Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1833: Protagonist Halo (rolling quilt on bed and flicking tail)

"This, what is this ?!"

Zuo Tian's tears can feel that the power of the wind contained in this blade, and the wind seems to resonate with himself, filled with a peculiar flow ......... Woo, this is the perfect model that Mr. Fang Zheng said? Not only that, the blade is so large, but it looks as light as feathers, not heavy at all ... wait!

At this time, Zuo Tian tears suddenly found that the blue-haired girl who was beside her was gone!

"Hey? Hey? What about that kid?"

【Be careful】

However, while Zuo Tian's tears were looking around, the voice of the blue-haired girl suddenly emerged from her mind, and then Zuo Tian's tears saw the polluted beast in front of him and rushed towards himself!


[Concentrate, condense strength, cut down]

"Ah ......... yes!"

Although I don't know what happened, tears still raised the blade of the wind in their hands in accordance with the sounds heard in their brains, and then chopped down the sword in front of the polluted beast. However, the scene that made tears unimaginable happened.


With the tears of a sword waving, the next moment, the blade of wind that was as thick as her arm, burst out from the sword in an instant, and immediately split the polluted beast in front of you. The instant when the wind blade penetrated into the body of the polluted beast exploded, turning into a raging wind, directly tearing the polluted beast from the inside!


Seeing this, Tears was startled, but she did not expect that this sword was so powerful!

You should know that with the assistance of the Founder's artifact, the ability level of Tears is about LV3, and the thickness of the blade released is only the size of the thumb. This is the result of Zuo Tian's best efforts. But just now, Zuo Tianchai only felt that she was only slightly exerting force, but she produced a kind of four or two pounds ... She did not understand the word, but if Zuo Tianchai understood that, she felt that she was using LV2 The ability to release the level of LV4!

This is scary! !!

[Be careful, come again]

But at this moment Zuo Tian's tears had no time to be distracted by it. At this moment, the sound in her head sounded again, so Zu Tian's tears also hurriedly focused and looked forward again. At this moment, the polluted beasts in several other places had also rushed over and surrounded Zuo Tian's tears among them.

"Let's break first!"

Zuo Tian's tears are not ordinary girls anymore. Anyway, following Founder's experience, I have seen so many strange things. Most of the time, I can also guess that the inexplicable sword in my hand is the same as the blue-haired girl who was just now. It's related, so he immediately converged and swept the sword directly, running towards the path where he had just defeated the polluted beast.

This is the difference between Zuo Tian's tears and Misaka Miqin. If you change Misaka Miqin, you will not leave without killing these polluted beasts. However, Zuo Tian's tears are different. After all, she was originally an incompetent, but she did not have the LV5 domineering of Misaka Misaka, so she was more sober in the face of battle.

When should I fight and when should I run, Zuo Tian's tears also have their own judgment. The polluted beasts here don't know how many there are, and this sword also doesn't know how long they can support. It's better to die than fight here. Flee to a safe place, and there is so much movement on his own side, Mr. Founder's side must have already found it, as long as he can support Mr. Founder, they will be fine to save themselves!

Thinking of this, Zuo Tian tears also immediately turned around and rushed into the direction of the polluted beast that had just been torn by himself. Although this channel is full of blood and stench because of the torn and polluted beast, Zuo Tian tears care about this now, grit his teeth to run the blast, and speed up to fly forward.

Behind Zuo Tian's tears, these polluted beasts are also chasing after them. Their bodies are not as large as those found by the Founder, so they are much faster. If Zuo Tianchao hadn't listened to Fang Zheng's instructions early and had been using the wind to speed up, I'm afraid it would have been overtaken by polluted beasts.

However, even so, good luck soon came to an end, and soon, Zuo Tian's tears saw the road in front of him cut off again, leaving only the remains of the next section, and the bottomless abyss.

But now there is no other way for Tears.

"Drink .........!"

Looking at the broken iron bridge in front of her eyes, the tears also gritted their teeth, and the whole person suddenly leapt out, then she raised the long sword in her hand and pointed downward. The next moment, the roaring air jets burst out, and the tears flew up. !! And those polluting beasts apparently did not have the ability to fly, and now they rushed over to a brake and fell directly from the edge of the iron bridge.

"Hahaha, success!"

Seeing this, Tears is also loose in heart. She had moved to the idea of ​​flying with wind a long time ago, but the ability level of Tears was too low to do it at all. Just now the tears were a dead horse as a live horse doctor to try. After all, with the help of this sword, she has been able to perform LV4 level power, so she should be able to fly!

The facts are the same as tears thought, she actually flew up!

Next to find a place to land ...

When thinking of this, Tear is also adjusting the wind while looking around. Soon, Tear is locked on a platform not far above her head, and once again increases the wind toward the other side.

It's almost ......... It's almost ...

However, just as the tears were still one arm away from that platform, suddenly, the blue-haired girl's voice appeared again in the tears' ears.

[No, I can't hold it]

"Ah? Wait, don't ..."

When I heard this, the tears suddenly changed greatly, but her words were not finished, and the next moment the tears of the wind blade tangled in her right hand disappeared instantly. At the same time, the blue-haired girl appeared again in the tears. Around. Without the support of their ability, the next moment the two fell down again towards the bottomless abyss.

"Wow ————— !!!"

The tears were screaming loudly at the moment, but immediately after her eyes were black, then her **** fell heavily on the ground. At the same time, the voice of Kuroi Shiro came from her.

"Really, what are you doing?"

"Classmate Shirai!"

Hearing the voice of Shirai Kuroko, Zuo Tian's tears finally relieved, and she opened her eyes. Then she saw Shirai Kuroko with her hands on her hips and stared helplessly, while the blue-haired girl was standing beside Shirai Kuroko. Looking around in doubt, apparently she didn't know what was going on.

"I just heard a voice below, and Mr. Founder said you might be in an accident, so my sister and I came here in a hurry ... what are you doing?"

"Not good, Shirai!"

Speaking of this, Zuo Tian tears hurriedly reacted.

"There are polluted beasts below, a lot!"

"Pollution beast?"

Hearing the words of Zuo Tian's tears, Shirai Kuroko's complexion changed.

"Let's leave here first, but then again ..."

Speaking of which, Shirai Kuroko looked puzzledly at the blue-haired girl around him.

"Who is this girl with you?"

"It's a long story, let's go back to Mr. Founder first."

Zuotian tears are unwilling to waste time here. Although those polluted beasts do not seem to fly, who knows if they can fly?

"I understand."

While talking, Shiro Kuroko turned his head and looked aside.

"Trouble inform Mr. Founder that someone has been found."

Accompanying the talk of Kuroi Shiro, at this time Zuo Tian's tears discovered that a pink petal quietly fell from the air, and then disappeared.

"what is this?"

"This seems to be a kind of ability called Miss Nine that Miss Feili has, that is, she just used this ability to find you ......... forget it, let's go back and talk about it."

With Shirai Kuroko's assistance, the journey back to the core control room was very smooth. After all, the space movement completely ignored various obstacles, and it was perfect for running. Zuo Tian's tears were used to it, but the blue-haired girl stared at Shirai Kuroko in surprise along the way, and seemed to want to figure out how to do it.

When Shirai Kuroko took them back, the others had already assembled.

"You can do it ........."

Silently watching the blue-haired girl next to Tears, listening to them laughingly told how to find this blue-haired girl, Shirai Kuroko and Misaka both looked at Tianshu, but Founder was speechless.

He certainly knew this girl, and if Founder remembered it correctly, she would be the holy war angel, one of the Seven Treasure Trees, Lavrie Mezarans.

The jihadist angel has the ability to transform into a weapon and fight together by coordinating with the person. Founder has seen it in the animation before, but at that time, he was slightly more impressed with the heroine. The story itself has been remembered. Clear.

If Founder remembers correctly, Lei's attribute is wind, but it is quite compatible with Zuo Tian's tears ....

"Can this girl be turned into a weapon?"

After listening to the tears, Misaka Misaka and Shirako Kuroko couldn't believe it.

"Is this really the case?"

"It's strange, I have it too."

At this moment, Founder also made a break with a smile, immediately attracting the attention of others.

"Really? Mr. Founder? Why haven't I ever seen you use any weapons?"

"Because it's not necessary."

In the face of Zuo Tian's tears, Fang Zheng also shrugged his shoulders to tell the truth, and then he reached out his hand. Soon, two magic marks appeared on the back of Fang Zheng's hand.

"Come out, Restia, Esther."

With the call of the Founder, the black sword and silver-white short sword appeared in front of the girls in a vacuum, and then transformed into a purple-haired girl in a goth dress and silver hair in a pure white dress. Girl. I saw the two girls slowly fall to the ground, and then salute everyone.

"Meeting for the first time, I am a dark elf, running through the real magic sword-Restia."

"Holy sword of annihilation-Esther."

"Wow .........!"

Seeing this, Misaka Misaka, Kuroi Shirako and Takuya Sato, and Philie all widened their eyes in astonishment and couldn't believe looking at the scene in front of them, and Lei was also the two young girls who looked at them in amazement. For a while, I do n’t know what to say.

"It's amazing, Mr. Founder, it's amazing. Are they the same as Lei?"

After self-introduction, Tears also knew Lei's name, and came to the two sword elves with excitement, staring at them curiously.

"Almost, but not the same. They are the spirit of the sword, and Lei can only be transformed into a sword."

Having said that, Founder looked at Lei and nodded, while Restia and Esther smiled slightly at Lei, completely without the kind of hostility they felt when facing Frost's sorrow — well, presumably because The person on the other side of the contract is not himself.

If Lei chooses to contract with herself, I am afraid that the vinegar jars of Restia and Esther will turn over at this moment.

Having said that, tears' luck is really good enough.

While thinking, Founder looked at the tears who were holding Lei's hand, curious and chatting with Restia, and couldn't help smiling.

The scene in front of him reminded Fangzheng of a long time ago when he watched an animation himself, that is Misaka Misaka is not the protagonist of the super electromagnetic gun at all, the real protagonist is Zuo Tian tears. It's a matter that INDEX is not the protagonist of the banned catalogue ...

The other party also listed several reasons at that time to prove that in the "super electromagnetic gun", Misaka Misaka was actually the central role, not the main reason.

First of all, in ACG in Japan, most of the protagonists are ordinary, extraordinary, family-friendly, gentle and considerate-Zuo Tianchai just meets all conditions, LV0 incompetent, good at cooking, cheerful and gentle.

Secondly, all the protagonists have the constitution that triggered the event-it turns out that almost all the events in the "Super Electromagnetic Cannon" started with the tears as the catalyst. The fantasy master was firstly told by the tears as an urban legend. The opening event is also the tears to save the people and the fire and fire. At the beginning of the SISTERS incident, it was also the tears that witnessed her sister and informed it to Misaka Misaka. In the event of Fibri, Fibri was also stuck to the tears. .

In the end, the protagonists can unintentionally turn their enemies into friends and put them in the harem-in this respect, Zuo Tian's aura is even stronger than the last one.

Here, the four went to Xueyi City to meet a crisis. The enemies on the magic side tried to manipulate a weapon to launch an indiscriminate attack on Xueyi City. However, the magician in charge of weapon control at the time immediately saw the tears and decided to give up. Decades of magical association plan and disintegration of its weapons-and she just had a relationship with Tears before, when Tears invited her for a meal and gave her a swimsuit. The relationship is nothing more.

In the comics, when the tears were abducted by the dark because of the poker incident, it was Flander who came forward to rescue him, even at the expense of himself-but before that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the intersection of the two sides also It was just in tears that Flander made a meal of canned mackerel.

The last article when the harem was harvested by Ma needs a friendship to break the fist. As long as Zuo Tianchai meets with others, asks for a meal, and chats, the other party is willing to die for her birth.

The halo can't be beaten as a hemp ...

Misaka Misaka cannot match.

Of course, these events are naturally impossible to reappear because of the founder's toss. The outside magic world has become a mess because of the decline of the Vatican. The dark parts of the inner part of the academy city should be dismissed. However, there are still some things that cannot be changed. For example, Flanda is still a good friend with Tears, and often goes to Tears' house to eat mackerel dinner, and INDEX is also sticking to Zuo Tian's Tears and is unwilling to leave ...

So it is not strange that Zuo Tian's tears picked up a Qihuang treasure tree.

But ... for Founder, of course, this is not a bad thing.

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