Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1782: I'll take it myself! (Ben Meow is surpassing the limit of 3 colors)


方 Founder is not particularly familiar with the Archbishop Lola. As far as he has seen in the animation, the impression that the Archbishop has left on Founder is insidious.

But Founder did not expect that this **** was so shameless!

MMP, is this shameless?

Intergura did not owe me wages at first, how dare you give me no money? Do you really think you owe money to your uncle? Think I can't cure you? !!

Fang Zheng sat down with a calm face, then opened the personal terminal, then reached out and clicked on it a few times, then waved a hand, put a piece of paper on the table, and swiped the personal terminal. He took a pen from the side and signed his name.

Then the founder waved his hand, and then the paper fell into Tu Yumen's hands.

"what is this?"

Tu Yumen took the paper in doubt. He originally thought it might be a Founder's letter or something, but there was no envelope, and it didn't seem very similar to it ... But when he saw the paper clearly After the information, Tu Yumen was dumbfounded. With his eyes wide, he looked at the handwriting on the paper like he couldn't believe it, because it was so incredible that Tu Yumen wondered if he was dreaming.



Lai Fangzheng smiled and put down his pen.

"Originally, I wanted to wait for you to come by myself. It would be more sincere, but since you wouldn't give it, I'll take it myself."

"This ......... a billion ......... you are ..."

"Oh, I've transferred your money from Lafayette to the garden."

In the face of Fang Zheng's inexplicable remarks, Steele and Shenhuozhi did not respond, but Tu Yumen jumped in surprise.

"You took the money from Her Majesty ?!"


Hearing the words of Tu Yumen, Steele and Shenhuozhi stared at Fang Zheng with a stunned look, for a while they didn't know what to say.

"Yes, forty million pounds, the ransom of Steele and Firecracker, and the food expenses of Inticus, I have already collected the receipt there. Is n’t your poor church crying? Then I'll just ask the queen to get the money. After all, debts and repayment are justified, and I'm not afraid to justify it wherever I put it! "

You call it reasoning? !!

土 御 门 shivered and didn't know what to say. Obviously you arrested our people and detained them as hostages for money. Why now it seems like the necessary evil church should owe you ...

Not to mention £ 40 million! The entire royal family spent less than 90 million yuan last year, and you took half of it!

It is already conceivable that the Supreme Archbishop would faint on the spot when he heard the news.

But the thing that made him unimaginable was ...

"You dare to do this, aren't you afraid of causing trouble?"

Yes, this is what Tu Yumen can't figure out. Whether it's the magic side or the scientific side, in general, he will keep a certain distance from those in power as much as possible, and he won't provoke the other at will. However, Founder directly hacked into the Royal Bank, slammed the money of others, changed hands and gave a receipt, so the British royal family can tolerate such a face?

方 Isn't Founder afraid of accidents?

"A trivial little country, what is terrible."

In the face of Tu Yumen's question, Founder sneered at it.

"It ’s been a long time since the sun sets. The United Kingdom can't even protect Northern Ireland and Scotland now. Don't be afraid to die and come to see me. 呗 Not to mention the United Kingdom. The United States dares to come to me for trouble and give it away!

I said here, and Founder waved.

"Well, I got the money, you can also roll it out. If you don't leave within ten minutes, you will leave me as a hostage again. Just as I asked Puritan for money ..."

"Let's go now."

Yetu Yumen turned and left without hesitation. The **** of fissure is a saint, and Steele is the trump card of British Puritanism. They still have some value. But Tu Yumen himself was just a spy, and the British Puritans would not care about him. If he is left by the Founder, he will definitely be finished.

等等 "Wait, what about Inticus?"

Wushen Rihuozhi hurriedly asked, and this time, Tu Yumen gave a tangible answer.

"Order from the Puritans in England, the banned book catalogue needs to remain in the Academy City."


This is a little bit reluctant, after all, since this time, her relationship with Inticus has also been close, if not the 007 working system is too heartbroken, the **** is also wanting to stay , But now ...

"Let's go, there won't be any danger for the child here."

Steyr is very open-minded. Here, Inticus is obviously very happy. She and the rescued children have become good friends, and this place ... frankly, Founder's strength also gives Steyr Was quite impressed. If someone can grab someone from the Founder's hand, then it is unlikely that Steele and Firecracker will stop it.

Not to mention that after the previous incident, after discovering that Inticus's memory loss was due to the hands and feet of British Puritanism, Steele and Firecracker did not worry about sending Inticus back.

By contrast, staying here is safer.

"Please let me be alone with that child."

"no problem."

For this time, Founder still gave.

The departure of Steele and Firecracker did not make Inticus much sad. After all, she lost the memory of the two. Although the two sides also had contact during this period, after all, Inticus still remembered the previous two. Chasing things running around in the streets, I still have some vigilance against them.

So when the two bid farewell to Inticus, although Inticus felt a little surprised, but they didn't go to heart again. She now eats and drinks well at the institute, with tears to accompany her, and those students of Haruyama Kiyama to make friends with her, already very happy for Inticus.

That's it, the end of the day.

Tears brought Inticus home and went to sleep, while Mei Yin moved to her own home-after telling her parents her identity, Mei Yin no longer had to pretend, and her parents were also very familiar with Fang Zheng En Wan Xie, as far as Mai Lu is concerned, he moved back to his own home ... Fang Zheng was too lazy to make excuses and told his parents directly that he would go abroad for two or three years, leaving them living expenses to care for Mai Lu. Then she patted her ass.

Because of this, Riko is not living there anymore. She spends most of her time in the dormitory, and even occasionally Flanda will go for a walk-after all, the entrance and exit of the Academy City is very strict, and she can enter and exit at will. In the academy, only Flunda is alone.

So Founder just went to sleep institute ... After all, this is more convenient.

However, just as Founder brushed his teeth and showered, and touched the little **** cat to go to bed and prepare to sleep, suddenly, his personal terminal issued a sirens alert.

"Oh? Who's so troublesome to come to trouble at night?"

Putting down the little milk cat in his arms, Founder poked his mouth, then opened the personal terminal, and soon he saw on the screen several large trucks with the words MRA appearing from both sides of the street, blocking the road. Export. Later, they saw people wearing combat-powered armor coming out of the truck. They first pulled up the partition, put the words "Please detour during construction," and then blocked the entire road surface-it was already late at night, after all. Most people went to bed, so the actions of these guys didn't attract the attention of others.

Hey, pretty professional.

Fang Zheng snorted softly, and then he saw a woman in a purple power armor stepping out of the car and saying something to the others ... Isn't this the old woman of Terestina?

He knows that you jealous.

Fang Fangzheng stretched out his hand, felt the little **** cat, then stood up, yawned, then redressed, and slowly walked out of the bedroom. Just outside the door, Ram and Rem were already waiting there.

"Master Founder, outside ..."

"Nothing serious."

Fang Fang reached out and touched Ram's head, and then touched Rem's head.

"Okay, you guys are tired too, just go and rest, the guys outside, I'll just clean them up."

"Yes, Lord Founder."

I heard Founder say so, Ram and Lem looked at each other, no longer say anything, nodded smartly, and then returned to their room. And Founder walked out of the institute and came to the street ...


Almost as soon as Founder stepped out of the gate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ dozens of soldiers wearing power armor raised their weapons and aimed at him.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Founder, we meet again."

Standing behind a group of soldiers, Terestina's expression at this moment can be described by the pride of a villain.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect you to be so stupid, take the initiative to come to death ...... Okay, it seems that Kihara Fantasies will live to the end, so I'll start with you."


Hearing Founder's words, Terestina laughed.

"Don't think that you have a good relationship with the super electromagnetic gun, you can talk big here, you don't understand the power of the Academy City! Not to mention you actually insulted my grandpa ... I will not let you go! Come, catch me! "

On the other hand, Terestina waved her hand, and soon the soldiers carried weapons and walked towards the Founder, while Terestina raised her head and looked at the Founder proudly.

"It's blocked here, and you can't contact anyone. I'll see. What can you do?"

"How to do?"

In the face of Terestina's inquiry, Founder grinned.

"Just do it."

As he said, Founder raised his hand.


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