Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1707: Tricks (holding hands to sleep in a group)

"what is this?"

Looking at the huge steel structure in front of her, Louise's eyes widened in surprise. She found that she had asked "What is this" most since she called out SABER. After all, I have never heard of these things before.

"This is a VF-19 modified special fighter."

Looking proudly at the fighter aircraft around him, Red Horsetail nodded with satisfaction. This is still a gift that Fang is receiving in the Mech world. After all, Fang is also the Supreme Commander in his position in the Mech World. According to the urine of the Mech World, the Supreme Commander must have his own special mech, Red has angular three times the speed ...

The same is true for the VF-19. It abandoned the original VF-1 airframe design, adopted an advanced forward-swept wing body structure, and was equipped with the latest thermonuclear explosive turbojet engine. Not only can FOLD maneuver alone, it also has tactical deterrence against warships and fortresses.

In addition, the VF-19 is also equipped with highly maneuverable micro missiles and wing lasers. Moreover, as the Founder's symbol, the entire body is painted red, and there is a golden dragon on it-the reason for this painting is that the Founder had summoned it before fighting in Britannia in District 11 The Shenlong (actually a flying snake of the Zerg demon), so this VF-19 is also called a "red dragon".

For this fighter, Founder naturally accepted it, but it has never been used. After all, as a commander, he does not need to be on the battlefield. And if the founder is going to the battlefield, it is not a problem that the VF fighter can solve, so the original founder just kept this fighter as a prestigious souvenir that he got after breaking through the Mech world.

I didn't expect a day that was really useful.

To be honest, with this fighter plane, the red horsetail can rule the world.

After all, this low magic world is so weak.

"Well, let's get ready to go."

The red ponytail snapped a finger, and soon saw the cockpit open automatically, revealing the seat inside, and looking at the narrow cockpit, Louise was somewhat tangled.

"Sit this? There is no danger."

当然 "Of course not, the inside is very safe, but this is a two-person machine, so it can only take us two ...... well, in fact, the space is not small."

Although the cockpit is a double, the red ponytail and Louise are both petite and they don't feel crowded when they get in. When she heard Red Horsetail's words, Louise nodded. Then she followed Red Horsetail's instructions and planned to board the cockpit from the side ramp.

But at this moment, suddenly, a voice came.

"Oh, isn't this Louise? My Louise, it's been a long time!"

My Louise?

Hearing here, the red horsetail turned around curiously, and saw a man riding a griffin descending from the sky and landed not far away from them. Then he turned over, laughed, raised his arms, and walked towards Louise go with.

看 And after seeing the man clearly, Louise also shined.

"Master Varudo!"

谁 Who is this little white face?

Red Horsetail curiously looked at the man in front of him. After all, he was the first man to make Louise so happy. And ......... the two guys are hugging each other?

"You are still very light, like feathers, my lovely Louise."

"......... I'm so sorry."

Facing Varuto's words, Louise blushed and lowered her head, looking like a girl shy. Varuduo laughed, then put Louise down again, and looked at the red pony tail.

"Who is this………"

"This is SABER, it's my messenger."

"Well ...... I didn't expect to be alone."

Hearing Louise's words, Varudo looked at the red ponytail in surprise, and the red ponytail waved his hand and said hello. And Varudo also bowed his head gracefully, and saluted in front of the red horsetail.

"Hello, I am Her Majesty's Magic Guard, Captain Griffin, Viscount Varudo."

"Hello, I'm Red Horsetail."

Gently replied, Red Horsetail looked curiously at Louise.

"Say back, what is your relationship?"

"Louis is my engagement partner."

Facing the red horsetail's inquiry, Varudo gave a calm answer.

"Oh I got it."

When I heard this, the red horse tail nodded. Although Louise looked younger, she was almost an adult in terms of age, and it was normal to have a marriage partner. As for the age difference between the two, it seems ... this is certainly not a problem.

所以 "So you're here ...?"

"I was ordered by Her Royal Highness to accompany the two to Albion."

Varudo's smile remained unchanged.

"After all, Albion has a long way to go. Both are girls. It is inevitable that they will be in danger when going out, and I am responsible for protecting the safety of the two."

Alas, the princess sent us to watch us.

The red ponytail smiled on the surface, and MMP knew that the woman was not a good thing, and it was so.

"In fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, after all, Albion is not far away. To be honest, we originally planned to go back the same day and return to dinner at night."

"You're joking then, miss."

Varudo apparently didn't take Red Horsetail's words seriously, only thinking she was joking.

"Albion is not close, and it's still ... hehe, anyway, let's go now."

As he said, Varudo grabbed Louise's hand and walked towards the griffin, while the red pony tail stood by with a cold eye.

Ouch, how can I get tired of grabbing a woman in front of me?

But the red horsetail didn't act, just stood there and looked at them with a smile. Then he saw Valuto come to his gryphon, and took Louise to the griffin, but at this moment, Louise suddenly remembered something and looked at Varuto.

"Master Varudo, my demon is still there."

不用 "Don't worry, my lovely Louise, I have prepared a carriage for her, and this griffin can only ride two people."

"Yes, that's it ..."

Hearing here, Louise nodded, and then Varud smiled slightly at the red pony tail, then waved the reins handsomely.


The mule lion lies on the ground and does not move.

"set off!"

Varudo beat the griffin again, but the griffin was still lying there, just glanced at him silently. However, immediately afterwards, I saw the griffin poking up his butt, then "snoring" a few times, and then a stench followed the wind.

As for the griffin, it silently lay back again.


For a moment, the air became awkward.

看来 "It looks like your griffon is eating too much. It's diarrhea now."

At this time, the red pony tail came over with a smile, and Varudo's complexion was a little stiff, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Forget it, after all, animals are not reliable, but it is up to me. Let's go, Louise, I will show you what the power of interstellar civilization is."

"Ah, um ..."

At the moment, Louise was dragged by the red ponytail, and then she walked towards the fighter in a foolish manner, but when she climbed up the cockpit along the gangway, she suddenly recovered.

等等 "Wait, what about Lord Valuto?"

"Then there is no other way. This is a double cabin. It can only take two people."

The red pony tail looked at Varudo with a smile, and the original words were returned.

而且 "Don't Mr. Varudo prepare a carriage?"

"Don't kid this lady, my mission is to protect Louise. How can it be separated from her? In any case, I have to keep Louise safe."

Hehe, what you said is true, I almost believed it.

When I heard this, Red Horsetail grinned, and then her eyes rolled.

"Then, if you don't want to abandon, you can go to the magazine and there is still space. But I have to explain in advance that the magazine is uncomfortable and cold ... ... it may be noisy or maybe Oh? If you can't stand it, you are the unlucky one. "

请 "Please be assured, how can I say that I am also the Royal Magic Guard, this trouble is not difficult for me."

"okay then."

I have warned you anyway.

"SABER, are you okay?"

After waiting for the red horsetail to climb into the cockpit, Louise hurriedly asked, while the red horsetail shrugged.

"I asked him to stay in the magazine. I said it was very cold and noisy there, but he said he was a magic guard, and it was difficult for him to overcome this little difficulty."

"Of course."

Hearing here, Louise smiled.

"Master Varudo is very good ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So I hope he is not talking about it, ready, please fasten your seat belt, put away the small table board, adjust the seat cushion, we will immediately It's time to go! "

On the one hand, the red ponytail turned on the system. Soon, the dark interior of the cockpit immediately became bright, and the surrounding scenery was instantly displayed. Seeing this scene, Louise could not help but "wow" Called out. Then saw the red horsetail pull the joystick, and then the fighter began to rise slowly.

"Flying up ?!"

Looking at the scenery outside, Louise's eyes widened in surprise.

Such a large iron block, it just so easy to fly? No need to chant mantras, and no magic waves? So how did this thing fly? Isn't it magic?

"Well, let me see the map. Albion is ... here, then ..."

I glanced at the map and compared the orientation, and then Red Horsetail suddenly pushed the joystick.

"Pippi shrimp, let's go!"

"—————— !!!"

The next moment, accompanied by the whistling sound of a blast, the fighter jet flew forward and rushed into the clouds of the sky.

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