Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1727: Not war, but fighting (the evolution of Ben Meow has no limit ...

Although Tabasa wanted to kill the palace to avenge her father at once, but ... in the end, she had to temporarily dispel the idea, after all, her mother still needed to take care of herself, and ...

"It's easy to hack that bastard, then?"

The red ponytail said as he held the biscuit.

"The object of your revenge is the king. If you hack him, there will be no king in this country. Are you going to be king?"


Facing the words of Red Horsetail, Tabasa did not know how to answer for a while. To be honest, she never thought of becoming a king, but as Red Horsetail said, this is indeed a problem.

"Charlotte, I think it's your duty."

At this time, Tabasa's mother also spoke.

"You are the orthodox heir to the royal family, and that despicable man has assassinated your father and taken the throne, and now it is time for us to take it back."

"But ... Master, I ..."

Tabasa frowned, looked at his mother, and then looked at the red horsetail, which shrugged.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to be, it's not the same for your sister."


Hearing this, Tabasa took a moment.

"Do I have a sister?"

"Well, you don't know?"

"I don't know ... Master Mother ?!"

Having said that, Tabasa looked at her mother in amazement. After her father died, Tabasa has always thought that she and her mother are left in the world. As a result, she only knew that she had a sister? !! How is this going? Why did the mother never tell herself? !!


Facing Tabasa's gaze, her mother lowered her head a little, and then nodded.

"Yes, Tabasa, you do have a sister."

"But why have I never met her ?!"

After being confirmed by his mother, Tabasa couldn't help it anymore.

"I should have executed your sister, but I could not bear to let her die like this, so I sent her elsewhere ..."

"Why must my sister be executed?"

"Because the Gaul royal family once experienced the experience of twin internal fighting, as a rule, we have to ..."

"Oh, isn't it the same now?"

Before Tabasa's mother finished speaking, the red horsetail smiled coldly, and Tabasa's mother also bowed her head and didn't know what to say. Indeed, as Red Horsetail said, this rule is useless at all, because now the king killed his older brother?

"The person who established the rules must have been mentally retarded, otherwise I would not have come up with such a stupid method ...... forget it, let me take a look first, then Tabasa, I will leave it to you, and enjoy it with your mother Well. As for the king ...... Anyway, it's a matter of hacking with a sword, we can go whenever we want, no problem. "

"Of course, that ... lord God?"


"I want to take my mother to Torrestine immediately. Although it is difficult to open the teeth, if it is here, it may be found by the king's eyeliner ..."

"No problem, you can go to Arrieta and say I agree."

Of course, there is no objection to the red ponytail. Toristine said that Boliul is safer at present. If the king finds that Tabasa's mother has recovered her mind, she will not know what action will be taken. Although it is said that Tabasa should have enough power to deal with that guy at present, the so-called open gun is easy to hide from arrows, but he still sends his mother to a safe place, and then reunites with his sister, and then considers receiving It's not too late to come down.

It was another night.

The nun with long silver-white hair stood quietly by the cliff, looking at the sea in front of the moonlight, her eyes seemed calm, but a little boring.

The life of the monastery is peaceful and peaceful, and it is all for the young girl who has lived here since birth.

But ... what does it look like outside?

"You are Yosset?"

However, at this moment, suddenly, a sweet and lively voice sounded like a lark, which scared the white-haired girl, and she turned her head, only to be surprised to find that one looks younger than herself, as if The girl with flaming ponytails was sitting next to the wall not far away and looked at her with a smile.

"You, who are you? Be careful, dangerous, come down!"

Although I was wondering who the girl in front of was, Yossett was more concerned that she was sitting on a high wall at this moment. You must know that the wall was very high. Some people had been injured because of naughtiness and accidentally fell down. And this girl looks smaller than herself, in case of accidental injury ...

"Ah, don't be so nervous."

Hearing Yosset's shout, the red-haired, pony-tailed girl grinned, then jumped off the high wall, and stood on the ground steadily before Yossett called out.

"You, are you okay?"

"This height is drizzle for me, but let's go back to the question just now, are you Yosset?"


Hearing the red-haired girl's inquiry, Yossi nodded.

"Who are you, younger sister? You are not from the monastery ... and it doesn't look like you are going to join the monastery."

"This kind of place is too quiet for me."

The girl waved her hands.

"I am the messenger of the magical girl god, the red magical girl of justice, just call me Xiaohong."

"Are you a messenger of God?"

Hearing here, Yossett's eyes glowed suddenly, while Red Ponytail grinned.

"I am the messenger of the magical girl god. Strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with the great ancestors of your faith."

"Yes, is it .........?"

Facing Red Horsetail's answer, Yosset looked a little dazed.

"Too complicated things don't understand? It doesn't matter if you don't understand, all in all, I'm here to pick you up."

"pick me up………?"

"Yes, do you want to leave here? Go back to your home?"

"My home ... Little sister, I don't quite understand what you mean."


Facing Yosset's somewhat dazed answer, Red Horsetail nodded.

"If someone suddenly says this in front of me, I suspect that an abductor has been encountered."

"The abductor ... what is it?"

"Uh ...... this explanation is a bit inappropriate for children, it's fine."

The red ponytail waved and came to Yosset's side.

"Then let's chat ...... don't mind."

"to chat with?"

"Yeah, you have grown up here since you were a kid, tell me what kind of life in the monastery is, and in exchange, I can also tell you something you want to know."


Hearing here, Yosset couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Can you tell me something outside?"

"......... I thought you would want to ask about your own life ...... forget it, it doesn't matter, of course."

"So ... let me say it first, monasteries, our daily lives are very regular ..."

Yossett also quickly told Red Horsetail about his life in the monastery. To be honest, if it was to an outsider, after being born, he was sent to an isolated monastery. It seems cruel to live this kind of life. . But in fact, for the parties, although this life is ordinary, it is not bad. Except being unable to leave the monastery and travel to the outside world, everything was calm.

Of course, the children who have been here since birth were relatively lively, because they didn't understand why they came here-or in other words, they didn't even have this concept. And many of these "nuns from outside" (Yoseit) are faces of bitterness and hatred, and they seem to bear the misfortunes of the whole world.

I really do n’t know which side is happier.

Looking at Yosset, who was talking about it, Red Horsetail sighed. According to "common sense", Yosset who was forced to live alone with his sister and mother and living alone in the monastery was pathetic.

But looking at the reality, Tabasa lost his father, and then saw his mother drink poisonous wine and lost his mind. After that, he had to be forced to fight for his father and foe to protect his mother for several years ... ... At least in Tabasa, it is impossible to show an innocent smile like Yosset.

So Yosset was blessed by misfortune .........?

"So Xiaohong, it's your turn. What is the outside world like?"

"The outside world ... the outside world is huge ..."

Hearing Josette's curious inquiry, Red Horsetail grinned, and then opened his personal terminal.

"Come and show you something good ..."

In the next few days, Red Horsetail will go to Yosset every night, listen to Yosset ’s life about the monastery, and then tell her what happened outside, not just this world, but other worlds, each Different worlds, these all make Yosset very fascinating.

Only after that, Red Horsetail never mentioned that he would take Yosset away. Although Tabasa was a little confused, she did not ask much. In her opinion, God must have his own thoughts. .

A few days later, Red Horsetail was suddenly invited by Arrieta, and when she entered the palace, she was surprised to find that it was not only Arrieta and Louise, the Minister of Warplanes, Lien Ta. Barcelona is among them.

"What's wrong? Look at your expressions, one or two. Did you eat at noon?"

"You are finally here, God has made your Lord."

Seeing the red horsetail appear, Arrieta breathed a sigh of relief, and then she looked at the Minister of Military Aircraft, who then spoke.

"Report Lord, in fact, that morning, we received a letter from the special envoy of King Gaul."

"Oh, go on."

The red horse tail nodded and said nothing, while the minister of military aircraft took out the letter and continued to say it.

"His Majesty in the letter claimed that we had sheltered the rebels and asked us to return the rebels to Gaul immediately, otherwise Gaul would wage war on us."

"Oh, the king is quite idle."

The red ponytail was still calm, but Louise was calm.

"Wait, that's it? This is war! Don't you worry?"

"The other party is not a mystery. In fact, we did receive information. Gaul's 70,000 troops are gathering at the border of our country ... we don't know what the king will do."

"In principle, should I say‘ He wants to fight, then fight ’is more domineering? But ...”

The red horsetail narrowed its eyes and looked at the Minister of Military Affairs and Arrieta.

"You don't want to fight."

"Yes, God makes adults."

Arrieta nodded.

"To be honest, I also sympathize with Miss Tabasa's experience, but ... as a queen, I have to protect my country. Albion need not say at that time, but the domestic reform has just begun Moreover, Albion's territory has not yet fully stabilized. If we start fighting at this time, I am afraid it is not good. "

"Well, understandably."

The red horse tail nodded.

"Then let's solve it with the magic girl."


Hearing here, everyone was holding back.

"The magic girl ... means?"


The red horse tail nodded, and then she reached out her hand.

"Well, let's sort it out. The purpose of that king is to be detrimental to Tabasa and her mother, right? Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yes."

Arrieta is not a fool. Naturally, she understands that the other party's intentions are not good. Even the charges of treason are used. Naturally, you don't need to ask more about the end result.

"So, Tabasa, you are a magical girl now."


Tabasa nodded.

"Do you think you can fight 70,000 troops?"


Tabasa shook her head. Although she also tested her power after becoming a magical girl, Tabasa did not arrogantly believe that she could fight against the 70,000 army.

"So, this king wants to bully people."

The red horsetail hummed and patted the table hard.

"This is bullying on our magical girl! Can it be tolerated? Of course not! MMP! Tabasa is now a magical girl, who is sheltered by the **** of magical girl, and is covered by my lord. , Actually dare to shoot at the magic girl covered by my master? This is not to give me face, nor to my master, or even to the magic girl! Today I do n’t hit you with a peach blossom, you do n’t know the flower Why is it so red! "

Everyone was shocked to hear this.

"Master, you, do you mean ... shall we fight against Gaul?"

Arrieta asked uneasily, and Red Horsetail rolled her eyes.

"What battle?"


"The other party is smashing our magical girl's place, and we are going to fight back. This is not a war, it is a fight!"

Having said that, Red Horsetail stood up.

"Go, Tabasa, Arrieta, leave Gaul and Torrestine alone. That's what happened between our magical girl and King Gaul. I'll take you to give the 70,000 army to you!"

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