Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1677: Witch's Tea Party (rounded belly with meatball soup)

Riding in Vimona, the three of them returned to the castle in the evening and gave gifts to everyone at dinner time. Of course, the three did not say exactly how Fang "blackmailed" Fang, but just said that it was a gift from Founder to everyone, which was selected by Ram and Rem.

In this regard, everyone naturally accepted it happily, and Founder incidentally introduced his cute little milk cat to everyone, and the small milk cat's pet property once again played a role, and soon was taken by others in the castle I like it.

After a tiring and noisy day, Founder took a shower, and then went to bed with a soft little milk cat.

Arrived late at night.

The dark night shrouded the entire castle. Except for the security room, Mei Yin's father was still yawning and looking at the monitor. Everyone else had already fallen asleep.

Dark, gradually coming.

But no one saw it.

The enchantment is normal, and the monitor does not respond. The heavy door opened slowly, but there were no alarms. The combination lock outside the tightly closed lintel sounded a "beep" and then turned green with his peers.


The little milk cat curled up in Fang Zheng's arms opened her eyes. It stuck out her tongue, licked Fang Zheng's face lightly, then jumped out of the bed, then swiftly walked out of the room, came to the corridor, and then lightly And passed the stairs flexibly.

Then, the little **** cat came to the hall and looked at the front door.

The door gradually opened.

However, at this moment the gate is no longer a castle with crystal chandeliers and soft carpets on weekdays, but a tea room that looks full of luxurious western style.


Sitting on a red velvet sofa is a girl in her early teens with soft dark blue hair. She is wearing a dress of the same color, with white socks with lace and black leather shoes. Behind her, A black tail with a blue bow was fluttering.

The girl turned her head, looked at the door, and put down her tea cup.

既然 "Since you're here, don't you come in and sit down? Uninvited guests?"


There was no sound, and a figure shrouded in darkness was gradually coming in. It slowly approached the girl and stretched out his hands.


"It's ugly, this looks."

The girl narrowed her eyes, and there was no gleam of light in those dim eyes as if at night.

"Are you just attracted by instinct? What's the difference between this and a gluttonous pig? Now you are not even a human, just a sad pig."


The black figure spoke again, but the girl just picked up the tea cup again and took a sip of black tea. It seems that because he didn't get the answer he hoped for, the black figure began to sway, and then a personal figure emerged from it and turned into a subsidiary black figure, which slowly surrounded the girl like a wolf.

谁 "Who knows? You look for your man like an abandoned sorrow woman, but there will be no good results? The pig owl should be like a pig owl, call two times to listen."

Said here, the girl slightly raised her lips, revealing a touch of cold, cruel, as if looking at the clown-like performance of the theater on the stage. Even if the number of people in front of her changed to several people, her expression did not change at all.

"That would be boring."


The dark figure didn't seem to hear the girl's answer, it just hoarsely and asked again. Then his hands suddenly stretched, and he scratched at the girl's neck. In the face of this dangerous action that almost took her own life, the girl did not move at all. I saw that the black hands touched the girl's white neck without hindrance, and then ...

“—————— !!!!!!”

With an inaudible scream, the black silhouette suddenly backed off as if exposed to a hot coal fire, and then the wind raged, and the next moment, the dark silhouette re-leaved like a video rewind, and the gate was again heavy shut down.

The tea room returned to calm again, only the melodious music still echoed in it. The girl did not seem to care about the attack just now. She just put down the tea cup and poured herself a cup of tea.

"Because I found it interesting, I came to see it. I didn't expect that I actually saw something interesting."

Speaking for a while, the girl took another sip of black tea, and then she looked up and looked at the door in front of her again.

那么 "Let me see, then, you ... you can please me-to the point where the great witch, Frederica Belen-Castello."

At this moment, the girl revealed a childlike, innocent, pure, cold smile.

"I'm honored, witches, now you are Belem's toys, Mimi ~~!"

After saying this, the girl put down the tea cup, and then jumped down from the velvet sofa—the next moment, the tea room originally filled with western fairy tale style disappeared instantly, and the melodious classical music also stopped. The little black cat fell gently on the ground, then jumped up the stairs step by step, step two, and stepped back to the founder's room without any effort. Then the cat jumped onto the bed lightly again, Came to Fang Zheng's side, then got into his arms, reached out and rubbed a straight chin, then narrowed his eyes and curled into a ball.

Then just like that, one person and one cat fell into deep sleep again.

the next day.

呼 "Huh ... it's really early today."

Fang Zheng yawned and stretched down the stairs, and when he saw him, both Ram and Rem hurriedly bowed their heads and greeted in unison.

"Good morning, Lord Founder."

"Good morning, Lord Founder."

"Well, you guys are too early ......... but the twins really have telepathy ..."

To be honest, many times, as long as Ram and Lem are together, they both seem to have the ability to answer other people's voices at the same time. At first, Founder thought it was just a coincidence. After all, this kind of thing happens occasionally. When I went to school before, my classmates had similar things. But at that time it was just a coincidence and a joke, basically it was just a laugh.

However, this situation of Ram and Rem is not just a coincidence. In fact, they can say hello in unison almost every time they see others. This is also quite surprising to many people, and it can only be attributed to the twins. Telepathy.

"Have everyone else had breakfast?"


"That's good………"

Hearing the two men's answers, Founder nodded. To be honest, Founder really wanted to go to the cafeteria to dine with other people, but was banned after a few visits. Although Ram, Rem, and Qi Yalei found various excuses, Mai Lu was a Words are broken.

"For everyone, it feels as if the director is in the classroom during lunch. I feel that the stomach can't digest the food properly, so let them spare."

I was so frustrated that Fang Zheng could only retreat helplessly. Although he was not reconciled, he also had to admit that Mai Lu's words were indeed justified.

Speaking of which, why is the director of teaching! Am I like that kind of person? !!

"I'm going out today, I won't have lunch, dinner ... ... depending on the situation."

He stroked the little milk cat in his arms, and Founder told his twins about his schedule today.

"Is Lord Founder going out? Do we need us?"

"I'm going to take a look at Rozvar's territory. The guy's home is also there. I don't know how many people there are in Rozvar, so you can take care of the house. It's not a big deal anyway."

"OK, Lord Founder, be careful all the way."

Hearing the Founder's words, the twin maids bowed their heads respectfully, and then the Founder walked out of the room, summoned Vimona, and flew towards Rozvar's territory.

It didn't take long for the Founder to come to Rozvar's territory-no, strictly speaking, it should be his own territory.

"It's really remote here."

I looked at the only house nearby that looked like a noble house and a small village nearby. Fang Zheng shook his head, and then he manipulated Vimona to land in front of the house.

But ...

"There are no guards, not even half a living ...… dead?"

I looked at the empty mansion, and the Founder was a little stunned. To be honest, he didn't think that Rozval's family would move out in just one day. The original founders were all ready to come here to negotiate with relatives or subordinates of Rozvar, but as far as the current situation is concerned ...... in this mansion, wouldn't there have been Rozvar alone.

I went for a while, so what is the court's chief mage, is it so miserable? Not even a janitor?

Since there was no expected resistance and fighting, Founder naturally did not say much, but out of curiosity, he went directly into the mansion in front of him-the locked door was just a "knock for Founder Technology "can solve the problem.

"This house is quite suitable for a haunted house, or for shooting a series of secret room killings."

As He walked around the mansion, Founder muttered to himself, and then he opened a door.

"Huh? This is the library? Mayin will drool when she sees it."

Looking at the dense bookshelf in front of him, Founder also whistled, but he didn't expect that there would be so many books in this place, so why not just move all to the castle? Mei Yin will be very glad to see it ...

However, at this moment, a sharp little voice came suddenly.

"Who are you? How did you get here?"


Founder turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. I saw a little girl holding a large book and came out from behind the bookshelf, staring at him dissatisfied. The girl had brilliant blond hair and two horsetails like drills Hanging on both sides, wearing a fluttering dress, looks like a noble lady.

"My name is Founder."

Fang Zheng greeted the girl in front of her.

"Are you from this family? Could it be Rozvar's daughter?"

Recalling the age of the clown, it seems that this is the only statement?

But will anyone want to marry that pervert?

"Please don't make such a boring joke."

However, what Fangzheng didn't expect is that the blond drill girl showed a clear disgust after hearing Fangzheng's inquiry.

"Why does Betty become such a perverted daughter? We don't have any blood relationship between us ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Well ... it seems that her understanding of Rozvar and Founder seems quite similar.

"If you are a guest of Rozvar, leave."

The girl who claimed to be Betty did not seem to want to talk to Founder, but instead sat in a chair by herself and opened the book in her hand.

"Betty has no time to waste time with idlers like you."

"Poison Tongue Loli is not a good comment."

He squared up and said something.

"I am not a guest. In fact, this house, along with this territory, is already my possession."


When I heard this, Betty looked up and stared at the Founder.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding."

Staring at the blond girl, Fang Zheng said.

"Lugnika has given me this territory. As for Rozvar ...... well, although some are not easy to say, he has been killed by me."

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