Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1704: First missionary (I do n’t want to get up in the cold these days)

The red ponytail naturally did not care about Arrieta's idea. After introducing her "commodities", she returned to the academy with Louise, but at the moment, Louise is more or less swayed.

"What's wrong? Louise?"

"So, that ... SABER?"


"Can you talk about you?"

"About me?"


I said here, Louise nodded, and looked at the red pony tail more seriously.

说 "Speaking of which I have called you for so long, I don't know who you are or where you are from ..."

"I'm also interested in this."

However, before Louise's words were finished, she saw Chuluk leaning out of the door and interrupted her.

"Churuk, you overhear me again!"

"Who told you not to mute magic! Deserve it!"


In general, nobles use magic to block sounds and prevent eavesdropping when talking, but Louise cannot use this magic. Although she now uses Void Phantom under the guidance of Red Horsetail, Void Phantom is strictly meaning It is considered superpower rather than magic ...

After all, there are differences between the two sides.

Chuluk was obviously also very skilled, she quickly pulled Tabasa and came in, occupied Louis's table before Louise opened her mouth, and then put on various refreshments ... waited until Louise thought When they were about to speak, the two were already seated and ready to listen to gossip.

Seeing this, Louise rolled her eyes helplessly and said nothing more. Sitting in another empty seat, he waited for the red horsetail to say something.

"Well, let's talk about one ..."

I looked at the scene in front of me, and Red Horsetail took out Wakewood and shot it on the table.

"Jia Baoyu first tested the wind and rain, Liu Yi entered Rongguo."

"......... ????"

"But when the attacker reached out and tied his belt, he didn't feel that he reached out to the thigh, only to feel that it was cold and wet ... ... The attacker was a smart woman, two years older than Baoyu. ... "

"......... ????"

I looked at the three girls with big eyes and small eyes, and Red Horsetail coughed awkwardly.

"I don't understand, then ..."

Or should I come to "Qiao Pan Niang's affair, old lady tea workshop talk skills"?

Forget it, don't go too far.

I thought of this, and Red Horsetail put away Wakewood and sat back in the chair.

"Who is my identity ...... well, strictly speaking, be a god."

"God ...... make?"

"God's messenger, is that plain?"

"Hey? Hey hey !!!"

When I heard this, Louise and Chuluk both cried out in surprise.


"You are actually a messenger of God, then what kind of messenger are you?"


When I heard this question from Chu Luke, the red horse tail turned black.

"... the goddess of the magical girl."

"... I don't seem to have heard of this **** ..."

Facing the red horsetail's answer, the three looked at each other and shook their heads, while the red horsetail sighed helplessly.

"This is normal, because the goddess of the magical girl is not the **** of your world."

Although the Red Horsetail did not want to say it herself, she had to say it because the "God name" of the deity is very important.

For example, what is the moon god, the sun god, the **** of wisdom and the like, of course, you do not know the name behind, but at least as soon as you hear the name of the god, you know what the other party is doing. In this way, a "two-way connection" can be established between believers and gods.

好像 It seems that in many times, there are actually many races that meet the scope of the magic girl god's shelter, such as the fairy in the fairy sword, or the magic girls in the magic girl world. However, at the time, they were not able to provide Founder's faith and divine power, because both sides did not know each other's existence.

It's a bit like you pay taxes. You have to know that there is such a place as the Internal Revenue Service, and then you have to understand that you have the obligation to pay taxes. Otherwise, if you do n’t know it at all, you wo n’t be able to send money in vain?

Of course, the **** and the believer don't need to be so clear, but if there is no specific name to inform existence, the power of the other's faith will not find a place to send, and the power of faith will not be collected.

In this relationship, in general, gods are dominant, while believers are passive. Just like Caiyi before, and now Louise, their prayers were received by Founder because they met the conditions, so Founder knew that they existed. If Founder responds to their prayers, then both parties can be regarded as a way to understand each other, but if Founder does not respond to prayers, then naturally they will not know that this person exists.

Now the identity of the red horsetail is the incarnation and messenger of the magical girl god, so ... Although it is embarrassing, but don't say no!

After all, this is her job.

说 "Speaking of, are you really from another world?"

"Of course, this world is very big, not just your continent. There are many different worlds, different civilizations where you don't know ..."

Introducing these to Red Horsetail has long been used to it. After all, basically she has to say this when going to a place, so Red Horsetail also skillfully opened a personal terminal.

The first thing that appeared was a picture of Busch Tsui wrapped in a towel after taking a bath. The wet white hair was attached to the slender neck and looked abnormal ...

I was turned off by the red ponytail's eye for a second.

"What's wrong? SABER?"

咳 "Cough, it's nothing, let's see now."

Red Horsetail coughed casually, then opened the video. In order to cope with this situation, she has already made several introduction videos about mecha world, game world, and recently put Amelia in their world. All of them are good materials. Those who walk away, take a bath, take off their clothes, and cut off the rest can be used for promotional videos.

Looking at the moving picture, the three girls also showed considerable interest. It has to be said that the supernatural world, whether it is the fairy or magic, has a higher acceptance of the unknown, even if it is such a projection. It's not a problem, and it will soon be understood.

But the acceptance of unknown existence in the science fiction world is very low, both in the game world and the mecha world.

Perhaps this is because the supernatural world doesn't pay much attention to the cause of the occurrence, and pays more attention to the results, while the science fiction world pays more attention to why this phenomenon occurs?

三 For the trio, the "promotional video" of the game world and the mecha world is obviously more interesting.


"Do people in that world actually live on such a big ball?"

他们 "They can fly in the air in such a huge ship?"

Looking at the video in front of me, Red Horsetail only felt that there were three customers watching the Maldives tourism promotional videos while discussing the customers who went to the Maldives tourist routes ...

"SABER, what is the standard in our world?"

看 After watching the world's promotional videos, Louise couldn't wait to ask, and Red Horsetail shrugged.

"Want me to tell the truth? Let's lower the magic world."

"Low magic world? What do you mean?"

"The meaning of the lower magic world."

"Is our world so weak?"

When I heard this, Louise was suddenly unhappy, and the red horsetail smiled.

差不多 "Almost, according to my observations, your world is, for now, low-magic."

那么 "So, is there a lower magic world, is there a higher magic world?"

At this time, Tabasa, who had not spoken, stared at the red horsetail suddenly, and asked, and the red horsetail nodded.

"Yes, in the world of Gao Mo, even if the last one in the video you watched before is that, those people in it have powerful power ... well, far more powerful magical power than your world, I know a Billy One-year-old girl, Yi Si, will only have a kind of magic called "Burst Magic", but this burst magic is enough to raz the entire academy in an instant. "

Although it can only be used once a day.

"Empty the whole college to the ground in an instant?"

When I heard this, all three were shocked. You must know that the site of the Torrestine School of Magic is not small. If you want to raz the entire college in an instant, even those powerful magicians will not be able to do it.

And in that world, can a fourteen-year-old girl do this?

有 Is that world so terrible?

那么 "So, is there a cure for that world?"

At this time, Tabasa suddenly asked again, which made Chuluk and Louise look at her with a bit of confusion, because Tabasa has rarely spoke, and can even be said to be almost alone. She wouldn't come if Churukla wasn't the second. But at the moment, Tabasa is so active, and her face that does not seem to have any emotional ups and downs on weekdays has revealed a little anxiety and anxiety at this moment.

"Is there a cure? Of course, in general, no illness is a problem, even in some cases, even the resurrection of the dead can be done ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course, it depends on the conditions."

"Really ?!"

When I heard this, Tabasa actually stood up and stared at the red horsetail.

那 "So, then ...!"

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but didn't say it for a long time. But hesitation and tangled expressions were evident on her face.

"What's wrong with you? Tabasa?"

Lu Qiuruk looked at his friend a little worried.

"What happened?"


Hearing Chuluk's words, Tabasa was silent for a moment, then sat down.

"Sorry, please let me think about it."


Facing Tabasa's answer, Louise and Chuluk both looked at each other in confusion, while Red Horsetail looked at Tabasa without saying a word. She can guess that Tabasa must have something to ask for herself, but ... since Tabasa doesn't say anything, the Red Horsetail will temporarily stop moving.

Look at the situation and talk.

I'm in no hurry to develop believers anyway.

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