Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1825: Dry world (the network cable has been repaired)

In the following days, Founder was also very leisurely. Apart from pulling the bee-eater to pray around every day, there was nothing else to do. The entire process of the Daba Star Festival was also smooth. As expected.

Haiyuan Qiongna did not disappoint Founder's expectations. She performed well throughout the Daba Star Festival, and also showed her behavior and behavior in an interview with the media. This is also a way for Founder to pass Daba The project of Star Festival to unite the whole world was successfully implemented. At least for now, the first step to reverse the image of the Academy City in the eyes of outsiders was a success.

So far, the troubles of the Xueyuan City have come to an end, so Founder soon prepared. After handing over the Xueyuan City to Kuangsan, he immediately opened the portal and followed the order coordinates Headed to the next world ...

"Well, let me see what a world this is ..."

The light flashed in front of him, and Fang Zheng opened his eyes with a smile, and the next moment, a **** mouth opened into his eyes.



The mouth of the blood basin was closed tightly, which directly made Founder's eyes dark.

The huge monster bit the Founder in one bit and shook it vigorously. At the same time, hundreds of monsters gathered around and scrambled in the direction of the monster, as if trying to catch the prey Thoroughly torn to pieces ...

"I rely on it!"

With a roar, the bright red flames suddenly exploded, directly burning all the monsters around them to ashes. Under the blast of flames, Founder Tie Qing came out of the flames and touched his face.

Nima crossed so many times, I was almost eaten just the first time I passed it!

What a melancholy!

Fang Zheng gasped, before raising his head and glancing around. I saw that there was only a scorched monster wreckage around, and when I looked away, I could see nothing but the endless Gobi Desert. There was no city, no people, and it looked like a dead world.

"It won't be so miserable."

Seeing here, Fang Zheng frowned, and he could feel that the world gave him a feeling similar to the first coordinate point, that is, Kodori's world, almost exhausted. Coupled with monsters all over the ground, can it be said that this is the same as Kodori's side?

However, Founder did not find a chaos-like atmosphere from those corpses. At least from this point, they should be the product of order.


"What should we do now………"

Fang Zheng glanced around and scratched his head. All directions were Gobi Desert. He didn't know where to go.

But Founder is not completely helpless.

"Go, Tinkerbell."

Soon, Founder pulled out a few tinkerbells from the inventory and threw them at high altitude. Soon, the reconnaissance plane quickly flew to the high altitude and began to investigate the surrounding situation.

"Gobi, desert, desert, Gobi, desert ..."

Looking at the sweeping scene on the personal terminal, Founder is also speechless. This is not the Gobi or the desert, or the gathering place of monsters or the body of monsters. There is no city, and no trace of civilization can be found ... ... what the **** is this?


Not long after, Founder found a black shadow on the screen and zoomed in. It seemed like a weird bus ... I do n’t know if it was a human being.

But anyway ... it should communicate better than these monsters.

Thinking of this, Founder has an idea.

The traffic car was moving all the way forward, and at this moment, the driver stared at the front and suddenly "snapped".

"What's wrong? Something?"

Hearing the driver's voice, a man holding a weapon behind him suddenly became tense, and the driver shook his head.

"No, just someone on the platform ..."

"Someone? But according to the reservation, there is no city here?"

"Anyway, it looks like a living person."

The driver smiled at the man standing in front of the platform holding up his right thumb.

"Shall we stop?"

"Of course, let's look at the situation first."

Soon, the traffic stopped at the platform and the door opened.

"Hey, little brother, what's going on with you?"

"A little trouble."

Facing the inquiries of the people in the car, Fang Zheng reluctantly spread his hands, and at the same time secretly relieved. He was also worried that it was not humans who drove this kind of transportation. Now it seems that at least the other party is human ...

"I was planning to catch the next bus here, but I got it wrong. By the time I arrived, they had already left ..."

Founder said half-truth, and the people in the car also laughed.

"You're out of luck, come on up, it's troublesome if the monsters find it."

"Oh, thank you."

Founder raised his hand and thanked him, then stood up and got into the traffic. At the same time, he also noticed that the driver and the people around him looked curiously about him ...... where did he have a flaw?

It wasn't until he got in the car that Founder found out why everyone else was staring at himself. This pass is still very advanced from the inside. The arrangement of the seats is a bit like the shape of an aircraft cabin. At this moment, passengers are sitting in the seats, except that each of them looks like a dusty servant. Look.

In contrast, Founder looks much more different. He wears a black trench coat outside and a suit and leather shoes inside. It looks a little weird as if investors returning from overseas are mixed with migrant workers who work in cities. — No wonder other people care so much about this dress.

However, of course, Founder would not be timid. He smiled and greeted everyone, and then found an empty seat under the driver's arrangement. And not long after Fang Zheng sat down, he saw a young man around him curiously come together and asked Fang Zheng.

"Brother, what city are you from?"

"A relatively distant place, in fact, I am not very familiar with the situation here ..."

"You can see, where do people on our side go out like younger brothers?"

"Ha ha………"

In the face of the other party's speech, Founder also smiled, then he looked around.

"Is the situation different here?"

"Hey, I don't know what's going on with you, brother, but here ..."

The other party seemed to have no worries, and in a few words, the party found out the situation in this world.

As Founder thought, the earth in this world had dried up and there were monsters everywhere. But humans are not on the verge of extinction. On the contrary, they have a special existence, that is, mobile cities.

As the name suggests, a mobile city is a mobile city. The principle of it is that the founder is actually a land-walking version of the Macross of the Chinese Federation. A large city is packed into a walking mechanism, and then the entire city is moved forward. And people use this method to avoid those monsters raging on the earth.

As for how these monsters came, no one can say clearly. Now they only know that with their emergence, the earth has dried up, and people have left their homes, and can only use this method to survive. And of course, in this world, there are also monsters that can deal with it.

According to that young man, each mobile city is its own ace to deal with those monsters, of course, because the language and customs are different, the name of the ace is different in different regions. For example, the steel shell city Reggios they are going to now has a warrior named "Martial Artist". They can use a metal weapon called "Alchemy Steel" to destroy these monsters.

In the Far East, there is also a mobile city called Fenrir, where there is an existence called "God Machine", which also has power beyond ordinary imagination.

Not only that, according to the young man, there is even a mobile city called "Aosta" inhabited by the dead, and the "gravekeeper" living there is also very strong against these monsters There is life force.

Because these cities have to avoid monsters, they have been traveling around a fixed route for many years, and these toll cars are actually responsible for transporting occupants' vehicles between mobile cities. After all, even in this world, commercial trade, exchanges and personnel exchanges also exist.

This is also the reason why there are these "stations". The mobile city itself does not produce much. Therefore, after a period of time, they need to stop for maintenance and collect various resources, and most of the population's transportation and circulation takes advantage At this time. So over time, this "station" tradition has formed.

After all, it is a fixed route.

"Oh, I hope we can reach Reggios smoothly."

The young man was obviously a broken mouth, looking at the scenery outside the car window, while not forgetting to chat with Founder.

"You mean those monsters? Can't you avoid them?"

Founder is also curious about this. He just observed it. There is almost no force protection measures for this traffic. According to the monsters that Founder encountered before, once the two sides encounter it, the broken car is basically dead. Already.

"Most of the time, those monsters will not appear here. After all, these roads have also taken many years. Naturally, they must hide from those monster lairs. But the small-scale ethnic groups are hard to say ... I heard that not long ago There were toll buses attacked by these monsters when they left ... "

"Ah, I heard that too."

When it comes to this topic, others have come together.

"It seemed that the city was attacked by a polluted beast while it was docked, but it was really unlucky, and I don't know how their evacuation was ..."

"Listening to my friends, it seems that their city itself was finally saved ..."

"Look, Reggios is here!"

At this time, a voice came from the front, and the crowd stopped talking immediately. They all raised their heads and looked forward. The Founder also looked forward, and sure enough, soon he saw the huge city in the distance. .

Although it is not clear from a long distance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, Founder can see that the entire city is also built on a huge steel disk like the immigration fortress, and the outer layer is covered with a layer of glass What are the circular arc tops made? What's different is that they don't have a "shell" like a mobile fortress with an opening and closing shell. Below this steel city are huge wheels that look like tank tracks.

It seems that this is the way mobile cities move.

Seeing the city near me, everyone was relieved. Although we did n’t encounter monsters on the way, they were also intimidated. .

Of course, the premise is that they can arrive safely.

"Boom !!!!"

While the passing vehicle was passing by, the ground suddenly burst in front of it. Then, several heads were about the same size as heavy tanks, and monsters similar to beetles suddenly burst out of the ground and blocked them in front of the passing vehicle. !!

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