Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1789: First investment (black cat and white cat fusion start)

For Founder, this step is necessary.

This is also normal. After all, Misaka's sisters are all genetically defective. If they don't adjust for a few months, fortunately, they at least meet the minimum requirements of the Founder's priesthood—even if it is the ability to rank, anyway Have special abilities?

As long as you have special abilities, you can sign a contract to become a magical girl.

Of course, it is not known how much their strength will change after they become magical girls, but at least on the physical level, they will return to normal because of divine protection.

It's just that Founder's side is about to bleed.

Watching Misaka's sisters pick up the parchment paper uniformly, pick up the pen uniformly, write their names on the parchment paper uniformly ...

Then the Founder saw his divine power diminish at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

I have the same feeling as a wage earner when I have enough money to buy a car and then look at the balance in my bank card.


Looking at the countless light **** in front of him, Fang Zheng sighed. Hearing the sigh, Misaka Miku turned his head curiously.

"Mr. Founder, what's wrong with you? Any questions?"

"No, I just feel that money is not enough."

Fang Fangzheng watched his divine power drop all the way, but also died of heartache. He doesn't matter if it's just money, but the question is now is it a question of money? It is not possible to find the firewood thing everywhere. Even if Yaresta is burned, I don't know if it will be enough to make up for the consumption of Misaka's sisters.

I do n’t think it ’s enough to burn Edworth again. Who else can I burn?

This is really a problem.

But fortunately, after signing such a batch of sister Misaka as a magical girl, Founder's divine power barely reached the balance ... ... at least not in a deficit state.

But what's the use of light balance? I earned 110 and spent a year. 攒 Which year should I spend?

The tartars have no wealth or wealth ... Still looking for a few pieces of firewood.

Next, things are much simpler. These sisters Misaka can spend a short time on these battleships. During this time, they will use learning devices to learn various knowledge-Fangzheng is not a devil. Since Misaka's network has the function of learning from each other, so he can send these skills books one by one to go to school. As long as one Misaka sister injects this knowledge, it means that all Misaka sisters can.

Speaking of more than 10,000 Misaka sisters, Founder also just finished sending the skill book in his hand, and the remaining few Misaka sisters, Founder asked them to learn VF fighter operation ...

This shows how difficult it is to drive this ghost battleship. If Founder learns by himself, I am afraid that so many skills will be learned.

As for this ...

"Do you want to see that world?"

Looking at Emily and Firut in front of her, Fang Zheng asked curiously, and the girls nodded.

"Yes, what I heard from Miss Misaka just now makes us feel curious about that world ... and there is also the world of Mei Yin and Mai Lu ..."

嗯 "Hmmm ... it's okay if you want to go ... then who will go?"


"I also need to go!"

The girls are also excited to raise their hands to sign up. In addition to Amelia and Philut, the goddess and Huihui are also interested in this, and Ace also silently raised her hand to indicate-um, it should be said Everyone seems interested in that world.

Only Kodori looks very calm. After all, these golden fairies have spent a lot of time in Tiandao Palace. Of course, they will not be so excited about the new world. But for Emilia and others, this is very exciting.

没 "No problem, hello, Misaka, come here."

"Ah, what's up? Mr. Founder?"

Misaka Misaki, who was talking to 9982, heard Founder's greetings and hurried over, while Founder made a gesture to Misaka.

"There is a task for you, these girls are very interested in the Academy City, you take them to the Academy City 呗"

"Oh ?! Take them to the Academy City?"

I heard Misaka's words, Misaka Misaki was quite surprised, but soon she frowned.

"However, they did not have access permits and identification ..."

"I've done it, you just need to take them around the campus city."

As He said, Founder took out a card and handed it to Misaka Misaka.

"This is for you. You can see the money in it. They want to shop or eat, just take the account from there, and the institute will reimburse you."

"Isn't it good for you to take them yourself, Mr. Founder?"

Misaka Miguchi was still a little worried, while Founder shrugged.

"I still have to deal with my sisters here, I'll talk to you when I'm done, and I'll leave it to you."

"Wrap it on me!"

When I heard this, Misaka Misaka also patted her chest.

"Relax, Mr. Founder, I will let them enjoy the Academy City!"

"That's good ...... Yes, you two!"

Qi Fangzheng said here and set his sights on the goddess and Ace.

"Show me Huihui, the world is generally peaceful, there is no need to fight, if Huihui wants to explode magic, you will knock me out of her ...... Ace, leave it to you!"

"Yes, Mr. Founder."

I heard Founder's words, the goddess smiled bitterly, and Ace nodded solemnly.

After all, this is indeed a very headache.

这 After this, Misaka Misaka led the girls through the portal and returned to the school city again. According to the plan, Misaka Misaka should have taken them to visit, but ...

"Uh ... you guys ... can you find a place to drop it?"

Looking at the long sword hanging on Ace's waist, and the scepter held by the goddess's hand and the magic wand in Huihui's hand, Misaka Misaki put forward her own suggestions with a headache.

"This country has laws prohibiting ordinary people from carrying weapons. If you walk on the street with weapons, it is easy to cause trouble."

"Oh? Is it not allowed to carry weapons?"

When everyone heard Misaka Misaka's introduction, everyone was surprised.

"So what do you do when you encounter a monster? If you are attacked by Goblin ..."

"Monsters? No no no, there are no monsters in this world!"

Aya Misaka also hurriedly waved.

"No matter Goblin or Dragon, don't worry, don't worry!"

"So ..."

I heard Misaka Misaka's words, and everyone nodded, then obediently took out their weapons and handed them over to Ram for safekeeping.

Seeing this, Misaka Misaka was relieved.

But soon, she found out that she was still too naive.

"Wow ... a lot of tall buildings ..."

"Look, look, Ace, how tall is that building? How many people can live in it?"

"This iron box running on the road is the car that Mr. Founder said ... It really is fun to run without animals, really interesting ..."

For them, they are only interested in travelling to other worlds. But for Misaka Misaka, this is not the case.

She didn't pay attention before, waiting for Emily and others to come to the street, Misaka Misaka discovered a problem.

That's ...... so compelling!

Amelia, Ace, Huihui, the goddess are all beautiful girls, and the clothes they wear are different from the outside world. They were not noticed before, but compared with the people in this academy city, Then immediately the problem appeared. In fact, since leaving the institute, many people have frequently turned back, and have been curious about this group of girls, and even a few less sophisticated incompetent groups have followed behind the girls, nor have they I know what I'm going to do.

All in all, in this case ...

I'll let them change clothes first.

I thought of it, Misaka Misaka looked at the card in her hand.

Since Founder said that the institute would be reimbursed, then ... would she be polite?

Facts have proved that women, no matter which woman in the world, are the same in shopping, shopping, and buying clothes.

"Wow, Emilia, your clothes are so pretty."

After hearing the compliments of her companions, Amelia could not help but feel a little embarrassed and blushed. At the moment, she was wearing a pure white dress, although it was not very gorgeous, but it perfectly set off. The girl's graceful slender figure, coupled with the sun hat, gives a clean feeling of a "Summer Girl".

哪里 "Where is it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Your body is also very nice ......... Firut?"

"I like this better. Compared to those fluttering skirts, I think it is more comfortable like this."

Unlike everyone else, Firut chose short-sleeved shirts and shorts, plus black over-the-knee socks and sports boots. Obviously for Firut, he still prefers flexible activities.

On the recommendation of the shop assistant, the goddess of the goddess chose a dress with a short-sleeved shirt and a long skirt with a shawl. It looked simple and restrained, but also perfectly set off the cuteness of the goddess.

艾 Ess doesn't seem to be very interested in these outfits, but even so, she also put on a long-sleeved shirt and mini skirt, which looks like the trendy women's clothes that are walking in the vanguard of the era.

As for Huihui ...

"Woohoo ...... I can feel the magic in this deep darkness ..."

Looking at the black, lace-edged gothic dress on her body, Huihui gave a low laugh. She reached out and held down the blindfold of her right eye, and her left hand was hugging her body.

"This dress, this one is the one that suits me best. As the greatest magical costume of the Red Devils magician Huihui! Look at this sacred ripple, look at this gorgeous silk thread, look at this dark fabric. ............ !!! "

If Fang is here, he will definitely see that Huihui Huotuo is now the second black cat.

And more dangerous than black cats.

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