Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1681: Money is not a problem (I want to be lazy)

This is how I live.

Lina because Bath didn't know how anxious Fang Zheng's heart was, but she still flirted with Gao Li and the angry Founder scolded Fire Dragon and Pluto as idiots. Waste of time ... forget it, he can't do anything but keep waiting.

However, this does not mean that Founder has nothing to do.

Founder won the territory of Rozvar, and naturally got Rozvar's trouble, that is --- Forest of Warcraft.

No one knows how many Warcrafts are in the World of Warcraft Forest. In fact, no one dares to go deep inside the World of Warcraft Forest. Even Rozvar himself, the task is just to sit here to prevent Warcraft from escaping into the forest and causing damage to the kingdom of Lugnica.

I can't say anything, but letting the chief mage of the court sit in the house itself illustrates the danger of Warcraft Forest.

But for Founder, this is certainly not a problem.

"Welcome, Founder."

When I saw Founder coming to the Adventurers' Guild, the counter lady naturally stood up with a smile and greeted him, and then looked curiously behind Founder.

"Why didn't you see anyone else today?"

"They're all resting, I'm a little bit at the guild today."

"what's up?"

Faced with Founder's answer, Miss Counter couldn't help being curious. When she appeared in front of the Adventurers' Guild, she basically gave the goddess their task. Of course, because Founder himself has not registered as an adventurer, he cannot take up the task here, so Founder alone appears here, making the counter lady feel a little curious.

"I want to post a commission. Will you pick it up?"

"Of course, please inside."

Treating customers and adventurers are naturally different. After hearing Founder's inquiry, the counter lady immediately invited Founder to the inside guest room.

"What does Mr. Founder want to entrust?"

"It's very simple. I want to commission the clearing of Warcraft in the Forest of Warcraft."

"Forest of Warcraft ..."

When I heard this, the lady at the counter frowned in confusion.

"Forest of Warcraft ...... there is the territory of the Kingdom of Lugnica."

"It's my turn now."


When I heard this, the lady at the counter widened her eyes in surprise and hurriedly stood up.

"Say, are you Lord now?"

"No, you are mistaken. I mean Lugnaca gave me the land, not me. From now on, that is my site, and Lugnaca is never related. Now. "

"Ahhhhhh !?"

At this time, the lady at the counter even screamed. You should know that this kind of thing is big news! Why don't you know it at all?

But think about it carefully, if it is true as Founder said, Lugnaka would definitely be reluctant to talk.

"Can you continue?"

当然 "Of course, but Founder, Forest of Warcraft is a long way from us. Even a carriage ride takes a long time. I am afraid that most adventurers will not be willing to take on such a task ..."

我 "I have a way to make a large portal that connects here and the Forest of Warcraft, and it can be reached in an instant."

"Large portal?"

Hearing this, the counter lady stood up again in surprise. Of course, she knew that the Founder had great power, but a large portal that could be connected from a distance. As long as this technology explodes, almost no country on the continent wants it!

However, this one is just for clearing the Forest of Warcraft ...

"Any question?"

"No, it's gone."

Face to the Founder's inquiry, the counter lady hesitated, then shook her head. Then she ... she didn't dare to sit down, lest she jump up again.

那么 "Then, here is my request."

As he said, Founder took out a map, and when she saw the map, the lady at the counter widened her eyes with curiosity.

Unlike those hand-painted maps that Miss Counter is familiar with, the map in front of them looks like a landscape painting--in simple terms, it is as if someone has painted the entire World of Warcraft Forest from the sky. Although this also made the counter lady quite curious, the so many things Founder had brought out had made her more or less mentally prepared.

"According to our preliminary investigation, the entire Forest of Warcraft is divided into five areas."

As he said, Founder drew a circle on the map.

"These areas are roughly distributed like this. The first-level area is home to the lowest level of Warcraft, the fifth-level area is the highest, and some places need to be explored manually. In short, I have marked these areas, those mercenaries. You can freely choose which area to go to. As for the reward, it is allocated according to the level. In the first level area, one Warcraft is ten gold coins, and then each time the area level is increased by one level, ten gold coins are added. The value is fifty. If there are additional rare enemies or gains, you can negotiate again. "

"This is a big sum of money."

After listening to the Founder's narration, the lady at the counter also looked serious. The World of Warcraft Forest is famous all over the world. There are more than tens of thousands of World of Warcraft in it, even if it is calculated based on the lowest ten gold coins and one World of Warcraft, that is an astronomical figure. Now the lady at the counter is fortunate to haven't sat down, or I'm afraid she'll stand up again.

"Money is not a problem, and problems that can be solved with money are not problems."

虽然 Although there is no FBI in this world, Founder is already eyeing Lugnica.

The money in the treasury is not spent, isn't it?

Anyway, gold coins have no anti-counterfeiting marks and numbers.

"Then I will leave it to you next."

The founder's commissioned mission immediately caused an uproar immediately after the release of the Adventurer's Guild. As Founder provided a magical teleportation for long-distance transmission, adventurers could go out to work early in the morning and then go straight home to drink and eat meat. Therefore, many adventurers have accepted the commission, not only the adventurers here, but even nearby adventurers have come here in an attempt to take part in it.

After all, this reward is too generous, even if it is only to kill the Warcraft in the lowest level area, it can make a lot of money. For the newcomer adventurer team, this is equivalent to the best time for the event and the updated equipment.

At the beginning, most of the newcomers and low-level adventurers joined, they were responsible for clearing the outer area of ​​the forest. After the peripheral low-level Warcraft area was basically safe, those powerful adventurer teams started to go deep into the forest, and each began hunting for Warcraft by their own abilities.

"I didn't expect you to solve the problem of Forest of Warcraft this way."

I stood at the window and looked at the noisy adventurers in the distance. Beatrix's expression was extremely complicated.

"I would have done it myself."

"Of course I can. With one sword, I can easily destroy the entire forest, and then?"

Li Fang threw a grape in his mouth and poked his lips.

"Destroy the entire forest. How many years will it take to reforest and how much will it cost?"

"But now I think you have not spent less."

"It doesn't matter, money is spent."

Not to mention that it was not his money that was spent.


At this moment, suddenly knocking on the door rang, and Ram and Rem came in.

"Mr. Founder, Ms. Karlsteen, the Carlstein family, asks for advice."

"Ku Xixiu? Who is that?"

Hearing this strange name, Founder froze, and Beatrix hummed softly.

"That is the young lady of the Carlstern family, who is a noble from the kingdom of Lugnika. It is very famous, and that young lady is not a good master."

Said here, Beatrice turned directly back to the library.

看来 "It looks like you have more work to do, then Betty is gone."

"Have a rest, you."

I waved at the back of Beatrix, founder yawned, and then looked at Ram and Rem.

好 "Well, please come in, the young lady of the Karlsten family."

It didn't take long for Founder to meet the young lady named Kuan Xiu. Karlsten. She had long green hair, dressed in a male uniform, and looked very vigorous. She wore a sword at her waist. , The expression on the face is very serious, let people know at a glance that it is definitely a very severe person.

"Hello, first time, Founder."

After seeing Founder, Ku Xixiu was also a serious salute.

"I'm Kushou Karlsten of the Carlstein family. This time I'm here to visit."

"I think so too, and I have nothing to get close to the Kingdom of Lugnica ...... what are you doing to me? If possible, please make a long story short."

"Is such that."

In the face of Founder's response, Ku Kui Xiu did not quit, and directly opened the door and said his intention.

"I heard ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Are you hiring adventurers to clear the Forest of Warcraft?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"of course not………"

KU Xixiu shook his head.

"But I also heard that you used a mysterious method to detect all the locations of Warcraft in the Forest of Warcraft?"

"It's almost ...... so?"

"I hope you can use this method to help me find a World of Warcraft."

"It's okay ...... is it in the Forest of Warcraft?"

"Do not."

In front of Founder's inquiry, Ku Xiu shook his head.

"This World of Warcraft is erratic, but it is an enemy of humanity. Ashamed to say, we have always wanted to be able to kill this World of Warcraft, but we can't find it anyway ..."


I heard here that Founder had some interest.

"What's the name of that Warcraft?"

In the face of Founder's inquiries, Ku Fuxiu swallowed a sip of water, and then he looked up and looked at Founder.


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