Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1797: 1 bullet (Ben Meow started to play with his tail)

"Mr. Founder, I heard someone proposed to you?"

"Can you stop mixing this up again?"

Looking at the bright tears in front of his eyes, Fang Zheng couldn't help his head.

"It was a headache enough ..."

"That is to say, there are really girls who proposed marriage to Mr. Fang Zheng? So how did you answer?"

"How did I answer ..."

While responding to tears' inquiries, Fang Zheng could not help thinking of the scene again.

At that time, Fang's answer to Lei Ji was also very straightforward.

"I refuse. We don't know each other and we are not familiar with each other. You said that you would marry me. I cannot accept it."

Founder gave a straightforward answer, but Lei Ji apparently would not stop there.

"No, the opposite **** is not united by conversation."

While talking, Lei Ji raised her muzzle and aimed at the Founder.

"It's looting."


Upon hearing this, both Ram and Rem were stunned, while Founder rolled his eyes helplessly.

"One said one, do you think you've hit me?"

"If I fail, I will serve you."

"Um ......... wait?"

Founder nodded and then hesitated.

"So you mean, if you win, I will marry you. If you lose, then you marry me?"



Is there a difference between the two?

"Either way I refuse, I never thought of marrying you."

Founder responded again, but Lei Ji did not flinch.

"If you really reject me ..."

"What can you do?"

"Then I will kill all the women around you and then commit suicide."

"......... I have no injustice with you ..."

Founder is completely speechless. What kind of ghost is this line that seems to be abandoned? I have never seen you, okay.

This is really a big deal ...

"So now? Mr. Founder? How did you get it?"

"Oh, I locked her up."


Upon hearing Founder's answer, tears screamed in surprise.

"Closed, why!"

"Otherwise? Couldn't I have asked her to go to you?"

It ’s just a matter of changing other people, but Lei Ji is a sniper. Although Founder is n’t sure she ’s talking, she ’s still serious, but at the time, Lei Ji ’s attitude obviously did n’t seem to be joking, and Fang Zheng obviously would not take this Go gambling, so he simply locked up Lei Ji-Lei Ji was very cooperative in this, there was no complaint at all.

"Poor, so romantic ..."

Hearing this, Tears could not help complaining, and Fang Zheng grinned.

"Romantic? When she blows your head, you won't feel romantic."

"Hahaha ... No, no, Mr. Founder, that's just a joke? Normal people usually don't do this kind of thing."

"Do you think a woman who travels thousands of miles to Xueyuan City and proposes to a man she has never met?"


This is really a problem.

"But Mr. Founder, you can also try to socialize with her. People are running over thousands of miles, and you have to give it a chance, aren't you? And, she is also a very cute girl, and I don't think you're in trouble."

"If you don't lose money, it doesn't mean you take advantage.

Founder shook his head, then looked at the tears.

"If that's the case, it would be better to associate with you. After all, you are also cute and beautiful, and you are much better than Lei Ji."

"Hey? Hey ?!"

Hearing here, Tears suddenly flushed, but at the same time, Fang Zheng also smiled and approached Tears. Then he reached out his hand, pressed her tears against his chin, and raised her head.

"How? Tears? Do you like me? Are you willing to associate with me?"

"I ...... that ...... no ...... this ..."

Looking at Fang Zheng's closer and closer, his tears flushed, and he didn't know what to say. Founder just so slowly gathered together in the past.

"Say yes ..."

Fang Zheng's voice resounded in tears' mind like a spell, making the girl who had been panicked as a result even lost her mind. She stared at the Founder with flushed faces, and then slowly spoke.

"So, that, I ...... I wish ..."

"Huh ..."

And at this time, Inticus yawned and walked in.

"Tears, I'm hungry."

"Yeah ---!"

After hearing Inticus's voice, Tears responded, and Fang Zheng smiled back and patted her head.

"Really, Mr. Founder, don't make fun of me."

"So do you think I'm kidding you? Or are you serious?"


"Hahaha ..."

Looking at the flushed tears, Fang Zheng laughed and turned to leave. And standing in tears with a complex expression, I don't know what to say. At this time, Inticus also came to tears, looked at her curiously, and looked at the founder who left.

"Tears, what's wrong? Your face is so red."

"No, nothing ..."

He patted his face hard, calmly calming his beating heart, tears took a deep breath, looked at Inticus again, and smiled.

"So, I'm going to cook."


After borrowing the kitchen of the institute and preparing the meal, Intix happily hugged the curry rice made by the tears to eat aside. Tears hesitated for a moment, then took a meal out of the kitchen, and walked in the corridor to watch. After turning around the corner, Tears saw Lam standing in front of the warehouse door at the end of the corridor. .

"Miss Zuotian? What's the matter?"

"That ... I want to give the girl something to eat ... hasn't she eaten yet?"

To be honest, Zuo Tian tears himself was also very interested in Lei Ji. After all, he had never met before. It was really interesting to run to propose. If Founder hadn't locked her up, Tears would have wanted to talk to her. But it's not too late now, even if it's closed ... it's OK to talk about it.


Ram glanced at the lunch in Tears' hands, nodded, and turned to open the door, while Tears took a breath and walked in.

The whole warehouse was quite quiet under the icy incandescent light. Soon, Tears saw a young girl with short green hair and wearing a uniform sitting on the ground, covering her knees with her hands, staring at the ground motionlessly. Her presence was so thin that Tears saw her at first glance and thought it was an artificial doll thrown by Founder in the warehouse ... or something ... but from the faint undulations, it was finally determined, This is a living person.

When Lei Zi came in, Lei Ji also looked up slightly and stared at the tears.

"So, that ... you haven't eaten yet, please use ..."

As she said, Tears set lunch on the table in front of Lei Ji, and Lei Ji nodded, then picked up the spoon and ate it with a small mouthful.

Seeing that the other party was willing to eat, Tears sighed with relief, and soon, she looked curiously at Lei Ji.

"By the way, I heard that you came to propose to Mr. Founder?"


Lei Ji nodded slightly, her actions did not stop.

"So, why did you propose to Mr. Founder? Listen to Mr. Founder saying you haven't met each other, have you?"

"It's the wind, it's ordering me."


When I heard this, tears couldn't help holding it.

"What's that code? Or the name of a secret organization?"

"Not people, wind is wind."


Now Tears understands somewhat why Founder thinks her head is big, and frankly, she also feels a little big.

"Then what do you mean, that wind orders you to marry Mr. Founder? Just like a political marriage?"


"Wait, is this all right?"

Upon hearing this, Tears was completely stunned.

"That is to say, will you do what the wind wants you to do? Even if you marry a man you don't know, don't you care?"

However, in the face of tears' inquiries, Lei Ji just stared at her silently.

"--- I am, a bullet."


"The bullet has no emotion, so there is no confusion ..."

When Tears left the warehouse again, she was also confused.

Now Tears understand a little bit why Founder is having a headache, it is ... or totally incomprehensible.

Who the **** is this ...

Simply tell early spring and classmate Misaka, they will eat melon together.

Thinking of this, the tears came to the door happily, but when she pushed the door to leave the office, I saw a girl wearing a black dress and skirt came near, she was holding two black pairs In the pony tail, one eye is covered by long black hair, and the other is red like wine.

"Miss, I'm sorry to disturb you."

Seeing tears coming out, the girl stepped forward and greeted her with a smile.

"Ah, yes, what are you doing?"

After hearing the girl's greeting, Tears responded hurriedly. The voice and wording of the other party sounded as elegant and noble as the young lady, which made the tears of civilians somewhat nervous.

"This is the Institute of Quantum Neurons ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Is Mr. Fang Zheng here?"

"Ah, you are looking for Mr. Founder, may I ask you ...?"

As she answered, Tears looked curiously at the girl in front of her, and she was sure that she had never seen each other before. From the point of view of clothing and dress, the other person is not like a person in the Academy City.

"It's rude."

Reaching out to put it by the mouth, the girl smiled slightly, then lowered her head.

"My name is Tokisaki Kurozo. I am Mr. Fang Zheng's fiancee. For the first time, I would like to advise."


When I heard this, the tears were a moment, and then ...


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