Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1795: propose? (Ben Meow, degraded into a baby cat, is fearless)

For Founder, finding the right seat of God is not troublesome, but why should he find it?

Wouldn't it be better for the other person to come home?

What's more, you ran a monk, did you run a temple?

It must be impossible to run.

Then the answer is simple.

Founder stopped and looked up at the luxurious building in front of him.

St. Peter's Basilica.

This is the symbol of Roman Orthodox Church, the center of power, and the most proud work of Michelangelo. But for Founder, it was just a hall that was about to collapse.

The Founder reached out his hand.

The flames burned in front of him, and then the dark sword appeared quietly and appeared in the hands of Founder. Seeing this scene, the tourists and guards around were quite surprised. However, before they could react, they saw Founder clenching the dark sword, raising it high, and waving it down at the hall in front of him.

"——————— !!!!"

Just a moment.

The howling wind came, making the surrounding tourists have to choose to retreat, and at the same time, the air stream condensed from the black sword was spun out and turned into an invisible blade directly penetrating the cultural relics in front. When the storm dispersed, everyone only heard a loud noise, like an explosion, the next moment, the dome of the entire St. Peter's Cathedral completely burst, and then the whole building turned into sand and dust, and disappeared with the wind. .

Only a little bit of a broken wall remains, and the tourists visiting the church are still staring with little eyes, wondering what happened.

However, Founder didn't care.

He looked up and looked at the wreckage of the church in front of him.

"God ’s right seat, get out of me!"

Founder's voice had not fallen yet, and when he saw a group of soldiers rushed over and surrounded the Founder regiment, however, looking at these soldiers, Founder just hummed, and the next moment he saw him as the center, all within one kilometer. The person suddenly flew up, flying into the sky as if being blown by a storm.

"Wow ah ah ah ah !!!"

Faced with this sudden situation, those tourists were desperately waving their hands in the air, struggling endlessly, but when they closed their eyes and tried to resist the impact, they found themselves falling gently on the ground like a feather. This incomprehensible scene made everyone look at each other, they stared at each other, while involuntarily looking at the figure in the center of the square in the distance.

No one knows who that person is, and no one knows what happened.

But everyone has a hunch, and maybe what they see next will change the world.

Soon, four figures flew from front, back, left, and right, and landed on Fang Zheng's side, surrounding him.

"Is it you, who attacked our great and sacred Roman Orthodox Church? Heretics ?!"

Standing in front of Fang was a woman in a yellow dress, her face pierced by a variety of nail loops, which looked extravagant. At this moment, the woman opened her mouth and showed her tongue hanging from the cross, staring at Fang Zheng fiercely like a snake, and yelled.

"Pagan, heretic, you dare to destroy the symbol of the sacred Roman Orthodox Church, huh, huh, but this is what it is, I will save all the people, and then destroy all the pagans, hehehe, good Are you the representative of the heathen who declared war on us? Well, come on, let's kill, the beginning of killing four billion heathens is now hahahahahaha !!! "

The man standing on the left of Fangzheng, wearing a green dress and with thin cheeks, laughed, raised his hands, and looked into the sky.

"Lord, please take a look, these are heretics who have blasphemed your majesty and now come to challenge your power! And they will perish!"


Standing behind Founder, the man in the white T-shirt said nothing, but stared silently at Founder.

"Dare to challenge our **** right here directly, it seems you are very confident in yourself, boy."

Standing in the right side of the Founder, the man in the red striped suit made a cold laugh.

"The right seat of God ..."

However, Founder didn't even look at them, just picked up the "Oblique Chapter" and turned a page.

"The wind ahead, the land on the left, the water behind, the fire on the right, right."

On the one side, the names of the four people were clicked, and then the founder slammed the obituary, and looked at him.

"So, let's die."

It's such a simple sentence.

Without action, without any gorgeous spells, or even any reaction, the four people still stood there, maintaining their original posture. But that's just it.

If you look closely, you will find that the flame of the soul in their eyes [www.biqugetv.xyz] has completely extinguished at the moment when the founder's voice fell.

Instant kill mortal.

This is the eternal, irreparable gap between mortals and gods. The gods only need one thought, one action, one thought, and one word to arbitrarily deprive mortal souls and destroy them all. No matter what huge power, what kind of technique, and how terrible power the right seat of God has, they are only mortals, and as long as they are mortals, they have no resistance before the gods.

It's that simple.

Founder clenched the dark sword in his hand, then waved suddenly, and then the flame suddenly exploded, spreading out with the founder as the center, and swallowed him together with the right seat of God in a blink of an eye. After a while, the flame disappeared, In the square, half figures are no longer visible.


Seeing everyone here looking at each other, it is too weird that this scene is happening. They have not even returned to God, and everything is over. If it weren't for the ruins of St. Peter's Cathedral not far away, these people would even think they had a dream.

But for the Roman Orthodox Church, this is a nightmare.

However, all the other parties have passed.

"Huh ... it feels great to save the world again."

Back in the institute, Founder couldn't help but stretch his back. That's right, the so-called unknown hero is like this. Knowing who wants to start a war, just kill him. Just like Wei Gongqiang, if Founder crosses the four battles he is in, then Fangzheng must have killed him before Wei Gongqiang summoned SABER.

In this way, those people in Dongmu will not die in vain, will they?

Well, but this way, it seems that Elijah will not be born ...

Is it true that you can't have both fish and bear's paw?

But wait, if that's the case, is it possible for him to replace Aegiri to marry Alice Phil and give birth to Eliya?

This seems like a good choice ...

Of course, now for Founder, this is really just thinking about it.

At least marry Alice Phil ... huh, huh, even if the founder can't do it, otherwise, his heavenly palace will explode in place?

"Master Founder."

"Yo, Rem?"

Hearing Ram's voice, Fang Zheng looked up and watched the little blue-haired maid standing in front of herself.

"What's the matter?"

"Someone is looking for you."


"She claims to be a military detective."


Hearing here, Founder froze for a moment.


"Do not."

Rem shook her head.

"We haven't met her."

"Oh, so, I'll see you then."

Originally, the Founder thought it was Aria who came to the door, but it was not right to think about it carefully. When he took away the scarlet bomb, the time stopped. Aria knew nothing about it, how could he come to himself Trouble. But besides that, what other military detective is looking for himself?

Is something wrong with Riko?

It's not right. If Riko is in trouble, Riko and Flanda will definitely contact themselves.

Thinking of this, Founder followed Rem to the reception room, and then saw the short-haired girl standing there, wearing a military reconnaissance uniform ... Lei Ji?

What is she doing here?

"you are………?"

Looking at Lei Ji in front of her, Fang Jie was the second monk who was scratching his head. He couldn't figure out why Lei Ji was looking for himself. You know, strictly speaking, the two did not even have a bit of communication-oh, that's not right, at least Fang Zheng had blocked Lei Ji's sniper twice in a row, but at that time neither side had faced each other, even Lei Ji The name, Founder, also heard from Riko.

He and the girl didn't even say a word ...

Is it here for Riko?

But how did you find the school city?

"I'm Reiki."

The short-haired girl standing there said lightly, her voice was undulating and her eyes were calm. Riko said she had a nickname "Robot Leiji" in the school. Now it seems that she only has the wrong name. No wrong nickname.

"I'm Founder. I heard you're asking me for something?"


Upon hearing Founder's inquiry, Lei Ji nodded, stared at Founder, and then spoke.

"Finally found you, Professor Moriarty."

As soon as Lei Ji made his remarks, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed --- nothing changed.

"Oh, you really do."

Founder yawned, and then touched the small belly of the little cat in her arms.

"So what are you doing here for me?"

Fang Zhengke didn't believe that Lei Ji came here to play the game "The Prisoner Is You" face to face. Aria really didn't say it well, Lei Ji's words ... she was a sniper, and it was too exaggerated Come on.

"I heard………"

"... hmm? What did you hear?"

"The sound of the wind."

"......... ????"

Meow meow meow? What did you say

"The wind is starting to get wild."

As she said, Lei Ji went to Fang Zheng's side, and stared at her with two eyes blinking. At the same time, Ram and Rem frowned, staring at Lei Ji. Although they didn't quite understand what Rei Ji and Founder had said before, they were sure that this girl might be bad.

However, just as Founder was going to listen to what she was talking about, she saw that Lei Ji suddenly stomped her toes and kissed her lips.


Seeing this scene, Ram and Leam suddenly widened their eyes in surprise.


Ram raised his hands, and the raging wind condensed in her hands.


A huge meteor hammer fell from Lem's skirt and hit the ground heavily.

As for Founder himself ...

Do n’t eat white meat, but why do you deliver it for free?

"what do you mean?"

Founder frowned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looking at Lei Ji in front of her.

"It's simple."

Lei Ji looked to the Founder, those inorganic eyes did not move at all.

"Please marry me."

"......... ha ha? What are you talking about?"

"I'm proposing to you."

"…………………… ??"

"What about your reply? Professor Moriarty?"

"Answer ..."

Founder touched the little milk cat in her arms.

"Then ... I'll brush my teeth and come back before I talk?"

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