Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1811: Ran? !! (I recently played a fun construction game)

After coming to this world for a long time, Founder has almost finished all the things that should be done. At present, the coordinates of the goddess of order are still the last piece of the puzzle. According to Lei Ji, they are kept by their family. But if Founder wants to take this piece of gold, he will marry Lei Ji ... or at least an engagement, which makes Founder very clawy.

To be honest, he would prefer Lei Ji to be the enemy, so that he can grab it directly. Helpless Lei Ji confessed to death, but she did not prevent Founder from taking the gold, but Founder knew that as long as she got the gold, then Lei Ji Just follow him ...

………Ok? Seems no different from now?

Although I figured this out, but ...

"I can't marry you now."

Looking at Lei Ji in front of her, Fang Zheng said word by word, and Lei Ji just listened in silence.

"And you also know that I have a fiancee. If you want to get married, there is a sequence ......... Do you understand what I mean?"


Reiki nodded.

"The ancestors once said that the greatest happiness in life is to take the enemy's horse, steal the enemy's quiver, and hug the enemy's wife and daughter. So if you have a fancy woman, just grab it, I won't object of."


Speaking of which, Genghis Khan does seem to like to grab the enemy's wife and daughter to make a harem ...... in other words, this seems to be the Mongolian tradition?

But did Genghis Khan say this?

Wait, I remember that Cao Cao also said that my wife and daughter I support ... Could it be that the male is good?

If Fang Zheng hadn't particularly understood before, after intimate contact with Kuroko, he suddenly found that ... it was really exciting!

Letting a woman who did not like herself eventually surrender under her own body is also quite capable of satisfying the desire to conquer ... As the saying goes, the true nature of heroes, how can you be a hero if you do n’t like them?

Hmm ... pull away.

By the way, after that, Fang Zheng was also curious about Genghis Khan's "Oblique Chapter" and found out a very interesting story. As we all know, Genghis Khan's father died in the hands of a tribe named Tatar. After Genghis Khan was strong, he led the army to attack the Tatar tribe, and issued an order to execute all Tatar men who were taller than the chariots, and the women to be slaves. For 婢.

Genghis Khan himself also snatched a beautiful woman from this tribe named also quick-drying. According to the truth, when such a family was ruined and the whole family was slaughtered, it should generally be sworn to death, but the quick-drying was not only subject to submission. Yu Genghis Khan even told Genghis Khan that she had a sister who was more beautiful than her. She knew where her sister was hiding and was willing to give her to Genghis Khan.

Then, when Genghis Khan heard the great joy, he immediately mobilized his man and caught the quick-drying sister and became his wife and concubine.

However, Ye Sui actually had a fiance at that time. Once she attended the banquet and was unhappy when she returned. Genghis Khan discovered that the situation was wrong, and then went to investigate. It was found that it was Ye Sui's fiance who had missed his fiancée, so he entered the party, and It was because of seeing his fiance that he was unhappy.

In this regard, Genghis Khan was furious, and ordered the former fiance of Ye Sui to be arrested and executed.

Generally speaking, in such a situation, wouldn't you fight for it?

It turned out that he followed Genghis Khan stubbornly after that, and it was not too late for a woman to take revenge for ten years ...

In this regard, Founder can only say that ... the world is truly amazing.

But now ...

"Okay, I promised."

This piece of gold must be available to Founder. Besides, as long as it is not married now, then Founder is not unacceptable.

But if Lei Ji must buy a ticket and get on the bus, that is another matter.


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Lei Ji nodded, and then she stretched out her hands and carefully held them up. Soon, Founder felt that the wind began to flow, then gathered in the hands of Lei Ji, and then formed a piece of colored gold that was not much larger than the glass ball.

"You bring it with you?"

Fang Zheng frowned, and looked at Lei Ji in doubt. But before, like Aria, Zai carefully examined Lei Ji's body, but did not find where she hid the color gold?


Lei Ji shook her head silently.

"Wind, everywhere."


Founder had given up on these minor issues, and he reached out to pick up the color gold and observed it carefully. I saw this piece of gold in the founder's hands, which was different from Aria. It showed a sky-blue color as a whole, and looked at it from a distance, like a fragment of the sky, quietly in the founder's palm. not moving at all.

However, just as Founder was going to investigate this piece of gold, I saw Lei Ji suddenly kneeling in front of her.

"Next, the oath of oath."

While talking, Lei Ji raised her head and looked towards the Founder.

"My life is willing to serve the founder, my gun is the sharp blade of my husband, driven by the king, and I am my husband's, driven by the king."

This is ... swear?

"The law of husbandhood is the law of his wife, and he swears a bullet to destroy all the enemies of his husband."

Uh ......... don't be so exaggerated?

"Ulus is all-in-one, and all is one. Since then I have 47 women in Ulus who are always used by the king."

Hmm ... I understand ... hmm? and many more?

Hearing here, Founder froze for a moment, and at the same time, Lei Ji, who had finished her vow, stood up again, put on her headphones, and watched Founder quietly.

"Wait, what do you mean by that last vow? What is the Uruth 47?"

Could the family also have an AKB? Do you want me to join AKB48?

"There are only 47 people in the Urus family including me, all women."

Lei Ji watched Fang Zheng quietly.

"We have swear that the husband I found is also the husband of all Wulusi women."

"......... So, if I get engaged with you alone, is it equal to 47 people?"


Do you count me? !!

Looking at the silent Lei Ji in front of him, Founder was stunned and had nothing to say.

If you do n’t bring it like this, just one of them is forty-seven, what a ghost!

But now ... it's too late to say anything.


Founder closed his mouth wisely, then he picked up his personal terminal and started scanning the color of gold in front of his eyes. Soon, a series of data emerged from the front of Founder's eyes again, and then merged and connected with the previous two sets of data to form one ...

"This is the order coordinate ..."

Looking at the coordinate data in front of him, Fang Zheng couldn't help sighing.

"The family of order is really great ..."

At this moment, Founder finally understood what the point of order was.

As we all know, space has multiple dimensions, and order coordinates are like a nail, which "nails" all dimensional spaces to a point, and uses this point as the center to integrate a new and sturdy Order space. It has to be said that this method is completely beyond the imaginable range of Founder and has reached a completely unparalleled height.

But ... Fortunately, this is just a tool.

"Whew ... he almost scared me."

Fang was relieved after carefully looking at the coordinate data map in front of him. Indeed, according to Founder's observations, this coordinate data can integrate the order of a region, "nailing" all dimensions, thereby creating an absolute fulcrum. But this is the function of the coordinate point itself, that is, the coordinate point itself is only a tool, and it can be used as long as there is an orderly marking.

This makes Founder somewhat relieved. If every order family has such a method that can directly integrate multi-dimensional nailing and is destroyed by the waves of chaos, then it is time to consider resigning Fina …… Multi-dimensional space…… This is completely beyond his ability.

It seems that when I look back, I have to see if I can draw another Star Dragon King out.

If the entire coordinate point is regarded as a computer, now the Founder is equal to having collected the software, and then ... the hardware part.

However, before proceeding to the next world, he still dealt with things in this world first, and Founder has decided to use Xueyuan City as his logistics base at this coordinate point, and of course he will not treat it carelessly.


"Aresta, is your legacy written?"

Founder walked into the building again and again-before this building was cracked by Founder and it was not repaired. It just pulled a warning line outside, but now it seems that there is still no one inside.

No, I should say ... No one at all.

Standing on the top floor of the building, the front of the square was gloomily staring at the glass jar in front of him. At this moment, in the glass jar, a guy who is not male or female can be seen floating down, but he has no trace of life. It's like a specimen floating in formalin, totally incapable of soul.

In other words ...

This old boy ran away? !!

Fang Zheng didn't pay too much attention to Sunspot and Eliza during this time. He thought that Aresta would obediently wait for death. Didn't expect that Ya still played such a routine?

But ... do you think you escaped?

Thinking of this, Founder sneered, then he stretched out his right hand, grabbed the black sword that emerged from the void, and stabbed Jaresta in the glass jar in front of him.


The dark sword immediately punctured the glass jar and the body in which Aresta was floating, and the next moment, the flames suddenly burst, and Aresta's body was swallowed up instantly. And then at the same time, a ray of fire quietly dispersed, instantly bursting like fireworks!

"Woo !!!!"

At this moment, a scream came, followed by the sound of Jaresta from Founder's ear.

"You, why do you ..."

"Don't underestimate God, Aresta. Although I am just a **** who has been in office for less than a year, anyway, it is also a fire ..."

Founder lowered the big sword in his hand and looked into the space that seemed to burst like fireworks.

"Now you do n’t need this body anymore. It ’s like this when you leave this device. You can make a choice, and you will be differentiated, and you will be various. It's you, you're everywhere, and you don't exist anywhere. But ah ... "

Speaking here, Founder hummed quietly.

"Everything has a beginning and an end. Where is the starting point, where is the ending point. As for the middle part ... ... we actually don't care, are you right?"

"Do not-----!!"

At this moment, the power of the Four Swords erupted completely.

That's right, as Founder said, now Yresta has quantized his own concept. Every action, every choice, every step will produce a new self. From this point of view, , Yresta is indeed invincible.

However ... he could not escape the shackles of the first fire.

Everything has an end.

Where does it come from and where does it go.

If Aresta is only quantum, then Founder can't take him, but when the concept of quantum is formed and the concept of Aresta is formed, the situation is different.

If Yresta does not want to become the target of the first fire ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, then he can only completely erase the concept of Yresta.

And that means ......... death.

Either way, Yresta has nowhere to go.

Space began to tremble.

It was fireworks from multiple dimensions, everything in front of them became extremely colorful, they bloomed in each space, then disappeared, and the next moment, the sound disappeared.

Yaresta, along with his concept and existence, no longer exists in this world.

"It's a waste of my time."

Founder yawned, then picked up his personal terminal.

"Hey, Kuangsan? It's me, um, Aresta is finished, ready to take over the school city."

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