Dimensional Codex

Chapter 183: Just your opponent is too weak

The roaring red lotus fire and the shining holy white light collided with each other, bringing up a wind. . Fastest update


The girl yelled, held up the long knife in her hand, and split it vigorously towards the Founder. The whistling wind even trembled the river. A hot flame emerged on the blade, condensed, and then burst.

Strength, speed and responsiveness are much stronger than ordinary people.

Looking at the girl in front of her, Fang Zheng was thinking, moving his footsteps, and avoiding the blade that fell down. Then he stabbed the girl's body with a backhand sword, and the girl rolled in with the trend, avoiding the oblique spine of Fang Zheng, and then the blade in her hand brought a light on the ground and rushed towards Fang Zheng again. .

The attack comes with a fire attribute bonus ... well, it seems that's the only thing?

Looking at the girl in front of her, Fang Zheng couldn't help frowning. Indeed, it can be seen from several fights that the girl's power, speed, and responsiveness are far more than ordinary humans, but her fighting skills are quite rough. . Except for the basic skills, which are still solid, the rest are basically tough.

How does the fire and fog warrior fight?

How did she live till she was killed?

Or is this the way the world fights with the wrong talent tree?

While thinking, Fang Zheng resisted the attack in front of him without paying any attention. The girls' faces on the other side were almost as black as the bottom of the pot.

Abomination, abomination, abomination! !!

At this moment, the girl clenched the long knife in her hand, only feeling extremely depressed. At the beginning, she also planned to teach this human being who knows nothing. But soon, the girl realized that she couldn't do it at all.

This man not only has speed, strength, and reaction faster than himself, but also the way he fights makes the girl suffer. The girl has been trying to force the Founder to show her flaws through continuous onslaught, and then she can kill in one shot. But what made the girl depressed was that every move she made seemed to be expected by the opponent. Often, her long sword had just been waved, and the opponent's blade had already appeared on her attack trajectory.

This makes the girl extremely uncomfortable. Since the beginning of the battle, she has never encountered such a situation of being bound and almost suppressed. Her proud combat experience was almost as nonexistent to this human being.

"Drink ah ah!"

Thinking of this, the maiden's heart became more and more angry, and she yelled and raised her long sword again, suddenly splitting towards Fang Zheng, but at the moment when her long sword split, Fang Zheng seemed to be a side of the figure like an unknown prophet, hiding from the girl's Attack route. Then the sword in his hand suddenly jumped like a serpent and stabbed at the girl's shoulder.


Seeing the sword, the girl was gritting her teeth. With this knife splitting now, she had no time to escape, and could only watch Fang Zheng's blade stab at herself. Does it mean that ......... are you really going to lose? Lost to a human? !!

"Do not!!"

Thinking of this, an unwilling anger suddenly emerged from the bottom of the girl's heart, and I saw her roar, and the next moment, the hot red flame burst instantly around the girl, and the founder naturally escaped and was directly rushed forward. The coming flames were completely devoured.

"what are you doing!"

Seeing this scene, the pendant on the girl's neck was surprised, and hurriedly stopped.

"This is not a battle of life and death! Stop!"


Hearing Alastor's outrage, the girl was also stunned, but she hadn't waited for her to recover the flames erupting from her body, and saw that the girl was suddenly torn open a gap, just a blink of an eye, the girl only felt the cold light For a flash, the next moment, the cold touch hit her neck, preventing the girl from further action.

"That's the case, the power has increased, but is it still inseparable from the fire attack?"

With the voice, the innocent Founder stepped out of the flames. He smiled, looked at the girl in front of him, and then said.

"It looks like I won."


Looking at the Founder in front of her, the girl was silent for a long time, then she put down her long knife and whispered.

"I lost."

With the girl's words, the seal covering the river bank began to withdraw, and soon, everything returned to the original.

"Is it already this time?"

Looking at the time on the phone, Founder shrugged his shoulders, then looked at the girl in front of him.

"Okay, then if it's okay, I'll just leave ..."



"Why are you so strong?"

The girl looked up and stared at the Founder.

"Why are you as a human being so strong? In order to become a Fire and Fog Warrior, I received rigorous training and learning, and after becoming a Fire and Fog Warrior, I also beheaded many Red Worlds. But why Why can you beat me so easily? "

"This ... if you want me to say ..."

Looking at the girl's serious and determined expression, Founder was silent for a while, and finally answered.

"......... Your opponent is too weak."

"My opponent ... is too weak?"

Upon hearing Founder's answer, the girl couldn't help but stay in place, and for a while she didn't know what to do.

"Yeah, I can detect it from the battle just now. You rarely use some strategies and methods, but prefer hard-to-hit attacks. This may be because you have always encountered weak, so as long as If you are a little more serious, or you can raise the spirit seriously, you can easily destroy the opponent. However, if you defeat such an opponent, you will not make any progress. There is an old saying in my hometown that I play chess with the stinky chess basket , The worse it gets, the more it means ... "

Having said that, Founder turned around and waved at the girl.

"That's all I can say. Then, it's getting late. Be careful and go home. I'll just leave."


This time, the girl wasn't saying anything, she just clenched the knife in her hand silently, watching the back of Fang Zheng leaving. It wasn't until he completely disappeared into the vision of the girl ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the girl suddenly said.

"Alastor ... do you think that human being makes sense?"

After hearing the girl's inquiry, the pendant on her chest was silent for a long time, and then she whispered.

"Since you left the Heavenly Temple, you have made progress in tracking and searching the Red World, but ..."

"The opponents I met were too weak, right."

Before Alastor had finished speaking, the girl lowered her head. She knows better than anyone what she encounters every time she fights. Indeed, as Founder said, some of the Red World's encounters did pose a threat to her, but as long as the young girls take it seriously, these Red World's followers are nothing.

But ... it doesn't mean that the girl has become stronger.

Thinking of this, the girl clenched her hands and said as if she had made up her mind.

"I decided, Alastor, I want to stay here."

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