really two extremes."

After listening to Mai Lu's narration, Fang Zheng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Mei Yin is too loyal to her own desires. She is so omnipotent to read a book that she is willing to do things like change the world civilization, just to allow herself and everyone around him to read the book.

As for what effect this will have on the entire world, Mei Yin does not care or care at all.

In turn, Mai Lu was too loyal to others, as if a tadpole. In response to the expectations of others, she even gave up her life ...

But this is also normal. Founder has also seen many students like this. In the school, because of listening to the teacher and parents, the grades are excellent. But going to society is not the same. After all, in school, the goal is very simple, just like Mai Lu, becoming the first or the top ten, and getting into a good high school or university is the only thing for parents and teachers. Expectations, so just work hard in this area.

But after entering the society, it is not the same. People need to act by finding their own goals. Work is not just pure work, but also maintains interpersonal relationships and learns how to get along in the workplace. This is not as simple as in the school. Founder more than once saw some students who graduated from prestigious universities crashed and cried in the office and chose to resign ... ... not ability, simply just do not know what to do doing what.

Definitely not the fault of the Founder asking for overtime.

After all, how can farmers experience life without working overtime?

You can't blame me enough?

996 but good news.

Like Mai Lu, if he takes office after entering the society, in the view of Founder, it is estimated to be the kind of undesired office woman, and then he is willing to do even the hidden rules for the sake of performance. Cleansing or something ...

那么 "So what do you think?"

"I ... I just want to live a normal life."

Mailu was also at a loss now, and Founder could see that this was just a simple concept for Mailu.

He is like asking someone, do you want a happy life?

So most people are definitely answering what they want.

Then ask what happiness you want?

Many people got caught immediately.

She is just like Mai Lu today. She expects a normal life, but what kind of life is ordinary enough, Mai Lu has never thought about it.

However, Mai Lu can be sure that the encounter of those adventurers defeated by Goblin absolutely has nothing to do with the ordinary life he wants.

"If you want a normal life, I can show you the way."

"Oh? Really?"

The result was not the same. Upon hearing the Founder's answer, Mai Lu immediately opened her eyes and looked up at the Founder.


He founder nodded.

"You can go to a small village, then buy a house, grow your own farm there, raise chickens, ducks, cows, sheep, etc ... Have you ever played with the ranch story? It's similar to that kind of life, where all day sunrise and sunset , How? Very ordinary. "

"This is really ...... ordinary ..."

"This is how ordinary life is."

Fang Zheng changed his posture and leaned on the chair.

"In many villages, some people may not have been to the city all their lives, but they still live happily. Isn't this what you want? You go out every day to plant, feed chickens, and fight with everyone in the village. Say hello, talk to the world, then find a farmer to marry, and have a few children ... how about it? There is no more ordinary life than this. "

"That's true ..."

Although it is very ordinary, Mai Lu's expression is very subtle.

"It's boring."


"Is this life boring?"


In the face of Founder's inquiry, Mai Lu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded slightly.

所以 "So what you want is not ordinary life at all."


This time, Mai Lu stopped talking.

既然 "That being the case, let me leave you with homework."

Fang Fangzheng is not a devil. Looking at Mai Lu's downcast face, he also put forward his own opinions.


"Yes, Mei Yin is currently busy with her affairs. You can help. Do you know what Mei Yin is doing?"

这 "It's ... I'm not quite sure."

Mai Lu shook her head. After returning from Goblin's lair, she has been autistic in the room. Her mind is full of thoughts like "This is not the life I want, what kind of life I want" Not paying attention to these at all.

她 "She is improving papermaking and wants to make books accessible to everyone in the world."

"Hey? Hey hey ?!"

When I heard this, Mai Lu was stunned.

"Mayne ... is she so powerful?"

"Hahaha, isn't it great? You can see for yourself. I think Mei Yin also needs someone to help, and you who are also a passerby will definitely be very helpful to her, so be it."

"Okay, I'll try hard!"

有了 After having the goal, Mai Lu is not as dazed as before. Of course, part of the reason is that Mei Yin is a traverser like himself, which is more suitable. She greeted Fang Zheng happily, and opened the door.


"Ah, hello, Miss Magistrate."

I looked at the goddess standing at the door, and Mai Lu was startled and nodded in response.

"Are you looking for Mr. Founder?"

"Yes, is it convenient now?"

"Of course, come in."

Fang Fang nodded to the goddess standing at the door, and the goddess and Mailu gave each other a gift, then went into the room and closed the door.

"Welcome back, what's the test?"

"Yes, I have successfully passed the test of the Mother God."

I said here, the goddess officer clenched her fists excitedly.

"God Mother gave me a brand new divine magic, and it is two! Lord Knight!"

"Congratulations. Speaking of which, it seems that the gift of Ace has also been upgraded to the fifth level by the gods she believes in, and your team's strength has also increased a lot."


I heard the founder's words, and the goddess officer became more and more happy.

"But Huihui doesn't seem to have changed ..."

"Huihui is still like this ..."

Hearing here, the goddess official's face changed slightly.

It is very difficult to block the current burst magic. If Huihui becomes stronger, it is really a question of whether they can come out alive.

"Ah, right."

The two chatted a few words, and the goddess officer seemed to think of it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and took out a letter from her arms.

"Knight, this is what the Adventurer's Guild wants me to pass on to you."


Fang Zheng took the envelope and opened it. He carefully glanced at the contents. Then the corner of his mouth slightly raised and he sneered.

"I didn't expect them to come home."

"Lord Knight?"

I looked at Fang Zheng's expression incorrectly, and the goddess officer was also a little confused.

"Who sent this letter?"

"Sages from the Kingdom of Lugnica."

Fang Zhengzheng threw the letter on the table.

他们 "They asked me to go to the capital of Lugnica to explain the killing of Earl Rozvar at the border ..."


Hearing this, the goddess officer was taken aback.

"All right, Lord Knight?"

"no big deal."

In the face of the inquiries of the goddess officer, Founder waved his hands, and at the same time he narrowed his eyes and snorted softly.

"Exactly, I have something to ask them."

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