Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1712: The essence of the world! (Lost to tail playing tail)

"This thing is really interesting, wait, let me come ...... let me have a look at this thing ..."

Feeling the power above, Red Horsetail also immediately became interested. Obviously, this thing is not used to support the scene, but it is really useful! This was interesting, and she wanted to see what kind of secrets were hidden in the book, and Louise was also happily at the side of the red horsetail at that moment, and curiously looked at the pages.

"Is there really a secret on this?"

"Of course, let me see ...... well ..."

It just seems to have some kind of special protection mechanism ...... this is also normal. The red horsetail has also been learned in the text before. The simplest secret means during the Anti-Japanese War was not to write on rice paper with rice soup and then bake it on fire. Did it come out? But this book obviously can't be grilled like this, but this can't help but red ponytail.

Prophecy deals with everything that pretends to be a ghost!

"True knowledge!"

The red horsetail released a true knowledge to herself and Louise, and soon, in their eyes, words gradually appeared on the original blank pages.

"There is really text!"

Seeing this, Louise could not help screaming, and Red Horsetail was also curiously watching the content above.

"Let me see what this writes, um ...... now, the truth I know is recorded here, all matter in the world is composed of tiny particles. The four major systems are to interfere with the tiny particles, The effect ......... I rely on !? "

At the end of it, the red ponytail cried.

Does this mean that everything is made up of elementary particles? !!

You meow this is a magical world, what do you mean by suddenly coming to such a high-tech!

"What's wrong? Aber?"

Seeing Red Horsetail yelling so badly, Louise looked at her in surprise, and Red Horsetail waved her hand.

"Nothing, I was scared a little ... ... continue. Well, let me see. God gave me more powerful power. The particles affected by the four systems are actually made of smaller particles. This system that God has given me does not belong to any of the four major systems. This system can interfere with even smaller particles, affect it, and make other spells that change do not belong to the four major systems. Zero, the so-called zero is nothingness. I named the zero God gave me as nothingness system ... "

"This is legendary magic!"

This time Louise cried out in surprise, but the red pony tail was completely dead.

I went there. Although it was magical, it was sci-fi in the final analysis!

"and many more……………"

Thinking of this, Red Horsetail suddenly found that he seemed to perceive the truth of the magic of this world.

According to this record, then the magic of this world, in the final analysis, is the result of the influence of the elementary particles. Only nobles can use magic, civilians cannot. Then it shows that this manipulative power is inherited through descent.

Otherwise, it is impossible to limit it to the aristocracy, because if calculated according to statistical probability, even if the proportion of people with magical abilities is born in civilian families, it should exist. Like Ma Yin in the world of Lina, she is a civilian, but has a strong magic power. Such civilians are generally adopted by nobles according to the rules of that world.

But in this world, according to Louise, only nobles can use magic.

This is very abnormal.

But what if this "magic talent" can only be inherited by blood?

Isn't this easy to explain? !!

This is not magic at all, this is superpower!

According to this book, nothingness controls the smallest particles that make up everything ...

Thinking of this, Red Horsetail's look at Louise could not help changing.

Mom, this isn't going to be another bomber!

"Ah, aber, look!"

Louise didn't notice the red ponytail's eyes. Instead, she turned over the pages of the book, and then screamed in surprise.

"Look, here's an introduction to nothingness magic!"

"Look, this is ...... below, I will record the nihilistic mantra I used, the most preliminary preliminary magic epl ..."

"……………? What's wrong? Aber?"

"Wait a minute, let me see ..."

The red horse tail closed his eyes, and then switched his consciousness to Founder's side.

At this moment, the Founder was standing by the lake, watching Huihui lying in front of herself.

"Huh ...... so cool ..."


"Huh? What's wrong? Founder?"

"No, nothing."

Well, consciousness is restored, this should not be written by Huihui, at least she is still alive now.

"Do you want to try it?"

"Now let's try it later!"

At this moment, Louise can't wait any longer. Unlike in the animation, Louise now knows from the red ponytail that she has special attributes, and now in her hands is a void magic book! The magic of the four systems cannot be used by itself, does this mean that it can be used, is it the legendary magic? !!

"Not back."

The red ponytail grabbed Louise, who was eager to try, and joked that if his conjecture is correct, this magic will destroy the entire academy, whether it succeeds or fails! How can this magic be released outside?

"Wait ...... see mine ..."

As he said, the red horsetail stretched out his hand, took out Frostmourne, and then inserted it into the ground.


The next moment, the howling cold wind and ice covered everything, and seeing this scene, Louise was also surprised.

"Aber? Is this ...?"

"This is a different space I created that is isolated from the real world. You can try to release that magic here without worrying about the impact on the outside world. Even if it causes any damage, you don't need to worry at all."

The red ponytail shook her head, and then explained something, and when she heard it, Louise sulked her cheeks.

"Do you worry that I will fail?"

"It has nothing to do with success or failure. In fact, if I guess correctly, this magic, whether it succeeds or fails, will destroy the entire college ..."

"Ah? Is it so terrible ?!"

When she heard Red Horsetail's answer, Louise was startled, and almost thrown out her prayer book.

"So, then I don't want to try it."

"It doesn't matter, so didn't I create this alien space? Here you can safely try it boldly. Come on, the legendary magic, aren't you interested?"

"It's ... certainly not disinterested ..."

Louise looked at the prayer book in her distress, and hesitated, but in the end she clenched her teeth. Anyway, that's the legendary nihility! Few people have seen it, and it only appears in the legendary magic. How can you say that you are also a magician? How could you have no interest in it? !!

If you can use nothingness, then ... it would be great!

"I, I want to try!"

"Then launch it over there."

The red ponytail pointed at a small hill in the distance, and Louise took a deep breath, then she picked up the prayer book, looked at the curse in it, and whispered it in words.

"Iolus is angry with Lurado ..."

Louise gradually chanted the curse, but it was completely different from before.

The red ponytail has also seen Louise chanting mantras before. At that time, she was very serious, but the mantras she read were very jerky, no matter how skilled they were, as if those mantras were totally incompatible with her Like. But at the moment, Louise was standing there, singing the mantra so skillfully, as if accompanied by the mantra of the mantra, a certain power hidden in her blood was awake.

"... Jeff Hagel Inu."

In the end, Louise chanted the mantra, then picked up her wand and gently touched the front.

Immediately afterwards, the light emerged.

It was a huge ball of light transformed by the light like the sun, and it just appeared out of nowhere, constantly expanding, growing, and then enveloping everything. The dazzling light almost burned people's eyes, so that the red horsetail and Louise could not help turning their heads. After a while, the light disappeared, and they turned back again and looked forward.

And there, on the white snowy field, a huge black pothole just appeared to the two of them.

"Okay, great ........."

Staring blankly at the big hole, Louise trembled. The hill where she was there is completely gone. Indeed, just like Red Horsetail said, if you use this power in the college ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm afraid the whole college is about to die now.

However, in contrast, the red horsetail was helpless and held his forehead.

Sure enough, when it comes to manipulation of tiny particles, the first reaction must be nuclear fission and fusion!

Although it may be because of the influence of supernatural forces, the red horsetail did not detect radiation values ​​outside the range here, but this is the principle of nuclear bomb release at all!

Mom, I didn't see it, this Louise was still a cruel man rubbing a nuclear bomb!

And this is still a real hand rubbing nuclear bomb! !!

Seeing this, Red Horsetail found that he seemed to understand the nature of the world.

Lina Inbas on the first continent is a bomber who likes to break the dragon. Huihui is also a bomber who is uncomfortable without a burst of magic every day. Now she has come to the second continent. Louise, who summoned herself, also has an explosive talent ...

This coordinate point is simply an explosive world! !!

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